The Eccentric Entomologist is Now a Queen’s Consort

The Queen And Her Knight

The training yard was abuzz with activity, filled with the rhythmic clang of swords, the stomp of heavy boots on packed earth, and the shouts of warriors exchanging blows. The sky overhead was a brilliant blue, and the crisp morning air carried with it the scents of earth and steel. It was a day like any other in the royal barracks, where the soldiers of Silvarion Thalor honed their skills under the watchful eyes of their commanders.But today is different.Because their queen is watching them under her sharp eyes personally.

Elowen stood at the edge of the training yard with her regal presence unmistakable despite her more relaxed attire.

She wore a simple tunic and trousers, a marked departure from her usual queenly robes, though still elegant. Beside her stood Vyrelda Thaeloris, her Queen's Knight, decked out in light armor, her hand resting comfortably on the pommel of her sword. Vyrelda's gaze was sharp, her eyes constantly moving as she took in every movement on the training ground, her long blonde hair tied back into a neat braid.

"It's good to see the men putting in the work," Elowen said, her voice carrying a sense of calm authority.

"After everything they've been through, it's important to keep them sharp. With this pace, we would be ready for anything soon,"

Vyrelda nodded, her eyes narrowing slightly as she watched a particularly heated sparring match between two knights.

"Yes, but they still have much to improve upon. Especially if they're to keep up with the demands that may come." She glanced sideways at Elowen, her lips curving into a faint, almost teasing smile.

"And if they're to protect a queen who's decided to bring a stranger from another world into the fold."

Elowen smiled, a touch of warmth mingling with her usual composure.

"Mikhailis is no ordinary stranger, Vyrelda. He may not look the part of a warrior, but he has strengths that others lack."

Vyrelda let out a small huff, crossing her arms as she turned her attention back to the training ground.

"With all due respect, Your Majesty, I've yet to see those strengths. He seems… different. Unconventional, perhaps, but not in the way that would make him a formidable defender of the realm."

Elowen raised an eyebrow, her eyes glinting with a hint of mischief.

"You mean he's not like the rest of the nobles here, who brandish swords and march around in armor, puffing out their chests?"

Vyrelda chuckled, which is a rare sound coming from her.

"Something like that, yes. He's... well, forgive me, but he seems like a fool. Frivolous, without the seriousness one expects from a consort of your stature." She paused, her gaze turning thoughtful.

"But you trust him, I know. And for that reason, I'm willing to give him a chance, even if I do have my doubts."

Elowen smiled, her golden eyes turning towards Vyrelda with a knowing look.

"Good. Because that's all I ask. Trust me, Vyrelda, there's more to him than meets the eye. And as for his frivolous nature… let's just say, I quite like it. It keeps things interesting." She paused, but Vyrelda could feel her neck running cold when she saw her queen's smile growing sharper.

"And I would suggest, my dear knight, that you take care not to overstep when commenting on my husband."

Vyrelda's eyes widened slightly, and a soft cough came from behind them. They both turned to see Serelith Malanor, the court magician, draped in her usual flowing black robes, her violet eyes gleaming with amusement. She had approached quietly, her steps soft as a shadow.

"Oh, Vyrelda, I do believe you've been warned," Serelith said, her voice smooth as silk, laced with just a hint of mockery.

"Careful, or you might find yourself in quite the predicament."

Vyrelda gave an exasperated sigh, though her lips twitched into a smile.

"I suppose I'll hold my tongue then, if only to avoid the wrath of both the queen and the court magician."

Serelith chuckled, her eyes glinting as she looked out at the training yard.

"In truth, I find him fascinating. He might be different, but in a way that makes one wonder what lies beneath that carefree facade."

Elowen nodded, completely agreeing ot her words.

"That's precisely why I chose him." She looked at her knight and magician, her gaze unwavering.

"Mikhailis may not be what you expected, but he is what I need. And for now, that is enough."

Vyrelda inclined her head respectfully.

"Of course, Your Majesty. I trust your judgment, even if I don't entirely understand it."

Elowen smiled, her eyes softening.

"That's all I ask."

The training yard fell momentarily silent as the knights finished their sparring, their breathing heavy as they took a moment to catch their breath. Elowen then glanced at Vyrelda, and her gaze sharpening, the court magician smiled when she saw the glint of challenge appearing in her eyes.

"How about it, Vyrelda? Care for a little sparring match of our own?" she asked, her voice light but her intent clear.

Vyrelda raised an eyebrow, her lips curling into a smile.

"It would be an honor, Your Majesty. Though I warn you, I won't hold back."

Elowen gave a small, confident laugh.

"I wouldn't expect anything less from one of our strongest knight."

The knights and soldiers gathered around, and their eyes widening as they realized what was about to happen.

A duel between the queen and her knight—a rare sight indeed.

The two most powerful women in the kingdom were about to spar, and the anticipation was palpable.

Elowen stepped forward, drawing her sword from its sheath in an elegant move. The blade gleamed beautifully in the morning light.

Vyrelda followed suit, her own sword coming to rest in her hand with practiced ease.

The two women faced each other, their eyes locking, and a silent understanding passed between them.

Vyrelda was the first to move, her steps quick and decisive as she lunged forward, her blade aimed for Elowen's side.

"So fast!"

"As expected of Lady Vyrelda!"

Elowen shifted her weight, sidestepping the attack with a fluid grace, her own sword coming up to meet Vyrelda's with a resounding clang.

The force of the clash sent a shockwave through the air, the soldiers around them watching in awe.


"As expected of the Queen!"

"Not bad, Vyrelda," Elowen said, her voice calm as she parried another strike, their swords moving in a dance of steel and strength.

"But you'll have to do better than that."

Vyrelda smirked, her eyes glinting with determination.

"I intend to."

She spun on her heel, her blade slicing through the air in a swift arc aimed at Elowen's shoulder. Elowen ducked, her movements swift and precise, and she countered with a quick jab toward Vyrelda's midsection.

Vyrelda blocked the attack, their swords locking together for a brief moment, the sound of grinding metal filling the air.

"You've grown faster, Your Majesty," Vyrelda said, her voice strained as she pushed against Elowen's blade.

Elowen smiled, her eyes narrowing.

"And you've grown stronger, Vyrelda. But speed isn't everything."

She suddenly twisted her wrist, breaking the lock and stepping to the side, her blade coming around to tap lightly against Vyrelda's back. Vyrelda stumbled forward, her eyes widening in surprise.

The crowd gasped, a murmur running through the gathered soldiers as they watched the exchange.

"First point to me," Elowen said, her voice filled with a hint of pride.

Vyrelda straightened, turning to face Elowen again, a determined smile on her lips.

"Well played, Your Majesty. But this isn't over yet."

Elowen nodded, her eyes gleaming.

"Good. I'm just getting warmed up."

They moved again, their swords clashing with a flurry of strikes and parries, each movement fluid and controlled. And with each bouts, their movement became quicker, making the soldiers that watched widened their eyes in awe, their eyes wide as they witnessed the skill of their queen and her knight.

Every strike, every block was precise, a testament to the years of training and experience that both women possessed.

Vyrelda lunged forward, her blade aimed at Elowen's chest, but Elowen twisted her body, her sword coming up to deflect the attack. She stepped in close, her eyes locking with Vyrelda's as she brought her blade down in a swift, controlled strike.

Vyrelda blocked it just in time, the force of the impact sending a shockwave through her arm. She gritted her teeth, pushing back against Elowen's strength, her eyes filled with determination.

"You've always been a tough opponent, Your Majesty," Vyrelda said, her voice strained as she pushed against Elowen's blade.

"But I won't back down."

Elowen smiled, her eyes filled with respect.

"I wouldn't have it any other way."

They broke apart, circling each other, their eyes locked, each waiting for the other to make a move. The air was thick with tension, the crowd around them holding their breath as they watched.

Vyrelda moved first, her blade coming around in a wide arc, but Elowen ducked under it, her own sword coming up to meet Vyrelda's with a resounding clang. They moved together, their swords a blur of motion, each strike and parry precise and controlled.

The soldiers watched in awe, their eyes wide as they took in the display of skill and strength. They whispered amongst themselves, their voices filled with admiration.

"Look at them," one knight muttered, his eyes wide as he watched the fight. "The queen and her knight—truly incredible. I've never seen anyone move like that. Perhaps only Earl Vaelis that has the strength to fight on par with them in this kingdom,"

Another soldier nodded in agreement, his eyes fixed on the two women in the middle of the training yard.

"They're like forces of nature. Every strike, every movement—it's like they're dancing."

The crowd watched as Elowen and Vyrelda continued their duel, their swords clashing again and again, the sound of steel ringing through the air. It was a display of not only skill but also trust, as both women moved with an almost uncanny sense of anticipation, each seeming to know exactly where the other would be at any given moment.

Vyrelda moved in close, her blade aimed for Elowen's shoulder, but Elowen parried the strike, her own blade twisting around to catch Vyrelda's wrist. For a brief moment, their eyes met, a silent understanding passing between them before Elowen pulled back, giving Vyrelda room to recover.

"You're holding back, Vyrelda," Elowen said.

Vyrelda let out a small laugh, shaking her head.

"I wouldn't dream of it, Your Majesty. But perhaps it's you who's holding back."

Elowen raised an eyebrow, a smile playing at her lips.

"Oh, is that so? Very well, then."

With a sudden burst of speed, Elowen moved forward, her blade slicing through the air with precision. Vyrelda barely had time to react, her sword coming up just in time to deflect the blow, but the force of it sent her stumbling back.

Elowen pressed her advantage, her movements swift and relentless, her sword a blur as she struck again and again, each blow forcing Vyrelda back further. Vyrelda gritted her teeth, her eyes narrowing as she focused, her blade coming up to block each strike, though she was clearly being pushed to her limit.

"You wanted me not to hold back, Vyrelda," Elowen said, her voice calm even as she moved with blinding speed.

"Are you sure you can handle it?"

Vyrelda let out a breathless laugh, her eyes filled with determination.

"I wouldn't have it any other way, Your Majesty."

With a burst of effort, Vyrelda pushed back against Elowen's assault, her blade coming up in a powerful strike aimed at Elowen's side. Elowen twisted her body, narrowly avoiding the blow, her eyes glinting with approval.

"Good. That's the spirit."

The two women moved together again, their swords clashing with renewed intensity. The crowd watched in awe, their eyes wide as they took in the display of skill, the sheer power and grace of their queen and her knight.

Serelith, who had been standing off to the side, her violet eyes watching the duel with quiet interest, let out a small, amused chuckle.

"They're really giving it their all, aren't they?"

One of the soldiers nearby nodded, his eyes still fixed on the fight.

"Yes, Lady Serelith. I've never seen anything like it. It's like they're not even human."

Serelith chuckled.

"Oh, they're human, all right. They might kill you if they heard those words. But well, they're also two of the finest warriors in the kingdom. It's only natural they'd push each other to the limit."

The fight continued, Elowen and Vyrelda moving with an almost supernatural grace, their swords clashing again and again, the sound of steel ringing through the air. They moved like they were dancing, each step perfectly in sync, each strike and parry a testament to their years of training and experience.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Elowen made her move.

She stepped in close, her blade twisting around Vyrelda's, disarming her with a swift, controlled movement. Vyrelda's sword clattered to the ground, and Elowen brought her own blade up, stopping just short of Vyrelda's throat.

The crowd erupted into applause, the soldiers cheering as they watched the queen and her knight. Elowen smiled, lowering her sword and stepping back, her eyes filled with warmth as she looked at Vyrelda.

"Well fought, Vyrelda. You've grown stronger."

Vyrelda smiled, her breathing heavy as she bent down to pick up her sword.

"Thank you, Your Majesty. You truly are unmatched."

Elowen shook her head, her gaze softening.

"No, Vyrelda. You are my equal, and you know it. Today was just my day. Next time, perhaps you would be the one who win,"

Vyrelda gave a small bow, her eyes filled with respect.

"It would be an honor to face you again."

Elowen sheathed her sword, turning to face the crowd of soldiers who were still cheering. She raised a hand, and the crowd fell silent, their eyes fixed on her as they waited for her to speak.

"Today, you have all witnessed what it means to be strong," Elowen said, her voice carrying across the training yard.

"But strength is not just about skill with a sword or power in battle. True strength comes from the heart, from the willingness to fight for what you believe in, for those you care about."

She paused, her gaze sweeping across the crowd, her eyes filled with determination.

"That is what I expect from all of you. Not just to be warriors, but to be defenders of this kingdom, of its people. To fight not for glory, but for each other."

The soldiers nodded, their eyes filled with admiration as they looked at their queen. Elowen turned to Vyrelda with a smile playing at her lips.

"And that includes you, Vyrelda. I expect you to fight by my side, always."

Vyrelda nodded, her eyes filled with determination.

"Always, Your Majesty."

Serelith stepped forward, her eyes gleaming with amusement.

"Well, that was quite the show. I think even Your Highness Mikhailis would have been impressed."

Elowen smiled, a hint of warmth in her eyes.

"Perhaps. But he would have probably made some joke and ended up having a duel with Vyrelda himself which worries me,."

Vyrelda let out a small laugh, shaking her head.

"I suppose that's just his way."

Elowen nodded, her gaze turning distant for a moment.

"Yes, it is. And that's why I trust him, despite everything. He may not be a warrior like us, but he has a strength of his own. One that I think will surprise us all."

Serelith smiled, her eyes filled with curiosity.

"I look forward to seeing that. He certainly is… different."

Elowen nodded, her eyes softening.

"Yes, he is. But sometimes, different is exactly what we need."

The training yard slowly returned to its usual activity, the soldiers breaking off into their own sparring matches, their energy renewed after watching their queen and her knight. Elowen and Vyrelda made their way off the training field, Serelith following behind, her dark robes flowing like shadows in the bright morning light.

Vyrelda glanced at Elowen, her eyes filled with a mixture of respect and curiosity.

"Your Majesty, I must admit, I still don't fully understand His Highness Mikhailis well. But if you believe in him, then I will trust him as well."

Elowen smiled, her golden eyes glinting with a hint of amusement.

"That's all I ask, Vyrelda. Just give him time. He may not be like the rest of us, but he has a role to play in all of this. One that I believe is more important than any of us realize."

Vyrelda nodded, her expression thoughtful. "Then I will do my best to support him, for your sake."

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