The Embodiment of Evil

Chapter 20 – The Escape

Back at the portal at the Church of Light's end, Kitsune appeared with several naked teens, with the badly injured Tyrannus in her arms. 

They were immediately surrounded by the Imperial Paladin and the Paladins of the Church of Light and their battle monks. 

"Halt! You Kitsune, Guardian of Avalon, together with Gandorf of the Academy of Avalon, Azlan the Hermit Swordsman and two other Sages have been found guilty of intruding into our sacred realm! All the rest of you are also found guilty of corroborating this crime. You will be sentenced immediately!" he said as hundreds of Paladins surrounded them. 

"Dragon Clan! Come to me!" roared Ariana as she gave a Dragon roar which stunned the paladins. 

"Daddy! Save me!" Sierra also cried out as she gave a Phoenix cry 

Suddenly, 10 Sage level Dragon Clan elders including the Dragon Clan Chief flew to the sky and protected the escapees, facing the paladins. Another 15 Sage level Phoenix Kingdom Elders including the Phoenix Emperor and also guarded them. 

"What is the meaning of this?" the Imperior Paladin said as he stared at them. 

"This is one of my princesses and one of our clan's top prodigies. We will not give her up without as fight" the Dragon Clan Chief said 

"Princess Sierra is my youngest daughter. You will take her over my dead body" the Phoenix Emperor said. 

"Very well, arrest all of them!" the Imperial Paladin said as his paladins attacked.

The forces of the Dragon Clan and Phoenix Kingdom clashed with that of the Church of Light. An immense battle shook the very foundation of Heaven on Earth, causing the scenery to be destroyed in moments.

Kitsune escaped amidst the chaos carrying Tyrannus and followed by Alita. However, the Paladins of Light were not incompetent and a squadron of Paladins chased after them together with the Church of Light's battle monks 

Just as they reached the nearest open portal, they were suddenly surrounded and two of the paladins as well as one of the battle monks were Level 6 Sage level as well. 

"Damn it!" Kitsune yelled, her 6 tails flourishing in the air menacingly. 

"For Avalon" came a cry as suddenly Princess Donna and her Royal Guard attacked the paladins from the side. Martel and Gregory, the other members of their team from the academy also joined Princess Donna to attack. 

Alita joined the fight as well. 

"Go! Get Tyrannus out of here! We'll try to hold them!" Princess Donna yelled. 

Kitsune nodded and fled through the portal carrying Tyrannus. Although she knew that Princess Donna had no hope of winning, her identity as the Princess of Avalon should be able to get her some amnesty if she is caught, she thought. 

They exited the portal in a large city unlike anywhere Kitsune has been before. It was dry and dusty and it seemed like it was surrounded by a huge desert. She quickly took Tyrannus and vanished into the distance. 

She hid in the shadows of the large city, hoping to find a safehouse where she could try and treat Tyrannus' wounds. He was unconscious and wounded quite badly.

His whole face was covered in blood from his eyes and his mouth. She had to empty his mouth of blood several times to prevent him from drowning in his own blood. 

The bleeding from his groin where his penis used to be did not stop bleeding profusely, even though she tried her best to bandage it as much as she could. 

Not only that, she kept feeling an ominous feeling, as if they were followed. She changed directions many times, but couldn't lose the feeling of being followed. 

She reached an open area that needed crossing, so she looked around and immediately dashed to the other side. 

However, she suddenly stopped upon finding her path blocked. A large man in armor stood in front of her. 

"Oh shit! The Imperial Paladin!" Kitsune cursed to herself. 

Then more and more figures came out of the shadows, blocking all the exits. 

There were 10 level 5 Grandmaster and 4 level 6 Sage paladins, 6 level 5 Grandmaster and 2 level 6 Sage Battle Monks and they were surrounded by 20 level 5 Grandmaster Grand Light Archers. In the shadows, Kitsune sensed the assassins who were at minimum level 5 Grandmaster level. 

Kitsune knew she had no hope of resisting. This will be a massacre, but she couldn't surrender Tyrannus!

"Surrender and your execution will be swift. Resist and we will give you to the Grand Inquisitor!" the Imperial Paladin said. 

"Go screw yourself!" Kitsune yelled. 

Several arrows were instantly fired by the archers

"Aaah" Kitsune yelled. 

Kitsune felt her forearms and calfs pierced by arrows, causing her to drop Tyrannus in pain as she dropped to her knees. 

"Kill the boy" the Imperial Paladin said. 

Two arrows were shot, aiming at Tyrannus' head, but Kitsune blocked them with her tails. 

"Beat her up, but don't kill her. The Grand Inquisitor can use her" the Imperial Paladin said and two level 6 Sage paladins, wielding maces as well as 2 level 6 Sage battle monks charged at her. 

Within moments, after a brief resistance, the four were beating Kitsune up badly, battering her into the floor. Her beautiful face was beaten and bloody. And all her limbs were nearly broken even though her body was extremely tough and nearly indestructible. 

"What makes this boy so special? He's already crippled for life and is useless" the Imperial Paladin said as he approached Tyrannus and drew his sword. 

"Noooo!" Kitsune cried desperately, covering Tyrannus' body with hers. 

The Imperial Paladin mercilessly kicked Kitsune away, her body flying towards the others who were ready to give her another beat down. 

Just as the Imperial Paladin raised his sword to behead him, Tyrannus suddenly turned his face and stared at him with his empty eyesockets. 

A chill paralyzed the Imperial Paladin as he faced a being who had the killing intent of someone who has taken billions of lives. 

"Who do you think you are, that you can take the life of this seat? Do you think you are worthy?" his voice rasped. Although he had no tongue, the words were somehow created and echoed through the head of all the attackers.

The killing intent was to intense that all the level 5 Grandmaster level enemies spirits left their bodies, literally leaving their dead bodies.

The level 6 sages all passed out, the weaker ones rendered insane while the stronger ones will have nightmares for the rest of their lives. Their bodies dropped like puppets who had their strings cut. 

As for the Imperial Paladin, although he was a level 7 Immortal, he could do nothing but cower in fear as he prostrated his body against the ground, unable to move and shivering with fear. 

Tyrannus walked to the unconscious Kitsune and carried her on his shoulder. His body was weak and he had lost alot of blood. But somehow he slowly carried her away.

The Imperial Paladin couldn't even move or lift his head for a long while, much longer than it took for Tyrannus to disappear with Kitsune.

Even when he did recover, he was still shaking in fear and could not bring himself to chase them. Besides that, more than half his forces he brought were dead, and the rest were rendered useless. 

"What the hell happened? Who is he?" the Imperial Paladin kept asking in his head, over and over again, still shaking every time he thought of the bloodied face staring at him. The face and voice would haunt his nightmares for years to come.  

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