The Duke’s Daughter Is the Knight Captain’s (62) Young Wife

Chapter 43

Before he got caught.

When I woke up, it was dark.

Apparently, you’ve been sniffed some kind of medication, which is a lot of confusion. I just found out that I was lying down and put in something narrow.

I have a bad headache and I don’t want to think about it. But no matter what you think, the biggest crisis in my life is hitting.

You’re probably in a carriage because of the vibrations from one to the next. Force your aching head to awaken to grasp the situation.

First, your hands are tied.

And legs, both ankles tied.

Monkey bite in the mouth.

And it feels like it’s been put in something like a hemp bag, apparently. That also seems to be overlapping many times.

Whatever you think, they hurt Richard, they must have kidnapped me.

And to think, I supposedly came to this kind of evil after getting my information right.

At first, Richard was blinded, I guess the Bunban woman was also a trap. Richard doesn’t have eyes in a woman’s chest.

“Ha ha, that was an easy job. It’s a good job to just play and live for two whole years.”

“It’s about time, isn’t it? I’m supposed to be handing it over around here.”

From outside the hemp bag, you can hear that.

Perhaps it’s the voices of those who grabbed me. And apparently, someone has instructed them to grab me.

I don’t know where you are right now, but the carriage is pretty shaky, so I guess it’s not serviced. That may mean you’re off the street.

What would be best for me to do now?

“Why don’t you and I play before you hand it over to the client?

“Fool, what are you talking about? As a bad boy, don’t let him get in a bad mood.”

“That’s a very young girl hobby, isn’t it? I’m not excited about a kid like that.”

“Ugh. She’s a duke’s maid, so I thought you might enjoy it.”

From the voice, probably three.

Two men who attacked Richard and one woman who had to have been walking in front of me, I guess. Besides, there seems to be a client.

Unfortunately, my physical abilities are significantly lower, so I won’t even be able to escape the three of them with my opponents.

I don’t know who my client and I are, but if there’s a gap to escape, will it be after I’m turned in and these three leave?

Tongue, and your body hits a swinging carriage. My shoulder hurts like that.

“Well, you haven’t woken up yet. The lady.”

“I don’t use drugs that strong.”

“You’ll see when you wake up. Well, as soon as you figure out what’s going on, you’re gonna scream.”

Unfortunately, I’m already awake.

My head isn’t awake right now, but I’m calm enough not to scream for once.

Or if I scream, I feel more at risk to me.

It would be best to keep pretending to sleep here.

It’s never a calming situation.

But in a hurry, in a hurry, things won’t get better.

Then I will have to try to calm down and figure out a way to escape.

“Oh, I see it. That’s the hall, isn’t it?

“Damn, let me carry you all the way to the back of this mountain.”

“Well, okay. They’ll play the reward for that.”

“If you think about the danger of entering noble private property, you can have more, right?

“So is that. Let’s negotiate.”

Aristocratic private property, mountain backs, halls.

Organize as much information as you can grab, even.

I don’t know what time it is right now, but I don’t think it’s been that long since I’ve used a drug that strong. You can see the sun from the gap in the hemp bag, and I guess the sun is still high.

It hasn’t been that long since I was caught before noon. From there, to think about this wobble, you’re giving it so much speed, I guess not. In other words, options are limited.

And the closest mountain to Wang Du…

If you come out of the South Gate, the closest you can find is Mount Cuffs, on the border between the Duke of Ambrose and the King’s Capital. Mount Cuffs should have once been the private property of the Duke of Ambrose family. Mushrooms are native, so you were limiting access, sure.

And the hall…

Build a hall in the back of the mountain, that’s not going to happen. But on the summit of Mount Cuffs, a separate house of the Duke of Ambrose house is built. You should just use it when doing mushroom hunting and so on, and it’s hardly usually used.

To judge the situation, this is likely Mount Cuff. And it’s also more likely to be a separate home for the Duke of Ambrose family.

I don’t know everything in a hemp bag, but if so, you’ll give me a chance to escape, too.

The carriage stopped slowly.

It finally eliminated the unpleasant vibrations.

“Yeah, I’ll put it down. Hold it that way.”

“Can’t you carry it by yourself?”

“Ugh. It would be troublesome if I carried him by myself badly, dropped him and woke him up.”


On my body, two men touch me over a hemp bag.

I hope they don’t touch anything weird, but they shouldn’t resist.

Now, let’s take advantage of their misconception that I’m asleep.

My body loses weight and floats in the universe.

With one around the neck and one around the leg, I’m totally floating. I’m glad they didn’t touch the weird part.

And I can somehow tell by the feeling that the two men move on as they float in the universe.

“Thank you”

So, there was another voice.

I’ve heard it a lot – I’ve heard it a few times from time to time, nasty voices.

“Ugly, I’ve delivered your order.”

“Duke of Ambrose, please confirm the identity of Carol Ambrose.”

“It’s still working, I’m asleep.”

My hemp bag in it is lowered and its mouth is opened.

The sun comes in. We have to keep pretending we slept.

Close your eyes and look at me removed from the hemp bag.

“Oh…… sure. Definitely.”

“Well, let me give you your promised reward.”

“Oh. Here’s the reward”

The noise of chatter.

Probably giving you a bag with gold coins. If it’s gold, it’s quite a lot.

I don’t think I’m in a position to have this much forehead.

“Well, we’re around here.”

“Enjoy yourself, sir”

“I know you do, but you don’t have to say anything else.”

“Of course you do. Come on.”

Ugh, laughing, I could see the signs of the men moving away.

And one remaining client lifted my body.

“Damn…… oh, I finally got it…… Carol”

My hand stroking my hair, it’s disgusting.

My hands touching my cheeks, they’re disgusting.

My eyes that look at my body, they’re disgusting.

I just finally figured it out.

“As long as I get Carol, the Duke of Ambrose can’t turn against me either… Damn, I’ll tell you that the one who inherits the blood of an authentic Duke family is what the Lord deserves…”

Master Wilhelm also said, “It’s a problem with the one”.

I don’t know what happened in the past.

When you open your thin eyes, there you go.

With an inferior face, I nod my tongue – Robert’s appearance.

“Ku, ha, ha, ha, ha!

Robert was never fired when he said he was dumb and wouldn’t listen to instructions.

I don’t know what happened.


Only that Robert and the Duke of Ambrose have some deep cause, I see.

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