The Deviant Dominant

Chapter 13 – The Wyvern Guild

“Just to be clear,” Lukas said, “you still have to win the election, right?” He heard a giggle from Laera.


“Yes,” Elvira confirmed, “but Jaren was the main competition. I’m the obvious choice now. I won’t even have to bat an eyelash.”


“Perhaps I should give it go,” he suggested, a teasing undertone in his voice.


Laera’s eyes sparkled with amusement, enjoying the exchange. Elvira was less than enthused. “You would just embarrass yourself. You’re not even a member of the guild yet; no one knows who you are. Let’s be real, do you really think you could beat me?” She gave him a practiced, artificial smile for emphasis. 


“Don’t get too cocky sister,” Laera warned. “You’re tempting him.”


“I’m not even the least bit worried,” Elvira said. “I play at a much higher level. You two don’t even know what I’m capable of.” 


Lukas almost laughed out loud at the arrogant elf. She had Laera’s pristine beauty on the outside, but her personality was certainly an acquired taste. “It could be fun to try,” he mockingly challenged her, “but I'm not looking to jump into politics at the moment. What are you going to do to win my vote over?"


She leaned forward, her eyes glinting with a hint of excitement. “I'm glad you asked, Lukas. I can tell you what I might do, if you weren't dating my sister, but I wouldn't want to tempt you beyond your resolve.” 


"Alright!" Laera jumped in. "It's time to go to sleep. Does my thirsty older sister need a glass of water before bed?"


Lukas chuckled and began returning to his room.


“Lukas dear,” Elvira called out to him. “Your room is this way.”


“No it is not!” Laera stood firm. “We wouldn’t want to tempt you beyond your resolve, would we?”


Lukas left the two sisters alone as he ventured back to his bed, where two of his sluts waited eagerly for the opportunity to keep him up all night.




The morning after their arrival, the team of six descended upon the delicious breakfast prepared by the hired help. The staff consisted of four members: the cook, the butler, and two maids. Gwyn spoke with the cook, working out an arrangement so she could prepare at least one meal a day for Lukas. 


Elvira joined them for a quick bite before rushing off to the guild hall. Lukas and his girls followed behind not long after. The group formally registered with the Wyvern Guild, completing the necessary formalities. They visited the Vandhoven bank next and opened an account. Having accumulated a considerable sum of coins, they finally conceded that lugging their wealth around and hiding it under the mattress was no longer the wisest solution. Afterward, Laera convinced them to visit a nearby bakery, which was tempting her with its heavenly scents. They spent a moment savoring fresh honey cakes before moving on.


By mid-morning, the party had left Vandhoven and set off toward the caverns, navigating the Mystical Forest toward the majestic mountains. As they approached the range, the mouth of a cave came into view, promising access into the depths. A cool gust of cavern air blew in their faces as they stood in front of the entrance, filling them with a mixture of excitement and anticipation. It had been four long days since their last excursion into the caves, which had ended with back-to-back battles against a Demon Fiend and a Dark Warlock. Lukas smiled at his team, hoping for a less deadly but still challenging endeavor, full of mid-tier enemies and lucrative loot.


As they stepped into the cave, the sound of dripping water echoing on the rocky walls almost masked a sequence of low growls. A pack of eight cave hounds lunged forward at them. Their jaws were wide open, revealing sharp, jagged teeth, ready to rip through their prey. Laera, always first to strike in the caverns, unleashed a lightning spell as the others readied their weapons for the oncoming onslaught.


Lukas and Gemma stepped forward, challenging the pack to hone in on them. Blades met flesh as the hounds crashed into the Deviant and the Brawler. With a few expert slashes and well-placed arrows from Lucy and Gwyn, they quickly felled the beasts.


“Geez, throw a girl a bone,” Fiona joked. She’d refrained from using her teleport, and thus hadn’t even gotten the chance to fight.


The next room contained a horde of orcs, armed to the teeth and snarling with savage ferocity. Lukas charged through them with an ease that surprised him. His stats had improved by quite a bit since the last orc army they had faced. He spread his arms out and lunged at a pair of orcs, skewering both of them with his dual blades. He landed in a kneeling position next to their lifeless corpses. Gemma leapt over him and smashed into the enemy in front of them, while another orc flanked them from the side. An arrow soared over the crouching Adventurer and buried itself in the creature’s eye. 


Lukas glanced back, intending to give Lucy a grateful smile, but was surprised to see Gwyn standing there with her bow.


“Nice shot, babygirl!”


“Thanks, Daddy!”


Lucy certainly wasn’t absent from the fight, though. She had found a ledge along the cave wall and was unleashing death from above. Lukas sprung onto his feet to back up Gemma, as a trio of orcs advanced on her. Like all the others, they fell swiftly and unceremoniously. The party of six had soon carved, pierced, and occasionally scorched their way through over two dozen orcs, and had barely broken a sweat doing so.


The next stage of their adventure found the party approaching a larger cavern with tall ceilings. Within seconds of entering, they were greeted with a splash of flames. Little pink creatures flew around high above their heads, launching fire attacks at the intruders. Lukas tried to get a better look at them, stepping to the side just as a flaming projectile flew past him. They were horrendously ugly creatures, numbering near a hundred strong, with little horns protruding from their heads and miniature dragon wings fluttering in the air.


“Demon pixies,” Laera informed them. She turned to Lukas with a frown. “I’m sorry, but you are nothing more than a big, diversionary target in this fight.”


Lukas scoffed and began waving his blades in the air, trying to lure a pixie down to his level. He witnessed arrows and lightning fly up into the expanse of the cavern; what he didn’t see was any opportunity to strike. He could only swerve and jump around, dodging the numerous fiery attacks that rained down from near the cavern’s ceiling. The flying pests kept their distance, content with hurling fireballs at the dancing Adventurers from their relatively safe height. Gemma and Lukas both started cursing at the small creatures in frustration, their clothing lightly singed. The melee prowess they were used to relying on was useless.


Recognizing the need for more ranged power, Lucy quickly tore off her shirt and bra, releasing her humongous tits. Laera had an intrigued look as she watched her teammate strip. Lukas was watching closely too, but for less innocent reasons. The blonde elf’s expression turned from curiosity into utter shock as a second Lucy appeared out of thin air. The two identical archers got back to work immediately, shooting several demon pixies out of the sky, leaving Laera with many questions, but no time to ask them.


Lukas accepted his role in the fight, and sprinted across the cavern floor, drawing some fire away from his battery of ranged attackers. He thought about prompting Gwyn to take a hit, but his HP was still high. He noted that she wasn’t wasting any time trying to dodge regardless. Her focus was on knocking the little devils out of the sky.


The presence of an additional Ranger, even for just thirty seconds, was devastating for the demon pixies. The gnarly pink creatures fell in droves as the Adventurers cleared the room.


“How did you do that?” Laera exclaimed. “How do you have a skill I’ve never seen before?” After a few seconds of silence, realization dawned on the elven mage. She glanced at Lukas and blushed. “Oh.”


Fiona smiled with wicked glee at the opportunity to tease the Anoran. “Laera, you should show our Ranger your extra skill. Lukas looks very ready to give you some mana after that titty show from Lucy.”


“I will do no such thing!” Laera protested, but the redhead’s idea caused her to glance over at Lukas’ bulging trousers. “Lukas, could you come with me?” 




The team tackled several more rooms, fighting off trolls, rock golems, and fanged spiders before calling it a day. They headed back to Vandhoven, content with their first visit to the caves on that side of the mountains.


Gemma did her fair share of grumbling on the trip back. "I swear, those little buggers were the most frustrating thing I've ever faced," she said, shaking her head. "I'll be happy if we never face demon pixies again."


Lucy just chuckled and nudged her friend playfully. "I didn’t mind them so much. That fight was very… freeing for me."


Fiona snorted. “You converted Lukas. I don’t think he minded being so useless when he had those things to stare at.” She gave Lucy’s breasts a light poke.


The banter continued the rest of the journey. They returned to the mansion to find Elvira scarfing down dinner. “The election starts in two days,” she said frantically. “I have a meeting with some influential people in just a few minutes. Remember to behave while I am gone.” She arose, stuffing one more bite into her mouth.


“I thought you were the ‘obvious’ choice?” Lukas questioned with a hint of mockery. “Why are you having to work so hard?”


She gave him a frown. “I wouldn’t expect you to understand the intricacies of politics, Lukas dear. Maybe when you get older, I can give you some coaching.” The elf whirled around and rushed out the door, leaving her unfinished meal on the table.


“Have fun batting your eyelashes,” Lukas called out to the fleeing figure.


The six Adventurers took their seats at the table and began dishing out their own dinner. The atmosphere was light and jovial as they made fun of Elvira’s obsession with the upcoming election. Even the staff listened in, enjoying the humorous commentary regarding their elven boss.


“Her first decree as Guildmaster will be to declare her birthday as ‘Elvira Day,’” Lucy said with a laugh.


Fiona stood up and did her best Anoran imitation. “As your newly elected Guildmaster, I can make you all a promise – that my daddy will buy me whatever I want.” The group laughed at Fiona’s failed Anoran accent as much as her joke.


“Um,” Gwyn interjected with a worried expression, “if she wins, will her parents come to visit?” The table fell silent as the question hung in the air. 


Lucy was the first to speak. “What’s wrong with her parents coming to visit?”


Everyone erupted in laughter, but it died down quickly. All eyes then went to Laera.


The elf shrugged. “The Wyvern Guild is the one furthest away from Anora. My parents don’t visit often, but this could give them a good reason to come.”


“So why did Elvira pick the Wyvern Guild?” Lukas asked. “Or maybe I should be asking why your parents let her.”


“There are fewer Anorans here,” Laera explained, “which actually works in her favor. The Anoran name is still respected here, but people aren’t as annoyed because they don’t have to interact with them every day. If she were to join another guild, she'd have to navigate the Anoran hierarchy and support senior members ascending to leadership positions. Here, she’s on track to become the youngest Guildmaster ever, in any guild. If she gets to enjoy that extra distance from my parents, well… she certainly didn’t bring that up when she made her case to them.”


“I’m glad we can be here to support her,” Lukas said. “It will be quite an accomplishment. I just hope it doesn’t go to her head.”


“Too late for that,” Fiona huffed.


As the night wore on, plans were made for an early departure to the caverns in the morning. The Adventurers readied for bed. Lukas made it all the way under his covers and was drifting off before a knock interrupted the promise of sleep.


Gemma strode in, not waiting for Lukas to respond to her knock. She either didn't notice or care that he was already in bed. She was bothered and needed to get something off her chest, literally. “What’s the big deal with Lucy’s boobs? Mines are bigger!" With no amount of seduction considered, she ripped off her shirt and bra, unveiling her mammoth tits to him. 


For a long moment, Lukas could only stare at her. “Wow, Gemma. I never tire of seeing those.”


Gemma glared at him. “Do you like Lucy’s better?” she asked in a huff.


"It’s not a contest.” He sat up, trying to give her his full attention and navigate through a potentially sticky situation. “Your tits are absolutely incredible. Nothing really compares to them.”


Gemma frowned. “Are you saying mine are better?”


Lukas sighed and shook his head. “Look, I don’t think either of you needs to compete in the boob department. Lucy’s are amazing, but yours are bigger. There’s a place in my heart for both of them, okay?”


Gemma gave Lukas a hard glare. Her gaze dropped to Lukas’ crotch and the bulge tenting his covers. She stepped toward him, grabbing the bedsheet and pulling it away. “I think that looks harder than earlier today." She reached down for her shirt, satisfied with his erect response to her boobs.


"Hold up," Lukas demanded. Gemma looked at him trying to maintain a straight face, but she wasn't very good at hiding her raw desire. Lukas put some steel into his voice. "You came in here interrupting my sleep and flashing your tits, whining about how I was giving someone else too much attention. That demands discipline. You really think you were just going to walk out of here?"


"I am at your command," Gemma replied, her voice laced with eagerness.


Lukas shot her a dirty look, knowing he was giving her exactly what she wanted. He figured Gemma had heard about the redhead’s anal adventure. Indeed, most people in the house at the time had heard something, but he guessed the tall girl in front of him got a detailed retelling. He smiled and said the exact thing that he knew would strike some fear into the scheming brawler. "Get over here and lubricate my cock."


Gemma shuffled over the Lukas' bed nervously, Lukas’ suggestion having the desired effect


"Kneel." Lukas sat on the edge of his bed, clearly indicating where Gemma was to situate herself. "Use your mouth. Make it sloppy."


The fierce warrior obediently engulfed Lukas in her mouth. He felt her tongue working his shaft as he ran his fingers through her hair, playing with her brunette locks. "That’s good. Suck it deep." She was doing a fine job of coating his cock with saliva, getting him ready for the next stage.


Gemma breathed heavily as she pulled off and watched his stroke glistening rod. "Do you know why you're here tonight, Gemma?" he asked.


"Yes," she panted. "To prove that my boobs are better than Lucy’s."


Lukas sighed, looking up at her with a disapproving expression. "Wrong," he scolded her, slapping her tits with his hand. She flinched from the impact and yelped at the pain. "Try again." He slapped her round breasts with his other hand. 


Gemma moaned through the brief but stinging pain. "Because you wanted to play with my tits tonight."


"Nope." Lukas grabbed her by the hair and landed a smack across the face with his hard cock. "Last chance." 


"Because I'm a filthy slut and wanted to be used for your pleasure," she whimpered.


"That’s correct," Lukas said, a pleased smile spreading across his face. He spat down onto her cleavage, and then reached out with both hands and pinched her nipples. Gemma gasped loudly in pleasure, her eyes boring up into Lukas' with wanton lust. "Do you like me abusing your boobs, you filthy whore?" 


"Yes, I love it," she freely confessed, egging him on. "Please keep hurting them."


Lukas took his cock, which Gemma had so willingly lubricated with her throat, and slid them in between her tits. "Now squeeze them for me."


Gemma complied, wrapping her hands around the sides of her breasts and squeezing them around his cock. He grabbed the back of her head and began humping his cock up and down through the valley of her tits. "Is this what you wanted when you came in here?"


She nodded eagerly and moaned in ecstasy, eager to please Lukas.


He reached for her pointy nipples, grabbing them harshly in his fingers and twisting. She winced as he dug into them. "Are you enjoying this, slut?"


"Yes, yes," she moaned. "Please keep going."


He released them and then pulled one arm all the way back.. With a quick and powerful strike, he slapped her massive tits with his broad, open palm. Gemma yelped in pain. "More," she begged.


"You’re such a horny bitch," he chastised her, slapping her bouncing melons again. "Your tits are begging to be slapped and squeezed around my cock."


"Yes, yes they are," Gemma confessed. She could feel a puddle of her arousal soaking into Lukas’ bed beneath her knees. 


"You love being used as a fucktoy, don’t you?"


She nodded profusely, eager to please Lukas. "Yes, yes, I do." She ensured his shaft was well embraced by her huge tits, even while bouncing her heavy assets up and down. 


"My dirty fucktoy loves using her boobs to please me, doesn’t she?" 


"Fuck yes, I do," she said with feverish enthusiasm.. 


He pinched her nipples again and twisted them harshly. She yelped in pain, but didn't slow her movement. "Do you want me to cum all over your tits?" Lukas asked her, his breath labored. "Do you want me to spray my hot load on your massive knockers?"


"Yes, yes," Gemma whimpered. 


"Do you want to be covered in my sperm, you filthy whore? Do you want me to paint those puppies white?"


Gemma nodded with vigor, taking in a deep breath to present Lukas with the biggest target she could.


Lukas pumped a few more times before pulling out. His hand reached up and squeezed both of Gemma’s tits together, pinching her nipples in the process. She let out a delightful yelp. He yanked his cock up and began spraying thick ropes of cum across her tits. He covered her in his load, splattering sperm all over his two, round canvases. Gemma groaned with delight, enjoying her master’s load on her enormous bosom.


"They look beautiful," she said in a sultry whisper. Her nipples were red and puffy due to Lukas' erotic torture, and her skin was sparkling with its salty coating. She mindlessly started rubbing his cream in, as if soothing her breasts after the stinging slaps they'd endured.


"Go get cleaned up and then come back," Lukas commanded. "The next load is going deep into your womb. You've earned it."


Gemma's eyes lit up at his promised reward. She scampered off to the washroom to make herself presentable for the next time her dominant defiled her.




The following morning, Lukas pulled Laera aside as Gwyn cooked breakfast. He excitedly informed her that he had accumulated enough Dominance experience to upgrade a skill.


“Really?!” the elf exclaimed. “I’ve actually been meaning to talk to you for a while about the mana skill.”


“By all means,” Lukas said, intrigued, “let’s hear it.”


“I wonder if we bottled up your sperm, would it still work on the battlefield? Like a mana potion.”


“It’s worth a try,” Lukas replied, impressed with her creativity. “I have to warn you, though: my sperm seems to be a hot commodity around here.”


Laera’s gave him a dirty smile and lowered her voice. “I guess I’ll have to find ways to convince you to keep me well supplied. We can have lots of fun making my special mana potions.”


Lukas glanced around the corner at Gwyn preparing the table, slightly disappointed that breakfast was a few short seconds away from being ready. He turned back to his angelic elf and kissed her on the lips. “You have yourself a deal.”


“Before we start eating,” Laera said as Lukas looked back at the breakfast table, “could I get that upgrade?”


“Of course,” Lukas said with a laugh. “You distracted me with all this talk of extracting mana.”


Laera held out her hands. “Could you upgrade the mana skill?”


Lukas took care of his mage and then they both sat down for breakfast. The meal was quick, and the team hit the road for another day at the caves. The journey to the mountains was a bit longer than they were used to. Their trek the previous day had mostly been spent on familiarizing themselves with their surroundings, not on measuring length. Lukas remembered Captain Bruiser mentioning back in Eberlorn that the Phoenix Guild was the closest to the caverns distance-wise.


Still, the team of six made great time, entering a cave prepared for a full day underground. They faced a swarm of bats in the entrance and then blazed down a tunnel into the next room, slashing through a pack of wolves. They cleared yet another room of saber-wielding skeletons before advancing on to their first boss fight of the day.


The cavern they entered was more compact than normal, with ceilings just a few feet above Lukas’ head. Pillars and jutting walls created a maze-like environment, making it difficult to see what lay ahead. An ominous scraping sound echoed off the stony sides, keeping the fighters on edge.


As they inched forward in the unknown terrain, a loud crack in the darkness startled them. A beast emerged from the shadows, its massive claws snapping wildly as it lunged towards them. The creature was a nightmarish fusion of a crab and a scorpion, its exoskeleton glinting like black armor in the torchlight. The menacing stinger on its tail looked deadly, capable of skewering any adventurer who dared to get too close.


Lukas took charge, leaping forward to beat the creature back as his team got into position. His blades struck several times, but the armored boss took no damage. With the swing on one of its hefty claws, it knocked Lukas off his feet. He was saved from impalement only by a timely parry from Gemma’s sword. 


Lukas scrambled behind his rescuer and got back on his feet, but not before he got a strategic look at the underside of their foe. “We have to strike it from below,” Lukas declared.


“How?” Lucy asked, kneeling low to the ground, trying to get the angle.


Lukas glanced at the cavernous maze. “Keep it distracted; don’t get too close. Gemma, come with me.” He took off down a dark corridor with his tall melee partner behind him. They rounded a few corners before finding an alley that led back to the central chamber, where the enemy was trying to snap their team in half.


“Let’s charge it and try to flip it over,” Lukas explained to his Brawler. “We are going to need a lot of momentum, and we are going to need to surprise it.” Their opportunity came seconds later, when the beast swiveled and was roughly lined up with their tunnel, its side exposed to them. They swiftly and silently broke into a sprint, which reminded Lukas of the foot races he and Gemma had run all the time back in Fernin. They both crouched lower as they neared their target and struck with tremendous force.


A loud clank reverberated through the cavern as the gnarly creature tumbled over, exposing its underbelly. A line traced down the middle of the arthropod where its thick armor conjoined. “Come hold it down!” Lukas yelled out.


The other four Adventurers converged on the incapacitated beast, as it struggled to angle its claws and its tail in any defensive manner. Mildly confident they were relatively safe, Lukas jumped on top and dug his blades into the seam in the armor. Gemma followed closely behind, using her great strength to skewer the boss as well. 


Having quickly found and exploited the weakness, their fight against the creature didn’t last long. The two tall fighters scored numerous critical hits on the vulnerable belly while the rest of the team kept the creature pinned down. Lukas and Gemma raced to score the final blow, with the latter drawing the lucky straw and finishing the creature off.


The loot was decent, and the fact that hardly any skills had been needed made the victory even more fortuitous. They were eager to press on, searching for a second boss to fight.


The party’s venture into the caverns drew long as they cleared many more rooms searching for a proper finale to their day. They came across a lair, the weight and stench of the musky air hitting them even as they stood outside the entrance. As the Adventurer's entered the lair, they were immediately met with a wall of sound: the hissing and growling of the giant lizardman boss, and the scuttling and chirping of its smaller minions.


The giant lizardman, easily twice the size of any of its minions, towered over them, its scales glinting in the torchlight like black diamonds with a greenish hue. Its eyes burned with an inner fire, and its jaws were wide open, revealing rows of razor-sharp teeth. Its minions, ranging in size from about five to six feet tall, scurried around their leader, brandishing crude weapons, their own eyes gleaming with malevolent intent.


“I think we are going to need to clear a large amount of those minions before we hit the boss,” Lukas said. “Stay on a lookout for a weakness on the big guy.” The minions had formed a rudimentary formation in preparation for the Adventurers’ attack, but it didn’t help them much against the ruthless volley of Ultimates that hit them.


Lucy sent an explosive arrow soaring into the fray to kick off the battle, the blast shattering the air and the enemy formation. A teleporting Fiona followed up with an icy explosion of her own, enveloping a large group of minions in a frosty, debilitating mist. Gemma charged the pack with quivering spikes visible on her armor, an indicator that her Ultimate was active. Lukas followed closely behind Gemma, saving his own Ultimate for the showdown against the boss.


Laera bewitched the boss itself. She struggled to maintain full control over it, but did manage to convince it to land a few attacks on its minions. Regardless, the absence of the boss’ combat power was a significant advantage for the Adventurers, buying them time to decimate the minion army without interference.


The strength of the enemy horde did pose a perilous threat, but the team’s combat mastery was more than suited for the challenge. The initial assault obliterated the minion army. Two topless Lucys pranced around the outskirts of the lair, expertly unleashing their powerful ranged attacks. Gwyn used her Dire Wolf to fend off some enemies while she and Laera peppered them with arrows and magic. Lukas and Gemma stuck together, rotating swiftly through different clusters of minions. Fiona’s flighty combat style made her near impossible to pin down.


Laera’s magical hold over the reptilian chieftain expired, and the monstrous foe began storming through the lair, trying to exact revenge for its fallen minions, but it was too late. One of Lucy’s arrows neutralized the last standing minion.


The Adventurers circled around the remaining lizardman, achieving the six-on-one matchup they’d been hoping for. With no apparent weaknesses discovered, Lukas and Gemma charged. The beast’s scales were thick, but not as armored as the exoskeleton they had faced earlier that day. However, the boss in front of them was not going to topple over and let them score free hits on its belly.


The brawl was brutal. Lukas roared out with aggression, triggering his strength boost as he dug his blades into the scaly beast. Gwyn tried her best to sustain her allies’ HP. Fiona could only watch as her throat-slitting dagger lay uselessly in her hands. Lucy would occasionally land a lucky shot in the enemy’s eye. The creature was resistant to fire, much to Gemma’s disappointment, though that didn’t stop her from slicing and stabbing at the towering creature as hard as she could with her flaming sword. 


Laera’s lightning, however, proved highly effective. The elven mage expended the remainder of her mana launching her magical bolts against the boss’ scales. She zapped away a large portion of the enemy’s health, opening up the killshot for Lukas or Gemma. Lukas landed two successive strikes, cleaving away what was left of the lizardman’s HP.


The Adventures cheered as the last reptilian fell, its resounding crash against the lair floor announcing their second boss-fight victory of the day. They were rewarded with a bounty of treasures. The group jogged over to a large pile of coins nestled in the back of the lair. Of particular note was yet another experience scroll placed behind the pile.


Along with the excitement of finding such an advantageous bonus came the trepidation: who would be the lucky Adventurer to enjoy its benefit?


After some initial discussion, it was Fiona who came up with the most agreeable plan. “I think it’s obvious who should choose how to apply it. Lukas is the leader of our group. He knows all of our profiles the best. The last one was used on him and he recently gained the forest lady bonus, so he’ll likely not use it on himself, though he’s welcome to make a case for that if he wants to. Can we all agree to be happy with whatever he decides… and not make it into a competition?” The redhead added the last part while glaring over at Gemma.


The rest of the girls nodded. Lukas took a deep breath and accepted the mantle of leadership that Fiona had so expertly set up for him. “We all fought hard today and I appreciate everyone’s contribution. I’m thinking it through, and I want to assure you that I’m not picking any favorites. I’m not even thinking about who deserves it the most. I’m solely making my decision on what would best improve the team.”


“Everyone in this group does an admirable job in the face of danger, but there’s one in particular who is constantly throwing herself at the enemy. As a team, we need her to be at her best. If she were to fall, the whole team would crumble soon after.”


He handed the scroll to a beaming Gemma. Despite his disclaimer that he’d chosen her to strengthen the team, and not for her personal accolades, she was still visibly exuberant upon hearing her master praise her in front of the others. The parchment disintegrated as she applied the bonus level.


The team packed up the rest of the loot, eager to head back to Vandhoven after spending so much time underground. The sun was long gone by the time they hobbled onto the streets of the city. They stumbled into the mansion, satisfied with their adventure of the day, but eager to fall into the comfort of their beds. Even Elvira was home from her late-night campaigning.


“Remember to plan your activities accordingly tomorrow,” she called out to the weary travelers. “Your highest priority should be to go cast your vote – for me, of course.”


After a refreshing night's rest, the adventurers rose early, eager to tackle another day in the caverns. Laera bid farewell to her elder sister, wishing her luck on her important day. Arriving at the foothills of the mountains, they set their sights on a newly discovered cave. A band of snarling kobolds greeted them in the entrance chamber. Dispatching them with ease, the party continued down one of the many available tunnels.


With the initial hurdle cleared, they ventured deeper into the tunnel system, facing their second challenge in the form of gigantic scorpions. The enemies' massive pincers and venomous stingers were swiftly neutralized by the party's combat prowess. The next room presented a formidable trio of trolls. The brutes’ immense strength was difficult to wear down, but Gemma’s fiery sword neutralized their regeneration, and the Adventurers' combined speed and strategy ultimately prevailed.


As they pressed onward, they encountered an enemy that was new to them: a coterie of eight banshees. The wraithlike creatures, with their deathly pale skin and ghoulish features, appeared frail at first glance. However, their appearance was deceiving. They opened their mouths and unleashed their main weapon: an ear-piercing scream, which assaulted the party’s minds and shook the very foundations of the cavern. They also wielded ice magic, making them a force to be reckoned with.


The Strength and Agility based warriors were forced to their knees, unable to bear the banshees’ wailing. Laera and Gwyn fared slightly better, but still struggled to retaliate. Lukas recognized what needed to happen. He triggered his magical immunity and led a solo charge against the screeching opposition.


The first banshee fell without significant effort. He slashed his way through the second and third one as the seconds ticked away. He smashed through the fourth one before realizing he wasn’t going to make it through all eight. The tall Adventurer managed to eliminate a fifth one and engage another before his boosted magic resistance expired. He felt the effects of the remaining headache-inducing shrieks, but the power behind them was not as intense. He had done enough.


The rest of his team had gradually returned to a somewhat operational state as their leader had cut down banshee after banshee. They managed to string enough attacks together to knock out a couple more of the creatures. Lukas had the satisfying privilege of silencing the last one with a mighty swing of his blades, bringing an end to the eerie wails that had filled the caverns.


The toll of the battle on the Adventurers was evident, but the weight of their narrow margin of victory was momentarily forgotten in the face of an impressive haul of loot. The room, which had threatened to halt their progress or even prove deadly just moments before, had become a reassure-filled testament to their resilience and determination. The girls praised Lukas for championing the fight, then began assessing the spoils. 


Amongst the coins they found a mana potion and a cluster of four small glowing orbs. “What are these?” Gemma asked, picking up the mysterious balls. 


“They’re Aegis Orbs,” Laera explained. “You put one in your mouth and crush it with your jaw. It grants you a temporary boost in magic resistance.”


“We should hand one out to everyone except for me and Gwyn,” Lukas said. “Gwyn can have this.” He picked up a ring from the loot pile and offered it to the short girl.



Ring of Mana



Sorcery: +2 boost to Mentality

Regeneration: boost mana regeneration by 10%



“Thanks, Daddy!” 


After a quick rest, they deemed themselves healthy enough to move on.


As they entered the next room, the team was met with another new sight. A massive underground lake stretched out before them, its crystal-clear water reflecting the flickering torches that lined the walls. Several rock platforms jutted out of the lake, creating a potential path across. The air was thick with the smell of damp earth and minerals, plus some other odor that none of them could identify.


“So,” Lukas said cautiously, “what do you think is hiding in the lake?”


“I vote we use Lucy’s twin as bait,” Fiona suggested. Lucy shrugged and started taking off her top.


“Wait,” Lukas reluctantly said, eyeing the archer’s exposed cleavage. “Let’s use Gwyn’s wolf. My instincts tell me that extra volleys from Lucy will be more helpful later on.”


Gwyn nodded and summoned her Dire Wolf.


Lukas turned to Lucy. “You can still strip now to be better prepared for later.”


Fiona snorted. “Pervert.”


Lucy smirked at the redhead. “Would you prefer that I keep my clothes on?”


“Our master has made a request,” the assassin replied with a mischievous grin. “I think you should get those big tits out.”


“Pervert,” the Ranger echoed the redhead's earlier tease, then exposed her busty bosom.


Gwyn’s animal familiar leapt onto the first rocky island, then sprung to the next. A rumble in the water gave them only a split-second warning. Tentacles as thick as tree trunks lashed out of the previously calm lake and enveloped the wolf. The helpless lupine beast was pulled into the depths of water by the sea monster. The Adventurers could only stand and watch, getting their first glimpse of what they were up against.


“Let’s not fight over there,” Lukas said. “I wonder how far up onto land we can get it over here.” He walked carefully over to the water’s edge and swished his sword in the lake. His team stood several paces back, ready to strike.


Sensing the slightest commotion in the water, Lukas leapt back from the edge. Multiple tentacles reached for the retreating Adventurer. His speed kept him out of range, prompting the sea monster to emerge completely out of the water, hoping to snatch its prey. The warriors received a full view of the lake boss’ grotesque form. It had a bulbous body with eight tentacles protruding from it, each one covered in suckers. It had a dozen tiny eyes, and below them, a roughly circular tooth-filled maw.


The team started unleashing their attacks on the monster, lacerating the flailing tentacles with their blades. The beast released a large volume of black ink out of its suckers onto the stony ground and slipped back into the water. Lukas eyed the black ink, calculating what possible danger it might pose to them. He didn't have to wait long to find out. It started to sizzle and bubble up, filling the air with the noxious fumes of poison.


“Fall back!” Lukas shouted. Lucy’s, Gemma’s, Laera’s and Fiona’s HP had already started to tick down. Gwyn was immune, and Lukas felt the triggered healing effect more than negating the effect of the fumes upon himself..


Back to the relative safety of the tunnel, Lukas prepared his team. "I think we can take this boss fight; we just need a solid strategy. I will be the frontline with Gwyn closely behind as my support. She'll dodge around the tentacles and inhale as much of the ink vapor as she can. Fiona and Gemma, do as much damage as you can, but as soon as that ink gets deployed, retreat. Laera and Lucy can use their range from a safe distance."


Feeling confident about their gameplan, the group once again approached the cavern lake. With a splash of his blade, Lukas summoned their enemy. Tentacles again tried to grasp him, and he leapt away, bringing the sea monster out of the water.


An immediate complication arose with their plan. The tentacles bore no gashes or scars from their previous attack. Despite that setback, the team sprang into action, their blades slicing into the flailing appendages. Gwyn positioned herself behind Lukas, waiting for the enemy to dispense its ink. The suckers ejected their payload, causing Fiona and Gemma to scramble for safety. Even the distant archer and mage took a few strides back. 


Gwyn stood her ground with Lukas, sustaining him with her automatic healing. Not wasting any time, Lukas lunged towards the water and splashed loudly. After a few seconds, the beast reappeared, its tentacles ready for another brawl. To the party's dismay, the nightmarish water creature was fully healed.


"The lake is healing it!” Lukas yelled back at his team. “We need a new plan," His momentary break in focus cost him, though, as a tentacle wrapped around him and lifted him high in the air. A well-placed Moonshot from Lucy struck the appendage, causing Lukas to be thrown a significant distance behind the beast. It was all Lukas could do to hang on to his weapons as he hit the watery surface hard.


Gemma stepped in, tanking the taxing, poisonous damage to keep the enemy's attention focused on the stony shore rather than the vulnerable prey swimming to its rear. Lukas swam over to a rock platform and hopped back to his team; the boss was none the wiser. Their Brawler's health ticked down to an alarming level, forcing the Adventurers to once again fall back to the tunnel.


The defeated team of young Adventurers were ready to turn around and head back, but Lukas lit one last flame of hope. “While scrambling to get out of that damn lake, I saw that thing’s humongous brain exposed in the back. If we can sneak Laera and Lucy to the other side, and keep it focused on the entrance, I think it will be vulnerable to their attacks.”


“If it manages to push you all back here,” Lucy said, indicating to their current safe haven, “we will be sitting ducks over there – almost literally.”


“It does seem risky,” Lukas agreed. “If you think you’ll be in too much danger, we can call it right now and go home.”


“No way,” Lucy said. “I still like our chances. Just don’t die.” She gave him a wink.


“Okay,” Lukas continued, “we’ll keep Fiona and her teleport in reserve for any emergencies. Gemma, you stay out of this. Your HP is too low for my comfort.” Gemma opened her mouth to protest, but Lukas’ stern look silenced her.


Five of them returned to the cavern. Gemma watched from the tunnel as Lukas summoned the enemy with a splash for the fourth time. Like clockwork, the creature surfaced, and Lukas fended off the powerful tentacles as the two Adventurers snuck by, jumping across the rocks. Lukas relied on his natural instincts and his years of training as all eight tentacles focused on maiming him. His dual blades served him well, allowing him to parry attacks from multiple angles at once. He roared out across the water, boosting his strength during a critical moment. He weaved through the slimy feelers, dodging all attempts to knock him off his feet. With one potentially fatal mistake, however, his feet got sideswiped from underneath him. The beast moved further inland to capitalize on its opponent’s faltering defense, but an explosive arrow slammed into the back of its brain, followed by a lightning strike. The Anoran mage and a pair of topless Rangers had found the perfect stone platform to launch their volleys from.


Their ranged attacks were relentless, rapidly eating away at the boss’ health pool. The treacherous ink squirted out, trying to cover the creature’s retreat, but the poison no longer worried the Adventurer’s. 


The lake monster started to slink back into the water, but a quick response from the redheaded Adventurer on the sidelines foiled its escape. She teleported behind it, triggered her Ultimate, and ruthlessly stabbed at its brain, once, twice, and then a third time. Thanks to the tremendous damage done by Lucy, Laera, and Lucy’s clone, the redheaded assassin’s third dagger strike proved fatal. She’d delivered the onslaught so quickly that Lucy hadn’t even had time to complain that she was blocking her shots.


The momentum of the battle carried both the dead monster and Fiona into the water. The redhead remained submerged and swam out of range of the poisonous ink vapor. As the defeated creature sunk back into the depths of the lake, the water level started to inexplicably recede as well. The lowering water exposed an island out in the distance. On the rocky enclave sat a large, shiny chest.


Gemma was in the water as soon as the noxious fumes dissipated, swimming ferociously towards the treasure. Fiona, already in the water, raced the Brawler there. Lukas evaluated the size of the chest, and then leapt in as well. While Gemma won the race, it took the three of them to haul the chest back to the room’s entrance.


They sifted through the contents of their rewards, Lukas found a pair of arm guards that were a good fit.



Bracers of Agility



Agility: +3 boost to Agility

Coordinating Arms: +10% damage boost when using dual-wielded blades



While there were no experience scrolls in the chest, he did feel a level up hit after the boss fell. Gwyn approached Lukas excitedly, which led him to conclude that she’d felt the same happen to her.


“Daddy, guess what?”


“Did you get a level up too?” he replied.


“Yes,” she said, “but that’s not all. I upgraded my Ultimate to level three. It’s not maxed.”


“Whoa!” Lukas exclaimed. “That’s unique.”


“Yeah,” she said with a smile. “Our Deviant classes are certainly mysterious.”


Lukas' thoughts turned to his own Ultimate ability for a moment before his attention was drawn to something new on his submissive’s hand. “That’s not the ring I gave you,” he said, pointing out a piece of jewelry on the half-elf’s finger. “Where did that come from?”


“Doesn’t it look beautiful?” she said, flashing a purple gemstone in front of his face. “My boyfriend finally proposed!” She laughed at Lukas’ shocked expression. “Just kidding. Monique actually gave it to me back in Stormpyre. It’s absolutely gorgeous and gives me a nice Vigor boost.”


“It’s definitely the right color,” Lukas said, earning a giggle from the cute girl.




The group returned to Vandhoven earlier than usual. Several members of their party were low on health; it would have taken too long for Gwyn to regenerate enough mana to heal them up properly. Regardless, they were eager to exercise their privilege of voting for their next Guildmaster for the first time.


All registered members of the Guild had a vote to cast, they could do so at the guild hall for almost the entire day – early in the morning to late at night – in recognition of the odd hours their profession often kept. The team arrived at the guild hall to find a line that was several people long, but it moved swiftly enough. With no one around to tease about potentially voting for someone else, they dutifully cast six votes for Elvira, then returned to the mansion.


The evening was slower paced, giving the group of young Adventurers a rare chance to relax. They ate dinner and played a few rounds of the team’s favorite, Rotten Nobles. Lukas also took the opportunity to upgrade his profile. It was finally time to upgrade his Ultimate and see what another level added.



Lukas Dameron

General Class: Deviant

Main Class: Dominant

Level 9



Strength: 23.7 + 11.2

Agility: 22.2 + 15.8

Mentality: 21.2 + 10.4

Vigor: 19.6 + 9.0



Confidence (Passive) - Maxed - shrug off 50% of magical damage and effects

Obedience (Triggered) - Level 2 - able to bind others through sexual contract. Dominant will passively receive a 20% boost in the primary trait of the Obedient subject(s)

Corruption (Passive) - Maxed - earn alternative and unique Dominance experience whenever Dominant is pleasured by Obedient subject(s)

Praise (Triggered) - Level 2 - Obedient subject(s) receive a +15 boost in both Strength and Vigor for 45 seconds, the Confidence effect is doubled during this duration

Discipline (Triggered) - Level 2 - Obedient subject(s) get an additional triggered skill, extra Dominance experience can be converted to HP at an inefficient rate

Restraints (Ultimate) - Level 2 - apply 2 stuns for the duration of 1 second, stuns can be applied to multiple targets or can be stacked on one target


Bonded Skills:

King of the Wood Nymphs (Triggered) - Maxed - passively grants +5 to all stats, can summon assistance while in the Mystic Forest



The duration of his stuns had doubled. He considered it a decent-enough upgrade, though nothing earth-shattering. Lukas was pleased with his decision, but knew the next skill upgrade would tax his judgment a lot more. He arose and began searching through the mansion, looking to satisfy his growing hunger. He had just eaten dinner, his stomach was full. It was a different appetite he needed to sate. His hunt ended when he found his curvy Ranger. 


Elvira was still out trying to win over some last-minute votes; Lukas assumed she would be at it until the late hours of the night. Her absence and their early return granted Lukas and Lucy the freedom to indulge in their choice of debauchery. The tall dominant had the caramel beauty bent over the armrest of her bedroom sofa and was plowing her juicy ass. The door was left wide open at Lucy’s request, inviting anyone to peek in at their loud and salacious rutting. 


Fiona was the first voyeur, standing in the doorway for several minutes frigging herself before moving on. Gwyn walked by and cheered them on. Gemma poked her head in for a quick curious glance, but left before she got too worked up. Even one of the maids blushed as she peeked in and stared for longer than what could have been considered an innocent mistake. Lucy orgasmed each and every time she saw a visitor peep in on their fucking, with one glaring exception.


“What is going on here?” a malicious and confident voice rang out from the doorway. Elvira strode through the bedroom door, signaling her early return from her campaigning. Hints of stress and anxiety were evident on her face, brought on by the suspense and distress from the election. Any attestation to her weariness was soundly overshadowed by an expression of absolute glee, as if her father had just bought her a new pony.


“This is a rather reprehensible situation you’re in,” she continued, “wouldn’t you say, Lukas dear? I had my suspicions, but I had hoped for my sister’s sake they weren’t true. That poor, naive little girl. She put her trust in you – gave you her virginity – and yet here you are, fucking this slut behind her back.”


Lukas observed the platinum blonde intruder quietly, keeping his hard dick buried inside his caramel exhibitionist. He felt no need to correct the elf. Instead, he was intrigued by what Elvira was planning to do – or at least threatening to do.


“It would truly be a shame for Little Laera to find out about her boyfriend’s infidelity,” Elvira continued. “I would hate to be the one to break such heartbreaking news to her, but I’m afraid I have no choice.” The busty elf approached Lukas with a smug grin, then leaned in so that her lips were very near to his ear. “Unless we could come to some sort of agreement.”


Lukas’ face remained stoic, devoid of any emotion. Elvira lightly nibbled on his ear and then made her demands. “You are now my bitch. This big dick of yours? It’s my toy, for me to play with whenever I want. You can keep up your duplicit relationship with my sister, but behind the illusion, I own you.”


The scheming elf looked down at Lucy’s round ass, which was still impaled by Lukas’ cock. “This bitch?” In a surge of confidence, she grabbed her hips and shoved her off the armrest and to the ground. “You’re done with her. Maybe if she behaves nicely and treats me with the proper respect, I’ll let her get a sniff of your dick after I’m done using it.” Lucy gave her a silent death glare in response. Elvira spat down on her. “I doubt it, though.”


“Do you understand our arrangement now?” the Anoran sneered at the tall Adventurer. “I’ve conquered the ‘great’ Lukas. This is what you get for cheating on my sister. Consider me a generous mistress, though. Serving me is hardly a painful punishment. You get the privilege of being a slave to the youngest Guildmaster ever.” The elven predator was entirely convinced she had cornered her prey.


Lukas turned to face his blackmailer. His deadpan expression gave no hint of his true emotions. “I sincerely thought you were making progress, Elvira.”


“Don’t patronize me slave,” the overconfident elf sneered back. “You got caught with your dick out, literally.” Her smirk faltered for a split-second. “Why did you leave the door open?”


“You’ve certainly thought of everything, haven’t you?” He folded his arms in front of his chest and let the words hang in the air. Elvira, likewise, simply stood and waited; if only she’d glanced over at Lucy, she might have realized sooner what was about to happen. Finally, Lukas let a wicked smile spread across his face. “Or have you?” 


He filled his lungs with air, and with a booming voice, he called out: “Laera! Come here!”


The loud outburst was like a bucket of cold water splashed in Elvira's face, draining the color from her cheeks. Her smirk faltered, replaced by a look of horrified disbelief. "Wait! No! What are you doing?"

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