The Duke’s Daughter Is the Knight Captain’s (62) Young Wife

Chapter 69

Lunch at the cafe

Before entering the park first, I decided to dine with Master Wilhelm.

Master Wilhelm doesn’t seem to be familiar with this area either, going into a fashionable cafe that was first in the vicinity. Snacks are served at the cafe, and lunch will be what we do this time of year.

I’ll go into the store and the clerk will show me around and take a seat. It’s a seat with a view outside.

But the surroundings are a little noisy. It’s still a weekend holiday, and South Park flowers are famous for it, so are there many tourists?

“Well… what shall we eat”

“There’s a lot going on.”

With Master Wilhelm, I worry as I look at the menu.

By the way, Natalia sits alone in a seat a little further away. If anything, you’re in a position to protect me right away.

As long as you’re with Master Wilhelm, there doesn’t seem to be any danger to me.

There’s a lot of menus, so you’re going to be a little worried. The sandwich looks delicious, but the sandwich alone makes me hungry.

Should I still ask for a lunch set?

While I was worried that way, Natalia was calling the clerk to place an order.

Looks like we’ve already decided. I don’t even hear what you’re ordering though.

“Master Wilhelm, what will you do?

“Right…… I don’t know more about Non and I’ll keep it for a daily A-lunch”

“Okay, I’ll make it a B lunch”

“You don’t have to worry about Non, do you? You can ask for something higher, Carol.”

Because I make it a cheap daily lunch, or yes, Master Wilhelm tells me.

But I’m not so particular about it.

I’m just strong and there’s one thing I want to do. So I make it a B lunch.

“No, I’m fine. Originally, I’m not much of a eater.”

“… well. Well, fine. Then, clerk, order.”


To Master Wilhelm’s words, I place an order with the clerk who came.

Master Wilhelm has a daily A lunch, and I’m B lunch. A is Hamburg and B is Crockett. Same menu as Master Wilhelm, another food. That’s the most ideal.

Looking at Natalia, it looked like the items I had already ordered were coming and I was eating them.

It’s rare cheesecake.

… Why are you suddenly eating sweetness?

“It seems strange that you eat out with Carol like this… I’m always sorry to have you prepare lunch”

“No, no. There is no need for Master Wilhelm to say so. That’s what Carol’s doing on his own.”

“But it’s true that it’s helping. And delicious. Carol’s cooking arm has been up lately.”

“I’m glad you said that.”

Let’s keep up the good work. With Chris’s guidance, we cook satisfactory dishes for Master Wilhelm.

And if you don’t go far enough, Master Wilhelm will give you a daughter-in-law, and then we will make three meals of Master Wilhelm’s meal. I don’t hire a cook. Getting people to eat my loving dishes is my goal.

To do that, you have to increase your repertoire now.

I study every day.

Natalia was eating a second plate of gato chocolate.

Why do you eat all that sweet stuff?

“Thank you for waiting, lunch A and lunch B”



The plates the clerk brings will be placed on the table.

The contents are simple, just the salad on the bread and the baked vegetables that go with the main freckles.

It’s enough for me, but this may not be enough for Master Wilhelm.

“Come on, Carol, eat it”

“Yes, Master Wilhelm”

Eat first from grilled vegetables.

The flavoring is slightly diluted. It’s the type that makes use of the flavour of the ingredients.

It’s delicious. It’s no match for Chris’ dishes, but it seems satisfying enough, even though it’s cheap for the price.

Natalia was eating a third plate of milk crepe.

Are you not going to eat anything but sweetness?


“Yes, Crockett is delicious too”

“Sounds delicious there, too. Mind if I take a bite?

“Ha, ha!

This is an opportunity. It’s a big chance for a generation.

Instead, just to draw that word out, I asked for another menu.

Cut the crocket apart and stab it in the fork.

Stick it out to Master Wilhelm.

“Go ahead! Ah, please!

“… Huh?

“Sasa, it’s delicious, go ahead!

“… yes, no”

“Go ahead!”


That’s right!

It’s the best time for me to feed Master Wilhelm!

Master Wilhelm is a little confused. I’m looking at my surroundings a little. There are naturally customers nearby as it is crowded with 10%.

Natalia has a fourth plate of shortcakes on her cheeks.

You’re not looking at this one anymore.

“Shit, Carol, that’s…”

“Dear Wilhelm, you may have a sip, so please enjoy it”

“Oh, if you put it down…”

“No! It’s a corner opportunity!


That’s what Master Wilhelm says, but I won’t give in either.

It sticks out all the time, so my arms got a little puffy.

Please open your mouth quickly.






“Yes, go ahead!

Master Wilhelm, who has lost his roots, has opened his mouth, so I will put a crocket in it.

And I immediately closed my mouth and cheeked. Your face is bright red.

It’s all right, Master Wilhelm.

Because I’m turning bright red now, too.

“Damn… more embarrassing than I thought…”

“Dear Wilhelm,”

“Duh, what’s up…”

“Carol would also like to take a bite of Mr. Wilhelm’s hamburger”


Yes, this is a double opportunity.

Two things can be done at the same time: I will feed Master Wilhelm, and I will feed Master Wilhelm.

Come on, Master Wilhelm.






Master Wilhelm cut the hamburger and then stabbed him in the fork.

Again, check your surroundings with just your eyes and then hurry to my mouth.

A hamburger went in my mouth.

Master Wilhelm will pull the fork.

Hamburg is delicious.

It’s even better because Master Wilhelm fed it to me!

“Ahhh… already…”

“Hamburgers are delicious, too.”

“Right… Non didn’t know what Crockett tasted like”

“Well! One more bite then!


Rejected. Too bad.

But I was able to make a memory of Wilhelm. Excellent.

We ate the rest of the meal while it lit up and then decided to leave the store.

The bill is at the disposal of Master Wilhelm.

He said he’d do the treat today.

Oh, yeah.


“… Yes?

Convenience Speak to Natalia who eats the eighth plate of rare cheesecake.

Why did you go back to the first plate?

“I won’t admit the amount of cake I ate as an expense”

“That’s it!?

I wonder why.

I thought Natalia was the only one who was okay, but this one seems to have a problem here.

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