The Emerald at Hogwarts

Chapter 628

It was another bright morning, and the sunshine filled Nurmengard as usual, but some people stayed in yesterday forever.

Gellert Grindelwald passed away, just last night, just after learning of the death of Albus Dumbledore.It was silent and was not discovered by Vader until this morning.

Vader got up early and walked up to the highest room as usual, wanting to wake up Grindelwald.But what was waiting for Vader was not Grindelwald's response, but a cold corpse, an empty shell without a soul.

The head that was once held high now hangs low in this ordinary morning.

Grindelwald put on the brand new clothes himself, as if he knew his end was coming. He tidied himself up and sat on a chair in front of the narrow window, facing the distance, calmly welcoming the arrival of death.

Just like he accepted Dumbledore's death calmly.

My love and I both died on the tower.This was Ada's first feeling after seeing Grindelwald's body.

One taught and educated people, and finally died on the top of the astronomy tower at Hogwarts; the other lived alone for half his life, and finally died in the prison of Nurmengard.

Vader arranged his lover's face for the last time, and then allowed Ada to carry Grindelwald's body out and place it on a clean stone platform outside.

The sun outside the castle was particularly bright, playing tricks on the sad people.

Gellert Grindelwald, who was once the most dangerous dark wizard in history and the first-generation Dark Lord who swept Europe and America, is now just a corpse, and only Vader and Ada attended his funeral.

There was no eulogy, nothing, everything was kept simple. Vader and Ada stood in silence and said their final farewell to Grindelwald.

For Ada, Grindelwald is neither a cold name in the history of magic nor an evil Dark Lord.When Ida was most confused, it was Grindelwald who woke her up by scolding her. When Ida couldn't find the way, it was Grindelwald who pointed out the way to the top of the mountain.

Everyone can revile Gellert Grindelwald, but not Ada.

The title of "Witch Cui" given by the system is no longer eye-catching, because she has already inherited that sentence - for the greater good.

When the farewell was over Vader raised his wand, and a bright flame instantly ignited.The flames rose higher and higher, distorting the morning light and engulfing the coffin containing Grindelwald's body.

The flames are blazing, hoping that the flames can wash away his sins and illuminate another adventure for him.I also hope that in that adventure, Grindelwald will no longer be alone.

The burning flame gradually extinguished. Vader walked to the stone platform holding a wooden box, and reluctantly put Grindelwald's ashes into the wooden box.Nurmengard without summer is too cold and lonely, and it should not be the burial place of Grindelwald.

After handling all matters in Nurmengard, Ada left Austria, and Vader would go to Hogwarts with her.Without Gellert Grindelwald, Ada would not be able to visit this castle surrounded by mountains for a long time.

Because of the elderly Vader accompanying her, Ada could not move as fast as she came, and she could not be a woman like the wind.So when the two arrived at the school, it was already the morning of Dumbledore's funeral.

It is a pleasant summer day. Hogsmeade, which has been deserted for a year, seems to be rejuvenated with new vitality. A large group of wizards have poured into the village in these few days, making it difficult to find a bed here. Extremely difficult thing.

These wizards all came to see Dumbledore off on his last journey. Some of them were neat and decent, some were in rags; some were old and some were young.They stood on the streets of Hogsmeade early, waiting to enter and see Dumbledore for the last time.

The street was occupied by people seeing him off, making it difficult to walk. Vida hugged the wooden box tighter, fearing that it would be knocked to the ground by the crowds of people squeezing around.

Vader didn't cry until she burst into tears because of Grindelwald's departure, she just spoke less.If asked verbally, Vida would just say that he was a little tired from traveling a long distance and it would not be a problem.

Ada didn't know if she was burying her grief deep in her heart, or if she was also taking death lightly.

Passing through the crowded crowd and passing the Aurors guarding the school gate, Vader and Ada walked towards the Black Lake.Albus Dumbledore will be buried there.

The place where the funeral was held was easily identifiable. There were hundreds of chairs arranged neatly, and anyone who was not blind could see it.There was an aisle between the chairs, with a marble table in front of it, and all the chairs facing it.

There was no one in the venue at this time. Vader, who was holding the wooden box, walked straight to the marble table. She stood in front of the table for a long time until the wizards outside the school entered in an orderly manner under the guidance of the Aurors.

Vida walked back to his granddaughter with empty hands, leaving the wooden box beside the marble table.Vida seemed to feel relaxed suddenly. She smiled and said, "I think he will like it here."

Hogwarts has mountains, water, and pleasant scenery. It is a good place for the soul to rest. It is also a place full of magic.The most important thing is that Dumbledore is here.

Nurmengard is too far away from Hogwarts, and the tall tower cannot see the land across the strait. It would be too cruel to leave Grindelwald alone there.

So Ada came up with this bad idea to bury Grindelwald next to Dumbledore's grave, after all, they were so close.

More and more people entered the venue, and the quiet venue gradually became filled with conversations.

Among these people, Ada saw many familiar faces: members of the Order of the Phoenix were here, Remus Lupin and Tonks were indeed in love, they were holding hands; regular customers of the Leaky Cauldron A lot of people came, and Old Tom rarely changed into new clothes; most of the shopkeepers in Diagon Alley came, and Fred and George mixed in, the two of them wearing black dragon leather jackets.

In addition, Ada also saw Aberforth in the crowd.He was very inconspicuous among the crowd. No one knew about his relationship with Professor Dumbledore, and no one knew that he had broken Professor Dumbledore's nose.

As if sensing Ada's gaze, Aberforth also looked at Ada. His eyes were the same blue as Dumbledore.

Looking at those extremely similar eyes, Ada seemed to see the wise Professor Dumbledore again.Not daring to look any further, Ada turned her head quickly, avoiding Aberforth's gaze.

When the sun rose higher, the students, led by the professor, walked out of the castle and walked in line to the lake, making almost no sound.

Not only wizards will mourn the great Albus Dumbledore, but the centaurs in the Forbidden Forest and the mermaids under the Black Lake will also be saddened by Dumbledore's departure.

The mermaids expressed their sorrow with songs, and the centaurs expressed their high respect by shooting arrows into the sky.The elegy of the Phoenix also sounded again.

When the dazzling white flames burned out, the marble table turned into a white tomb, wrapping Dumbledore's body and Grindelwald's ashes inside.

With the deaths of Dumbledore and Grindelwald, an era ended, and hundreds of years of ups and downs were buried in white graves.From the summer in Godric's Hollow to burying their bones next to each other, they finally came together again after being lonely for a century.

100 years ago, you were not you and I was not me; 100 years later, there will be no you and no me.

People will remember Albus Dumbledore, and people will remember Gellert Grindelwald.But people will only remember that Dumbledore defeated Grindelwald, but they will not remember that they had a brilliant summer together.

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