The Duke’s Daughter Is the Knight Captain’s (62) Young Wife

Chapter 41

Finish your lunch.

After all, Master Wilhelm was not talked about Robert until the end.

No matter how many times I asked him, he said, “No more than Elizabeth has not spoken”. What the hell is Robert like to our family?

I just thought you were just a dumb cook, but you might have to change your perception.

Sooner or later, let’s ask your mother.

At the end of lunch, Master Wilhelm said he had an errand, so I decided to go straight home.

I can’t help being in the Knights all the time, and I shouldn’t interrupt your work.

So I came to the entrance to take Natalia back to the mansion.

“Oh, Carol.”

“… is it Zach”

I wasn’t wanting to see anything else, but I did.

Looks like he was talking to Guy at the reception somewhere. Are we close?

“Hey Zach…… you”

“Well, never mind, Mr. Gail. Carol and I are childhood friendly.”

“Uh… you know, Dear Carol?

“Very unwilling, but you’re right, so you’re in trouble”

Ha, and exhales heavily.

Of course, on purpose. It’s a show.

But such an unwelcome attitude on my part didn’t seem to pass on to Zach.

You stopped by for a percentage, and you looked me in the eye.

The more you exhale, not so much, but close enough. It makes me a little embarrassed, but you can’t show Zach that attitude.

“You made up?

“… Yep”

“Good for you. I was wondering if there was anything I could do.”

“Nothing else”

“Ha… Something’s cold, Carol. Why are you in such a bad mood?”

It’s not like I’m in a bad mood.

I don’t want Zach to see me any weaker because he’s seen me cry.

Oh, yeah.

Speaking of which, Zach had something to ask.


“Am I?”

“Did your brother beat you up?

“Oh…… they did. I got a clean shot at first thing in the morning and it flew a little conscious.”


Looks like he really hit you, brother.

But he doesn’t seem to know why, “I don’t know. Did you do something to me, Mr. Alberto?,” he tilts his neck.

Apparently, it didn’t explain why.

“You know what? Did I do something to Mr. Alberto?

“I don’t know. I’ve only heard that I’m gonna beat him up.”

“Seriously -… no, I seriously don’t get it. Why don’t you just listen to me?

“I don’t like it. Listen to yourself as much as you’ve done.”

Yeah, and turn away.

For some reason, Natalia was surprised at my attitude like that. Was there anything strange about it?

So, apple, and in the Knights, the bell sounded.

“Uh… lunch break is over. Mr. Gail, isn’t it super easy to get a reception or something?”

“I want you to give me a break because I’m blunt, too.”

“‘Cause I’m going to train the captain from noon. I can only see a future where I’ll never be able to stand on my feet.”

“Well… good for you at reception only today”

Apparently, Master Wilhelm’s errand from noon was to train.

As a person who is not part of the Knights, it seems an honor to say that he will train from Master Wilhelm’s hands. But apparently, you’re pretty tightly trained.

I’d love to visit if I could, but that would be impatient. Here, you should go straight home.

“Okay, Dear Guy. Excuse me, sir.”

“Oh, oh, dear Carol. See you later.”

“Bye, Carol. See you next time.”


Turn your back on Master Gail and Zach and accompany Natalia back to the mansion.

This afternoon, what shall we do? For one thing, Master Wilhelm and I would like to have the mufflers that we can wrap around by the time winter arrives. Though, it’s still spring, so I’m a lot ahead of you.

Knitting is fun, but all you can do is build up in the summer.

Natalia seems to know a lot about it, and if there’s anything else she could possibly make, let me know.

Then we arrive at the mansion and change into room clothes first.

Then we sit on the couch, take out the knitting sticks and the yarn, and it goes on in the morning.

If you’re manipulating the yarn, you can lose your mind. I’m mostly used to it, so my fingers are starting to move without being aware.


“Yes, ma’am”

So like this, you can move your fingers even as you have a conversation.

Seems like a lot of adaptability to it, me.

“Earlier, what were you surprised by?


“Yes. Seems like you were quite surprised when me and Zach were talking, was there something?

If something strange happened, I think we have something to report. Even so, Natalia didn’t say anything in particular.

If I don’t have to worry about anything in particular, I don’t mind.

“Oh…… no, it’s not a big deal”

“Is something wrong?

“No… a lady like that, I thought it was unusual”


Did I do something?

I don’t remember doing anything particularly unusual.

“What do you mean?

“Well… forgive me for being a servant, but for speaking out loudly”

“I don’t mind. Natalia is like a family to me.”

“Thank you. Now… if you’ll excuse me, it’s the first time I’ve ever seen a young lady say her opinion so strongly.”


Am I the one who makes a strong point?

I wonder what that means.

“Because the lady was always the one who wouldn’t say no, no matter what she said”

“… is that right?

“Yes, the lady was told nothing when she decided to marry His Highness Rayford, when she was educated as queen for it, or when her engagement was unilaterally broken. It’s just that they accepted everything.”

“… right”

Sure, I don’t think there’s much you’ve ever refused to do.

It’s not a problem that I would solve with my mouth out, and I left myself to the flow, something like that?

“That’s what’s been so strong about that guy named Zach.”

“… well, it’s Zach”

“I was glad that Natalia had someone to forgive.”

I didn’t mean to forgive Zach for his heart, but surely, against Zach, you don’t care weirdly.

Do you know it from an early age, because it is one factor?

Or maybe it’s because you’re the one who got the knight’s vows and the doings. You swore allegiance to me, and you said.

“I can forgive my heart, that may be a slightly leaping way of saying… but from what I can tell, against Zach, the lady seemed like a cheap opponent, as much as when dealing with Lilia”

“… hum”

If Natalia felt that way, she probably did.

You do have a strange sense of security for Zach. It doesn’t matter what attitude I take, I suppose. Is that the relationship you can forgive?

Is this out strong because I don’t think anything about it where Zach hates me?

But maybe there’s something I’d rather think about if they didn’t like it.

I don’t want to be hated, I don’t think.

I don’t know, I don’t know why.

“Master Wilhelm said. Again, think about it. I, too, think the lady should reconsider.”

“… right”

Lately, I don’t get it.

Was I, by far, a person without initiative?

“Oh, and then, lady”


“I’m sorry, I’m on vacation tomorrow”

“Really, I get it. Rest your body slowly”

“No…… Um”

Like Chris, Natalia has four days a month off. The Duke of Ambrose family is never black.

But Natalia is nowhere, and I feel sorry for her.

“Tomorrow too… the lady will be headed to the Knights, won’t she?

“Yes, I have to deliver lunch.”

“The escort… what will you do?


What shall we do?

I didn’t think about it.

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