The Duke’s Daughter Is the Knight Captain’s (62) Young Wife

Chapter 103

To the ball.

“Well, shall we go? Carol.”

“Yes, Master Wilhelm”

A week went by, right away.

I’m wearing a properly tailored, dark blue dress. Master Wilhelm is also a tuxedo. At this ball, Master Wilhelm is properly dressed because he is invited not as the Knights Commander but as a Duke of Ambrose family member.

On the carriage I arranged, we’ll ride together. The ball itself is hosted by the royal family, but we each have to make our own way to the royal palace. Sometimes the less wealthy aristocrats walk to the royal palace even if it’s costumes that cost them money. I don’t really want to. Dresses are hard to move, aren’t they?

Take the journey to the Royal Palace, shoulder to shoulder with Master Wilhelm.

I will now appear in the hall of the royal palace, and I am not the Duke’s Lady until now. Properly, I must officially greet you as Master Wilhelm’s wife.

My mother taught me once about manners and how to treat me around there…… is it ok?

“Carol, are you nervous?

Against me like that, yes, Master Wilhelm spoke to me.

You shouldn’t.

Would it have been so on your face, me?

“I’m sorry”

“What’s up?

“That… before, I thought it was the last ball that His Royal Highness Rayford had discarded my engagement…”

“Speaking of which, you did…”

It kind of seems like a very distant memory.

At that time, I was officially given the right to propose to Master Wilhelm for the destruction of my engagement in the midst of public sentiment.

Kah, and my cheeks got hot.

No, I don’t regret it. I’m just a little embarrassed.

“In front of all of you, I can’t help but imitate that you mouth Lord Wilhelm on his cheek…”


This attendance will not be very different from the previous one either. It’s just that the Marquis Anderson house wasn’t here last time, was it? Sure, he said he needed help in the realm.

And there is a custom that no other relative should attend a party that is not attended by our Lord. Noblemen, it is the Lord who should come forward, and in the event of the Lord’s illness, etc., he must greet him as the official representative of the Lord. The last time the Andersons did not participate because their lord was only away on errands.

Well, that’s why Lilia didn’t know about me and Master Wilhelm. This time, Lilia is supposed to rendezvous at the Royal Palace because she’s going to participate.

“As it were, well… last time.”

“Yes, and I must thank His Majesty properly for granting me and Master Wilhelm an engagement”

“Hmmm…… right”

“And then I have to hit Mr. Edward”


Black emotions erupt.

I can’t forgive Mr. Edward for making a bad hobby prank, just to surprise me. Because they say all culprits are Mr. Edward.

Master Wilhelm is bewildered by my words like that.

Well, hitting him is just a joke. Exactly, such imitations as beating the royal family at a ball hosted at the Royal Palace can even lead to the fall of the house.

“No, it’s a joke. I just… I’m trying to get a proper explanation.”

“Duh, what do you mean?

“Death of Master Wilhelm, etc…. such a great lie…”

“Oh… well, that’s…”

In my words, Master Wilhelm was also scratched in the cheek with another bad appearance.

Mr. Wilhelm is guilty of the same crime in this matter. Bad imitation of that kind of heart is something you would like to stop doing in the future.

“Not really. Don’t blame Edward. Do it.”

“… but”

“I’m sorry about that. In the first place, Noon himself asked the commander of the Empire to report him dead. Non gave up living then.”


“But before they took me, the doctor scolded me… and told me not to give up if anyone was waiting in my hometown. Thanks to this, it took a long time, but it was able to heal completely. And while they were connecting their lives, they were unable to report to the country. It was about a week before I returned home that I managed to issue the text of the report. It’s almost like the sentence arrives together.”

“Yes, was it…”

“When Non returned home, the Founding Fathers’ Festival had just begun. His Majesty turned to the report… but at that time, Edward and Carol were told that they were going to announce their marriage. That’s when it bothered me.”


Without looking at me, Master Wilhelm.

Just point straight at the front.

“I thought I’d stay dead.”


“I’m worried about the Knights, but Vector’s good with that too. I don’t have any servants at home, and I don’t have any particular interaction with my relatives. No one is in trouble where Noh is dead, and it was Noh who told him that he was dead in the first place. I can’t congratulate you… yes, I’m worried.”

That’s not true.

Don’t let them do that.

“If Non were to die, Carol would have gotten married to Edward. After that, he was given Wako as the future queen, and I think he was in a position to assume responsibility as the next mother-in-law. Edward is honest. Never let Carol cry. Therefore… if you think of the country, you should have withdrawn.”

“Dear Wilhelm, no -!”

Surprisingly, I don’t have a voice.

I can’t say anything. I never thought you’d think of that.

If I had chosen you.

Master Wilhelm can be told he’s dead while he’s alive – he becomes like a ghost.

“But I couldn’t choose”


“Non was able to survive… because Carol was there. Without Carol, I could have given up my life by now and been out of breath on the battlefield. That’s what makes Carol happy – yes, I’ve thought about it. So I told Edward I couldn’t do it, and he asked me to change everything about the wedding just before.”

“Oh, no…!

Master Wilhelm is suddenly embarrassed to say so.

No, I’m very glad you think that way. I’m really glad.

You came back to make me happy.

Because that’s more than happy for me…

“Well, then…… because of this, let me give you a little surprise, it was declared. I said I couldn’t… I couldn’t say it too strongly.”

“Was it…”

“Therefore, I hope you don’t blame me too much. He said he wanted you to have fun tonight.”

“… Yes”

What shall we do?

If Master Wilhelm says so, I can’t blame Mr. Edward any more.


Where should I hit this sprouted feeling of mine?

Let’s hit Zach when we get home.

“Well, looks like we’ve arrived”

“Ah…… yes!

From the window of the carriage, I saw the royal palace.

Even today the brilliant Royal Palace is lit with many bonfires. Like showing its beauty, even from afar.

Come on.

From now on, mine and Master Wilhelm’s.

It’s my first time as a couple, it’s a prom -.

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