The Emerald at Hogwarts

Chapter 595, Shura Field in the School Doctor’s Office

"So, all in all, Ron didn't have a great birthday," said a bruised Fred.

At night, the campus hospital is very quiet, with the curtains drawn and the lights on.Only Ron's hospital bed was occupied, and his face was as pale as paper.

Harry, Hermione and Ginny were all sitting next to him.The three of them waited outside the door all day until Madam Pomfrey finally let them in.

"We didn't expect to give gifts like this." George, who was also bruised and bruised, said gloomily. As he said this, he put a large gift bag on Ron's bedside cabinet, and then sat down next to Ginny.

In order to give their little brother a birthday surprise, the twins were waiting in Hogsmeade early today.The two brothers plan to buy Zuko's store and open a branch in Hogsmeade, so that they can let their brother choose the products he likes on his birthday.

Plans can never keep up with changes. The twins did not wait for their healthy and awake little brother, but only waited for the news that Ron had been poisoned and fell into a coma.

"Your two faces?" Ginny asked, "Who beat you like this!"

One brother was lying in a coma on the hospital bed, and the other two brothers were beaten until their noses were bruised and their faces were swollen. We couldn't just let it go!

Ginny's Happy Charm, do you know?

"It's okay, I accidentally bumped into the door and knocked it." George quickly covered Ginny's mouth to prevent his sister from asking any more questions.

The gagged Ginny was puzzled. She made a whining sound, and her eyes seemed to be able to speak: "Tell me, who hit me!"I'm going to avenge you two!

The more Ginny behaves like this, the more the twins dare not let go of her.The two brothers covered her mouth and responded with their eyes: Sister, you are my sister from today on, don't ask, sister...

Following her twin brother's evasive eyes, Ginny saw Ada with a frosty face. She was leaning on the edge of another hospital bed, her eyes piercing Fred and George like knives.

Ginny understood and stopped clamoring to avenge the twins, whom she couldn't afford to offend.

The injuries on the twins' faces were naturally the work of Ada, who found them waiting for Ron in Hogsmeade.

Facing the smiling faces of Fred and George, Ada gave each of the brothers a straight punch.If conditions hadn't allowed, Ada would have even wanted to give the brothers the entire black tiger, crow, or something like flying.

Because the love potion that fascinated Ron was sold by the twins, they sold far more love potions than this.

"God, thank you so much, Harry." George whispered. It was Harry who used the bezoar to save Ron. Otherwise, Ron might not be able to make it to the school doctor's office. Slughorn was frightened.

The twins, Harry and Ginny discussed the day's events in low voices.Hermione sat on the edge of the bed without saying a word, her eyes filled with worry and distress for Ron.

Ada, who was standing aside, also did not participate in the discussion. She was still troubled by the unbreakable vow.

Ron, who was in a coma, would occasionally mutter something in a low voice, which was incomprehensible, like "Uh-min-hmm."

After a while, Hagrid also appeared in the school doctor's room, and his huge size suddenly made the ward seem very crowded.He shook his big, disheveled head and looked at the pale Ron on the hospital bed in disbelief.

"I don't believe it," Hagrid looked down at Ron, "I just don't believe it... Look at him lying there... who would think of hurting him?"

Ron Weasley is the best friend of the Savior, the youngest son of the Director of the Department of Legal Enforcement, and the half-brother of the Devil.

These identities seem to give him unlimited glory, and he can walk around Hogwarts and be a second-generation ancestor who can fight whoever he wants.But in the eyes of many people, he was just Ron, an ordinary and harmless Ron, an inconspicuous Ron.

Even though he was poisoned by drinking Slughorn's mead, Slughorn couldn't remember Ron's name.

"Is there anyone who will have trouble with the Gryffindor team?" Hagrid said worriedly, "First it was little Katie, and now it's Ron..."

"I can't see anyone wanting to kill a Quidditch team," George said.

"Wood might do this to Slytherin if he wasn't punished." Fred was more fair.When he spoke, his movements were a bit too big, which caused the wounds on his face to twitch, causing him to grimace in pain.

At this time, Hermione finally spoke. She had been nervous about Ron before and looked very panicked.

She said: "Neither Katie nor Ron were the people the attacker intended to kill. Both of them were vicarious victims." As she said that, Hermione looked at Ada, who had been silent for a long time, as if to ask for her permission. Opinion.

"You are right, Hermione, you are very smart." Ada said, "The original target was someone else..."

The door to the school infirmary was pushed open again, and Mr. and Mrs. Weasley walked in first, followed by Dumbledore, McGonagall, Snape, and Slughorn.

Ada's last few words also fell with the sound of footsteps. She said: "The target is Albus Dumbledore."

There were more and more people in the school infirmary, and Madam Pomfrey frowned as she thought about who should be kicked out.The Weasleys thanked Harry, and the professors gathered around the bed without saying anything else.

There was only Professor McGonagall. After she glanced at Ron for a few times, she turned her gaze to Ada.There was blame and regret in Professor McGonagall's eyes, but more importantly, concern and worry.

Ada turned her head away from looking at Professor McGonagall. She didn't know how to behave in front of Professor McGonagall.

This is also the reason why Ada has been reluctant to return to Hogwarts. She always feels that she is unworthy of Professor McGonagall's care over the years.

The number of people in the ward was still increasing, and Lavender Brown rushed in anxiously, shouting a nauseating "Ro-Ro" in worry.

Lavender Brown squeezed through the people in front of the hospital bed and came to Ron's side.

The love rival was extremely jealous when they met. She immediately saw Miss Hermione Granger, and Hermione's move of holding Ron's hand was even more dazzling.

In front of school professors and Ron's parents, Brown and Hermione began to fight over Ron's ownership.The Shura Field broke out. It belonged to Ron's Shura Field, a rare highlight moment in his life.

Lavender Brown was emphasizing her identity as his real girlfriend, while Hermione Granger could only claim to be Ron's friend.Although Hermione is a top student, she is at the disadvantage in arguments between her girlfriends and friends.

But... Ron, who was in a coma, started mumbling again. This time, his mumbling could be heard more clearly, or at least what he wanted to express could be understood.


Hermione's name is indeed difficult to spell, and it's easy to pronounce it incorrectly.Victor Krum's pronunciation was somewhat similar to Ron's babble at the moment, and Hermione once corrected him, "her-my-own".

If Ron, who was in a coma, hadn't intervened, it would have been impossible for Hermione to save the situation, and her defeat was certain.But who would have expected that Ron suddenly burst out with a few words, turning the tide from collapse and helping the building to collapse.

Lavender Brown ran out of the hospital room crying.

The Lavender girl who is waiting for love has always liked Ron and has been waiting for Ron, but Ron is not the Lavender girl's love.

"It's great to be young and still feel the pain caused by love!" Dumbledore said with emotion, and then asked everyone to leave, leaving the school doctor's office to the Weasley family.

Ada looked at Dumbledore's back steadily, and she thought of the principal and Grindelwald. They also experienced pain when they were young, unforgettable pain.

After the professors left, Ada followed them out of the school doctor's office.

In the ward, Ada was deliberately avoiding eye contact with Professor McGonagall; outside the ward, Ada was also avoiding Professor McGonagall.She didn't know how to face the woman who led her into the magical world.

No matter whether Professor McGonagall uttered scolding or blaming words, or held her blood-stained hands and forgive her sins, Ada did not dare to face it.

After sneaking out of the school doctor's office, Ada did not leave Hogwarts directly, but walked to the potions classroom underground.

Ada must understand the unbreakable oath.


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