The Duke’s Daughter Is the Knight Captain’s (62) Young Wife

Chapter 104

Ball on the way

The ball seemed to have already begun. Submitting an invitation to the guards, I was led to a venue where the nobles were already having a great time talking.

Apparently, you’re a little late.


“Ah, Lilia.”

As soon as I entered the venue, I joined Lilia. Lilia is the same, crimson dress as before. The red system suits Lilia well.

I am only here in the position of wife of Master Wilhelm, so it is half a step behind Master Wilhelm.

Lilia bowed her head in front of Master Wilhelm first as she came to me like that.

“Nice to meet you, Mr. Wilhelm Amblouse”

“Ugh, um. Nice to meet you.”

“My name is Lilia Anderson. It is in the eldest daughter of the Marquis Anderson family. Carol and I were close when we were at school.”

“Oh, did you? I want you to stay close to my wife.”

“Yes, thank you”

Lilia, smiling at, feels exactly like a deep-window maid.

This way, I’m honestly impressed that you called me your wife in public. But I’m more concerned about you because Lilia is wearing a cat for a long time.

Maybe even Master Wilhelm hasn’t grabbed it until the belly-black underneath it.

“Is that it?”


So, I was curious.

Lilia and Master Wilhelm seem to meet for the first time, but it was Lilia who did my part during the wedding. At that time, we should be face-to-face at least once.

My question like that must have been a prospect for Lilia, too.

“I worshipped your face. I’m here for the wedding, too.”

“Ah…… oh, did I? Sorry.”

“I can’t help remembering the face of the attendees at the wedding if that’s also the position of the groom. Especially since you work as a knight captain, many of you will be dating on top of your job. But Carol, my best friend, is the one I married, so I said hello again.”

“Right. No, I didn’t know Carol had such dependable friends. Best regards,”

“Yes, thank you”

Mm-hmm, and Master Wilhelm is nodding.

You’re totally hiding your nature. Does this mean this is the world of the noble lady?

Aw, and Lilia picked the end of her skirt and thanked Master Wilhelm again.

“May I speak with Carol for a moment?

“Oh, oh, I don’t mind. Non greets His Majesty the King and other acquaintances. Carol’s here, can I have a word with Miss Lilia?

“Ah, yes. Okay.”

“Uhm. But don’t follow the others.”

“Well. That can’t be true.”

I am glad that Master Wilhelm is so worried.

But I have shown in my dress that I am properly married, and there is no way I would be interested in a hall other than Master Wilhelm in the first place.

Master Wilhelm will have to greet you that way at work, but if I go with you, it may get in the way, and let’s wait quietly.

Then Master Wilhelm will get away from it.

Lilia sighed heavily.

“Uh, Shindo”

“Let’s try harder.”

“I’m tired of giving you a spare smile. Mostly, if I were another guy, I’d kick it, but I’m just Carol’s husband, and I’m a Flare Kista hero, and I have to treat him with a decent attitude.”

“Well…… but even if you can’t, you’ll still be tired, won’t you?

“Nothing, because there’s absolutely no contact between me and Master Wilhelm. When I visit Carol, she’ll be at work.”

“… right”

I do not know how long Master Wilhelm will be able to do your job.

But it is true that when Lilia comes, Master Wilhelm is mostly absent. I miss the lack of contact, but on the contrary, Lilia is beautiful, and maybe you should be reassured that you have nothing to worry about.

Lilia puts her arms together and then looks around her.

“Do you know what ball it is today?

“No, I only assume it’s a royal hosting”

“His Majesty the King had just said… that it would be a meeting to officially announce His Royal Highness Edward as the first heir to the throne. For once, externally, His Royal Highness Rayford is still the first heir to the throne. Carol and the others are late, so I don’t think they heard the announcement.”


“What a royal disgrace it does not expose to, being caught under house arrest by a phrase about to ramble in the Duke’s house, mad at the colorful incense of a junior nobleman’s courtier. Maybe, but I don’t think he’s gonna let you out for the rest of his life because he’s sick or something. Zaranai”

“… I don’t like your mouth.”

Totally, I’m stunned.

We’re never the only ones here. I don’t know if my voice is within reach, but there are quite a few people around.

Even so, Lilia says it that way without being timid.

But that was like a ceremony, wasn’t it?

Perhaps the first time His Majesty the King greeted him that way. If that were the case, I would also know that Lord Wilhelm went to greet His Majesty.

“And then I hear you’re looking for a good match for His Highness Edward.”


“My marriage to Carol, it’s gone. Well, if it was His Highness Edward, I’d say it’s a lot of deductions.”

“I guess.”

When I looked at Master Wilhelm as we talked about it, I was talking to Mr. Edward, who is exactly the person in the vortex.


It was indicated by hand. Maybe they asked me where I was.

Mr. Edward raised his eyebrows to his surprise and then headed this way.


“Hmm? That, Your Highness Edward? Something to do with Carol?

“Come on……?

I was just going to blame you a little bit, but you wouldn’t be talking to me about anything from Mr. Edward.

Even so, for some reason, I’m pulling a wave of people and heading this way. What’s wrong with it?

Well, if you can come, you should say hello, right?

Thank you to Mr. Edward, who is coming this way.

“Long time no see, Your Highness Edward…”


Mr. Edward went through my side like that.

Before Lilia, I was there.

“… what?

“Your, tell me your name!

I don’t know what that means, Lilia and I just said.

Kneel before Lilia like that, Mr. Edward.

What is the situation with this?

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