The Duke’s Daughter Is the Knight Captain’s (62) Young Wife

Chapter 38

Friend’s Complaint

“Hey, why the Knights?!?

“Is something wrong?

“How can you conclude that!? Oh, what? What do you mean? Am I crazy!?

“Have a seat first, Lilia”

That’s what I say, wipe the dirty table with Lilia’s blown tea.

I use high tea leaves, but you don’t have any body.

“Uh… hey sorry, let me sort it out”

“Go ahead.”

“Carol confessed her love to Master Wilhelm, didn’t she?


I can light it up when you say that again.

“So, uh… I don’t know how, but you got me wrong about being fumbled, right?


“So, I went to take the Knights’ entrance exam,” he said?



Is that so strange?

When it does seem so terminally arranged, there doesn’t seem to be a causal relationship there. But I made a good decision according to my own ideas.

My mother told me to be a good woman.

“Oh, yeah……”

“What kind of woman do you think Lilia is a good woman?


Lilia leans her neck just a little and thinks.

I don’t think it’s that easy to answer. To me, it still only looks like a blur.

But Lilia pointed her lips, and said.

“Good woman, right?

“Yeah. What kind of woman do you think she is?


I got an awfully terminal answer back.

“… what do you mean?

“No, you’re a good woman, right? I mean, you look good, you have a good personality, you have a good family, right? It’s not me.”

“… where does such confidence come from”

Ha, and exhales heavily.

I know Lilia is confident, but I didn’t think she was that confident in herself.

I still don’t have the confidence to affirm that I’m a good woman.

“But hey… isn’t that subjective after all?

“Subjectivity, is it?

“Yeah. Well, I don’t think Carol’s too confident.”


That’s undeniable, isn’t it?

I have no confidence. The Duke’s maid is also born and possessed. She also looks, like a child, young. My personality, too, is a weak woman who worries me this way.

Like Lilia, I wish I could have unfounded confidence.

“Um, Carol.”


“So you wanted to join the Knights in order to be a good woman?


“I don’t know much about the Knights, but will you even give a lecture like ‘About a Good Woman’ there?

“That can’t be happening.”

What are you talking about, Lilia?

If there’s such a lecture, I’d like to get it first.

“Then why did you want to join the Knights?”

“A good woman refers to a strong woman who can live. That’s why I thought about joining the Knights so that I could train both my body and my mind.”


Big, Lilia was sighing.

Why are you so frightened?


“I’ve always thought… you’re really smart, but you’re an idiot”

“It’s a contradiction.”

“You’re right, you have no choice.”

I did have a good track record in seating at school. You can recite the law, too. to various disciplines.

But because of that – the finesse of people’s minds, I don’t know.

Perhaps I am, indeed, as Lilia put it, an idiot.

“Hmm, what are you going to do by joining the Knights?

“I’m going to train both my mind and my body”

“I went on until you left the Knights, and Carol said, ‘I’m a good woman!’ Will you be able to say?


I don’t know.

As a matter of fact, I have no idea what kind of training I’m going to have in the Knights, etc.

To me, stuck in words, Lilia exhaled an extra-large sigh

“Where you joined the Knights, you can’t be a good woman. I guarantee it.”

“… why?

“‘Cause I don’t know what I’m talking about.”

What does it mean?

I was going to think hard too and come to this conclusion.

“I told you earlier, didn’t I? A good woman is a woman who looks good, has a good personality, and has a good family.”


“So who’s going to judge that? Who decides if I’m a good woman?


Who is it?

Is it your beloved companion? Would you admire me?


Before I answered, yes, Lilia said.

“I can’t recognize myself, and who will?”


“I ask you again, what are you going to do joining the Knights?

Lilia listens with a serious look.

What I want to do, join the Knights.

I just had a vague idea that I wanted to train my mind and body.

There is no goal of what exactly you want to do.

“There’s no point in you joining the Knights right now. Do you know why?”

“… no, I don’t know”

“The Knights are the forces that protect this country. It is sacred, made up of knights with the idea of protecting this country. If that’s what you heard earlier, you want to work out your mind and body? You want to be a good woman with confidence? Don’t be silly.”


To Lilia’s words, I can’t give anything back.

I did think only of myself. I just chose the Knights, just to build my confidence.

Many of Lilia’s words pierce her chest.

“We are nobles. Don’t forget that.”

“… aristocracy”

“What nobility should do is govern people, move nations. It’s not about fighting as a soldier on the battlefield. Even a woman doesn’t change that. What a woman born to a nobleman should do is support a man who is a partner”


“If you don’t see that, you don’t deserve to be named noble.”


I didn’t seem to understand the meaning of the position in a true way.

That’s why Lilia is telling me this right now.

“Ha… you’ve preached as planned. But I disagree with Carol joining the Knights. I’ve already taken my exams, and maybe now.”


“Is it a good woman to cry?

“No…… The crying woman is third-rate. A woman who eats and binds her teeth and endures is top notch.”

“Fine then. I was just worried about you.”

Yeah, I nod, and Lilia stands up.

And caressed my hair softly.

“Carol, I think you’re a good woman.”


I am unexpectedly surprised by Lilia’s words.

Without so much thought, early, weak me.

“He looks cute, he’s pure, he’s not the one to exhaust. Good lady.”

“… but”

“I told you. It’s subjective whether she’s a good woman or not. If everyone in the world denies it, I’m the only one who can tell you. Carol, you’re a good woman.”

My chest, it gets hot.

Lilia is the only one who can tell me like that.

So thank you from the bottom of my heart.

“Thank you, Lilia”

“Fine. ‘Cause.”

And Lilia, who smiled, thought it was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.

“Not my best friend, us”

I won’t tell him.

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