The Eccentric Entomologist is Now a Queen’s Consort

Setting Up The Chamber

Rodion's voice chimed softly through his earpiece.

<All systems are functioning normally, Your Highness. Would you like me to begin organizing the data from your recent downloads?>

Mikhailis chuckled in response, brushing a hand through his tousled hair.

"Rodion, we're not in Ruslania anymore. You don't need to call me 'Your Highness' here. Just call me Mikhailis. It feels to uptight,"

<As you wish, Mikhailis,> Rodion replied, though there was a brief pause before it continued.

This guy, I didn't told him where we are, but he's been hearing and watching through this glasses, so I guess he already had his own conclusion?

<Shall I still maintain the formal tone?>

"Nah, we're in a fantasy world now, buddy. Loosen up." Mikhailis grinned as he set up a few of the solar panels against the far wall near the windows.

"Besides, we've got bigger things to worry about than royal titles. Like figuring out how to survive without Wi-Fi."

<Noted,> Rodion replied, though Mikhailis could detect the faintest hint of disapproval in the AI's otherwise monotone voice.

<However, I would advise against fully abandoning your royal identity. It may still serve a purpose in your interactions here. And in the end, when you truly became the prince consort, you will be, once again, referred as your highness/your majesty>

Mikhailis paused for a moment, considering the point. "Fair enough. But let's not make a big deal out of it unless we have to."

He turned toward the Chimera Ant's enclosure, walking slowly toward it.

It's the fascinating creature that he failed to perfectly admire back in earth as he suddenly got summoned to this place.

It moved with an odd precision, its many legs tapping lightly against the glass as it explored its environment. The wings, delicate yet metallic, shimmered faintly as it shifted its body.

Before, Mikhailis secretly brought some leaves from a plant that he didn't recognize at the hall but became a decoration.

The ant had already started evolving, absorbing the essence of the few magical plant's leaves Mikhailis had fed it earlier. Its size had increased slightly, and there was a faint glow to its body now, as if it was radiating the magic it had consumed.

He bent down to examine it more closely, his glasses displaying a stream of data on its current state.

"Rodion, give me an update on the Chimera Ant's progress."

<Currently, the subject has absorbed approximately 35% of the magical essence from the plants provided,>

<Its physical attributes have increased by 12%, and its energy output has risen by 9%. Additionally, there are traces of a new substance forming within its exoskeleton, though further analysis is required to determine its exact nature.>

Mikhailis smiled. He could feel his excitement bubbling. This is the moment that he has been waiting for years! After years of research, finally!

"Amazing. It's evolving even faster than I thought." He tapped the glass gently with a finger, watching as the Chimera Ant turned its head toward him, its many eyes reflecting his image back at him.

"This guy… I have the feeling it's going to be incredible once it's fully grown."

But a thought nagged at the back of his mind. The ant's growth was exciting, that's a fact for him, but it also posed a potential danger. He knew how unpredictable these creatures could be, especially with the ability to adapt and evolve based on what they consumed. He had to be careful not to let it spiral out of control.

Mikhailis stretched his arms and let out a satisfied sigh while scanning the boxes scattered around the room.

"Alright, time to turn this place into something a bit more... me,"

he muttered to himself.

He then reached into one of the larger boxes and pulled out a small, monkey-shaped robot. Its silver body reflected the magical light that filled the room.

"Let's see if you still work, little buddy," he said with a grin, setting the robot on the floor.

It remained still for a moment, but as Mikhailis flicked a small switch on its back, it whirred to life. The robot's eyes lit up, glowing a soft blue, and it immediately began to move, its tiny limbs working with surprising speed as it began to organize the room.

"Good to have you back, Rodion, control the guy to help me organize things up," Mikhailis chuckled, watching as the robot effortlessly picked up various items and placed them on shelves.

It climbed walls with ease, hanging tapestries and even adjusting the solar panels he had set against the windows earlier.

"That should save me some time."

As the robot worked, Mikhailis turned to the glass container holding the Chimera Ant. The creature moved gracefully inside, its metallic body shimmering under the soft light.

"You're growing fast, aren't you?" Mikhailis whispered, his eyes gleaming with fascination. He tapped the glass gently, and the ant responded by tilting its head, as though acknowledging his presence.

Rodion's voice chimed softly in his earpiece.

<The room is becoming more organized. Shall I assist in monitoring the Chimera Ant's behavior as well?>

Mikhailis smirked, adjusting his glasses.

"You always know how to multitask, don't you? Sure, keep an eye on it. Let me know if anything changes."

<As you wish, Mikhailis,> 

Mikhailis sat back in the comfortable sofa, watching as the robot continued its work.

Damn, this sofa felt great. Is there some 'comfy' magic applied to it, I wonder.

His mind wandered for a moment, and then a thought struck him.

"Hey, Rodion," he broke the silence.

"What do you think of all this? The queen, the world we're in... everything?"

He has been using his glasses all this time unlike the first time he got summoned, he didn't let the glassess off even for a second, so Rodion should have saw and heard everything.

There was a brief pause before Rodion responded.

<This world exhibits high levels of energy that do not correspond to any scientific phenomenon we have encountered before. The queen herself exhibits an unusually high radiating energy, suggesting she is a focal point of this energy source. Based on my analysis, it is likely that this world's inhabitants refer to this energy as 'magic.'>

Mikhailis chuckled as he let his back got absorbed by the sofa.

"Magic, huh? Sounds about right. But you're seeing it all through your advanced sensors and data points. Does that make it less real?"

<From a scientific perspective, everything I observe is real, Mikhailis>

<However, the nature of this energy is different from what we have studied. It is measurable, but its source remains unknown. The queen's readings are especially interesting. The energy she radiates is far beyond the average levels of the population>

Mikhailis rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

"So, she's more than just a queen with royal blood. She's like... a battery of this world's magic, or something along those lines." He paused as his eyes stared out the window at the towering trees surrounding the castle.

"This place is alive, Rodion. There's magic in the air, the trees, the ground. Everything seems connected. The outside world must be very interesting for us to see,"

<Correct> Rodion affirmed.

<My sensors indicate that every living being in this world has a unique energy signature. However, Queen Elowen's is far more pronounced, suggesting either an inherent ability or a genetic anomaly.>

Mikhailis chuckled softly.

Inherent abilities...

"Genetic anomaly, huh? That's one way to put it. You're talking about magic like it's just science we haven't figured out yet. Which is precisely the right mindset every researcher should have,"

<Magic, as you and the inhabitants of this world call it, is a form of energy that our scientific understanding has yet to fully grasp> 

<In essence, it is simply another form of natural energy, though it operates under principles that we do not yet comprehend. If given enough time, we may be able to identify the exact mechanisms behind it.>

"Oh? So you believe you could decipher the mechanism if given more data?" Mikhailis purposefully gave a hint of challenge in his words.


He could swear that Rodion's voice filled with pride when he answered his question.

How interesting.

Mikhailis leaned back, crossing his arms.

"You know, that's what makes this world so interesting. Magic, science—they're just different sides of the same coin. It's all about how we explain what we don't understand." He paused before glancing at the Chimera Ant again.

Then he remember about how he also has the same lineage as Elowen.

"But if this energy is all around us, does that mean I have some of it too?"

Rodion was silent for a moment, processing the question.

<Yes, Mikhailis. My sensors detect a small, latent energy within you. It is not as pronounced as Queen Elowen's, but it is there.>

Mikhailis raised an eyebrow, surprised.



If even Rodion felt it, then it must be the truth!

"Wait, seriously? You're saying I've got magic too?"

<Correct. The readings suggest that you possess a dormant form of the same energy. It is possible that your genetic makeup contains a trace of the energy source native to this world.>

Mikhailis's mind raced. He remembered what Elowen had told him about his lineage—that there was dark elven blood running through his veins. Could it be that some ancient dark elf had crossed into his world, influencing the royal bloodline back in Ruslania?

"Does that mean my ancestors were from this world?" he muttered, more to himself than to Rodion.

<It is a plausible theory,> Rodion replied.

<However, without further data, it remains speculative. What is clear is that you possess a latent connection to this world's energy.>

Wow... I guess father and mother wouldn't even believe it if I told them about this.

Mikhailis stared at his hand for a moment, a thoughtful frown on his face.

"Huh. So, I'm part of this magic system too. That's... interesting." He let out a soft chuckle.

"Well, no use thinking too much about it right now. We've got enough on our plate."

He reached out, lightly tapping the glass of the Chimera Ant's enclosure. The creature responded immediately, shifting its body and turning toward him. Its many eyes gleamed in the soft light, and as Mikhailis's hand lingered on the glass, something unexpected happened.

A soft glow began to emanate from the Chimera Ant, growing brighter with each passing second. Mikhailis's eyes widened as the light pulsed and then shot toward him, wrapping around his wrist like a glowing thread. He felt a sudden warmth, followed by a sharp tingle in his skin.

"What the...?" he muttered, staring down at his wrist. As the glow faded, he saw a mark had formed—a small, intricate tattoo-like symbol etched into his skin.

Rodion's voice chimed in his ear again.

<Mikhailis, the Chimera Ant has established a form of connection with you. The same identical energy radiated from it is being formed on your wrist. Based on the data I've gathered, this may be the early stages of a familiar bond.>

Mikhailis blinked, staring at the mark.

"A familiar? You mean like in those fantasy stories where wizards have magical creatures bound to them?"

<Correct. Though I am unsure of the full extent of this bond, it appears that the Chimera Ant is now linked to you in some way. I will continue the analysis>

Mikhailis couldn't help but laugh, shaking his head in disbelief.

"Well, that's one way to get a new tattoo, I guess." He examined the mark closely, running his fingers over it.

"A familiar bond, huh? I didn't expect that. Now this truly is going to the fantasy story direction real quick,"

<This bond might provide you with additional abilities though the current data is insufficient to make any conclusions, though further observation is required to determine its effects>

<I will continue to monitor your connection with the Chimera Ant->

Mikhailis smirked, glancing at the ant inside its enclosure. "Looks like we're in this together now, huh?" He tapped the glass again, and the Chimera Ant responded with a subtle movement, as if acknowledging the bond between them.

Then suddenly, it started.

<System unlocked>

System... Unlocked...?

Rodion's voice appeared, but he's uttering a strange thing.

Am I getting a system? Is this true? If it is, then I need to prostate and apologize to all of those system fantasy novel authors for talking trash about how unrealistic all of it was as it's happening to me right now.

Right now, I'm getting a power, a powerful system that could make me strong enough to make my own harem, including the beautiful queen that I'm going to marry in three days!


<The Perverted, Eccentric, and Creepy Entomologist System Granted>

But somehow, the name of the system is now what he expected.


At least, if it's his system, perhaps if it's not cool and common like the others, at least make him a necromancer or something. Why does this feels like a nasty insult rather than the moment the main character got a power?

<Yes, Mikhailis?>

The reply is rather normal.

"Eh? Where is the [system] announcement that about to give me powerful system that will make me strong and have my harem?"

<Pardon me, Mikhailis. It was just feels like the right moment, so I figured it would be the perfect moment to make such a joke>

"By surprising me in saying system unlocked, then insult me with such disturbing nicknames?"

<Yes, Mikhailis>

Once again, it's the usual reply. A normal and monotonous tone.

"Rodion. Did I ever programmed you to be a jerk?"

<No. But you've programmed me to make an unpredictable joke in unpredictable moments>

"Ah..." MIkhailis uttered in realization.

I guess I did programmed it and trained his AI core logical system to do that just for a joke.

"Oh well, moving on,"

As he stood up, Mikhailis felt a renewed sense of curiosity and excitement bubbling inside him.

Even if he didn't get a new system and became powerful suddenly. This world was unlike anything he had ever experienced, and now, with magic running through his veins and a strange new bond with the Chimera Ant, it was about to get even more interesting.

He glanced around the room, watching as the monkey-shaped robot finished arranging the last of his belongings. The place was starting to feel like home, in its own eccentric way.

"Well, Rodion," he said with a grin.

"Looks like we've got some serious research to do. Magic, science, familiars... this world is full of mysteries just waiting to be solved."


He could sure hear the hint of excitement on Rodion's reply.

<And with your unique perspective, Mikhailis, we may be able to uncover truths that no one else in this world can.>

Mikhailis nodded, he could feel his excitement growing.

"Exactly. Now, let's see what other surprises this world has in store for us."

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