The Emerald at Hogwarts

Chapter 637, secret transfer

What was discussed at the Death Eater meeting in Pendle Hill and what decisions were made, Harry Potter did not know. At this moment, he was standing in the back garden of No. [-] Privet Drive, preparing to leave.

Just this afternoon, his uncle Vernon drove his family away. His cousin Dudley said something like "thank you" to him. His aunt Petunia also seemed to have something to say to him, but in the end she couldn't. Say it.

Responsible for escorting the Dursleys away were Dedalus Digg and Hestia Jones.From then on, they will remain under the protection of the Order of the Phoenix until Voldemort is destroyed or the Order of the Phoenix ceases to exist.

Now, it is Harry's turn to leave No. 4 Privet Drive.

He took one last look at the house he had lived in for many years, then turned around and boarded the sidecar of the Feitian motorcycle.

16 years ago, it was Hagrid who drove the infant Harry here on a motorcycle, and 16 years later, it was Hagrid who took him away on a motorcycle.

In the dark back garden, in addition to Harry who was on the sidecar, there were six other "Harrys" here. They took Polyjuice Potion and disguised themselves as Harry.

Although Harry did not agree with this approach, which would put his friends in danger, he could not change everyone's decision.

The "Harry" standing next to Kingsley is Hermione. The two will ride away on the Thestral. Also riding the Thestral are Bill and Fleur.

The rest of the group would be using broomsticks, Tonks with Ron, Moody with Mundungus Fletcher, and the Weasley twins standing next to Sirius and Lupin respectively.

Normally Harry couldn't tell the twins apart, but now he couldn't tell them apart even more.

When everyone was ready to go, Moody shouted "Good luck everyone! See you at the Burrow in about an hour. I'm counting to three. One...two...three."

Motorcycles, Thestrals, and broomsticks all took to the air, and the seven Porters soared over Surrey tonight.

The Order of the Phoenix chose to transport Harry by flying in order not to leave any traces of magic and to prevent Death Eaters from taking advantage of him and intercepting Harry.But what everyone in the Order of the Phoenix didn't expect was that their plan had already been known to the Death Eaters, who were currently hanging in the air waiting for them to fall into their trap!

Not long after they took off, and before they even flew out of Surrey County, they ran into a circle of Death Eaters. At least thirty hooded Death Eaters surrounded them.

In an instant, a dazzling green light lit up the night sky, and the piercing screams drowned out the roar of the engine.

Hagrid, who was carrying Harry, did not dare to delay. The motorcycle rumbled forward and broke out of the encirclement.The remaining six groups also did not stay where they were and broke out according to the routes set in advance.

This was done to disguise the real Harry so that the intercepting Death Eaters would not be able to tell which one was the real one, thereby reducing his danger.

Upon seeing this, more than [-] Death Eaters immediately divided into seven groups and locked themselves behind the Order of the Phoenix who broke through.

Among them, the largest number of people chased Sirius, Lupin and the Weasley twins, led by Bellatrix and Snape respectively.

Sirius Harry's godfather, Lupine is Harry's father's best friend. These two fathers are most likely to move with Harry, so they have the most people chasing them.

What's slightly more surprising is Moody's group.Alastor Moody is an Auror with outstanding merits and superior strength. Harry is also very likely to follow him, but there are not many Death Eaters chasing him. Kill Hagrid.

Bellatrix looked like a madman riding on her broomstick. Azkaban took away her beauty, leaving her with only madness, loyalty to Voldemort and fanaticism for pure blood.

Facing her cousin, the betrayer of the family, Bellatrix was extremely murderous. She kept shooting death curses from the tip of her wand, and every spell was aimed at killing Sirius.

Fighting in the sky is inherently dangerous. Whether you are hit by a curse or fall off a broomstick, you will die.

But the man on the broomstick is Sirius. He may not be the best wizard, but he must be one of the best-looking wizards.

Despite such a dangerous situation, Sirius still responded with ease and ease. Not only was he not hit by the death curse, he was able to fight back while mocking his cousin.

"What's wrong? Dear Bella, did Azkaban make you suffer from any disease? Why are your hands always shaking!" Sirius' laughter was very arrogant, like a villain.

Then, taking advantage of the gap between the Death Eaters' attacks, Sirius turned around and flicked his wand, and a red light hit a Death Eater in the chest. The hit Death Eater instantly fell off the broom.

Don't even think about it, you're dead.

Sirius's wild laughter angered Bellatrix, and the cruelest Death Eater struck harder. The walnut wand was left behind after she waved it, and the Death Curse and Cruciatus Curse were overwhelming.

But none of this could do anything to Sirius. He and Fred's troublemaker team had a perfect tacit understanding. From time to time, the two would change positions or make exaggerated sharp turns together, which gave the Death Eaters who were chasing them a headache. .

Amidst Bellatrix's angry roar, the Death Eaters were thrown away by Sirius and Fred's disguised Harry, and they could only hang in the air fighting.

If the Harry beside Sirius is real, what awaits them will be Voldemort's endless anger.

Sirius got rid of the pursuit and flew all the way to the transfer point, but Lupine and George on the other side were not so lucky. They were entangled by the Death Eaters led by Snape and could not escape for a while.

During the chase, Snape's hood slipped off, and even though the night sky was dark, Lupine recognized him immediately.

Fortunately, Lupine was very calm. He did not get into a fight, but took George pretending to be Harry and flew all the way, hoping to reach their transfer point as soon as possible.There was a safe house set up in advance and protected by magic. Even if the Death Eaters followed them to that place, they would not be able to enter.

However, the Death Eaters, under the command of Snape, surrounded the two of them in an orderly manner. No matter which direction Lupine and George flew, there was at least one Death Eater in front of them to stop them.

Lupine and George waved their wands frequently, and their spells caused considerable trouble to the Death Eaters.

However, every time they thought they could break through the encirclement, Snape's spell would come through the air and block their way.

Waving their wands again to push back the approaching Death Eaters, Lupine and George both ran towards Snape. Only by rushing into Snape could they possibly break through successfully.

Lupine and George hit Snape with the coma spell at the same time. Snape, who had been immersed in black magic for many years, easily blocked the spell. However, he did not immediately launch a counterattack, but allowed the two to rush towards him.

Just as the two were about to break out of the encirclement, the Death Eater who had been forced back came closer again. This Death Eater controlled the broomstick and crashed into Lupine. It seemed that his posture was intended to knock Lupine down directly.

Although it is unknown whether this Death Eater is a Slytherin graduate, his behavior is very consistent with the selection criteria of the Slytherin Quidditch team, which lacks such talents.

Not far away, Snape could clearly see that just as the Death Eater was about to hit Lupine, Snape moved his wand covertly and activated his signature spell "Shadow's Edge".

This is a magic invented by Snape himself. There is no obvious sign when the spell is activated, and it is extremely suitable for sneak attacks. People will not know how powerful it is until the spell hits the target.

The target of "Shadow's Blade" was the Death Eater. Although Snape hated predators, he could not sit back and watch Lupine have an accident in front of him.Snape wanted to secretly destroy the Death Eater's broomstick to relieve Lupin's crisis.

Lupine couldn't care less about the Death Eater who bumped into him, but there was George beside him, who had been trained by Ada for many years.

Red light spurted out, and George's stun spell hit the Death Eater in front of him. The Death Eater slid off the broomstick with a groan.

However, the danger was not eliminated. The Death Eater fell down, but the "Shen Feng Wu Ying" was still there.Snape's spell was unguided, and the magic edge that lost its target accidentally hit George.

It was like an invisible sword struck George's face, and the left side of his face suddenly started bleeding profusely.George screamed and subconsciously covered his left ear. His face was as pale as paper.

The house leaked and it rained all night, and the boat broke and was hit by the wind.

A spell flying from nowhere hit George's broomstick. Nimbus 2001 was hit by powerful black magic and lost control.George, who was bleeding profusely, fell headlong and fell to the ground.

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