The Emerald at Hogwarts

Chapter 629, Memory and the Order of the Phoenix

The funeral was over, and the wizards who came to mourn Dumbledore left the school.

An hour later, the Hogwarts Express loaded with students left Hogsmeade, and summer vacation began.

When school reopens in September, it's unclear how many students will be back.Parents worried about the danger will keep their children at home rather than return to Hogwarts, a place where the headmaster can be murdered.

But as long as there are students who want to come to school, the school will remain open, even if only one student chooses to return to school when the term starts.

Ada did not leave the school. She was staying in the principal's office, with a pensieve and crystal bottles scattered on the table next to her.Ada had just watched a fragment of the memory Dumbledore had left behind, the one he had lost to her.

First, I watched the memory of Bob Ogden, who was the captain of the Ministry of Magic's legal enforcement team in the 20s.After reading it, Ada only felt that the Gunter family was really stupid.

In addition to being descendants of Slytherin, the Gaunt family has no power and their own strength is not much higher. However, the Gaunts still dared to scornfully call Ministry of Magic officials "Mudbloods" and attacked Ogden.

Voldemort's mother, Merop, had such terrible magic skills that she was insulted by her father as a "filthy squib."

And to be honest, it is normal for old Tom Riddle to look down on Merope. Who would like a plain-looking witch with a melancholy expression and eyes staring in two opposite directions?

The second memory is Dumbledore's own.

One summer day in 1938, Dumbledore came to an orphanage in London and told the young Voldemort that he was a wizard and would go to Hogwarts to learn and master magic.

At that time, the young Tom Riddle showed the characteristics of Voldemort in the future. Even if he had not learned magic, he could still use magic to achieve his own goals, making everyone in the orphanage fear him.

Being both from an orphanage, Ada could somewhat understand Tom, but she still felt that what he did was a bit too much.

The three-year-old looks small, and the seven-year-old looks big.Ada didn't believe this proverb at first, but she saw Tom Riddle's bad deeds in the orphanage, plus he released a basilisk while he was studying, causing the death of Myrtle and putting the blame on the innocent Hagrid. , it is not surprising that he would later become a demon who regards human life as nothing.

Tom Riddle is a born bad guy.

The next two memories were inferred by Ada a long time ago. One is that Tom Riddle killed his biological father and blamed it on his uncle Morfin; the other is that he had a relationship with Borgin-Bock while working there. The past of Hepzibah Smith.

These two memories tell how Tom Riddle obtained Slytherin's ring and locket, and Hufflepuff's golden cup.The same method, killing people, grabbing treasures, and then putting the blame on others.

A later memory was that Voldemort asked Dumbledore for a job as a Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher in the school.If he successfully joins the job, it is not certain whether he will teach Defense Against the Dark Arts or teach Dark Arts.

Dumbledore turned down a disfigured Voldemort, and the position became cursed, and no one could teach it for more than a year.The resentment is deep!

Ada believed that Voldemort could not have traveled long distances in the wind and snow to come to Hogwarts just for an impossible position.Voldemort should know very well that Dumbledore would not let him instill those dangerous ideas into his students.

That snowy night, Voldemort left his Horcrux in Hogwarts, the place he once considered home.

The last memory, and the most important memory, comes from Horace Slughorn, the former Head of Slytherin House and now the Acting Head of House.

When he was a student, Voldemort asked Slughorn about Horcruxes and asked whether the soul could be divided into several more pieces, such as the most magical "seven".

This meant that something Ada didn't want to see happened. In addition to Ravenclaw's diadem and the locket taken away by RAB, Voldemort had at least one Horcrux missing.

Unlike the relics of the four giants, which are traceable, this Horcrux is more difficult to find. It may be as inconspicuous as the diary, or it may be a treasure he took from other wizards.

There is no trace to be found, how can we find it?

Dumbledore passed away, but left behind a mess of Horcruxes. Ada wanted to go to the headmaster's grave to relieve her boredom.

After putting away the crystal bottle containing the memory and returning the pensieve to its original place, Ada shook her head and left the principal's office.

That night, Ada appeared at 12 Grimmauld Place.This was the first time she had walked into the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix since she left during the Christmas holidays in 1995.

The kitchen in the basement was still dark and dark, like a cave.

There was a flame burning in the big fireplace, and soon the kitchen became filled with smoke, as if there were a dozen smokers smoking at the same time, but in fact there were few people in the room.

Lupine was sitting with Tonks, he was bitching about his old friend mercilessly, and hoped that Sirius would deal with the fireplace.But Sirius looked like a dead pig who was not afraid of boiling water. No matter how much Lupine tried to tell him, he could only say "it can't be done."

In the corner of the room, Mr. Weasley was chatting with Ada, whispering about the current situation in the Ministry of Magic.

Dumbledore was killed by Voldemort's Death Eaters, and the Minister of Magic was also killed. These two events had extremely bad effects.

Not to mention how panicked the people are, within the Ministry of Magic alone, a large number of people have resigned in the past few days.These people are afraid that the Death Eaters will raid again and carry out another indiscriminate massacre. In order to save their lives, they dare not continue to work in the Ministry of Magic.

In addition to the wave of employee resignations, internal screening work is also difficult.

Given the size of the Ministry of Magic, it is difficult to prevent the infiltration of Death Eaters, and it is not easy to distinguish the Imperius Curse.

At the same time, we must also beware of those pure-blood wizards with ulterior motives, prevent them from accessing the core secrets of the ministry, and prevent them from starting another internal rebellion and attracting wolves into the house.

Although Mr. Weasley has been sworn in as the new Minister of Magic, only the Legal Enforcement Department is truly in his hands and trustworthy, which is the result of nearly a year of cleaning and sorting.

While talking, Fred and George walked into the kitchen, and the dragon leather jackets they wore changed to another color.After the twins, Alastor Moody also arrived, and his fast-moving magic eyes stayed on Ada for a while.

Members of the Order of the Phoenix arrived one after another, including Professor McGonagall, Dedalus Digg, Ephias Dorje, Hestia Jones, Kingsley Shacklebolt and so on.Many people cast their eyes on Ada when they walked into the room.

This is the first meeting of the Order of the Phoenix in the post-Dumbledore era. They have many things that need to be discussed and resolved, and Ada is no longer a member of the Order.

As there were more and more people in the room, the kitchen became quiet. Even Sirius and the twins stopped joking. Everyone's expressions were serious, and the atmosphere became even heavier.

Mundungus Fletcher was the last member to arrive. He entered the house with extreme caution and sat in a corner of the kitchen, making his presence as minimal as possible.

Perhaps feeling that the atmosphere was really depressing, Sirius brought out some whiskey and butterbeer, and everyone had a share.Then, everyone raised their glasses together and drank in silence.

When the sound of wine glasses clinking on the table stopped, Alastor Moody coughed heavily, and the meeting of the Order of the Phoenix began.

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