The Embodiment of Evil

Chapter 21 – News

Kitsune woke up and looked around, finding herself in Tyrannus' arms, in a cave somewhere that smelled far from the city they were in. 

"Tyrannus? Ty?" she called. But Tyrannus was barely breathing and his dried blood from his eyes and mouth looked gruesome. 

She got up slowly, as her own body was badly bruised and battered. One of her eyes were shut and some of her bones were broken. 

But she had to get up from him, remembering that his wounds were worse and found that she had been sitting on his lap, right on the wound where he was castrated. 

Hi groin was covered in dried blood that covered both his thighs black with dried blood. Her tails were dyed in his blood and the rest of her body was also covered with both her and his blood. 

She checked on him, finding that although his breathing was shallow, and he was feverish. 

She went outside to check the area. She found a stream nearby and ripped part of her dress to use to clean him and try to cool his body down. 

All she wore was her dress and her panties, so she removed her dress and started tearing them to strips to bandage his body. 

Before long, he was cleaned up. He had a strip of bandage around his head, covering his eyes, while another covered his mouth. He also had bandages wrapped around his groin. 

He was shivering so Kitsune hugged him tightly in her 6 tails, and hoped that he would last the night. 


Six months later, two strangers walked into town and entered a tavern, their features covered in their cloaks.

One of them was a female, her feminine shape was alluring even when hidden by her cloak. 

With her was a strange person. The person was taller than the first, but one is unable to tell whether it was a male or female, as the person walked so softly and gently that it seemed he or she floated rather than walk, even though his or her feet seemed to touch the ground. 

If one was to describe it, the best description is that his or her walk didn't even disturb the dust on the floor. It was nearly ethereal. 

They sat on a table and the first person ordered some food. They ordered stew, bread and water, simple staple food in these parts.

Both of them removed their cloaks, the first revealing a female of otherworldly beauty. This was both a blessing and curse of the demon fox race that Kitsune had to face in this world. 

The other person was blind. It was still hard to tell if it was a male or female as he or she had a incredibly handsome or pretty face, but didn't seem to talk and his or her body seemed androgynous. He or she didn't have visible breasts, but yet didn't move like a man. 

That was not so say that he or she swayed his or her hips like a flirtatious woman, rather it seemed every movement was completely devoid of wasted energy and yet was as graceful as humanly possible. 

They both sat quietly, eating their stew, silently listening to gossip as the other patrons talked. 

"How goes the war?" asked a patron to his weathered looking friend. 

"Great it seems! When I was at Fort Lathar, the news was that the Church of Light had successfully routed the Dragon Clan, killing many and forcing their clan to scatter and run into hiding. The bounty hunters are on their tail, but I suspect that sooner or later they will all be caught" he said. 

"Do you know what I heard?" another interjected. "I heard that the Phoenix Kingdom is still holding strong. They lost a third of their territory, but recently at a great cost, they won it back. Those bastards!" he continued. 

"Why won't they just surrender their two traitors?" the first patron asked. "It's only because those two bitches Ariana of the Dragon Clan and Sierra of the Phoenix Empire conspired with the Demon Child Tyrannus and the sword demon Alita to sabotage the secret realm and kill all the others that went with them that this has happened. " he said. 

"Don't mention the demon child. It's only fortunate that the other winners of the tournament returned stronger than ever in the sacred realm that his sins were not greater!" another patron answered as he spat on the floor.

Kitsune and Tyrannus sat quietly with gloomy faces hearing all of this. 

"Haha don't worry. They will get what's coming to them. The Dragon Clan and the Phoenix Empire and their two traitorous spawn will be punished the way that other bitch Princess Donna and her pathetic Kingdom of Avalon was punished" laughed the second patron. 

Both Kitsune and Tyrannus stopped eating hearing this.

"Tell me what happened to Princess Donna and Avalon?" asked the third patron

"You didn't hear? That's the best part! The Church of Light made them an example of anyone who would defy the holy way, and threaten the peace of the world" the first person laughed. 

"The so called Kingdom of Avalon was crushed flat. The Paladins of Light destroyed their army, not leaving a single soldier alive.

Then they tore the Academy of Avalon down brick by brick, not leaving even a single stone standing. They captured or killed all their students and instructors. Their bodies were placed on poles which were shoved into their pussies or asses and remain there rotting to this day. " he explained

"Excellent. Cheers!" Yelled his friend. "Then what happened?"

"Then they turned their attention to the royalty. The Paladins captured the King and Queen and gathered everyone in the city of Avalonia to witness the execution. 

King Tiberius was beheaded and his dick was chopped off in front of everyone. Then a stake was impaled into his ass and his naked body was lifted up and displayed in the middle of the town square. 

His dick was then shoved into his mouth and sewed shut.

Then the Paladins got on their horses to play polo with his head until a few horses smashed his head to bits with their hooves. " laughed the patron explaining what happened. 

"And the queen... they got their horses to fuck Queen Annabeth in front of King Tiberius before he was beheaded. She didn't last very long and died when the third horse perforated one of her organs" he explained. 

"Her body was then impaled on a pole next to her king" he continued.

The other two patrons laughed. "Serves them right for helping the demon child. 

"And the best was what they did to Princess Donna, who helped the demon child. She was given to the Grand Inquisitor. Apparently her screams could be heard all night. " he continued explaining. 

"What did he do to her?" his friend asked. 

"I was about to get to the best part. I heard rumors that she was raped all night by all the Paladins. She apparently had some sort of special constitution, so all the Paladins fucked her to try and get a boost in their cultivation. Then the Grand Inquisitor had his way with her. 

The Grand Inquisitor appeared the next day holding what looked like Princess Donna's skin, stuffed like a pillow. The Grand Inquisitor said from now on it will be his Holy Pillow that he sleeps on. You could see her breasts, pussy and everything. It looked like he carefully skinned her to create his pillow" he laughed. 

"What did he do to the rest of her?" his friend asked. 

"That's what the Grand Inquisitor and his department of inquisition is famous for isn't it?" he answered

"You mean..." his friend said

"Yes... he turned her into a skinless walker" the first patron laughed. 

"Excuse me friend. What is a skinless walker?" Kitsune suddenly asked. 

"You don't know? Haha. A skinless walker is both a punishment and a way the church of light strengthens their forces. 

Skinless walkers are the damned souls that have no redemptive quality.

Instead of killing them, they are pumped with drugs that permanently kill all feelings of pain, fear or anything else. 

Parts of their brains will be cut out by removing parts that contain memory and personality, leaving only primal instincts.

Then their skins are removed, leaving these grotesque skull faced creatures with unblinking eyes, and all their muscles and sinews and bones exposed without skin.

They wrap the penises of the males with electrodes and shove them into the pussies of the females to electrocute them and control them. 

These creatures are now monsters that will mindlessly obey any command by the controller of the electrodes.

They are the perfect human weapon since the drugs give them superhuman strength, and they have no fear of death, they won't get tired and they will fight on even while they lose their body parts in battle. 

The only way to stop them is to chop off their heads." he explained. 

Suddenly the flames on the torches started flickering, then flashing as if they were in a storm. 

The walls started shaking and all the patrons suddenly felt a smothering pressure on their chests and head. 


The lights all blew out themselves and in the dark, Tyrannus stood up slowly and started walking out the door. 

Everywhere he passed, the patrons shit and pissed themselves as they passed out as glassware shattered into pieces and all the utensils and even weapons started bending out of shape. 

Kitsune quickly followed him out, leaving a tavern with no light and full of unconscious patrons and an ungodly awful smell. 

Minutes later, the stronger patrons started to stir. 

A patron slowly got up and felt his soiled pants. 

Another got up and started lighting the torches to see what was happening. 

"Oh no Rugerry! Rugerry! Help! He's had a heart attack!" another said. 

"What happened? What happened to us?" yelled another. 

Just then, a pretty woman with shoulder length red hair walked into the door. She was dressed in leather pants and a tank top, but didn't carry any weapons.

"I want to know if two people were here. One a beautiful woman, the other a blind man" she said 

"Y..yes. I think so. They left a while ago" the bartender answered.

"How long ago" she asked

"I'm not sure, maybe half an hour" he answered again.

She nodded and disappeared.

"Do you know who that was?" the patron asked the bartender

He shook his head

"That's Celeste the Crimson Madonna, the famous bounty hunter" he answered. 

"The Crimson Madonna? She's a Sage level exponent. Shiiiiit" the bartender said.


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