The Duke’s Daughter Is the Knight Captain’s (62) Young Wife

Chapter 39

Switching minds

“Ha fu…”

Chin, and wake up your body as you hear the birds twitch. It’s a comfortable wake-up call today.

In the end, I was tired of everything yesterday, too, dropped Lilia off at home, and ate dinner, took a hot tub, and fell asleep right away.

Okay, no more, you can’t devour inebriation.

From the sleeping roll, change into the piece I had previously received from my mother.

Lilia told me yesterday and I understand. I was never swept away by Master Wilhelm.

This would mean that the promise that we are going to have lunch with you is still valid. I mean, I can see Master Wilhelm today.

My chest bounces. You have to go out and be as fashionable as you can.

Decide to have Natalia fix your hair.

“Good morning, lady.”

“Morning, Natalia”

“Breakfast is ready”

“Yes, I’m on my way”

Leave the room and take Natalia to the dining room.

It’s rare today, and I’m the best. Father, mother and brother, we haven’t sat down yet.

Wait a little while before breakfast. The Duke of Ambrose family starts eating after the whole family is in place.

“Morning, Carol.”

“Good morning, brother.”

“Is that the one you were wearing before? You look great in a cute Carol.”

“Thank you”

Speaking of which, when I headed to the Knights with my older brother, it was these clothes.

My brother will sit next to me, rubbing his sleepy eyes. And likewise, I don’t get my hands on breakfast.

And finally, Father and Mother are in line.

We’ll exchange greetings, then we’ll have breakfast.

“Speaking of which, Carol, are you coming to the Knights today?

“Yes, I plan to have lunch with Master Wilhelm”

“Oh well. Well, I’ll tell you something in the morning. Speaking of which, I heard Zach and I got along pretty well.”

“My brother, do you know Zach?

“Oh. I belong to the same team. You’re a senior over there.”

Surprise. I knew my brother and Zach were colleagues, but you were surprisingly close.

But my brother is smiling, but his eyes aren’t smiling.

It’s black anyway.

“Anything, I swore Carol a knight’s vow.”

“Yes. I don’t know, I took it”

“Yeah. Okay. I’ll beat you up.”

And why would that be?

When I saw it, my father choked a lot because of the knight’s vows.

Is the Knight’s Vow so important that I just don’t know it?

Finish your breakfast without delay and accompany Natalia to the kitchen.

Chris was off yesterday, so he’ll be at work today. Peeping into the kitchen with that in mind, I was scolding Robert for admiration today.

Yesterday, Natalia told me that a lot of the disrespectful behavior she did to me had been reported to my mother.

But there didn’t seem to be any particular shanty. Why not dismiss it? That’s a mystery.

“Good morning, Chris”

“Ahhh… oh, good morning, lady”

“I’m going to deliver lunch to Master Wilhelm today, are you ready?

“Yeah, it’s done. We also have a lady’s share to make.”

Chris showed me that the lunchbox was 80% complete.

That’s Chris. Sounds delicious.

“What shall I do”

“Let’s not cook through the fire until we raise our arms a little more. The lady’s better than Bonkla there, but she’s still a little early.”


Robert tongues at Chris’ palpable dislike.

I still have a bad attitude, but as long as I’m teaching Chris, he doesn’t seem to try to get his hands on it. That’s reassuring.

“So what shall we do”

“Let’s make it a macaroni salad today. The ingredients are here, so hang them up.”

Cut the ingredients indicated by Chris diligently.

Cutting vegetables thin is hard. The macaroni was already boiled and chilled, so if you cut the vegetables and mix it up, you’re done.

But overall, the vegetables turned into fat salads.

“Yes, serve it then.”


I followed Chris’ instructions, served them, and completed Master Wilhelm’s lunch.

As for the time, you can still call it morning. It’s still a little early to deliver lunch, isn’t it?

I decide to thank Chris, pick up my lunch, and kill my time in the room.

The time you don’t have to do anything was unthinkable considering me before, but when you get it this way, it’s boring.

At a time like this, I wish it was one of my hobbies, but unfortunately I’m tasteless.

Rather than, you didn’t have the time to use it for your hobby, which is the real deal.

But the current situation is, this is how we spend our boring time. Is there anything I can do?



“I’m going to look for some hobby”

“… hobby, is it?

“Yeah. I’m bored with the time to do nothing. Don’t Natalia know any good hobbies?

“Right…… if the lady would like, how about knitting or something?

“Knitting, is it?

I’ve never done it, but I’ve heard the story.

They knit the yarn with a knitting stick, so that even mufflers, clothes, and puppets can be made.

But isn’t it difficult?

“If you’re interested in your daughter, Wonder, this Natalia will tell you.”

“Can Natalia knit?

“I just learned to play with my hands at an early age, but not quite.”

“Well, tell me”


Natalia leaves the room once, then comes right back.

What I brought was yarn and two knitting sticks.

“Let’s start by knitting from a simple muffler”

“Yes, what should I do”

“First, hold the knitting stick…”

While Natalia teaches, hold the knitting stick and knit the yarn.

It’s surprisingly difficult. But if you get used to it, your hands are going to move without thinking about it.

The only yarn Natalia has brought is one color, but it looks like you can also make something colorful by combining many colors. I don’t see how we can do this, though.

And time passed while I was knitting, so I decided to head over to the Knights.

Take the knitting stick and the yarn with you. Until Master Wilhelm is here, let’s decide to knit.

The Knights, just a short walk away, as usual, the reception was like Gail.

“Oh… Welcome, Dear Carol”

“Hello, Master Gail”

“I’ve heard from Alberto. I’ll show you.”

Guided by Master Gail, we will still head to the reception room, not the office as before.

It doesn’t seem to be lunch break yet, and while I sat on the couch and waited, I decided to continue knitting.

It’s surprisingly funny.

“Lady… you’re very used to it”

“As long as we go beyond the beginning, all we have to do is keep doing the same thing. But let’s keep doing this until we get used to it.”

“Okay. Tell your husband I’ll buy the yarn.”

Yes, let’s knit a very large muffler.

Me and Master Wilhelm are different heights, but they are still big and long enough mufflers to wrap around the necks of both me and Master Wilhelm with one muffler.

If you think about the future of winding it up and joining Master Wilhelm, that will loosen your cheeks.

In no time, the reception room was knocked.

“Shh, I’m sorry! You made me wait, Carol!

Yes, there was Master Wilhelm, as if he was in a hurry somewhere. Still tough today.

I smiled and bowed my head. Really, relative to Master Wilhelm, my cheeks loosen.

“Waiting for you, Master Wilhelm”

“Ugh, um… no, uh…”

“Please sit down, Master Wilhelm. Lunch boxes are available here”

Opposite Master Wilhelm, I open my lunch.

I’m still Master Wilhelm, who doesn’t usually have lunch, but I guess I’m hungry. I looked at my lunch box, and I rang my throat.

“Well… let’s have it”

“Please, Master Wilhelm. It’s tea.”

“Oh, oh… sorry”

Master Wilhelm will be served a bite.

But I feel like I’m in a hurry sometime. Is there also a busy situation?

Master Wilhelm was eating, but watching over me.

“Uh… that, Carol”


“No… I’m surprised it’s too unusual… you’re not mad at Noon?

And so.

That’s what you’ve been asking me, looking like you’re scared at some point.

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