The Emerald at Hogwarts

Chapter 594, Unbreakable Vow

March, Ron's birthday is in March, March is the month when all things come to life.

After this birthday, Ron will turn 17, which means that as an adult, he can cast spells outside of school, order a hot whiskey in the bar, and be responsible for himself.

But Ron is obviously not ready for this. He has not yet become a man who can shoulder heavy responsibilities.

Ronald Weasley is still the king of fuckers at Hogwarts, and because he was so enthusiastic about fucks, he eventually fucked himself into the school hospital.

If it weren't for Madam Pomfrey's diagnosis that Ron had been poisoned, Ada would have suspected that he had eaten too much and had sustained himself until he was hospitalized.

What happened was that it was Ron's birthday and he received a lot of gifts.

It just so happened that Harry was rummaging through the boxes and cabinets looking for the elixir again, and a box of chocolate cauldrons got mixed into Ron's pile of gifts.The chocolate cauldron was given to Harry by Romilda Vanney and contained an overdose of love potion.

Romilda Vanni's idea is very simple. She wants Harry to fall in love with her and become the girlfriend of the savior.The savior’s girlfriend, so touching and radiant!

Does this Gryffindor girl really love Harry?

I'm afraid not.If Vanny really loved Harry, why didn't dear Romilda stand up when Harry was being criticized and ridiculed last year?If it was true love, she should follow Ginny's example and wait silently instead of drugging her.

Ada really doesn't like such dirty tricks, it always reminds her of bad things and illegal things.

Harry, who had never learned to refuse, reluctantly accepted this "love-filled" gift, but Harry did not eat it and did not embrace love as Romilda wished.

Harry had already been warned by Hermione about the love potion.

Since you don't want to eat it, this thing has added ingredients, so you can just throw it away, but Harry didn't do that.For some unknown reason, Harry put the chocolate cauldron away instead of throwing it away.

The honey operation is incomprehensible and hard to figure out.

Over time, Harry had forgotten this matter.On Ron's birthday, Harry, who was rummaging through boxes and cabinets, accidentally emptied out the chocolate cauldron and accidentally mixed it into the pile of birthday gifts.

Then, there was no more... Ron, the cook, fell hopelessly in love with Romilda Vanni, even though Ro-Ro (Lavender Brown's nickname for Ron) didn't know Romilda.

The love potion, the love potion, was an overdose and spoiled love potion, which made Ron immediately fall in love and almost drowned.

It wouldn't matter if it was just a love potion. After taking the antidote, or waiting for the effect of the drug to wear off, Ron would naturally return to normal, and maybe even change his name to Lavender Brown as La-La.

Harry took Ron to see Horace Slughorn and asked the Potions Master to help him detoxify.

The love potion was cured, but the fast-talking Ron drank a glass of wine, and then he was poisoned again. This time it was not another girl's love potion, but real poisoning.

The bottle of oak-aged mead was originally a gift from Slughorn to Dumbledore, but it was never delivered.

After Katie Bell, another person blocked Dumbledore's gun, and the assassination mission that had been suspended with Malfoy's departure started again.

The difficult task of assassinating Dumbledore originally belonged to Draco Malfoy. Now he is detained in the Ministry of Magic and the task cannot continue.Judging from Ron's poisoning, it was obvious that someone had taken over Malfoy's mission.

Thinking of this, Ada hurried to the former Office for the Misuse of Muggle Articles.

Sitting in a comfortable high-backed chair, Ada asked: "Draco, have you disclosed your mission to anyone? Blaise Zabini, or Theodore Nott, including Those two idiot followers of yours.”

"No," said Draco Malfoy.

He thought for a while and said firmly again: "No, I didn't mention this to anyone in the school. I did it myself. No one knows about my plan."

"Did something happen?" Lucius Malfoy noticed the problem keenly, "Has someone replaced Draco?"

"Yes, someone is completing his previous mission on behalf of little Mr. Malfoy." Ada said bluntly without covering up, "My stupid brother suffered the consequences and is now lying in the school doctor's office."

There is no need to say it clearly, both Malfoy and his son know who this stupid brother is, who else could it be besides Ron, the youngest son of the Weasley family.

Lucius Malfoy had always been at odds with Arthur Weasley, and he should have been happy that Mr. Weasley's child was injured.But being under the eaves, Lucius did not dare to show any joy. He lowered his head and pretended to think without saying a word.

Draco Malfoy never got along with Ron, and he mocked and insulted Ron several times during school.But when he heard that the other party had been poisoned and was hospitalized, Master Malfoy had an unbearable expression on his face.

From this point alone, Draco Malfoy is much stronger than his father.

"Mrs. Malfoy, did you remember something?" Ada asked, noticing Narcissa's abnormality.

When she heard that someone was continuing to complete Draco's mission, Narcissa's face changed and became paler, like a person drowning in water.After knowing the identity of the poisoned person, Narcissa subconsciously held her wrist.

"There is someone at school who knows about Draco's mission, and he knows it very well," Narcissa said.

"Severus Snape?" Ada asked.She had met Snape once in Little Hangleton this summer when she was looking for the old Gaunt house.

At that time, Snape said that Narcissa Malfoy had come to see him, but he did not tell the reason why Narcissa came to him.

"Yes, Severus. For Draco, I asked him for help," Narcissa said. Her husband and son seemed surprised by this, not knowing that she had gone to Severus. Nep.

Although the Malfoy family had the same surprise, the father and son were surprised in different ways.

Lucius was surprised that he didn't know anything about it, and Draco was surprised that Snape really knew that he was not deceiving him or deceiving himself.

"To this end, we have made an unbreakable oath." Narcissa continued, rolling up her sleeves and exposing one arm.

Narcissa's arm bore the mark of the Unbreakable Vow, three thin lines entangled together, appearing and disappearing.If she hadn't taken the initiative to mention it today, this mark wouldn't be so obvious.

"Who proposed it, you or him?" Ada asked in a deep voice.

Things are getting serious. The unbreakable oath is not just talk. Once this thing is established, if you violate it, you will be struck by lightning!Snape made a vow, what was he doing?Or what are the two of them doing?

"I proposed it," Narcissa said. "He didn't hesitate much and agreed quickly."

You can always trust Severus Snape.This was Dumbledore's warning before the break. In the process of resisting Voldemort, Snape can always be trusted.

Even without Dumbledore's instructions, the Ada people were unwilling to fight Snape.

What's more, Snape also provided clues to Ada about the Horcruxes, and Voldemort still doesn't know that the ring and gold cup have been destroyed.

But...but what about this unbreakable oath?Is Snape going to replace Draco Malfoy to assassinate Dumbledore? Or is Snape planning to sacrifice himself to save Dumbledore and Malfoy?

For a moment, Ada's mind was a mess, and she couldn't sort it out.

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