The Deviant Dominant

Chapter 12 – Stormpyre

The queen's beauty was captivating, but Lukas sensed a dangerous power lurking beneath her ethereal exterior. He felt it in the words she spoke and in her very presence in front of him. He could only imagine what secrets she might possess or what terrors she might unleash if provoked.


Lukas glanced nervously at Fiona, unsure of how to proceed. The queen was unlike any enemy they had faced in the forest. Not only did she exude an aura of peace and serenity, but she had spoken to them. While the intelligence of many monsters and creatures was undeniable, Lukas had never once witnessed it being utilized in a genuine attempt to communicate with humans or elves. For the very first time Adventuring in the Mystic Forest, he felt like a trespasser into someone’s rightful home. She was also extremely attractive, appearing as a nearly perfected woman, with some angelic enhancements from the forest. 


Fiona just gave him a shrug, encouraging him to follow his instincts. Lukas stepped forward into the clearing and addressed the queen, his voice firm but respectful.


"Your Majesty," he said, "we apologize for our intrusion and request that we be allowed to withdraw peacefully."


The queen's gaze lingered on him, her eyes sparkling with a hint of amusement. "I will allow you to withdraw, but I will be keeping my three captives."




Prompted by the enemy boss’ revelation, four figures emerged from the opposite side of the clearing, carrying a bound Lucy in between them. Lukas' eyes widened in surprise, seeing his Ranger captured by the queen's minions. He had never seen creatures like them before. The four sprites bore a striking resemblance to the queen, but were much smaller – beautiful females with delicate features, smooth skin, and wild, untamed hair that matched the vibrant colors of their surroundings. They stood about four and a half feet tall and wielded spears that extended over their heads.  Their bodies, which sported tiny wings, were almost entirely exposed to the elements, save for a thin layer of material that just barely suggested a gown and only covered modesty’s minimum. They moved with a supernal grace, their slender bodies swaying with each step; it was both captivating and unnerving to all who witnessed it. Their weapons, similarly matched to their forest home, were crafted from enchanted wood, sharpened to form a point and tipped with a green stone.


The queen's expression remained serene, but Lukas sensed a subtle tension emanating from her. "Yes," she stated. "Three."


"I'm afraid I must insist the girls be allowed to leave with me," Lukas demanded gently, stifling his own anticipation of the impending conflict.


"I was hoping you would insist," the queen said, an ominous smile crossing her face. "I accept your challenge." She raised a hand, and a spear materialized in her grip. Except for its thickness and a larger green stone tip, it was identical to the ones wielded by her minions.


The air grew colder. Lukas' eyes flicked towards Fiona, and she gave him a reassuring nod before taking a defensive stance. The queen's eyes narrowed. "You will fight alone, Adventurer. I will not allow your friends to interfere." At her command, the four nymphs dropped Lucy and charged at Fiona and Laera with their spears pointed forward, the tips glowing with green, magical energy.


Lukas opened his mouth to protest, but the queen, without much warning, demonstrated incredible agility by leaping towards him, crossing a distance that would have taken Lukas thirty strides. He barely managed to raise his blades in time as her spear sliced through the air. The impact sent Lukas stumbling backward, and the queen pursued him with a flurry of lightning-fast slashes.


The queen's attacks were so swift that Lukas was forced to rely on his instincts and defensive techniques, desperately hoping the nymph's speed would wane soon. As the enemy's spear whizzed past his ear, Lukas strategically retreated backward, his heart racing from the adrenaline pumping throughout his body. He could feel her magic coursing through the air, imbuing her movements with an unnatural swiftness and agility. Her spear seemed to be everywhere at once, striking at him with a relentless precision that left him struggling to keep up.


Beyond the initial leaping attack, however, Lukas did notice his foe's strength did not match her speed. As the queen's attacks continued to rain down on him, Lukas was able to better evaluate his opponent. Despite her incredible agility and quick reflexes, her blows lacked the raw power needed to truly wear Lukas down.


Seizing on that literal weakness, Lukas adjusted his strategy. He no longer tried to dodge and weave around her attacks, instead focusing on blocking and parrying her blows. He used his blades to absorb the impact of her strikes, slowly pushing her back. The queen's eyes narrowed as she realized what Lukas was doing. Her speed and agility allowed her to strike at him from unexpected angles, but she was facing an opponent who could withstand her attacks without flinching.


Fiona, meanwhile, was holding her own against two of the wood nymphs. She had taken a couple hits from their magically enhanced spears, but her hard-trained skill and natural speed began slowly pushing them back. Laera had bewitched a minion to hold off the last, very confused sprite. The mage used the timely reprieve to attempt to free Gemma and Gwyn, but her efforts proved to be futile. She briskly ran over to Lucy, and had more success rescuing her.


The Ranger launched a Moonshot at the enemy boss, stunning her temporarily. Lukas knew the advantage was his to seize. Recognizing the need to overpower his foe, he let out a roar, triggering his strength-granting pendant. The surge of power filled his body, and he scored several hits on his stunned foe before beginning to push her back, her spear flashing in glowing forest energy as she struggled to fend off the strapping Adventurer. As the fight progressed, Lukas noticed that the queen seemed to be growing weaker – her blows less precise, and her speed waning. He could see the magic draining from her form, leaving behind a wearied expression.


He took advantage of his foe's weakened state, using his Ultimate to hold her in place as he decimated her HP. The final stage of the battle was a blur of steel, wood, and magic as Lukas struck relentlessly, his blades tearing into his opponent. The queen's attempts to defend herself became slower and more desperate, her strength dwindling to the point where even her magic failed to compensate for her injuries. With a powerful blow, drove his weapons through the middle of her spear, snapping it in half.


The Wood Nymph Queen collapsed onto her knees as her head bowed close to the earth, Lukas raised his arms up to deliver the fatal blow, but wavered. The docile queen held out two hands. Her right one cupped a blue flame; the left cradled a red one. Lukas took a quick sweep of his surroundings, and noticed that the minions had also stopped fighting.


"What is this?" Lukas asked the beautiful boss kneeling in front of him, naturally suspicious at the unique turn of events. 


"You have risen to the challenge and defeated me in combat, Adventurer," the queen answered. "I offer you two different paths of victory." 


"What are the two paths?"


"The red flame represents a blood victory. You need only to strike me down as I kneel here, and you will be rewarded with experience and loot."


"What about the other option?" Lukas asked. 


The queen glanced up at the tall Adventurer. "The blue represents a dominance victory. I cannot reveal what will be granted, but you will forfeit both the experience and the loot. You must drop your weapons and blow out the red fire to accept."


Lukas stared intently at the queen, but her expression was unreadable. He looked over at his teammates and noticed that they were watching him curiously, unsure of what to do. A green magical energy quickly swirled around him and the queen, blocking them from view. 


"The choice is yours," the queen said, "but you alone must make it." His eyes returned hers, and he fared no better at trying to read her intentions.


Lukas felt a tug on his heartstrings as he looked at the beautiful creature. He knew the path most Adventurers would take, but he knew that he was not most Adventurers. He hoped – had faith, even – that his teammates would feel similarly. There was one path forward that fit his class perfectly. After dropping his weapons, he walked over to the kneeling queen, and took the hand that offered up the red flame. He squeezed it reassuringly then snuffed out the fire with a powerful exhalation.


The queen's eyes sparkled at the gesture. The blue fire grew until it encompassed both of them, healing the two former enemies with a pleasant warmth. Then they were teleported to a grassy meadow adjacent to a mountainside lake. The Wood Nymph Queen rose to her feet and approached Lukas. She stood several inches taller than him, making it easy for her to lean down and whisper into his ear. "I thank you for making a wise choice. I will now make you my king." 


She embraced him warmly, her soft and tender lips soft finding his. The kiss was slow and passionate, lasting for several glorious minutes. Lukas savored her sweet and sappy taste, as her slender arms wrapped around his neck, pressing her body into his. Lukas hugged the sensuous nymph back, feeling himself growing harder as he did. Soft moans escaped her mouth as she rubbed her body against him. He could feel her desire for him. He could also feel himself succumbing to her mystical charm. 


She stepped back and brought her hands together with a clap. The leaves that were barely covering her nakedness detached from her body, floating gently to the ground. Lukas gazed down at the immaculate creature's nude form and was left breathless. Her perky breasts were just the right size for his hands to grasp, and her pussy was smooth and wet. She had a tight and toned body, a natural result of her connection to the forest and its energies.


"If you want me," the queen said with a teasing smile, "you have to catch me." With that, she turned and ran off into the meadow. The sudden shift in her demeanor caught Lukas by surprise. He eyed the forest goddess as she loped easily across the grass. Their passionate kissing had left him yearning for more, fueling his desire to chase after her. She was his prize, and he wanted to claim her.


The queen's laughter filled the air as they ran through the meadow together. Her speed, which had been a dangerous liability to Lukas just moments before, made her playfully elusive. She darted back and forth, taunting him with her naked body as she dodged his grasp. Her tantalizing movements made Lukas even more determined to capture her.


As the carefree nymph led Lukas across the meadow, she began teasing him more brazenly. She would slow down long enough for him to almost catch her, only to pull away at the last second. Her breasts bounced enticingly as she ran, and she occasionally slowed to rub her pussy with one hand as she continued to laugh at Lukas' failed attempts to catch her.


She dallied in the meadow for several minutes with spirited confidence, but eventually her flirty antics got her caught. Lukas closed the gap on the frolicking nymph, his dick rock hard as he saw his prize within reach. He lunged forward, catching her around the waist. She let out a squeal as he tackled her to the ground, landing on top of her.


The Wood Nymph Queen lay face down on the soft meadow floor with a burly Adventurer on top of her. She turned her head to the side with a mischievous smile. "What are you going to do now, my king?"


"I've defeated you and I've chased you down," Lukas growled, ripping off his clothes. "There's only one thing left to do." 


He reached down between their bodies and grabbed his dick. The nymph's eyes widened as she felt his monster settle between her ass cheeks. He tapped his dick between her legs. "I'm going to fuck you, Your Majesty."


He straddled her legs and lined up his cock, ready to destroy her in the prone bone position. With one powerful thrust, Lukas impaled the queen with his throbbing dick. His thick shaft stretched her insides as she let out a gasp of surprise. The nymph queen felt the Adventurer's rod fill her, and she arched her back in response. His powerful hands gripped her hips as he began to thrust into her wet pussy. She moaned at the sensation of being dominated, feeling Lukas' cock push deeper with each stroke.


The queen enjoyed being under her powerful mate. Her hands dug into the grass as he pounded her royal cunt, and she moaned loudly into the mountain nightscape. The rutting dominant began to notice a change within the queen. Her hair was glowing brightly with an emerald light, the same luminous color from earlier. 


Using her glowing hair as an indicator of her pleasure, Lukas picked up his pace. His cock slid effortlessly into her dripping pussy, filling her to the hilt. The queen's moans became cries as he pummeled her insides with his thick rod; to her credit, she took every single inch. Her body rocked back and forth under Lukas, as his cock violated her insides. The sound of flesh meeting flesh echoed through the meadow as the Adventurer dominated his prey.


The queen's hands dug deeper into the earth, and Lukas felt her tighten around his cock. He could feel the magic building up inside her. He wanted to watch her face as he bred her, so he pulled out and flipped her over. Her face was covered in sweaty sap, and her eyes glimmered with lust. "Please fill me," she begged, spreading her legs wide.


Lukas was enthusiastic to oblige her, and shoved his cock back into her eager cunt. He pounded her mercilessly as her eyes rolled back in pleasure. She grabbed his ass, pulling him closer as he fucked her. The nymph queen moaned loudly for her ravager. Her whole body began to glow with the same emerald energy as her hair.


The Wood Nymph Queen orgasmed underneath the Adventurer. Lukas saw her whole body shake wildly, and felt her pussy clamp down hard around his cock. He held in place, allowing the queen to milk his shaft. Unable to withstand the goddess' tight hole any longer, Lukas pressed down upon her and rutted, burying his cock in her womb and releasing his cum. As he looked into her eyes, he could feel her aura wash over him. Their exchange was literal in one direction, with his seed filling her womb. Flowing in the other direction was the queen’s magic, seeding Lukas with powerful primal energies.


The Wood Nymph Queen had been taken by the Deviant Dominant.


Lukas collapsed onto his conquest, his body spent from their passionate mating. He could feel her limbs wrap around in a peaceful embrace as her ethereal power continued to course through him. Despite already climaxing, the forest goddess began to glow even brighter, her light becoming so intense that Lukas was forced to look away. He closed his eyes and lost consciousness.




Lukas awoke to a gentle voice calling his name.




When he opened his eyes, he saw Fiona peering over him with a concerned look on her face. 


"I'm awake," he said groggily, looking around to get his bearings. He was back at the forest clearing with his team, his clothes and his gear laying beside his naked body. The moment Fiona realized he would survive without any serious injuries, her caring expression turned into a sour scowl.


"Did you fuck the enemy boss?!" Fiona asked accusingly. The other girls were standing off to the side, looking on with varying levels of curiosity and disbelief.


"I, uh, I did," Lukas said sheepishly, still in a daze from the incredible encounter. "It was a path to victory."


Fiona crossed her arms over her chest with a deep sigh. "I can't believe I'm the one saying this, but there are times where you should just keep it in your pants. I hope you got splinters from fucking the tree lady." 


"Did you at least gain something useful?" Gwyn interrupted, saving him from the redhead's tirade.


Lukas' expression turned thoughtful as he considered his recent encounter. The queen had referred to a reward, but had been cryptic about the details. The thought crossed his mind that sex was the reward itself – a gentle trick played by a mischievous forest creature. As he took stock of himself, though, he noticed that he did feel different; it wasn’t merely a sexual afterglow, which he had become very familiar with over the previous weeks. Standing up, he reached for his discarded clothes and began putting them back on. Foggy as he was, it took him another few moments to come up with the obvious idea of checking his profile.



Lukas Dameron

General Class: Deviant

Main Class: Dominant

Level 8



Strength: 23.5 + 11.1

Agility: 22.0 + 15.8

Mentality: 21.0 + 10.4

Vigor: 19.4 + 9.0



Confidence (Passive) - Maxed - shrug off 50% of magical damage and effects

Obedience (Triggered) - Level 2 - able to bind others through sexual contract. Dominant will passively receive a 20% boost in the primary trait of the Obedient subject(s)

Corruption (Passive) - Maxed - earn alternative and unique Dominance experience whenever Dominant is pleasured by Obedient subject(s)

Praise (Triggered) - Level 2 - Obedient subject(s) receive a +15 boost in both Strength and Vigor for 45 seconds, the Confidence effect is doubled during this duration

Discipline (Triggered) - Level 2 - Obedient subject(s) get an additional triggered skill, extra Dominance experience can be converted to HP at an inefficient rate

Restraints (Ultimate) - Level 1 - apply 2 stuns for the duration of .5 seconds, stuns can be applied to multiple targets or can be stacked on one target


Bonded Skills:

King of the Wood Nymphs (Triggered) - Maxed - passively grants +5 to all stats, can summon assistance while in the Mystic Forest



Lukas chuckled nervously, realizing he had just traded the team’s loot and experience for a sizable boost – for himself. He decided to face the mob immediately, apologetically relaying his newly acquired bonded skill to the girls. They surprised him with how supportive they were, relishing in his newfound advantage. Fiona was peeved, but for a slightly different reason.


"Hold on!" the rowdy assassin exclaimed. "You stuck your dick in her and you got a full stat boost? Let’s go find this tree lady again; I’m going to rock her world."




Camping on the outskirts of Eberlorn, the group awoke after a minimal amount of sleep, ready to say goodbye to the first stage of their Adventuring careers. They quickly packed up and made their way to the trailhead. As the sun broke over the horizon, the punctual Elvira strode through the gateway monument with two other Anorans in tow.


"You all camped on the ground?" she said, her face scrunched with a hint of disdain as she approached. "Oh, how the mighty have fallen."


"Is daddy’s little brat afraid of a little dirt?" Fiona said with a smirk. "Don’t worry, I’m sure he’ll buy you another new dress."


"If you want to borrow one of my older dresses", Elvira said with an amused smile, her voice tinged with condescension, "you can just ask. I enjoy giving charity to the less fortunate. You should practice saying ‘please,’ though. Politeness doesn’t seem to be your strong suit." She concluded by giving the fuming redhead a contemptuous wink.


Laera snorted and joined in. "You’re one to talk."


Lukas stepped forward and interjected before he had to physically restrain his assassin. "Shall we depart for Vandhoven? Elvira, would you like to take the lead? I’m happy to bring up the rear. Perhaps Fiona can join me?"


Elvira's haughty expression softened ever so slightly. "I'd be delighted to lead the way." Fiona's eyes narrowed, but she bit back a retort and fell into step behind Lukas, muttering under her breath as they set off.


As they walked, the tension in the group gradually decreased. Laera walked beside her sister, chatting idly about the scenery and the upcoming journey. Freya dropped back and tried to strike up a conversation with Lukas, but Fiona’s intense glare soon sent her scurrying back to the middle of the pack.


The party encountered a couple of bands of goblins and an enraged grizzly bear in the forest. They had no issues dispatching the insubstantial threats. Elvira paused the group’s progress as they reached a fork in the trail.


"Stormpyre – well, I suppose the ruins of Stormpyre – is just an hour down that path." She indicated the direction.


Fiona’s ears perked up. "Let’s go!"


Elvira frowned. "It was a fun fact, not a suggestion. It would add two extra hours to our hike."


"You don’t have to come," Fiona said, already heading down the other trail. "I would actually prefer you didn’t."


"We can still make it to Vandhoven before nightfall," Lukas stated, supporting his redheaded partner. "You can go ahead. I’m sure we can find our way."


"Fine," Elvira conceded. "Go. I’m not coming to rescue you if you get lost."


Lucy, Gwyn, Gemma, and – to Elvira’s slight surprise – Laera filed behind Lukas as he led his girls towards Stormpyre. Elvira's expression soured. "So much for 'leading' the group to Vandhoven," she muttered under her breath as she and the other two Anorans continued on to their original destination.


The trail to Stormpyre was mostly pleasant, offering a different variety of flora and scenery than the forest around Eberlorn. The party of six maintained a quick pace, and soon came across a couple of charred, blackened trees that stood as indicators that they were getting close. The forested canopy gradually thinned, and the path unfolded into a vast clearing, revealing the remnants of a once-majestic castle in the distance.


As they entered the ruins' perimeter, they walked upon a mostly intact street, flanked by crumbling foundations that once held grand buildings. The craftsmanship and architecture were still evident, even in the state of disrepair, a testament to the city's former glory. The road wound its way through the destruction, leading them directly to the castle's imposing structure, which still loomed above the devastation, its wrecked turrets and towers reaching towards the sky like skeletal fingers. Despite the passage of several weeks since the attack, faint columns of smoke still rose as the embers of the dragon's ferocity still lingered.


"I would have loved to visit before it all got razed," Fiona said solemnly. "It looks like it used to be a very lovely place."


The group of young Adventurer's witnessed over a dozen people scattering around the city. Some were looting the scant remains, while others were engaged in cleaning and repairs. Lukas saw a cluster of four people gathered at the entrance of the castle and was surprised to see a friendly, recognizable face.


"Cassian?" Lukas called out.


"Lukas?" the elderly man replied, his eyes wandering over his team. "What a pleasant surprise! Come here, I must introduce you to Monique, a bright and upcoming Scribe I have the pleasure of working with."


He gestured to a beautiful, elegantly dressed woman with long, blonde hair. Her ears angled to a blunted point, very similar to Gwyn's half-elf ears. She was in her mid thirties, her modest dress mostly managing to cover her mature, womanly curves. Upon meeting Lukas’ gaze, she beamed with a captivating smile as her blue-green eyes danced with delight.


"This is Lukas and his crew," Cassian explained. "I believe I've mentioned them before. You remember my trips to Eberlorn not too long ago?"


"Oh," she said in a soft voice. A knowing smile graced her face as she glanced at the group. "Delightful to meet you all."


Lukas took the initiative and continued with the introductions. "This is Fiona, Gwyn, Gemma, Lucy, and Laera."


Monique curtsied elegantly. Her eyes briefly connected with Gwyn's purple ones. Fiona gave her a brief nod. Laera copied her curtsy, while the rest gave her a quick wave. 


"It's great to meet you too," Lukas said. "What brings you to Stormpyre, Cassian?"


"She's trying to find a way to rebuild the guild," Cassian explained. "I'm just here to provide support, and look who showed up." He smiled, clapping a hand on Lukas' shoulder. 


"We have to keep the guild operational," Monique added, "even if it’s just a makeshift solution. Abandoning this side of the Mystic Forest would have dire consequences later on." 


She gestured to a group of tents within the castle. "We have a few teams of Adventurers who answered the call of duty, but our resources are scarce. I've tried to win over support from the capital to our plight, but we've only managed to receive a paltry response."


Fiona, whose interest had been piqued, spoke up. "What do you need help with?"


Monique's gaze lit up. "I appreciate the enthusiasm, but this is not the right environment for young Adventurers. I need to convince higher powers that our situation is critical. In all honesty, if you have any sway in the Chimera Guild, encouraging them to support the rebuilding of the Phoenix Guild might go a long way."


Lukas nodded sheepishly. "We are transitioning over to the Wyvern Guild, actually. That's where we were all headed before deciding to make a quick stop here." 


"I see," she said, her expression a mix of disappointment and understanding. "The Wyvern Guild will be a great place to grow. I hate turning down willing help, but it's best for your team to continue on."


Fiona looked thoughtful for a moment, then glanced around the area. "I'm still going to help while I am here. What do you need?"


Monique's lips curled upwards in a smile as she met Fiona's fiery gaze. "You all look like a strong bunch. I'd be foolish to turn down a little bit of free labor. If you could go to the west side of the castle and clear any rubble that can't be repurposed for building, that would be hepful. There's a barge on the river to discard debris."


"That's easy enough," Fiona agreed, ready to get to work.


Needing no further instruction, the team of six strolled around the ruins. As they approached the west side of the castle, they were greeted by the serene sight of a crystal-clear river, its gentle currents carving a path through the heart of Stormpyre. The sound of gurgling water and chirping birds filled the air, providing a soothing contrast to the devastation that lay before them.


Fiona led the way towards the rubble-strewn area, choosing a suitable location to start clearing away junk. The others fanned out and began their own work.


As they labored, the rhythmic sounds of scraping, pounding, and clacking reverberated through the ruins, accompanied by the occasional laughter and light-hearted banter. 


It didn't take them long to fill the barge. Fiona climbed a much smaller pile of rubble to survey their work, and then let out a satisfied grunt. "I think we did a pretty good job." They paused by the river bank to gaze across its mesmerizing surface one last time before returning to the front of the castle. 


They found Monique conversing with a team of Anoran Adventurers. One of the blonde elves noticed the approaching group and gasped. "Is that Laera Silverbreeze?"


The archer took a step out to face them, his eyes fixed on Laera. "It is! Fancy meeting you here. You probably don’t know who I am, do you?"


Laera shook her head at the stranger’s inquisition.


"We’ve only met once or twice in Anora. My name is Edricht. I was at Eberlorn with my crew when we fought off the dragon. You put on an impressive display of magic. Your whole team performed well." He nodded at the mage’s five companions. "And I’ve heard you’ve rescued your older sister and her team from a Dark Warlock! It’s tragic what happened to Roderick, but that’s truly an impressive feat."


"You heard about that?" Laera asked, a light blush coloring her cheeks.


"Of course," Edricht replied. "You are causing quite the stir back in Anora. Speaking of which, this must be the infamous boyfriend." The elf extended his hand towards Lukas in greeting. The tall Adventurer politely shook it, his mind suddenly racing from the revelation that he had an ambiguous reputation within Anora. Monique gave him and Laera a speculative look.


"Infamous?!" Laera squeaked out.


Edricht chuckled. "Let’s just say there’s lots of young Anoran bachelors hoping this guy breaks your heart so they can swoop in and bring you back to the homeland."


"What?!" Lukas exclaimed in a challenging tone.


"Oh! Not me," Edricht fervently insisted, throwing his hands up in the air. "I’m loving it. I personally think that Anora is overripe for an attitude adjustment."


"Sorry, Laera," Fiona chimed in, "you just lost the title of my favorite Anoran."


"There’s a few of us that think this way," Edricht hinted. "We generally keep our mouths shut, though. You just got me talking, I guess. We are in the middle of nowhere."


"What brings you out here?" Laera wondered.


"We want to do our part," the experienced elf responded, and then lowered his voice. "And it was an easy ticket to the Tournament of Immortal Heroes. We get to represent the Phoenix Guild, which is essentially just us and the other team selected."


"I can hear you!" Monique scoffed at Edricht. "Stop making it sound like it was a shady deal. You’re sacrificing a lot by being here. You deserve to go to the tournament."


Lukas approached Cassian and Monique. He had enjoyed their detour through Stormpyre, but felt it was time to get moving again. "Cassian," he said, sighing with contentment, "it's been great catching up with you. Monique, it was a pleasure meeting you. I wish we could help out more here in Stormpyre. Best of luck rebuilding the Phoenix Guild to its former glory."


Monique smiled, her eyes shining with determination. "You won’t recognize this place the next time you see it. Work up to level fifteen and max out your skills. I expect to see you back. We could use your help in the future."


Lukas smirked at her comment. Most Adventurers took over a year, sometimes two, to hit level fifteen. That number was significant, as it granted enough skill upgrades to max out the standard Adventurer profile. The Ultimate took two upgrades to reach its maximum and the other three took four; the initial level from Scribing didn’t grant a skill upgrade. After level fifteen, Adventurers applied their upgrade points directly to their stats.


Lukas wasn’t most Adventurers, though. For one, he had some extra skills to upgrade thanks to his unique class. For another, his advancement through the early levels was far beyond standard. He was barely a month past his Scribing and was already at level eight. The higher levels were harder to progress through, but he was still proud of how far he’d come. His gaze met Monique's, and he couldn't help but feel a slight sense of competition. "I'll look forward to it."


The two exchanged nods before Lukas turned to leave with his companions. "Oh, and Lukas?" He turned back to the blonde beauty.


"Laera seems very happy. Take good care of her, and be aware that her upbringing is different. I don’t know if you can tell, but I’m half Anoran. For how civilized they claim to be, her race can be brutal. They really don’t like… mixing."


"Thank you for the warning," Lukas said, his voice sincere. "I’ve already gotten a little taste of it, but I’m sure I haven’t seen the worst."


"Before you leave, could I also give something to Gwyn?"


Lukas shrugged his shoulders, marginally perplexed by the request. "I don’t see why not."


"Thanks," Monique said, then headed towards the young, petite half-elf with a ring in her hand. 




The party of Adventurers reached their destination just before the last rays of sunlight disappeared below the horizon. As they entered the city of Vandhoven, Lukas was immediately struck by its breathtaking grandeur. The city's architecture was a collage of medieval splendor, with towering spires and turrets that pierced the violet sky. The buildings themselves were a deep, rich brown, with intricate carvings of vines and flora that seemed to writhe across their facades like living things. Gargoyles, who could be mistaken for their animated counterparts in the caves, watched over the city streets with stony eyes. In between the buildings, there was a contrasting assortment of dark, spooky alleys and blooming, scented gardens.


The city's streets were paved with cobblestones, worn smooth by years of travel from feet and wagon wheels alike. Lanterns hung from the eaves of the buildings, casting flickering shadows across the bustling streets. The air was heavy with the scent of incense, old books, and forged steel. The sound of chanting sorcerers drifted from the nearby monastery that loomed over the city like a sentinel.


The sound of gurgling water filled the air as the party neared the city center. They discovered a fountain, whose famous waters were rumored to be used in brewing health potions. The city's centerfold water feature stood proud, its polished marble glistening from the downtown ambiance. The fountain displayed a pair of carved wyverns, ambiguously intertwined in a fierce embrace. Perhaps they were fighting; perhaps they were passionately playing. They reached the guild hall, which was one of the most unique buildings Lukas had ever laid eyes on.


The Grand Hall of the Wyvern Guild was a majestic structure that embodied the city's eccentric blend of elegance and mysticism. On exterior, Lukas appreciated the labyrinth-like structure of the building’s multiple wings and turrets. At the top of the walls, carvings of various mythical creatures were mounted. The roof was a kaleidoscope of curved lines and pointed spires, as if the grand architect had changed his mind multiple times during construction, but it still somehow all flowed together.


Vandhoven was a place of great beauty and wonder. It was a city that hinted at secrets and mysteries beyond number, and Lukas could feel its pull drawing him in like a moth to a light – or to a flame.


They walked several more blocks down the streets of Vandhoven, viewing the increasingly ornate townhouses and manors that seemed to vie for attention. It was as if the city was showcasing its finest gems, each one more breathtaking than the last, until finally, they arrived at the grand residence that Laera’s sharp memory had been leading them to.


The mansion loomed before them, its walls a warm, honey-colored stone whose visibility somehow defied the darkness of night. The manor's entrance was a large, ornate door with a polished, metallic wyvern mounted in the center. Laera lifted the wyvern's head, and released it, allowing it to fall heavily against the door. A butler responded to the knock and opened the door just a few seconds later.


The tall and slender man with tired gray eyes stood stiffly at attention as he greeted the party. "Welcome," he said in a voice that was as smooth as silk. "Lady Elvira is out on guild business currently, but she mentioned your impending arrival and advised that you would likely be late."


Fiona rolled her eyes and brushed past the butler into the mansion. "Late? Please. At least we did something productive today – and it’s barely dark outside. It’s not like we were sitting around and waiting for Lukas to finish fucking the tree lady."


The butler's professionalism proved to be first-class as he maintained a straight face during the redhead’s outburst. "Would you like me to show you to your rooms?"


"Isn’t that obvious?" the freckled assassin retorted.


"Fiona," Lukas chided, "are you trying to treat the staff worse than an Anoran?"


She scowled at Lukas, sticking her tongue out, but then she sighed and turned to the butler with an apology. The butler carried on, but Lukas was not done. In one confident stride, he reached his submissive and grasped her arm, pulling her close. His voice was low and commanding as he whispered into her ear. "My room, tonight. You are in need of discipline."


"I’m sorry, sir. I let Elvira get to me today. I will gladly accept any punishment you give me." Fiona’s voice was contrite, but her eyes were wide with excitement.


Lukas released Fiona and allowed the butler to guide them to their rooms. They climbed up a grand staircase, a beautiful painting depicting a knight and a maiden kneeling to drink from Vandhoven’s famed water fountain greeted them on the landing. Other tapestries and carvings adorns the walls, as they were led down a corridor. Lukas even saw a full suit of decorative armor guarding the entrance to a library. A pair of bedrooms was finally presented to them. Both had an en-suite bathroom with a large walk-in closet.


After situating Gemma and Gwyn into the spacious bedrooms, the butler then led them to a room that put the previous ones to shame. It was a grand bedroom with a huge, four-poster king-sized bed, a fireplace, and a huge balcony with a stunning view of the Grand Hall. A large chandelier lit up the expansive space, casting a warm, golden glow on the furniture and the walls.


Laera’s eyes lit up as she took in the opulence of the room. "This is my room!"


"Lady Elvira specified that this room was to be the gentleman’s," the butler interjected.


"Nonsense," replied the elf. "Lukas doesn’t need all this. He just needs a big bed." Fiona let out a stifled giggle, causing Laera to blush. "Because he’s tall!"


Laera walked across the room to check out the balcony and then strolled over to a pair of wooden interior doors. "Where do these go?" she asked the butler.


"That one on the far side is one of the closets," the man answered. "The other door connects to Lady Elvira's suite."


Laera’s eyes went wide. "She wouldn’t! That brat! Can you find Lukas a room as far from here as possible?"


"That would be directly against Lady Elvira’s wishes. I’m not–"


"Good!" Laera interrupted. "Now get going, I have to unpack."


Lukas chuckled as the butler retreated and led the three remaining Adventurers down another hallway. Lucy smirked and whispered quietly as she walked with Lukas. "Looks like Elvira almost got easy access to you."


"I’m not sure what games she’s playing," Lukas responded. "She’s going to find out the not-easy way that Laera is not the little sister she can trounce on anymore."


"Elvira likes being in charge," Lucy mused. "She’s in for a shock when she finds out that’s not your style."


"None of you girls are particularly quiet when I’m fucking your brains out," Lukas said with a grin. "I have a feeling she’s going to find out soon."


Arriving at his room, he noticed it contained several pieces of furniture, including a writing desk, a wardrobe, and a small sitting area with two chairs and a table for lounging. Located in the center was a large bed, with plenty of room for his tall frame – plus extra.


The butler informed him that a late dinner would be served in an hour. Lukas gave Fiona an intense stare for a few seconds, then turned to begin settling into his room. The butler closed his door and continued on with his duties. A few minutes later, an obedient redhead knocked on his door. He opened the door and was immediately struck by the sigh. She was wearing a black, lacy nightgown that showcased her toned body. Her long red hair cascaded down her back like a waterfall of fire, and her freckled face was flushed with arousal.


Lukas stepped aside, allowing her to enter his room, and closed the door behind her. He leaned against the door, regarding her for a moment before he spoke. "Are you ready for your punishment?" His voice was firm, but gentle.


"Yes, sir," Fiona replied, lowering her eyes. "I know that I deserved it."


"Strip down, then face the bed."


Fiona nodded, and a few seconds later, she was standing in full glory. Lukas admired her beautiful form for a few moments before ordering her to kneel on the floor.


He watched her obey, then walked behind her and ordered her to spread her legs wide. He reached down around her body and grasped her full breasts. He pinched her nipples as they hardened under his attention.


"Remain in this position," he instructed, and then he began to undress. Fiona kept her eyes cast down, but she couldn't help sneaking a peek or two at Lukas' bare body. She bit her lip as she watched him strip down. He had a powerful chest and stomach that was chiseled to perfection. His cock was already half-hard, and Fiona wanted nothing more than to have it buried deep inside of her.


After he removed the last of his clothes, Lukas walked over to one of his bags and retrieved a rope. He walked back to Fiona, and she trembled with anticipation when she felt the rope brush against her back. He stood behind her, paused for a short moment, then secured her hands in his large ones. Pinning her arm behind her, he knelt down her and tied the rope tightly around her wrists before rising back to his feet.


"Now stand," he commanded.


Fiona struggled to rise with her hands tied behind her back. He guided her to the bed and instructed her to bend over the footboard. Fiona did so eagerly, arching her back and spreading her legs wide. She felt Lukas' warm hand on her ass a second before she heard the sound of him slapping her. Her flesh burned from the impact, but it felt good too. The next smack was harder, and she let out a soft gasp. Lukas continued to spank her until she was squirming in place and moaning in pleasure.


When he stopped spanking his bound sub, her ass was bright red. Lukas stepped to the side and admired the sight of her bent over his bed, her arms tied behind her back and her ass exposed for his pleasure. Her hair was disheveled and she was breathing heavily, but she had never looked more beautiful to him. He approached her again and began to stroke her clit, eliciting a soft moan of pleasure from her lips.


"Are you ready to take my cock?" he asked, his voice hoarse with arousal.


"Yes, sir," Fiona gasped. "Please fuck me."


"You'll have to wait until after dinner." He abruptly began redressing himself. A confused Fiona quickly turned into a desperate Fiona. She threw herself onto the ground in front of him and began pleading.


 "Please, sir! I need your cock now. Please fuck me now. Use any of my holes. Please!" She was hopelessly babbling. The defiant redhead from earlier was nowhere to be found, replaced by a begging slut scrambling at her master’s feet, trying to prove herself a worthy fuck toy.


Lukas' grin was devious as he finished buttoning up his pants. "After dinner, my needy slave." He stepped around her and headed for the door.


"Please, sir, please," she begged, kneeling on the ground with tears in her eyes.


"You will stay in this position until I return." The door opened and then closed, leaving Fiona alone, both her tears and her pussy dripping on the ground.


She heard him walk away slowly, on his way downstairs, and then a little later she heard the rest of the group going down as well. The minutes ticked by at a glacial pace, It felt like ages for Fiona, her knees burning against the rug as she waited. Her ass stung, and her pussy pulsed, desperate for Lukas to return. Finally, she heard footsteps again. She lifted her head as the door opened.


Lukas entered the room, and Fiona felt a rush of relief. "Sir," she said, her voice desperate. "Please, sir, I need your cock. Please fuck me."


Lukas closed the door and leaned against it. "Are you sure you deserve to be fucked? You were very rude today."


"Please, sir," she begged. "I'm sorry. I promise I'll be good."


"You will need to prove it."


"Yes, sir," Fiona gasped. "Anything, I'll do anything."


He walked over to her and kneeled on one knee. Lukas leaned in close and whispered in her ear. "Tonight, I want your ass."


Fiona gasped in shock, her body trembling at the thought of Lukas taking her virgin ass. She had been preparing, but didn't know if she was ready to take his monster. "Yes, sir," she said, her voice barely audible.


"Good. Now lubricate my cock like a good slut"


"Yes, sir," Fiona whined with lust. She waited for him to drop his pants, her restrained hands shaking behind her. His hard cock sprang forth, and she opened her mouth wide and took his cock in her throat. She began to suck him eagerly, her tongue swirling around the head of his cock. Then she began to bob her head. Lukas held her hair in one hand, guiding her movements. His other hand squeezed her throat, cutting off her air supply.


Fiona gagged, but she continued to work him in her mouth. She was determined to coat his cock with as much slobber as she could. She knew that she would need it if he was going to fuck her ass. He allowed her to take a breath, then thrust her back down. That time, she was ready. She took his cock deeper, gagging slightly as it entered her throat. Her eyes watered, and she sputtered, but she kept him buried inside. Finally, he pushed her off his cock, and Fiona collapsed onto the floor, gasping for breath.


Lukas kicked his pants off, revealing his muscular legs and powerful thighs. His cock was angry, and it was big. He pulled her to her feet and bent her over the bed. He spread her ass cheeks wide and pressed the head of his cock against her asshole. Fiona trembled, her body tense with anticipation.


The thought of Lukas' cock in her ass made her wet, but it was also frightening. Her ass was no match for that monster, but she wanted him inside of her, badly. She arched her back and glanced over her shoulder.


"My asshole is yours," she whimpered, biting her lip. "Take it." 


Lukas smiled, and then he began to press inside of her. He was slow at first, allowing her to adjust to his size, but she didn't like his pace. She wanted him inside of her, so she pushed back against his cock, taking him deep.


"Excuse me, slut," Lukas growled. "Did I ask you to push back?"


"No, sir," Fiona whined. "I'm sorry."


"I was trying to be gentle for you, but you're already enjoying this."


"I've been craving your cock for too long," Fiona stammered. "Don't be gentle." 


She arched her back, inviting him to destroy her tight ass. Lukas groaned, and his hand came down on her ass cheek with a loud smack. Fiona yelped as he thrust into her. Her eyes went wide as she felt him fill her completely. His cock was stretching her asshole to the limit, and the pain fed her depraved desires.


She moaned loudly, her breath coming in ragged gasps. Her ass throbbed around his cock as she adjusted to his size. Her asshole burned from his invasion, but she wanted more. "Harder," she growled. "Fuck my ass!"


Lukas landed a stinging smack on her ass. "Who’s in charge?"


"Sorry, sir," she responded, quieting down from her passionate demand. "Use me however you see fit."


Both his hands gripped tightly around her neck, giving him better leverage to plow her tight hole. She was gasping through her restricted airway, her eyes wide and her mouth hanging open as he pounded into her ass with powerful strokes. Her asshole stretched to accommodate him, and he fucked her with abandon. He continued to ream her ass until she was wailing like a whore. His cock slammed into her, over and over, her juices dripping down her thighs as he fucked her.


His hand smacked against her ass again, making her cry out. She was already dripping, but she became even more aroused. His hand found her hair and yanked her head back. Her ass was his to take, and he was determined to own it in totality. 


Fiona’s orgasm built and then crested, and she began to cum hard, her asshole pulsing around his cock. Lukas reached around her and began to stroke her clit. She was soon gasping for breath, her entire body convulsing with pleasure. "Cumming again," she gasped.


Lukas groaned, and his thrusts became more frantic. He was close to cumming himself. Fiona's ass squeezed around his cock, preparing its eruption. He pulled his cock out and began to stroke it, aiming at her perfectly round ass. Cum erupted from his cock and splattered across her freckled cheeks.


She moaned in pleasure as he emptied his load across her ass. "I never knew what I was missing," she said, her voice breathy and full of lust.


"I can't believe you came twice from being buttfucked," Lukas teased. His cock was still half-hard as he stood over her and untied her.


"I had to wait sooo long to get that big dick of yours in me." 


He chuckled and walked to the bathroom to clean up. She stood, stretching her arms overhead and bending from side to side. Her body felt loose and languid, and her pussy and ass were on fire. Her eyes met Lukas' as he returned, and she saw that he was watching her.


"Did my ass please you?" she asked.


"It was certainly a pleasurable experience," he said. "Was it painful?"


Fiona looked at him thoughtfully. "It was painful, but in a very stimulating way. I feel more complete now; I’ve given all three of my holes to you. There’s nothing I’m holding back from you."


"It made me feel powerful," Lukas admitted, smiling at her, "taking your forbidden hole."


The redhead giggled. "It’s not forbidden anymore."


"Hopefully I’m not incentivizing you to misbehave," Lukas teased. "You sure seemed to enjoy it."


"No way!" Fiona replied. "I might have enjoyed the anal sex, but waiting for it was torture. I was so horny, and you were gone for so long! Worst of all, I missed dinner."


A mysterious smile caused Lukas’ lips to curl as he sat down on the edge of the bed. "Gwyn!" he called out. The door opened and the short girl entered the room carrying a plate of food from the dinner. Fiona smiled in appreciation, her eyes lighting up at the sight of food. She was famished. Gwyn placed the plate down on the table and then stood, waiting expectantly for Lukas' next command.


"Good girl," Lukas praised her.


"Thank you, Daddy!" she replied. "You should know that Elvira just returned home; luckily, after all the screaming and moaning. Did I hear 'fuck my ass' come from this room?"


"Be careful what you ask for," Fiona warned, "it'll be painful for me to walk tomorrow. You're like half his size."


Gwyn just simply smiled. "If Daddy wants, then Daddy gets." She then triggered her skill.


Fiona looked at her with surprise as the magical heal soothed her. "That feels so much better!"


"Good! I wasn’t sure it would work that way."


Lukas patted Gwyn on her head and then put on his clothes. "I better go see what Elvira is up to before I get tempted to stay in this room all night."


"You can go talk to that bitch," Fiona mused, "or you could stay here and fuck both of us. My pussy still craves its master."


"I'll be back before you know it," he promised. "At least I'm not leaving you tied up this time." He blew them a kiss and disappeared. 


Lukas found Elvira excitedly chatting with Laera downstairs. The elder sister saw him and her eyes lit up. "Guess what?" she asked; she was so energized that Lukas knew she wasn’t going to wait for him to actually guess. "The newly elected Guildmaster accepted an appointment from the capital to be the Tournament Director. He is stepping down, and they’re going to hold another election. I'm going to be Guildmaster!"


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