The Duke’s Daughter Is the Knight Captain’s (62) Young Wife

Chapter 70

A break

Enter South Park and take a stroll with Master Wilhelm.

South Park, with its colorful blooms of various flowers, is also known as a place with many couples. Apart from me and Master Wilhelm, there were several groups of men and women taking walks.

I walk, looking at all the flowers.

“You’re blooming.”

“Yes, it’s nice”

“Exactly, it’s not just about taking the admission fee. Excellent.”


South Park comes in for a fee. Master Wilhelm at the reception paid my share of the admission fee as well.

I thought I was sorry, but I only want you to let me out today, Master Wilhelm said, so I’ll be sweet with your words.

This is how I am, and I’m just happy to be with Master Wilhelm.

But I get nervous when I think that I’m really with Master Wilhelm like this.

I don’t know what to say.

Even as you look at the flowers, you will see the sides of Hiraki and Master Wilhelm.

“Carol, are you familiar with flowers?

“I’m familiar, not so much…”

“You mean it’s still a girl? I don’t even know the name of a flower… for example, what kind of flower is that?

“Uh… that’s an orange infarct”

Answer the name of the purple flower you have seen.

Little petals are adorable flowers.

“Oh, really?”

“If the roots are finely chopped and sun-dried, it becomes a biological medicine. It helps with sore throat, etc.”

“… yes, is it?


Unexpectedly, I said exactly what I learned in pharmacy.

Many of these plants are medicinal, and frying and drinking helps with the disease. I don’t know everything either, but I’m holding it back properly where it’s famous.

I also teach you about medicinal herbs that work well on wounds in a lecture.

“You still know Carol well… you mean you haven’t studied medicine with Dada”

“Now, I’m glad I’m studying medicine. Otherwise, I couldn’t be with Wilhelm.”

“… well. It was supposed to be part of your education as the Queen.”

“Yes. Well, now,”

There’s no place for me to be the Queen anymore than Lord Rayford has become.

This is how we are able to be with Master Wilhelm, and there is no happier happiness.

And without the medical pharmacy I taught as part of my education as a righteous queen, I could not have been a temporary lecturer for the Knights. Before that, I had not been able to take my exams as a sanitary knight, and I was about to lose my association with Master Wilhelm.

Only in that respect, thank you for once.

For a while, I will stroll through South Park with Master Wilhelm looking at the flowers that way.

Because it’s still paid for, or not many people. Quite right, but you won’t get away with Master Wilhelm.

There are men and women holding hands.

I’d also like to hold hands with Master Wilhelm.

“… it’s a miscalculation”

“Hmm? Carol, what’s wrong?

“No, it’s nothing. Dear Wilhelm,”

My stuck mouth slipped.

By appointment, I wanted to hold hands with the flow of ‘Don’t let me hold hands because there are so many people and they come off’. I’m sure there will be a lot of people in South Park this time of year, I thought.

But the aisle is wider than I thought, and the guests are only rare, so I don’t have to worry about it at all.

Take it in the direction of holding hands for what reason.

and walk alongside Master Wilhelm looking at the colorful flowers, though thoughts deviate as such.

Sometimes in the flowers that Master Wilhelm points to, it’s the form in which I annotate.

Strangely enough, though, for what I pinched the annotation, “Roots will be edible,” I wrote it in my notebook. Is the dining relationship so difficult?

If it’s like having to eat flower roots, you can come to my house any time you want.

“Let’s take a break. I’m not walking.”


Master Wilhelm says so and sits side by side on a bench installed in a space that is a little wider.

Apparently it’s a place to relax, with several benches arranged in the same way. There’s still a lot of couples.

Some of them have left their eyes unattended. How envious. I want to be there, too.

I want to stick with it more, stick with it, that kind of thing.

I’ll peek right next door.

Master Wilhelm was hugely exhaled, huffing and fanning the sweater’s chest.

Though it’s been a cold season, I just walked away, so it seems a little hot. I’m just fine.

More important to me than that is how I’m going to end up with Master Wilhelm.

For now.

I’ll just get a little closer.


“Phew…… but that’s hot. Carol, aren’t you thirsty?


“… What surprises you so much?

I was spoken to at that moment when I tried to get a little closer, and I was unwittingly upset.

I lost a little time because of that. What shall we do?

I replied unnaturally no matter what I thought.

“Hey, it’s nothing, Master Wilhelm”

“… do you?

“So, uh, can I get you something to drink…”

“Oh, right. Then there’s the opening of the store, and let’s just say I’ll get you something. Anything you want?

“So, sweet stuff…”

“Okay. Wait a minute.”

Master Wilhelm stood up and went straight to buy a drink.

What shall we do?

Wait for Master Wilhelm to return, then stick around. It’s okay. You shouldn’t give up on a one-time try.

But it’s a beautiful day.

I’m glad it’s sunny like this to go out with Master Wilhelm.

Apparently, the store is also a little crowded, and Master Wilhelm is lined up at the back of the line. Should I join you in line, too?

But Master Wilhelm said, “Wait.”

You should follow your word and wait.

Then a man, perhaps one of the guests, approached Master Wilhelm, who lined up as such.

Good, I’m a man. If this is a woman, I’m about to run out, too.

Apparently you know him, and he’s talking to Master Wilhelm. Maybe it’s a Knights associate?

And Master Wilhelm was bought a drink and returned with two in his hand.

… with the man.

“I’m sorry, Carol. I made him wait.”

“Yes, no… Um…?

“Oh, I’m sorry. Let me introduce you. Uh… I know Edward.”

“Nice to meet you, my name is Edward Raul”

He’s a young man who I think will be a few years older than me.

Somehow they look like they’ve seen it. He’s a beautiful blonde, blue-eyed man. I kind of think I’ve seen the face of this lineage lately, but who was it?

I will receive a drink from Master Wilhelm and I will bow my head too.

“Nice to meet you, my name is Carol”

“No, I didn’t know, Mr. Wilhelm”


Uri, and Edward elbow Master Wilhelm.

I wonder what you didn’t know.


Well, you didn’t know I had a fiancée.

You have to make a proper, even for me, appeal here.

Give me a proper greeting…

“You had such a lovely grandson”


We will certify you as an enemy.

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