The Duke’s Daughter Is the Knight Captain’s (62) Young Wife

Chapter 44


Again, I had the feeling.

In the first place, there was an unlimited likelihood of an inside offender at a time when he had information about the Duke’s servant.

When he grabbed me, a bamboo woman was walking in front of me, and Richard was distracted by the woman and beaten from behind. This would be information that you can’t stream unless you’re someone who knows Richard’s vices.

And most importantly, it was decided this morning that Natalia is off today and Richard is acting for her. And Robert, who told Chris that Natalia was off and disappeared shortly afterwards, is not extremely suspicious no matter what he thinks.

But there’s something I care about.

Robert said that it was the blood of the rightful Duke’s family that the Lord deserved.

But Robert is just a cook you’re holding. Maybe this is what Master Wilhelm was saying?

Close your thin eyes gently before you and Robert meet each other.

It doesn’t seem to be a situation where, unless you break out for a moment, your life is in immediate danger.

“Now everything’s going to be fine… fucking jizzy, watch it in the afterlife. I’ll take over the Duke of Ambrose!

What can I do to help Robert inherit the Duke of Ambrose family?

I am only the eldest daughter of the Duke’s family. As long as my brother exists as my eldest son, I will not inherit the Duke’s family where I was forced to marry him.

Even so, Robert’s words like that.

Is there still a secret I don’t know?

“Oops…… you can’t leave me sleeping in here. Soon, you’ll be my bride. We have to take care of him.”

It’s an absolutely unpleasant future.

My thoughts are dedicated exclusively to Master Wilhelm. I have no emotions other than disgust for Robert, who is just a cook in the first place and always sees me with nasty eyes.

I can see Robert can hold me.

Nothing but discomfort, but patience now. Apparently, there’s no such thing as Robert here, and as long as Robert leaves, he may be able to see the gaps and escape.

What we also need to do to do that is to have information.

Apparently, he went inside the hall. I’m supposed to be locked up, but how can I get in?

I remember hearing that I cleaned regularly, so maybe I could come in in in that connection?

“Well, lie down here.”

Yes, it was the bed that brought me down.

Is it a little dusty because it’s been a long time since I cleaned it? I don’t remember everything right up to the spacing of a separate home, and I don’t know what kind of room it is.

If you stay away from me like this, you might at least be able to grasp the situation.

“Phew… Damn, they used a pretty strong pill. I just want you to wake up.”

Unfortunately, I’m already awake.

But now I know. If you keep pretending to sleep, you seem safe for one second.

And – yes, that’s when I thought.

Robert’s hand touched my cheek.

“Well, okay”

That hand, slowly touching my skin, went to my neck.

And to the button on my back, of a piece of water my mother gave me.

“You’re an ant to do one shot while you’re asleep.”

Nasty hands come unbuttoning me.

And then my other hand touched my thigh and skirted it as-is…



Unexpectedly, I screamed so small in disgust.

Robert sends his eyes to me in suspicion.

And – or so I laughed.

“Oh, my God, you’ve been awake, lady.”

Again, it fell apart.

You can’t go on pretending to sleep any longer. I immediately opened my eyes and paid for Robert’s hand, which touched me.

“… what is it, Robert”

“Whatever you ask. The lady is going to be held by me.”

“Ya, stop it!

“Hey, don’t worry, lady. I’ll do it all night until I lose my back. I’ll offend you to the point where I can’t think of anything. I’ll dye your mind and body.”





My body and mind are all dedicated to Master Wilhelm.

You can’t let a man like this take that away from you.

I stare desperately at Robert, who laughs abusively, not to break his heart.

“Damn, isn’t she cute, lady?”

“Hey, why me?!

“Why, hey. If you resent your mother, you resent Jiji.”

“Ha, mother and grandfather!?

“Hey, aren’t you listening to me at all?”

Goddamn it, Robert laughs.

Even that laugh seems to be looking down on people, and it’s terribly offensive.

“Let me tell you my real name. I’m Robert Ambrose.”


“I was born as the eldest son of my former lord, Duke Ridd Ambrose.”

Unexpected words, I can’t keep up with my thoughts.

Robert Ambrose.

Only immediate blood families can name the Ambrose surname. Naming a branch is unacceptable.

He named such a surname, and was born as the eldest son of your grandfather -.

“Hey, why…!

“Well, I don’t know. Come on. The lady will marry me. And I will be the blood of the Ambrose family again. The only thing I’ve lost is naming Ambrose’s last name. If I get the last name of Ambrose again, I’ll be the rightful one.”

“Duh, what do you mean!?

“I don’t care. Ladies, you just have to do what I say!

A star flew in front of me, along with the sound of ooh.

The first thing I felt was shock. Then heat and pain.

Unexpectedly, hold your cheeks.

Robert – without any hesitation, hit me.


“Yeah, yeah, that’s how you’re gonna grow up. Well, you can cry. Anyway, nobody’s coming to the back of this mountain, and noble private property. It’s fun to offend a sobbing woman.”


Robert has a grin that I can only call that.

On each end of the word, a number of evil deeds have emerged that have been done so far. Perhaps so far, he has been a nasty imitator of various women.

And – I, too, get the same eye.

“Come on, you’re right first… do it”

That’s what Robert says, and he comes closer with his hands on his pants.

I can only lag behind in resistance at least.


You can’t give up – you can’t.

I am.

I’m Carol Ambrose.

Knights Leader – Master Wilhelm’s, because he’s going to be a young wife -!


When Robert approached me and tried to be a horse rider.

Thoughtfully, I went to that groin, and I hit my knee.

“Ugh, guh!?

Guru, and it felt like crushing something on my knees. It’s very disgusting.

But although it was a slight resistance.

Robert was stunned.

Hold on to your groin, you’re puffy and shivering.

Thank you so much Lilia for telling me that men are most effective when attacking the groin!

I didn’t miss the gap, I immediately left the bed and jumped out of the room.

This is a separate home of the Ambrose family on the summit of Mount Cuff.

Then I know the way home.

There may be wild beasts, but compared to Robert.

“Wait, fuck you!

From the dusty entrance hall, open the big door and go outside.

That, in a moment.


Why are you there?

Why do you want me to come then?

Master Wilhelm, take me for jumping out.

Keep it up, hold me.

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