The Eccentric Entomologist is Now a Queen’s Consort

The Language of Souls

Back in the royal chamber, the grandeur of the banquet seemed like a distant memory. The room was softly illuminated by the moonlight that filtered in through the large windows. Mikhailis and Elowen had dismissed everyone, leaving only the two of them in this intimate space. The heavy, formal robes of the banquet were discarded, replaced with nothing but their own warmth. The night had taken quite a turn, and now they were resting on the plush couch, covered in a thick, comfortable blanket. The television in front of them displayed a virtual fireplace, the soft crackling of the flames accompanied by some mellow tune that filled the room with a cozy, serene atmosphere.

Elowen rested her head on Mikhailis's shoulder, her arms wrapped around him as they shared this quiet moment together. Her silver hair spilled across the blanket, shimmering in the dim light, and her cheeks still held a faint blush.

Mikhailis could feel the warmth of her skin, her breathing soft and steady. The night had been wonderful—magnificent, even, as Elowen had insisted on rewarding him in the best possible way. He smiled to himself, looking at her now, content and at peace.

That was paradise...

Mikhailis is currently in the ninth cloud, enjoying the fresh and clear memories of how he got 'Serviced' in various ways by Elowen made him didn't regret coming here.

Suddenly, there was a soft whirring noise from across the room.

Mikhailis looked up to see Rodion, controlling the small monkey-like robot, approaching them. Its mechanical limbs moved with precision, and it carried a tray with two cups of tea, the steam rising gently from the cups.

"Ah, look who's here," Mikhailis said softly, his voice tinged with amusement.

The robot came to a stop in front of them, presenting the tea. Rodion's voice came through, cold but with a hint of something akin to humor.

<Herbal tea, brought from Earth. Freshly brewed, as requested. The peculiar powder you named 'Celestial Night,' known for its calming properties and apparently good for 'snuggling moments,' if I recall correctly.>

Mikhailis couldn't help but chuckle as he took one of the cups.

How very caring of you. Trying to score some good points with my wifey, aren't you now?

"Thanks, Rodion. Always the romantic, aren't you?"

<The tea is hot. Be careful not to spill it on your very romantic evening.>

Mikhailis rolled his eyes, while Elowen let out a soft giggle, taking her own cup from the tray.

"Thank you, Rodion," she said sincerely.

<You're welcome, Your Majesty. May you both find this moment appropriately delightful.>

The robot retreated, leaving them alone again.

Mikhailis took a slow sip of the tea, the warm liquid spreading through him, a delightful mix of calming herbs that eased whatever tension still lingered from the banquet.

Elowen leaned against him, closing her eyes for a moment as she enjoyed the warmth of the cup in her hands.

"It's good, isn't it?" Mikhailis said, his voice soft.

Elowen nodded, a small smile forming on her lips.

"It is. It's quite different from the teas we have here. It's like it... soothes the soul."

Mikhailis smiled, resting his head against hers.

"Glad you like it. It's moments like this that make everything worth it."

They sat in silence for a while, the television is playing the sound of fireplace crackling softly with a soft instrumental song playing, the warmth of each other's presence enough to keep the world outside at bay.

After a while, Elowen lifted her head slightly, her golden eyes meeting Mikhailis's.

"You really did wonderfully today, Mikhailis," she said, her voice filled with admiration.

He shrugged, trying to brush off the compliment.

"Oh, come on, it was just a banquet. I just played the part, that's all."

Elowen shook her head gently.

"No, really. You entertained everyone. The way you handled Count Levos, it was flawless. He was trying to push you into accepting a concubine, you know that, right?"

Mikhailis raised an eyebrow, taking another sip of his tea.

"A concubine, huh? Yeah, I figured it was something like that. The way he talked about noble families and daughters of 'suitable age'... It was obvious what he was getting at."

Elowen sighed, her gaze distant for a moment.

"It's common here for nobles to have multiple wives. Polygamy is a way to ensure that their lineage continues, that their family's future is secure. The count wanted to put you in a position where you couldn't refuse. It was all about power and control. If you married a woman from the count's family, he would get more influence in both trades and in the court,"

Mikhailis nodded thoughtfully, setting his cup down on the small table in front of them.

"I see. Well, too bad for him. I'm not really interested in all that."

Elowen smiled, her golden eyes filled with warmth as she looked at him.

"I know. That's why it means so much to me that you're here. You're different from the others. You're not interested in power or influence. You're just… you."

Mikhailis gave her a small, genuine smile.

"Yeah, just a bug-loving, anime-watching eccentric who somehow ended up as a prince consort."

Elowen let out a soft laugh, resting her head on his shoulder again.

"And Earl Vaelis… He was trying to embarrass you. He's still bitter, you know. He wanted to be the one to marry me."

Mikhailis rolled his eyes, his tone playful.

"Yeah, I got that vibe. The guy couldn't stop giving me those looks. I mean, I don't blame him. If I were him, I'd be pretty salty too."

Elowen giggled softly, but then her gaze turned more serious.

"But you handled him perfectly. Even Vaelis, with all his achievements, couldn't shake you. You're… really quite amazing, Mikhailis."

He shrugged, a playful grin on his face.

"Oh, come on, if he challenged me to a fight, I'd lose for sure without giving any fight. That guy's all muscle, I'm all brains—and insects, after all,"

Elowen then shook her head smiling.

"Still, you were perfect today. You were exactly what the kingdom needed. What I needed. You made them see you, not just as some outsider, but as someone worthy of standing by my side without giving any hint that could threaten anyone with your presence, while didn't have your position threatened as well. That was such a magnificent control you have there,"

Mikhailis then looked at her, and his gaze softened as his voice growing more serious.

"Well, I'm not doing this just for the kingdom, you know. I'm doing it just for you, Elowen. I meant what I said. I've got your back. Always. We're now husband and wife, after all,"

Elowen's eyes glistened, and she leaned in, pressing her lips gently to his. It was a soft, lingering kiss, filled with unspoken words, with gratitude, with love. When they pulled away, she rested her forehead against his, her eyes closed.

"Thank you," she whispered.

Mikhailis smiled, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her closer.

"Anytime, wifey."

They stayed like that for a while, just holding each other, the warmth of the blanket and the soft glow of the television creating a cocoon around them. Mikhailis could feel her heartbeat, steady and calm, and he knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they'd face them together.

After a while, Mikhailis broke the comfortable silence, his voice soft, curious.

"Elowen, I've been meaning to ask you something."

She looked up at him, her eyes filled with curiosity.

"What is it?"

He hesitated for a moment, trying to find the right words.

"It's just… something's been bothering me for a while now. How is it that I can understand everyone here? I mean, I've never learned the language, but somehow I know it—speaking, reading, everything. It just came to me naturally, almost like… magic."

Elowen's eyes widened slightly, and she nodded slowly.

"Ah, I see. Yes, that's something I've wondered about too. You're speaking the common language of Eldoria, our continent. It's not something that can be learned easily, especially not by someone from another world."

Mikhailis raised an eyebrow, intrigued.

"Eldoria, huh? Nice name. So, what's the deal with this language then?"

Elowen shifted slightly, her expression thoughtful.

"It's called the Common Language of the continent. But the phenomenon of how you could understand the language, it's a magical phenomenon that happens to those who have mana. When two people with mana converse, their souls connect, and the language is transmitted through that connection. It's like a silent conversation between souls, and the words are then translated into your mind. It's a form of magic, and it requires mana to work, slowly, your mind adapted and get used to language,"

Mikhailis blinked, processing her words.

"So, wait, when we talk, we're actually… conversing through our souls? And that's how I understand everything?"

Elowen nodded, her gaze steady.

"Yes. When you first arrived here, you must have had mana in you, even if you didn't realize it. When we spoke, our souls connected, and the language began to flow through you. That's why you can understand and speak it so naturally. But now, it seems that you're talking naturally with the common language of Eldoria,"

Mikhailis then leaned back, and a look of realization crossed his face.

"No wonder I felt so dizzy when we first met. It was like I was drained, like something was being pulled from me."

Elowen smiled softly.

"That was your mana being used for the first time. The connection between our souls was strong, and your body wasn't used to it yet. It took time for you to adjust, but now, it's become natural for you."

Mikhailis nodded slowly, his eyes distant as he thought back to that first encounter.

"Yeah, I remember that. I thought it was just the shock of being in a new world, but I guess it was more than that. It was like my whole body was being rewired or something. I had no idea it was because of magic... or souls, for that matter,"

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