The Duke’s Daughter Is the Knight Captain’s (62) Young Wife

Chapter 65

Early morning

“Wake up.”

It’s still dark out there, but I wake up my body.

Maybe it’s still early in the morning. The sun hasn’t risen either. Even so, I woke up.

I’m going out with Master Wilhelm today.

I had too much fun to sleep in last night, and although it was nice to finally sleep, I woke up early this way.

What shall we do?

No matter what you think, it’s too soon. If you don’t sleep well, you may get sleepy along the way. Even if not, sleep deprivation is a major enemy of your skin.

Lie down again.

Close your eyes.

Tell yourself to sleep tight.



I can’t sleep!

“What shall we do…”

Waking up so early, there’s nothing you can do. I thought I’d knit, but it’s still dark out there.

You shouldn’t even knit until you’ve bothered to turn on the lamp, right?

Similarly, we can’t make materials for tomorrow. In the end I was excited last night and flipped the jewelry box right before I went to bed wondering if there would be any decorations that fit my uniform.

In the end, it turns out that no accessory fits the uniform. The only thing I plan to do is decorate my hair. It mimics butterflies, not so expensive, but it’s what my brother gave me.

I joined the Knights and got paid for the first time, you said. I was wondering if you were still too grown-up for me.


Lie down in bed for one second, but I’m not going to sleep at all. Instead, I’m completely blind.

Should I at least keep my eyes closed until the sun rises?

Then, at the edge of my sight, I saw the lights on the lamp.

Unexpectedly, I’ll look you in the eye.

“Ah… that, lady, are you awake yet?

“… Mary?

If you think of someone, it was Mary with the lamp in her hand who was there.

Speaking of which, the other day, I heard a report from Richard that he was also taking his work attitude well and seriously, and he decided to leave it to duty. Duty duty is the role of waking up all night and looking around every certain amount of time. You have to stay awake all night, so you get a duty allowance.

We talked about not paying Mary and not giving her a holiday, but it’s been about another month since I started working as a servant. I have heard a lot of reports of good attitude, so let’s treat them the same as other servants, so I got the story together.

So Mary gets paid properly. The Duke of Ambrose is never black.

“Are you on duty?

“Yes. I’m on my way around. It’s still early to wake up…”

“No. I look forward to going out with Master Wilhelm and I woke up early”

“… is that right?”

Then Mary lowered her face small.

Is something wrong?

I don’t know what’s going on, I don’t have anything in particular to do, so should I talk to you?

“What’s wrong, Mary”

“… no, the”

“I don’t mind if it’s hard to say. I woke up so early, I had nothing to do with it, I just wanted to hear it.”

“… lady”

Kohon, and Mary will cough.

And then he put the lamp on the nearby table, and then he knelt at me.

Keep your head down.

It’s a dirt seat.

“… Mary?

“I’m really, really sorry, I didn’t, lady…”

“What’s wrong, all of a sudden”

“I’ve always wanted to apologize…”


Has something been done?

The other day, you broke my favorite mug, and I’m already getting an apology. Oh, before that, there were times when Mary overslept and couldn’t come to work on the material. I apologized the next day, too. Before that, did you mean that you washed your father’s clothes? I don’t care if you apologize to me for that.

In my heart, yes, I remember what Mary did, but I have no idea.

“At first, it was just an act of mercy… If it worked, my parents would be granted royal asylum…”


“Rumor has it that Your Highness and the lady are not very close… then I have an opportunity too…”

“Oh, I see. Did you mean that?”

Sounds like a long time ago.

Or I didn’t expect you to apologize for that. In me, it was already over.

I didn’t expect you to apologize for your engagement to His Highness now. If I’m being frank, I honestly don’t care anymore. Your Highness has already lost her right to inherit the throne, and I am going out with Master Wilhelm.

I mean, I don’t have any anger for Mary. Rather, I just want to say thank you.

That’s why I told my mother about Mary’s treatment improvement.

“It is true that I lied about it so that it was not directed at the lady…… I didn’t expect His Highness to act so forthright…”

“Well, right…”

Were you really aware that you would succeed the next king?

Well, we won’t see each other again, and you can’t help but care.

“Mary, I’m not mad.”

“But… Huh!

“Rather, I am grateful to you. Because I look forward to going out with Master Wilhelm like this now, thanks to you for tearing me and His Highness’s engagement apart. Now I’m not going to hold you guilty.”

“But I…”


Mary is lying on her face looking sorry.

But I came up with a good thing.

I was once the fiancée of His Royal Highness Rayford, so I’ve never even had a conversation with a man before at a night club or anything. For once, having a conversation with a man your age in the presence of your fiancée can also be unjust in itself.

So I have no idea how it’s right to treat men. At best, it’s as much as I read a love story.

How can I make Master Wilhelm aware of me?


“Yes, sir”

“If you’re so sorry, can you tell me one thing?

“Wow, if that’s what I can do”

I don’t know much about it either, but Mary is a former Baron’s Lady. Though we were together once at school, we should have been an unlimited distance from His Highness.

Close to that, the arms that caged His Highness and drove his engagement to a breakthrough with me would be well appreciated.

It would be helpful if you could tell me a little about that.

Because of my reference to love stories, I have become a painful woman who is impending suicide.

Let me refer you to Mary’s experience here.

“How could you be in love with His Highness?


“Your Highness… well, he was like that, and in you, who was a baroness, wasn’t it difficult to get close?

“Well… yes, that’s right”

To my question, Mary nods so.

Differences in identity exist as they are. I am not so bound by my identity, but Your Highness boasted that I was royal. Whatever you think, if you try to get close, they’re going to say, “Consider the difference in identity.”

“In that, how could you be close to His Highness?

“No… it’s…”

Mary is swimming her eyes.

It’s hard to say, I’m just frowning.

Well, talk about how you did take your ex-fiancé, because it’s hard to talk about it, right?

“It’s okay. No matter what you talk about, you don’t get angry.”

“Is it true…?

“Yeah, let’s swear it”

I nod as Mary asks, yes, as a reminder.

I don’t think there will be any anger, no matter how close you get to your Highness.

“Uh… you know, at a party”


“The… I, for once, was bigger than a person… hey, I insisted on it, or…”


“Like wearing an open dress and deliberately pressing your chest against Your Highness so you can see your chest well… So, they asked me for my name… And then, a few times, I pushed…”


I don’t get angry. That’s what I said.

But what do we do? I get angry with you two.

Is it the chest after all? Really?

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