The Eccentric Entomologist is Now a Queen’s Consort

The ‘Royals’ Conversation

"Is it safe?" Mikhailis asked as his eyes scanned the room. He set his teacup down gently on the polished wooden table. His gaze lingered on the several boxes stacked neatly in the corner of the chamber. They contained his personal items—his tools, research gear, and, most importantly, his Chimera Ant. He leaned back in his chair, fingers drumming lightly on the armrest, waiting for Elowen's response.

Elowen smiled softly, he could see her golden eyes gleamed with the amusement when she met his gaze. She was seated across from him in the large, cozy living room that belonged to their shared chamber—a space carefully crafted for the royal couple.

"It's all safe," she replied, her voice gentle but assured.

"The inspection went smoothly. Your items were unusual, to say the least, but nothing dangerous."

Mikhailis grinned.

"Unusual, huh? I bet they had no idea what to make of half the stuff in there." He chuckled, though there was a hint of genuine curiosity in his eyes.

"No explosions? No one accidentally activated something they shouldn't have?"

"None," Elowen said with a playful shake of her head.

"But I think it did give them a bit of a scare. There were a lot of things we've never seen before, after all. Those are things that don't exist in this world. But they quickly realized it was all part of your... well, let's call it your peculiar charm?" She leaned back, watching him closely as he sipped his tea.

Mikhailis raised an eyebrow as he swirled the liquid in his cup thoughtfully.

"Peculiar, huh? I like that. Let's just hope no one tries to take apart my portable air conditioner—it's a lifesaver in this tree kingdom of yours."

Elowen's smile widened, which made Mikhailis stopped his actions for a while. Then he saw her eyes flicking toward the boxes again.

"I think they're safe from curious hands for now. But you're right, there is a noticeable difference between our worlds. The things you brought with you—they're not just tools or gadgets. They're symbols of the life you left behind. They tell a story. Which even I found them very interesting,"

"Every story needs a bit of spice, don't you think so as well, my Queen?" Mikhailis replied.

He leaned forward slightly, and his gaze softened when he looked around the room.

It was a beautiful space, the kind of chamber he had only seen in fantasy tales or anime. The walls were made of smooth, polished wood, with veins of glowing metal running through them, casting a gentle, warm light. A large, elegant door led to an outdoor garden, accessible only from their living quarters. Another door, leading to their sleeping chamber, stood slightly ajar, the intricately carved frame hinting at the royal grandeur within.

Well, his former chamber doesn't fall short in terms of luxury as they have the modern tech, but this chamber won in terms of the magical comfy it has.

Elowen's gaze followed his, and she finally spoke with a touch of amusement that is bare in her voice.

"Our chamber," she said softly.

Damn, she said it's our chamber! Rodion! You there!? Log this!

"It's purposefully made for the royal couple. It's meant to symbolize unity and strength."

Mikhailis gave a small nod, taking another sip of tea.

"And here I was thinking it was just for the view." His tone was teasing, but Elowen could see there was a deeper understanding in his eyes.

He set the cup down and leaned back again, watching Elowen quietly for a moment before speaking.

"So, what's on your mind?"

For a second, Elowen slightly widener her eyes. She smiled at his perceptiveness as she folded her hands in her lap.

"There's something important I need to tell you."

Mikhailis raised an eyebrow.

What is this.

Is this going to be a bomb?

Does she perhaps suddenly thought that she's calling this off and don't want to be with me?

Or perhaps my act as a 'Deep and mysterious frivolous guy' failed and screamed 'Zero experience virgin guy with a despicable mouth' instead?

Rodion? Where are you? I need you to analyze this sequence just like how you usually help me in the dating game we usually play together!

"Oh? Do tell." Mikhailis attempted to reply as calm and composed as possible.

Elowen's smile softened, though her tone became more serious which made Mikhailis's stomach kind of hurts.

"The wedding," she began, her voice steady but thoughtful.

What is it? What's about the wedding?

Are we calling it off as expected?

Please don't. It would be too embarrassing after giving such a poetic and bittersweet goodbye with my brother. And he wouldn't believe me if I told him that I was about to be a prince consort of a beautiful queen from another world!

"Will be held in three days."

"Eh?" Mikhailis blinked.

"Ah," Then leaned back, nodding slowly to register it on his brain.

I see, I see. I guess I got too panicked there. So three days...

"Three days, huh? Well, that's... soon." He paused, then added with a playful smirk.

"I didn't even get a chance to prepare my grand entrance."

Elowen chuckled softly at his harmful jest.

"I'm sure you'll manage just fine without the theatrics."

He grinned, but then his expression turned a bit more serious.

"I suppose it can't be helped, right? You're a queen, after all." His tone carried a playful emphasis on the word "queen," but the understanding behind his words was clear.

Elowen's smile grew, he could feel the hint of mixture between warmth and respect.

Right on the money, I guess.

"You're as sharp as I expected, Mikhailis." She took a deep breath and continued.

"This isn't just about us. The kingdom is still recovering from the aftermath of the Great War. We lost many soldiers, resources were drained, and morale has been low. A royal wedding... Tt will serve as a beacon of hope for the people, a symbol of renewal of the kingdom,"

Mikhailis nodded, listening carefully as she spoke.

That's right.

In my case in my world, it would be the coronation of the new king.

Luckily I ran my ass to this world at the right moment.

"But there's more," she added.

"Marrying into one of the powerful noble factions here would have caused a shift in power. This kingdom, this world, is a man-dominated society, and with that, I would risk losing my influence as queen. Not to mention..." She hesitated briefly, her gaze turning slightly inward.

"There's my dark elven blood. It carries a certain... risk. I couldn't afford to let the throne become vulnerable, or worse, let that ancient power run unchecked,"

Mikhailis's expression softened as he nodded in understanding.

Looking at her, she's probably at her late 20s, slightly below him.

He's currently 30, perfectly at 30, but sure he's confident to say that people would believe it if he said that he's a 24-years old young man with a rather tall stature.

"So, this is about securing stability—not just for you, but for the entire kingdom." His voice was gentle but firm.

"Makes sense, it's fine for me,"

Elowen looked at him with a gaze filled with gratitude.

"Exactly. With you, there are no ties to the political factions here. No power shifts, no risk of instability. It's the safest option—for me, for the throne, and for the future of Silvarion Thalor."

I guess, she's uncomfortable because of my disadvantageous position, perhaps?

Mikhailis leaned back in his chair with a small smile tugging at his lips.

"Well, when you put it that way, I can't really complain, can I?" He winked, adding with a playful grin.

"Besides, I get to marry a queen. That's got to be a win in some way, right?"

Elowen chuckled, her shoulders relaxing slightly.

"Yes, I suppose it is."

They sat in comfortable silence for a moment, while the weight of the conversation hanging in the air but not unpleasantly so. Mikhailis then let out a soft sigh while gazing at the boxes in the corner once more.

A new life... A new chapter... Perhaps if one day I do return to earth, I'm going to write a novel about this unpredictable life of mine.

"You're handling this better than I expected," Elowen said after observing his face for a while, he could hear her sincerity.

"Most people would be overwhelmed by all this—the responsibility, the changes. But you seem... at peace with it."

Mikhailis glanced at her.

Peaceful... Right. I guess that's right.

So I've been having a peaceful face here.

"Maybe it's because I've always been a bit of an oddball. So stepping into this... it feels like the next chapter in my story. A strange one, sure, but it's interesting, and somehow," MIkhailis looking around him.

"It feels like this is what I've been searching for,"

Elowen smiled looking at him.

"I'm glad to hear that."

As the evening stretched on, they continued their conversation, the topics ranging from the upcoming wedding to more mundane matters, like the state of the kingdom's gardens and Mikhailis's fondness for his peculiar collection of insects. Elowen seemed genuinely curious about his world, and Mikhailis, in turn, found himself more intrigued by hers.

Eventually, the time came for them to part ways for the night.

Elowen stood gracefully, smoothing the fabric of her gown as she looked toward Mikhailis.

"It's late," she said softly.

"I should take my leave. After all, it wouldn't be proper for us to stay together before the wedding."

Mikhailis stood as well, nodding in agreement.

"Of course. Wouldn't want to break any royal traditions now, would we?" He smiled.

Elowen chuckled with amusement.

"No, we wouldn't."

She turned toward the door, and Mikhailis followed, escorting her to the entrance of their chamber. As they stepped into the hallway, a group of royal maids greeted them with polite bows, waiting to accompany Elowen.

Mikhailis gave her a small bow as his grin softening into a more genuine smile.

"Goodnight, Elowen. I'll see you in three days—ready for our big moment."

Elowen smiled warmly, he could feel her eyes locking with his for a brief moment.

"Goodnight, Mikhailis. And thank you—for everything."

With that, she turned, her steps graceful as the maids followed her down the corridor.

Mikhailis watched her leave, standing in the doorway for a moment longer before turning back inside.

Damn she's such a beauty...

He closed the door softly behind him and let out a deep breath, glancing around the now-quiet room. The stacked boxes caught his eye once again, and he let out a small chuckle.

"Well, I guess it's time to unpack all of this," he muttered to himself, stepping toward the collection of his belongings.

His fingers traced the edges of one of the boxes, his mind already running through the various gadgets and tools inside. There was a lot to organize, and even more to set up. But for now, this was his world—his new life—and it was time to fully embrace it.

Having a modern-tech room in such a fantasy world has its own charm.

With a small, determined smile, Mikhailis began the task of unpacking, the quiet hum of the castle surrounding him as the night stretched on.

The room was grand, with high ceilings and elegant furnishings, though it lacked the cold, sterile feel of the royal quarters he had grown up in back in Ruslania.

This place had warmth. It was alive, in a way his old world never felt.

He stood at the center of the room, surrounded by cases and boxes—his gear, his technology, and, of course, his research tools. The Chimera Ant was safely enclosed in a special glass container on his desk, its metallic body glimmering under the light of the room's magical orbs.

Rodion's voice chimed softly through his earpiece.

<All systems are functioning normally, Your Highness.>

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