The Emerald at Hogwarts

Chapter 657 Massacre

Gringotts Wizarding Bank is known as "one of the most secure places in the wizarding world", where wizards store their money and other valuables in heavily guarded vaults located miles underground.

In 1865, the Ministry of Magic agreed to give goblins full control of the bank, handing over the financial power of the wizarding world to goblins, who had run it for centuries.

Only goblins know where the winding underground passages lead, and where there are magic and creatures to prevent illegal intrusion.

Since the establishment of Gringotts, many thieves have coveted the wealth hidden here, trying to get rich overnight through the layers of security inside the bank.But the goblin will protect the wealth in the vault at all costs, and thieves who break into this place will receive extremely severe punishment.

For these thieves who try to take possession of wealth that does not belong to them, falling into the hands of goblins is the best outcome.

In Gringotts' long history, there have only been two successful break-ins.

Once it was Quilinus Quirrell, who didn't steal anything, and the Philosopher's Stone was taken out by Hagrid in advance; another time Ada and the twins successfully took the gold cup from Lestrange's treasury.

It may be that the years are really unlucky. After Quirrell in 1991 and Ada and the twins in 1992, Gringotts welcomed another uninvited guest in 1997-Voldemort.

Voldemort, dressed in black robes, walked through the tunnels several miles deep underground. In front of him was a bank goblin employee who led him.Even Voldemort would have gotten lost in the labyrinth without a goblin to guide him.

In the darkness, the goblin shivered and led the way. Whenever he walked slower, Voldemort behind him would punish him.

Under the threat of Voldemort's death, the goblin could only shake the jingle to drive back the guarding fire dragon, and took the Dark Lord to the underground vault of the Lestrange family.

The Lestrange family's vault is one of the most heavily guarded vaults in Gringotts. Not only is it guarded by vicious fire dragons, but even the vault door is a defense against thieves.

If there is no goblin to open the door, once the thief touches the library door, he will be immediately sucked into the door and trapped inside.The goblins of Gringotts will clean these anti-theft magic doors about once every ten years.

After the goblin opened the vault door, he stood aside respectfully with his head lowered and his hands lowered, hoping that for his cooperation, the Dark Lord would spare his life.

Voldemort stood at the door of the vault, trying to sense his Horcrux. Even if his soul was too fragmented and unstable, he could still feel the Horcrux at such a close distance.

However, Hufflepuff's golden cup has long been destroyed, how can Voldemort still sense it?

Voldemort's body shook slightly. If his body had blood pressure, no matter what brand of blood pressure monitor it was, it would be exploded by his soaring blood pressure at this moment.

Although he knew in his heart that another Horcrux was lost, Voldemort did not want to admit it. He kicked the goblin into the vault and followed him in.

The poor goblin fell on a pile of gold and silver treasures, and the goblin's screams suddenly sounded in the vault.

The treasures here were all cast with fire spells and copying spells. The goblin's body was turned red by the fire spells, and the copied property was about to overwhelm him.

Voldemort didn't care about the goblin's life and death, and his scarlet eyes swept around the vault.

Whether it was his eyes or the resonance of his soul, Voldemort could not find the little golden cup.Even if he no longer wanted to believe it, Voldemort had to admit that he had lost another Horcrux.

Being able to enter Gringotts and Lestrange's treasury as quietly as himself, it was clear at a glance who had taken the gold cup.

Anger and panic once again haunted Voldemort.Before sneaking into Gringotts, he had already visited Gaunt's old house. The magic circle protecting the Horcruxes had been completely destroyed, leaving only a dilapidated old house.

The locket in the cave, the ring in Gaunt's old house, the golden cup in Gringotts, and the three Horcruxes were not where they should be.

The three Horcruxes were taken away by three people - Regulus Black, Albus Dumbledore, and Esmeralda Drizzt.

Do they know more?Voldemort asked himself over and over in his mind.

Voldemort did not want to believe that anyone other than himself could find the deepest secret of Hogwarts and find the hidden room.

But the uneasiness and fear in his heart told him: they had found it.They found the room and found the Ravenclaw Diadem hidden inside.

Just like Voldemort would never believe that, in his opinion, "the deepest secret buried in Hogwarts" was known to every house elf in the school.

It was with the help of Dobby the house elf that Harry found the Room of Requirement.

There was a series of crackling sounds in the vault, hot replicas covered the ground, and the air sucked into the lungs was scorching hot. The entire vault was like a blazing furnace.

Voldemort turned around and walked out of the vault. The goblin who led him had already been scalded to death by the hot gold.

There was no way back, and Voldemort couldn't tell where these dark passages led, but he still had a way to get out of here.Voldemort, who fell into madness, walked towards the dragon trapped in chains and released the pale-skinned dragon.

The dragon did not realize that he was free, but when Voldemort's curse hit his tail, the pained fire dragon let out a roar of pain, and flapped its wings to lift its huge body off the ground.

Finally, the dragon realized that the chains that bound him were gone!

The dragon opened its mouth and spit out flames, blasting open the tunnel and causing the roof to shatter and collapse.The giant dragon used brute force to claw and claw, and rushed out.

With the dragon clearing the way, Voldemort easily left the vault buried deep underground.

The dragon broke through the passage and entered the marble hall. Voldemort below it raised his wand, and the majestic power was released, directly opening a large hole in the roof of Gringotts.

As if yearning for the sky, the giant dragon sprayed deadly flames in the hall, then spread its wings and flew into the sky, rushing towards the vast sky.Voldemort stood in the hall, looking at everyone present indifferently.

When the smoke caused by the dragon dissipated, the goblins and security personnel of Gringotts saw clearly who was standing by the pit. No need for any explanation, everyone knew that it was Voldemort!

The fairies turned around and ran away without any hesitation, scrambling to escape.The wizards were also running away, even the people in charge of bank security were running away, leaving only a handful of Aurors.

These Aurors were stationed at Gringotts by the Ministry of Magic. If these people were not watching, I believe that the goblins would treat the Ministry of Magic's orders as air and allow the Death Eaters to enter and leave Gringotts openly.

However, whether it was the wizards and goblins who escaped, or the Aurors who stayed behind to prepare for resistance, Voldemort would not let them leave alive.

Voldemort was furious and needed to vent his anger. What better way to vent his anger than through killing?

The wand was raised high, and the ceiling in the foyer plummeted. People who were crowded in the foyer and trying to escape were hit hard.What makes people even more desperate is that the metal door of Gringotts has also been closed, and the metal hinges on the door have turned into a big snake as thick as a bucket, hissing and spitting out letters.

The green light lit up, and the Aurors guarding Gringotts began to fall. Voldemort was in a no-man's land, and no one could block his attack.Soon the marble hall was filled with corpses, both wizards and goblins.

This was a massacre, a massacre to prove that Lord Voldemort was still extremely powerful.

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