The Eccentric Entomologist is Now a Queen’s Consort

Welcome Back, Mikhailis

"Welcome back, Mikhailis," Elowen's soft voice echoed through the grand hall, her golden eyes watching him with a hint of curiosity that he could see very much clearly.Very curious with my items now, aren't you?

Mikhailis couldn't help but grin, brushing a hand through his messy hair as he took in the sight of her, standing regal and beautiful as always but with that unmistakable warmth she reserved just for him somehow.

Wait, they are not that close yet, though.

Is it just my imagination?

"Thanks," he replied as he took a deep breath, feeling the fresh air that is clearly different from the modern world.

"Brought a few things with me." He gestured toward the containers he had painstakingly packed.

"You know, just the essentials—research gear, my AI, solar panels... and, of course, a portable air conditioner." He chuckled at the last part, knowing how out of place that sounded in this ancient, magical kingdom.

Elowen raised an eyebrow.

"I see you've come prepared."

"Yup, can't be a prince consort without a little comfort, don't you think?" Mikhailis said with a wink, trying to hide the slight tension he felt.

Even though he had prepared for this moment, stepping fully into his new life was still daunting.

It's not an easy thing even for this eccentric prince. Well, former prince now.

She chuckled on the sight of him, he could see her eyes glimmering with something he couldn't quite place.

"I suppose not."

Mikhailis exhaled slowly.

The weight of his decision to leave his old life behind had lifted, replaced by a strange sense of peace.

It's a feeling that he hasn't felt for quite a long time.

This was real now, and for the first time, he felt like he was exactly where he needed to be.

"Alright," he said, clapping his hands together and rubbing them as if ready for a big task.

"Where do we start?"

Elowen smiled, a small but knowing smile that somehow captivates him, and turned her head slightly toward the entrance.

"Vyrelda," she called out firmly but gently.

And through that call, the door swung open, and Vyrelda Thaeloris, Elowen's personal guard, strode in with her usual confident air.

She shot a glance at Mikhailis, but her expression as skeptical as ever which made Mikhailis make a wry smile.

"Your Majesty," Vyrelda greeted Elowen, though her gaze lingered on Mikhailis, still sizing him up as if he's an intruder.

"Vyrelda will show you around the inner castle, Mikhailis," Elowen said, her tone formal now, though her eyes sparkled with amusement.

She's enjoying this girl's suspicions towards me, isn't she? 

"She'll introduce you to the key areas of the castle and help you settle in."

Mikhailis raised an eyebrow, leaning slightly toward Elowen.

"You sure she's the best person for this? I mean, I get the feeling she's not my biggest fan."

Vyrelda's lips twitched slightly, as if she was trying to suppress a smirk.

"Trust me, I'm not," she said bluntly.

Wow, no restraint at all, huh?

"But that doesn't mean I'm not going to do my job."

She tilted her head toward the containers Mikhailis had brought with him.

"The guards will inspect your… items before they're taken to your chamber. Standard procedure."

"Right, right," Mikhailis nodded, glancing at his belongings.

There's nothing dangerous, so it's fine, I guess.

"Just be careful with them, alright? Some of that stuff is fragile. Especially the aquarium. It's got my precious ant in there." He grinned, knowing full well the oddity of the situation.

Vyrelda raised an eyebrow but didn't comment.

"Come on then," she said, already heading toward the door.

Elowen gave Mikhailis a gentle nod, her lips curling into a faint smile.

"Don't worry, your belongings will be in good hands."

"Good hands, huh?" Mikhailis muttered under his breath, following Vyrelda out of the hall. As he passed the guards preparing to inspect his containers, he gave them a playful wave.

"Hey, just make sure nothing explodes, alright?"

One of the guards looked visibly confused, while another just blinked. Mikhailis couldn't help but smirk. These medieval guys had no idea what they were dealing with when it came to modern technology from his world. If he perhaps brought some bombs, maybe they wouldn't even understand it and died by handling it in the wrong way.

But I guess I would immediately die by the gallows after that.

As Vyrelda led him through the winding corridors of the inner castle, Mikhailis took in the sheer grandeur of the place. It was unlike anything he had ever seen, a mix of natural wood and polished stone, with veins of metal running through the walls that glowed softly, giving the castle an otherworldly atmosphere. They have beautiful carvings and decorations that mesmerizes him.

Yet, despite its ancient appearance, there was a warmth to it. It wasn't the cold, distant kind of castle he had imagined.

Not the cold castle has has been living in since he was born.

It's comfortable but with a sense of majesty on it.

"So," Mikhailis said, trying to break the silence that had stretched between them.

"What's the deal with this place? I mean, it's not your average run-of-the-mill castle. There are glowing metals and magical-looking trees, I believe it's something peculiar to this place,"

Vyrelda shot him a sideways glance before answering.

"Silvarion Thalor is built within the largest living trees in the kingdom. The metal you see is woven with magic, connecting the trees' energy to the castle. It strengthens the walls and provides protection."

"Interesting. Magical architecture, huh..." Mikhailis said, nodding appreciatively.

"Fancy. And here I was thinking about termites,"

Vyrelda stopped walking as she turned to face him with her arms crossed. "Do you ever take anything seriously?"

Whoa there, serious girl.

"Not if I can help it," Mikhailis replied with a grin.

"But I do appreciate the guided tour. I mean, how often does a guy get shown around a magical tree castle by a fierce but beautiful lady knight?"

Her eyes narrowed slightly, though there was a glint of amusement there.

"Fierce but beautiful lady knight, huh?"

"Hey, I call it like I see it. Don't forget the beautiful part as well, you won't meet people as truthful as me when you're dealing with people around here, right?"

She let out a soft, exasperated sigh and started walking again.

"This way."

As they continued, Vyrelda pointed out various rooms, from the grand dining hall to the more secluded council chambers where important decisions were made. Mikhailis took it all in as he processed them inside his mind.

And he realized one thing.

This place was more than just a castle—it was alive, breathing with magic and history. He could feel it in the air, a subtle hum of energy that made the hair on the back of his neck stand on end.

It's just a feeling, but he has a great feeling that it's right.

"Her Majesty trusts you," Vyrelda said suddenly, breaking the silence again.

Mikhailis glanced at her, slightly surprised by the shift in her tone.

"She does, huh?"

That's quite unwise.

Mikhailis chuckled inwardly in response.

Vyrelda nodded, though her expression remained guarded.

"That's why I'm willing to give you a chance. But don't mistake that trust for blind faith. I'll be watching you." She suddenly stopped.

"If I notice you have some funny thoughts towards her and the throne, I would be the first one who have your head on the spot,"

Hm~ I guess Elowen has some nice allies around her then.

His brother's face flashed through his eyes for a moment.

That's a good thing.

Mikhailis raised his hands in a surrender pose. "Noted. I'll be on my best behavior then,"

Vyrelda gave him a final, pointed look before continuing the tour, leaving Mikhailis to wonder just how much he would need to prove to her.

He wasn't particularly bothered, though.

Winning people over was half the fun. Especially if it's a beauty like her.


While Mikhailis toured the castle, his containers remained in the grand hall, waiting to be inspected by the guards.

They approached with caution, unsure of what to expect. The items Mikhailis had brought were unlike anything they had ever seen—sleek, black cases that clicked open in ways they didn't understand, strange gadgets with glowing screens, and wires that seemed to have no immediate purpose.

One of the guards, a tall man with a rather stern face, opened the first case and frowned.

"What is this stuff?"

Another guard leaned in as he peered at the contents.

"Looks like… tools? But none I've ever seen."

"Definitely not weapons," the first guard muttered. He reached out and carefully picked up one of the instruments—some sort of small, intricate device with several moving parts.

"This must be part of his… research?"

As they moved through the containers, they came across more of the same—lab equipment, books filled with diagrams of insects, and strange devices that hummed softly when touched.

"What do you think this is?" one guard asked, holding up a small, sleek box with buttons on one side.

The other guard shrugged.

"No idea. Just be careful. It looks harmless but it might be bad if we broke it, we don't want to make any trouble,"

Elowen, who had been observing quietly from the side, stepped forward. "Are any of these items dangerous?" she asked. Her tone is calm, but they could feel the queen's curiosity.

The guards shook their heads in haste.

"No, Your Majesty. They seem harmless. Just… foreign."

Elowen nodded, feeling satisfied. She had expected as much from Mikhailis. His eccentric nature extended to every part of his life, even his belongings. But as the guards reached the last container, something unusual caught their eye.

"Wait," one guard muttered, his hand hovering over a delicate piece of fabric nestled in the corner of the container.

"What… is this?"

"Hm?" Elowen immediately tensed up.

As expected, does he hide something dangerous?

The guard carefully lifted it out, revealing a piece of black lace, intricate and beautifully made. The fabric shimmered slightly in the low light of the hall.

It's clearly a piece of clothing for woman.

And considering that he's going to be a prince consort, it's obvious for who he brought that piece of clothing for.

Elowen, seeing what the guard had found, couldn't help but laugh softly.

"Well," she said, her voice filled with amusement.

"It seems our prince consort has a rather… refined taste."

The guard, flustered, quickly set the lingerie back into the container, his face turning red.

"I-It doesn't seem dangerous, Your Majesty," he stammered.

Elowen smiled and laughed, her laughter fading into a soft chuckle.

"Of course, it's not dangerous. But it does tell me a little more about him than I expected."

The guards exchanged awkward glances as they finished inspecting the rest of Mikhailis's items, careful not to disturb anything further. As they closed the last container, Elowen shook her head, a small smile playing on her lips.

"Wild, indeed," she murmured to herself.

"I suppose he's as unpredictable as he seems."

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