The Duke’s Daughter Is the Knight Captain’s (62) Young Wife

Chapter 42

Routine collapse

Hmm, and wake up and stretch your body first.

Yesterday after all, I’ve been knitting ever since I got back to my room. It’s surprisingly fun.

Well, Natalia’s off today, but that still doesn’t translate into me heading to the Knights. For one thing, I asked Richard for a family order yesterday.

Richard is a very successful man, for example, who is about to reach old age. You’ll protect me, too. All you have to do is look at women’s breasts. It would help if you could fix the vices.

“Good morning, ma’am”

“Morning, Richard.”

Richard will bow carefully.

And when Natalia’s with me, I just look at Natalia’s breasts, but that’s not true when I’m alone. Because I’m a pepper.

… I don’t know why, I’m getting sad.

“What will you do today?

“After breakfast, we’ll go make lunch to deliver to Master Wilhelm. After that, we’ll kill time until noon before heading to the Knights.”

“Yes, sir.”

Natalia knows all her plans, but it’s fresh because this is the first time she’s been out with Richard. I thought it would go with my brother’s departure and his return home, but I stopped thinking that would be an annoyance to the Knights.

And speaking of the strong ones I know, I’m Deborah, who serves Lilia, but you can’t just have Lilia present for lunch with me and Master Wilhelm. In the first place, Master Wilhelm and Lilia have nothing to do with it.

Finish your family breakfast and take Richard to the kitchen.

As always today, Chris was scolding Robert. Speaking of which, did Natalia report properly to her mother?

Exactly, as far as the attitude of the servant is concerned, what did your mother decide?

I should have asked you at the breakfast table, though. Now, though.

“Morning, Chris.”

“Ha… Ah, good morning, young lady”

“What can you tell me today?

“Uh… wait a minute. I will prepare the ingredients now. Is Natalia not here today?

“Natalia is off today, so I decided to ask Richard to accompany her”

“Oh, are you off? So, the Knights are going with Richard, too?

“Yes, I intend to”

Um, and for some reason I seem worried, Chris frowns.

The look, pregnant with suspicion somewhere, goes to Richard.

“Mr. Richard, can’t you protect the lady properly?

“Excuse me, Chris. Even so, I used to be a mercenary.”

“… no, it’s an old story. Look, the Knights are close.”

Come on, and the ingredients Chris has taken out are a little smaller meat. Bowel stuffing, huh? Apparently, they’re letting me do the baking today.

I’ve been taught fish muniel before, but lately it was just something that didn’t put the fire through, so you’re a little anxious.

“Well, let’s bake this.”

“Yes, what shall I do”

“Lay oil on the frying pan first…”

Follow Chris’s words and bake the bowel stuffs. I’m a little scared.

But it seemed like it already had a lower flavor, and there was no particular flavoring, etc. It just seems like it just made me learn to add and subtract baking.

You shouldn’t be scared of this much baked food.

Phew, and wipe the sweat off your forehead.

Speaking of which, Robert should have been here today, but you don’t feel a nasty glance. He said he’d always look at me like he licked me.

And, looking around the kitchen, Robert wasn’t there. Did you even go on some errands?

“Am I right? Michelle, Robert’s idiot. Where the hell have you been?

“Yes, no, I don’t know, but…”

“Toilet? How many times do I have to say something if I’m leaving the kitchen? Damn, you’re not coming home anymore!

Apparently, it’s not moving at Chris’ direction.

I don’t obey orders, I act on my own, I don’t reflect when I get angry, I tongue when I get scolded… you’re already a person with suspicious eyes to see the Duke of Ambrose family.

For one thing, as far as I’m concerned, I didn’t have Robert’s gaze, so let’s just say it’s good.

“So, Chris, that’s it.”

“Oh, yes. Yes, sir.”

“Then I will receive it. Chris, thank you for every day.”

“It’s okay, my wife gave me an extra reward.”

Was it? I didn’t know.

But if you think about it carefully, that’s a natural consideration. You’re going to have to reflect on your salary because you’re going out of your way to let busy Chris make lunch for three. I didn’t realize there, I’m still immature.

You will receive your lunch from Chris and return to your room. It’s still early at noon, so I’ll kill time.

I’ve been knitting for a long time yesterday for some reason, so the muffler is awfully long. That’s long enough for you.

But what I taught you yesterday is how to keep knitting the muffler. When I’m done knitting the muffler, I don’t know how to finish it.

You won’t even know Richard, and once the muffler is done here, teach Natalia how to fasten the last one tomorrow.

While we’re at it, it’s been a good time, so we’re leaving the mansion for the Knights.

Richard is next door, which is so uncomfortable.

“Hey, it’s been years since I’ve been out with a lady.”

“I don’t remember, did there used to be?

“Yeah. I’ve been with you a couple of times when I was a kid. Not since Natalia became exclusive to your daughter.”

“Was it”

It just didn’t seem like I remember.

But it seems quite a long time ago that you don’t remember.

“Hey, I don’t do buyouts or anything these days, and it’s fresh to go out during the day at work like this”


“Yes, I am a family ordinance, so it is my role to give instructions to all my servants.”


Speaking of which, for once, Richard is in the greatest position of our servants.

My position is higher than that of Chef Chris. When someone rests, it’s also Richard’s role to go in there instead, so he knows most about our house.

That’s right.

Ask Richard about Robert.

“Speaking of which, Richard”

“Yes, ma’am”

“I’d like to ask you something.”

“May I have a moment, ma’am?”

Richard hasn’t turned this way, and that’s what he’s been controlling with his hands. What’s wrong with it?

I wonder if something’s happened, and I look ahead to Richard’s gaze.

There was one woman, walking.

It’s a bang. Besides, it puts out the valley very well. She also has a beautiful face.

… Richard keeps looking at that chest. Wouldn’t you like to hide it a little?



Somehow, it just seems like Robert is noticeably too bad, and Richard has a lot of problems, too.

Well, Richard is mostly old, and it’s time to retire. You shouldn’t have a wave.

And – yes, casually, look at Richard.

Then on the head – something – swung down – blood -.


It’s like a blunt instrument, where Richard is beaten from behind and falls.

I can only see it without screaming.

And – two men with a humble grin, they looked at me.

“I’ll have you come with me…”


“I don’t know, isn’t that right? It’s easy to catch.”


Two men and a woman that Richard had been staring at earlier.

Surrounded by those three, I was held to my mouth.

And – they took me away, and I did.

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