The Eccentric Entomologist is Now a Queen’s Consort

The Chimera Ant’s Evolution (1) The Ant’s First Offspring

"WOW! WOW, RODION, ARE YOU LOOKING AT THIS?" Mikhailis shouted, almost nose-to-glass as he peered through his magnifying glass. He was leaning over the aquarium in his study, his eyes wide with fascination. The gleam of excitement in his gaze was unmistakable.

Using his magnifying glass, he focused on the chimera ant queen, watching as she shimmered beneath the soft light, her body noticeably larger. The ant wasn't just evolving—it was flourishing. Around her, nearly twenty worker ants and ten soldier ants scurried about, their movements sharp and purposeful. He could feel them—each one—through the familiar bond etched into his palm as a tattoo. The bond pulsed, almost like an electric connection, every time they moved.

The queen herself was now the size of his fist, much bigger than when she first appeared in front of him. Her wings glistened faintly, reflecting the light as she moved with a grace that seemed unreal for an insect.

Rodion's voice echoed softly, his tone laced with a mix of sarcasm and analytic precision.

<As expected. It appears the queen's growth is indeed directly linked to the nutrients you provided. We've successfully transitioned her into a higher evolutionary state. Shall I review the nutrient log for your satisfaction, Mikhailis?>

Mikhailis grinned, unable to keep himself from smirking.

"Oh, please do. This feels like a proud dad moment here!"

<Quite. You've outdone yourself, feeding her a rather colorful concoction. Let's review, shall we? The nutrient blend included ground-up mana herbs—Dewglow Leaves—highly concentrated with latent magical energy. In addition, Moonlit Moss, which apparently helps insects gain adaptive properties. And finally, those magical creatures from the garden. Bugs, frogs… It seems you have a habit of capturing anything that crawls, hops, or buzzes.>

Mikhailis scratched the back of his head, his grin widening.

"You make it sound like I run a monster petting zoo, Rodion. All for science, buddy. But I gotta say, the frogs were surprisingly tough to catch."

<They were, in fact, magical frogs capable of elemental bursts. Quite an impressive choice to include in her diet. Their energy appears to be integrated into the queen, resulting in the significant magical shift we are now witnessing. The queen has transitioned into what we could categorize as a 'magical beast'.>

Mikhailis's eyes sparkled at the mention of "magical beast." He stared at the queen, watching her shimmer and her abdomen pulse with energy. The worker ants scurried around, some gathering small particles from the corners of the aquarium, while the soldier ants stood vigilant, ready for anything.

"She's beautiful…" Mikhailis muttered, almost to himself. He could sense the change within her, like a small spark of magic lighting up inside, and it wasn't just physical growth—it was something deeper. He could feel her intelligence beginning to bloom.

He continued watching the bustling ants for several minutes, his fascination only growing as he noted the differences in each cast—the workers, the soldiers, and, of course, the queen.

Their instincts were sharp, movements almost coordinated like they had a military strategy in place. He had to test this.

"Alright, let's see if this works." Mikhailis straightened up, placing the magnifying glass to the side. He stared into the aquarium, focusing on the bond in his palm.

It was like an invisible thread linking him to the queen, a mental string that connected them.

With a slight tilt of his head, he gave a mental command: Fly.

The queen shuddered momentarily, then, as if obeying his will, her wings began to flutter. Slowly, she lifted off the ground, rising steadily into the air. Her iridescent wings sparkled as they caught the light, and she moved smoothly, elegantly, hovering above the worker ants. The soldiers, sensing movement, became alert, their antennae twitching.

"Holy crap, it worked!" Mikhailis couldn't contain his excitement.

"Rodion, are you seeing this? I'm, like, the ant whisperer or something!"

<Impressive. Though, let's remember that whispering to ants isn't typically a skill that translates into heroic epics. Still, it's something.>

Mikhailis chuckled, eyes locked on the queen.

He gave another command, and she swooped gracefully, landing back on the ground amidst the workers. They seemed to accept her return without question, resuming their tasks with a sense of loyalty that was palpable.

His eyes narrowed as he noticed something peculiar—there were four rather large, rounded eggs tucked neatly in the far corner of the aquarium.

They were bigger than the previous batches. They had an unusual shine, almost like they were covered in a faint, magical glow.

"Rodion, those eggs… they look different. Can you analyze them?"

<Analyzing. Deploying Rodion Limb for a more thorough scan. Standby.>

A small mechanical arm extended from the side of the aquarium, equipped with sensors and a tiny scanner that began to circle the eggs, taking readings. Rodion's voice returned, calm yet intrigued.

<Analysis complete. It appears that these eggs are not ordinary. There is a high probability that they are 'variant' chimera ants. They possess traces of genetic markers from the magical frogs and the magical herbs. Essentially, these eggs may hatch creatures with abilities beyond those of regular chimera ants. We could be looking at a significant evolutionary step, with hybrid traits.>

Mikhailis rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

"Variant chimera ants, huh? So… magical frog soldiers or plant worker ants. Maybe some laser-shooting ants?"

<Let's not get ahead of ourselves, Mikhailis. But yes, potentially. They may inherit unique traits based on what the queen has absorbed from her environment. They are essentially wildcards.>

Mikhailis couldn't hide the mischievous smile spreading across his face.

"This is gonna be fun. Imagine what we could do if these guys actually get those powers."

He looked back at the ants, feeling the bond with the queen throb faintly. They obeyed him without question. Every little movement followed his mental command. It was as though he was their king, and the queen was his loyal emissary.

"Alright, Rodion, I think it's time to get that experiment going. It's time to install 'that.'"

<You're referring to the neural relay chip for surveillance and data analysis, correct? The one you've been insisting on developing despite my repeated warnings about ethical boundaries and potential risks?>

Mikhailis grinned.

"Exactly that one. And come on, Rodion, they're ants. Plus, I'm not installing it in their brains—it's just on the exoskeleton. Think of it like a little backpack."

Rodion sighed.

Or at least that's what it sounded like—a resigned exhale from an AI that clearly had its doubts.

<Very well. Preparing the relay chip for installation. This is uncharted territory, Mikhailis. I must insist—do not open the aquarium lid. Let me handle the procedure remotely.>

Mikhailis, with his typical disregard for caution, shook his head.

"Nah, I got this. Trust me."

<Mikhailis, I must strongly advise against—>

Before Rodion could finish, Mikhailis had already popped open the lid of the aquarium. He extended his hand, palm up, towards the queen. She fluttered her wings, lifting off gracefully, and flew towards him. Instead of fleeing or attacking, she hovered gently over his hand before settling down on his palm.

"See? She trusts me." He looked at the queen, her antennae twitching slightly as if responding to his thoughts.

"Good girl. You're gonna be a star."

<This defies standard insect behavior. It seems your bond with her has transcended instinct. Fascinating, but still reckless.>

Mikhailis carefully lowered her back into the aquarium.

"Alright, girl, stay still. Time for your new gear."

The robotic limb, equipped with the neural relay chip, extended into the aquarium. The other ants moved aside as if aware that something significant was happening. The queen remained completely still, her shimmering exoskeleton reflecting the light.

Rodion's voice was flat, professional.

<Beginning installation. Please ensure no disturbances.>

Mikhailis watched, his gaze unblinking as the small chip was carefully affixed to the queen's back, just above her thorax. It adhered smoothly, the tiny connectors making contact with her exoskeleton.

<Installation complete. Neural relay operational. I am now receiving feedback from the queen's sensory input. Establishing connection... Visual and neural data is streaming successfully.>

Mikhailis grinned from ear to ear. "Awesome! We did it, Rodion. She's got her own little cam now. Imagine all the things we can see."

<I can confirm visual acquisition. Quite the perspective—lots of antennae and tiny legs. This is certainly... novel.>

Mikhailis leaned back, letting out a sigh of satisfaction. "I always wanted to see the world through an ant's eyes. And now, I can. Plus, this will give us so much insight into their habits, their behaviors, even how the magic is affecting them."

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