The Eccentric Entomologist is Now a Queen’s Consort

The Queen and Her Loyal Subjects

Elowen sat quietly in her study, her golden eyes gazing out the large window where the branches of Silvarion Thalor's grand trees stretched high into the sky.This is the royal's study, where the queen would do her works and meet her most trusted aides regarding domestic, political, and other discussions.The room was lit with a soft, magical glow emanating from the veins of metal running along the wooden walls, creating an otherworldly warmth.

But despite the calm ambiance, anyone could know that there's a sense of unease lingered in the air.

Before her sat her three most trusted retainers, each patiently waiting the right time to start the discussion.

Aelthrin Vorys, the prime minister of the Silvarion Thalor Kingdom, was the first to break the silence.

His demeanor was as calm and composed as ever, and his hands folded neatly in front of him on the table. His body is straight, and his face is stern, a perfect image of the prime minister.

"Your Majesty," He began.

"First, let me extend my congratulations on your recent engagement. It has come as quite the surprise to many, and yet, I must ask the question that I believe everyone very curious with," He uttered as he squinted on the other two.

"What do you truly think of the man, your majesty?" His eyes gleamed with a different meaning, which of course Elowen caught well.

Elowen was silent for a moment, and the three of them could see her gaze still focused on the window.

The question seemed to hang in the air, weighty and unresolved.

Slowly, she turned her attention back to her retainers, her lips curving into a small, almost amused smile.

"He's... smarter than I anticipated," she finally replied. But the three of them could grasp there is something there.

"Sharper, even. There's something about him I can't quite grasp yet, but it intrigues me."

Aelthrin nodded respectfully but couldn't help but curious.

"That's a good start, Your Majesty. And what of his character? Do you believe he will adjust well to life here?" Of course, it's not an idle talk, a casual question asked in a dinner in a family.

It's a political question.

Elowen chuckled softly.

"He seems to adapt quickly. He controls the atmosphere around him with ease, almost effortlessly. He isn't someone to be underestimated, even with his... unusual demeanor."

She seem satisfied, but she paused for a moment before looking toward her other two retainers, her most trusted advisor and protector.

They are her most trusted aides as well, it would be foolish to believe just in one's perspective without asking others.

"What about the both of you? What do you think of him?"

Serelith Malanor, the court magician, shifted slightly in her seat. Her long, dark robes rustled softly as she leaned forward. Elowen could see the curiosity within her eyes.

"Your Majesty, he is certainly not like anyone we've encountered before. When I first met him, I could sense his wariness toward me. He treated me not as a court magician, but as a potential threat, something foreign and dangerous perhaps. At that moment, he didn't know what I was capable of, and yet... he sensed it immediately. I could feel how he's watching me from the corner of his eyes,"

Elowen nodded as she closed her eyes.

"So, you believe he came from a world where magic exists?"

Serelith shook her head as her lips curving into a faint smile.

"No, Your Majesty. His mana is unstable, almost untouched. Despite the potential he possesses from his lineage that is definitely there, it is quite clear he has never trained in magic. But his instincts are sharp, sharper than most. He read me quickly, without even realizing it, he immediately deem me as one of the greatest potential of danger. As if he's a veteran fighter,"

Elowen leaned back in her chair, absorbing Serelith's words. While the person beside Serelith snorted.

Then she turned her gaze to her personal guard, Vyrelda Thaeloris, who had remained silent until now. The knight had a peculiar look on her face as her eyes narrowed slightly as if she were deep in thought.

"And what about you, Vyrelda? What do you make of him?"

Vyrelda hesitated, then let out a snort as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"If I'm being honest, Your Majesty, he's... a weirdo."

Elowen raised an eyebrow. She couldn't help but grin, hearing her guard's words.

"Oh? A weirdo, you say?"

Vyrelda nodded.

"Yes, a weirdo. He's weak, physically speaking, which made me question Serelith's words of him being a veteran fighter. And he's... well, let's just say he's the type of man who looks like he'd jump at the chance to eat any woman who showed interest in him. There's something about him that irritates me."

At that moment, the room broke into quiet laughter. Even Aelthrin, who was normally stoic, allowed himself a small chuckle. Elowen smiled widely, shaking her head.

"If he managed to get that kind of reaction out of you, Vyrelda, then he must be quite the man. It's rare for you to say so much about someone,"

Vyrelda shrugged, clearly unfazed by the laughter of the other three.

"I just don't trust him. It feels like he's hiding something beneath that frivolous exterior. I don't quite believe that he didn't have any ulterior motive at first, but when I think about it again, he does seem to be someone who would get easily seduced by someone as beautiful as Your Majesty,"

Elowen's smile lingered as she leaned forward, resting her elbows on the table.

"That could be so. But you all saw it. He grasps things quickly and seems to control the situation and the atmosphere of every conversation. There's more to him than meets the eye, and that's what makes him... interesting."

She looked back toward the window, and at that moment, her expression turned thoughtful once again.

"And perhaps even dangerous. But I believe he could be harmless as well. But no matter what, he's needed. With his faint blood of the same lineage as me, the lineage of the dark elves, the child between us will have the legacy continued, and they would be safe. With his abilities and personality, he wouldn't get swayed, and he seems to favor the position of not being seen as well. It's perfect,"

The room fell into a contemplative silence, each retainer lost in their own thoughts. The atmosphere shifted, and Elowen's mind drifted back to her earlier conversation with Mikhailis before he returned to his world.


Mikhailis stood in front of her, she could feel his casual demeanor masking the sharpness in his eyes. Elowen could sense it—the way he calculated everything around him, assessing the situation with an intelligence that belied his eccentric personality.

"I think I should clear a few things up," Mikhailis said, his tone casual as always, though there was a weight behind his words.

"Before we move forward, I have a few questions. You know, just to make sure we're on the same page."

Elowen raised an eyebrow, she couldn't say that she's not curious.

"Go ahead."

Mikhailis's smile widened, but there was something behind it—something serious. Or perhaps, a trap.

"Let's say I didn't accept your offer. What would you have done then?"

Elowen hesitated for a moment before answering.

As expected, this man is sharp...

"I would have... entertained the other offers on the table." She spoke in a roundabout way, but Mikhailis wasn't fooled.

"I see, so you had a backup plan then. Fair enough." He paused for a moment, his eyes narrowing slightly as if he were testing her.

"Next is... Where would I be staying, exactly? Somewhere out of sight, I assume?"

Elowen nodded.

"Yes, within the inner castle. Your presence would be... quite discreet."

Mikhailis let out a small laugh, though it was clear he was thinking deeply.

"So, as long as I keep to myself and don't poke my nose into things that don't concern me, we're all good?"

"Yes," Elowen replied, her voice firm. "That would be best."

For a brief moment, Mikhailis's eyes flickered with understanding, and Elowen could see it—he grasped everything. The unspoken rules, the subtle dynamics at play, the dangers lurking beneath the surface. He understood far more than she had anticipated.

He understands that he's going to be inside the inner castle and avoids positions that would force him to get trapped by the nobles plotting something towards the throne.

It's all completed with just those two questions of them.

And then, just as quickly as the seriousness had come, it vanished, replaced by his usual carefree attitude.

"Alright then," he said with his wide grin.

"I guess we're in business. Just make sure the castle has enough space for my collection. Oh, and I'm going to need some downtime for my anime marathons. You understand, right?"

Elowen chuckled softly, watching as Mikhailis shifted back into his eccentric persona.

But now, she saw him for what he truly was—a man who played the fool but was far more cunning than anyone realized.


The memory faded, and Elowen was brought back to the present, the warmth of her study surrounding her once more.

Aelthrin cleared his throat gently, bringing her back to the conversation at hand.

"Your Majesty," his tone is careful.

"Is it truly wise to choose him? There were other candidates, after all. We have little information on him, and his sudden appearance might raises... concerns in the first place. We didn't know if he had any ulterior motive or not,"

Elowen nodded.

"Yes, I am aware. Your concern is sound, Aelthrin. But I believe we can learn much more from him in time. He's not what he seems, and that may be to our advantage."

Serelith remained quiet, but it was Vyrelda who spoke next, she's as direct as always.

"I'd still prefer Earl Vaelis Drakar, the Immovable Spear. He's accomplished, young, and loyal. We know him. He's proven himself time and again. I trust him far more than this foreigner with his fake smiles and smooth words. Then there's Prince Laethor Idryn from the neighboring kingdom. At least with him, we know his ambition, even if he's sly."

But Elowen shook her head in response to her suggestions.

"No. Vaelis, despite his accomplishments, he has ambition. Too much ambition, for his own good. Marrying him would give him more influence than I can afford. The stability of the kingdom would be at risk. As for Laethor... I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him. He's sly, yes, but his ambitions are even more dangerous."

She paused, then as she continue, her aide could feel the subtle change in her eyes. Something deep.

No, it's something different.

It's confidence.

"Mikhailis on the other hand, may be an unknown, but I believe that's precisely why he's the best choice. He has no connections here, no ties to the politics of this world. He has limited things he could do to endanger the throne, and as what I've observed from him, he don't seem to have much ambition. I can work with that. We can learn more about him, but for now, this is the best course of action."

Vyrelda crossed her arms, clearly unconvinced but unwilling to press further.

"As you wish, Your Majesty."

Aelthrin nodded respectfully. "We trust your judgment, as always."

"Good," Elowen let out a tiny smile.

"Then let's proceed with this. And... See what could happen,"

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