The Duke’s Daughter Is the Knight Captain’s (62) Young Wife

Chapter 64

Getting ready to go out


After my lecture at the garrison, I went back to the mansion. Usually we go through dinner time as a family, and then we make materials, including Mary, but not today.

But it’s dinner for now. When I get home from my lecture, it’s mostly just dinner time.

“I’m home now, Father, Mother.”

“Welcome home, Carol”

Already in the dining room, Father and Mother were seated. My brother is not here. I got out late today, so I think they’re going home late. My brother said it was a late shift.

For one thing, I will sit in my seat, although my brother is not here.

“Carol, that sounds like fun”

“Yes, Mother”

“Was it also a good thing?

“Yes, Master Wilhelm invited me out tomorrow”

Buh, and for some reason my father spit out a sip of tea.

I wonder why.

“Really? Will Master Wilhelm be able to come?

“Yes, you’ll pick me up tomorrow morning,” he said.

“Okay. Have fun, Carol.”


To your mother’s words, I nod so.

But it’s okay. If I can be with Master Wilhelm, I’m fun everywhere.

Sometimes now. Which way can you take me?

“Oh, hey, Elizabeth…”

“Master Wilhelm himself will be told. Maybe that’s why I invited Carol.”


“There are good things you don’t even know. Do not water.”


My father and mother were talking like that in a whisper.

Is there anything strange about it as well? There’s some disturbing air.

“Which way are you going out?

“No, you couldn’t tell me the details”

“Then Master Wilhelm will escort you. Then leave Carol to Master Wilhelm.”


Well, you can’t let me pinch your mouth worse than you think about which way Master Wilhelm is going.

I don’t particularly want to go, but I’ll leave everything to you.

Your cheeks loosen as you eat Chris’ cooking.


Speaking of which, I have never seen Master Wilhelm’s personal clothes.

When I was at a party I was going to at home, I was basically dressed. It’s called a suit.

And during the night club, he was in armor, an outfit as a knight.

I’ve been interrupting the garrison ever since, but Master Wilhelm always looked like armor.

What kind of clothes are they usually wearing?

Imagine, my cheeks are getting kind of hot.

“Um, Mother.”

“What’s wrong?”

“When you go out, do you have anything to be aware of?

I’ve never been out with my lords before. I went out with someone in the first place, which is unlimited.

Oh, Zach is the exception. I won’t look at that as my lord. It’s Slam Street we went out with in the first place, and you don’t have any good memories.

Hmm, my mother raised her eyebrows slightly.

“Keep your taste in order.”


“When you walk with me, walk half a step back”


“Leave everything to Master Wilhelm for food orders, etc.”


“Kick your groin up if you’re about to be imitated.”

“Yes…… YES!?

“It’s a joke.”

To unexpected words, I shouted.

If it’s Wilhelm, I don’t care how much it costs to imitate him. I don’t know how lame it is.

Does what you mouth on your cheek go into indecency?



“You behave as you please. Naturally, you’re fine.”

“Ha… yes”

I nod so vaguely at your mother’s words.

If I behave as I please…… I may imitate Master Wilhelm more uncleanly.

Why do you think about things like this all the time?

“Thank you very much.”


Finish your dinner and go back to your room.

Well, you have to be ready before you go out.

“What kind of clothes should we wear”

“Aren’t you okay with what you’re usually wearing?

Yes, it’s Mary who comes up with an opinion without a body or a lid. Mary, you don’t understand.

I still mean going out, and I have to do a good job. And playing tricks means dressing differently than usual.

My favorite piece will not taste fresh on Master Wilhelm as I wear it around a lot these days.

I wear the laundry after each time, including the clothes my mother bought me.

Temporary instructors don’t have uniforms, so they’re personal. And you can’t even go out in public with something like a room outfit, so you wear pretty neat clothes every day.

Yes, uniforms.


Yes, I was.

Natalia told me when, but my lords prefer school uniforms.

And I haven’t worn a uniform since I visited Master Wilhelm once before. After all, it would be strange to give a lecture in a garrison in a school uniform, because I thought.

But tomorrow is a holiday. spending time in uniform on holidays, some school students say.

I mean, there’s nothing wrong with me seeing Master Wilhelm tomorrow in the school uniform.


“Uh… lady, have you decided on your clothes?

“Yeah. I’m going to wear my school uniform.”


Natalia is now going to the kitchen to help. Since Robert’s case, he’s had a pretty heavy workload because he hasn’t hired a new cook, and Chris asked me to go help him.

So Mary is the only one in my room right now.

Such a Mary frowned curiously at the phrase that I was going to wear a uniform.

“Uh… ma’am, why are you wearing a uniform?

“Mary, don’t you know? They say you prefer school uniforms.”

“… yes, what is it?


I’m not familiar with the details, either, but that’s what Natalia said.

Natalia is a servant who can, so she won’t say anything wrong. Now, the day I went to the garrison in my school uniform, it seemed like I had a somewhat different reaction.

Well, then I pissed Master Wilhelm off because I lost my word.

Never again, you must imitate your life as imminent as a shield.

I follow my mother’s teachings and strive for a good woman.

“Now get ready for your uniform”

That solves the clothes thing.

Dear Wilhelm, please wait.

Carol knows exactly what your preferences are.

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