The Emerald at Hogwarts

Chapter 636, Disciple

Even if he killed Albus Dumbledore with his own hands, Voldemort still would not completely trust Snape. Voldemort would not trust anyone.He only believed in himself, his strength, and the big snake lying in the corner.

Voldemort's eyes were focused on Snape, waiting for Snape's next answer.

"The Order of the Phoenix doesn't trust the Ministry of Magic. First of all, they think that we will infiltrate the Ministry of Magic in all directions, and the Aurors will not be able to protect Harry Potter." Snape slowly laughed amidst the rampant laughter of the Death Eaters. He said, "The most important point is that Drizzt's vague position cannot gain their trust."

"A vague position?" Voldemort chewed on the meaning of this sentence. "Interesting. Tell me, Severus."

The interest of the Death Eaters at the long table was also piqued, and they leaned forward to look at Snape.

Ada ruined the good situation of the Death Eaters time and time again. These people had long hated her and wanted to eat her flesh and sleep on her skin.

In order to win the war and to relieve their hatred, the Death Eaters collected a lot of information about Ada and analyzed her.

The result was not optimistic. In the eyes of the Death Eaters, "family" was Ada's weakness.

However, her family members are either veteran dark wizards like Vader Rosier, Minister of Magic Arthur Weasley, or Hogwarts Vice-Principal Minerva McGonagall, none of whom are easy to deal with. character of.

It is also not easy to place people around Ada. She stays in the office of the Ministry of Magic all day long, reclusive.

The men she brought back from France were also outside the Ministry of Magic and could not be caught, let alone find ways to bribe them or use the Imperius Curse on them.

The Death Eaters were a little confused by what Snape called "ambiguous position".

What they learned about Esmeralda Drizzt's stance, wasn't it that she was hostile to their master?

Seeing everyone's confusion, Snape smiled slightly and said calmly: "Master, Dumbledore is known as the 'greatest wizard of our time'. Why was his wand removed so easily by Theodore Nott? No. Te is only in the sixth grade, and he may not even be able to beat the seniors, so how did he achieve this feat?"

It's not like no one among the Death Eaters has thought about the question that Snape suddenly raised. It's just that Dumbledore has been buried for a long time. Who cares how he was defeated by Theodore Nott!

Now that we have such good results, the process is not that important.

"What do you want to say, Severus?" Voldemort asked. "Have you discovered something that we have not discovered before?"

Snape pondered for a few seconds and then continued: "Yes, Master. I carefully recalled the situation that night. Dumbledore was very weak at the time, very weak. I thought he was injured, so Our Mr. Knott will do it effortlessly.”

After listening to Snape's analysis, Voldemort looked at Bellatrix sitting on his left, wanting to hear her opinion.

Bellatrix also invaded the Astronomy Tower that night and witnessed the entire process of Dumbledore's death.But at this moment, there was only confusion and confusion on her face. This reaction disappointed Voldemort.

That night in the Astronomy Tower, Bellatrix was too carried away. She only laughed at Dumbledore's weakness at that moment, and didn't even pay attention to Dumbledore's condition and whether he was injured.

Even if the Carrow brothers and Greyback come back alive, they will not be able to provide proof for Snape. Their performance is exactly the same as Bellatrix, a typical villain who succeeds.

Even if no one could provide evidence to support Snape's remarks, Voldemort already knew it.Theodore Nott neither poisoned nor had superb skills, so how could he disarm Dumbledore?

Snape reminded Voldemort of this suspicion tonight.

"Master, Dumbledore had changed his wand before that night, and his old wand appeared in Drizzt's hand again. I think the person who injured him is already clear." Severus Watson Snape continued.

Voldemort withdrew his gaze, and he also noticed this when fighting Ada that night.Why Ada took away Dumbledore's wand, he had some guesses in his mind.

"Except for the wand?" Voldemort asked.

Based on the fact that the wand changed hands, it can indeed be concluded that Ada fought against Dumbledore and won.However, if we use this alone to determine Ada's position, there is still something missing that can make the final decision.

"Trizt is not a person who obeys discipline." Snape replied. "She had an argument with Dumbledore more than once during school. In 1992, an irreparable rift appeared between the two, and in 1995 Umbridge in [-] caused the two to part ways directly."

Voldemort was possessing Quirrell that year, and he had an impression of it.At that time, Drizzt had conflicts with many students and left school for a month. He came back just to prevent himself from getting the Philosopher's Stone.

The story of Dolores Umbridge was well known to the world, and Voldemort, who was hiding in the dark at that time, even laughed at Dumbledore's weakness.

"anything else?"

Not enough, not enough.Differences in ideas and the change of wands are not enough to separate the Order of the Phoenix and Ada. Damn, there is also the mixed-blood McGonagall in the Order of the Phoenix, and that pure-blood scum Weasley!

"Grindelwald, Gellert Grindelwald," Snape replied. "She is his disciple."

His answer was like dropping a bombshell in the darkroom, causing a commotion around the long table.

Although Grindelwald's power has never entered the British Isles, everyone here has heard of this name more or less, and some of their families have contributed to Grindelwald's career.

When the first generation of the Dark Lord swept across Europe and America, Voldemort was still studying at Hogwarts, disguising himself as a good boy in front of professors.It would be many years before Voldemort rampaged across England and imposed a dark rule on wizards.

"Oh? How did you know about this?" Voldemort was even more interested. Snape brought extremely important news, no less than Harry Potter's transfer time.

How did Snape know?Of course Ada told him, but otherwise he didn't know where to go.

Could Snape say that?Of course not, wouldn’t that be asking for death?

Facing Voldemort's suspicious eyes, Snape said calmly: "Dumbledore trusted me, very much. Until his death, he firmly believed that I had abandoned the dark side and turned to the dark side. He once said that he regretted not teaching Drizzt personally. She shouldn't have been left in the hands of an old friend. Drizzt once told me that she learned a lot from an old man."

Although Rita Skeeter is still squatting in Azkaban, there are many people like Rita Skeeter in the world, and the book "The Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore" was published .

Anyone who has read this book knows that Dumbledore and Grindelwald were very close when they were young, and they even had a common dream; for the greater good, wizards should rule the world.

The fire flickered, causing Voldemort's face to flicker.

The Dark Lord felt that his suspicions had been confirmed, that he had put the whole story together, and that he had even more information than Snape had.

Differences in ideas and many contradictions may not be enough for Drizzt to take risks. What if the Elder Wand is added to the mix?

During Ollivander's interrogation, Voldemort learned that Gregorovitch might have owned the Elder Wand, and that Drizzt was also interested in the Elder Wand.

Through Gregorovitch's torture, Voldemort learned more about the bloody past of the Elder Wand, and knew that the change of ownership of the Elder Wand would be a major event that shocked the wizarding world.

During that time, what could have shocked the world more than the duel in 1945?

Thinking of this, Voldemort suddenly laughed. His laughter was like the sound of a poisonous snake looking for food and spitting out messages.

Disciple of Gellert Grindelwald?It's ridiculous, it's just idiots taught by imprisoned losers.

Dumbledore can defeat Grindelwald with the Elder Wand, and the great Lord Voldemort can also defeat Esmeralda Drizzt!

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