The Emerald at Hogwarts

Chapter 658: The closed door of Gringotts

Gringotts Wizarding Bank is located on the north side of Diagon Alley. The tall snow-white building is particularly eye-catching, and the bronze door is even more shiny.

Today, people in Diagon Alley first vaguely heard a roar of a dragon, and the sound seemed to come from underground.Then, people heard the sound of building collapse and explosion.

When the faithful people ran to the scene of the incident, what they saw was the closed bronze door of Gringotts and the fire dragon flying in the sky.

People don't know what happened inside Gringotts, but they can tell something from the escaping fire dragons and the damaged buildings.

I didn't dare to continue watching. Anyone could see that something terrible was happening in Gringotts.If you continue to stay and watch, your own life may be at stake.

It's not a big deal to watch the excitement, but when the "trouble" may happen to you, each one will run faster than the other.

The crowd of onlookers came in like a tide and receded like a tide.

The Weasley twins were also mixed in with the crowd, and they could understand each other's thoughts without any need to look at each other.

The two brothers raised their wands at the same time and called out their patronus in unison.However, the two silvery-white, substantial magpies flew in different directions.

Fred's magpie flew to the Burrow to inform the members of the Order of the Phoenix; George's magpie flew to the Ministry of Magic, hoping to inform his father or Ada about the turmoil in Gringotts.

Just as the two Patronus flew away, a group of Aurors, led by Scrimgeour, passed through the crowd and appeared under the stairs in front of Gringotts.After the Aurors, members of the Law Enforcement Team quickly caught up.

The Ministry of Magic received a total of two messages.First, someone broke into Gringotts without permission.Secondly, Gringotts was attacked, the dangerous fire dragon escaped, and a lot of support was urgently needed.

This is why Scrimgeour was able to rush to the scene of the incident quickly.

At the entrance to Gringotts, the two bronze doors could not be opened. The Aurors raised their wands and began to bombard the doors. Fred and George also stepped forward to help.

Scrimgeour glanced at the two of them and said nothing.Even if you haven't seen the minister's children, you should have heard of them.What's more, Fred and George are so unique.

With the Weasley family's iconic fiery red hair and the twin brothers' identical looks, it's hard to mistake them.

The bronze door seemed to have a barrier. Two consecutive rounds of bombardment failed to blow it open, but only left some dents on the surface of the door.

The Aurors couldn't help but become anxious.No one knew what was going on inside Gringotts, but from the screams that kept coming from inside, they knew how critical the situation in the hall was.

At this moment, Vida Rozier also arrived in Diagon Alley, and the old lady was accompanied by Laura and Hartman.

Mr. Weasley has to control the Ministry of Magic and cannot be easily dispatched, while Ada went to chase the fire dragon.

If the fire dragon is allowed to fly over London, the Muggle Prime Minister will definitely go crazy, and the International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy will be broken.Once the fire dragon goes crazy and destroys Muggle buildings, causing a large number of Muggle casualties, it will be an even worse situation.

Someone must catch up with the escaped fire dragon as soon as possible and place it properly.

Vader stood at the bottom of the white stone steps and looked at the two bronze doors with high defense. They were already covered with dents, but they were still strong and had not been blasted open.

The elegance and arrogance of French women are deep in their bones, and they must age gracefully even with gray hair.

Vida is very representative. She wears a well-cut dark dress, her long hair is exquisitely coiled, and the matching hat is just right.This elegance is enough for Ada to learn from for a lifetime.

Vader raised her wand calmly. She didn't like the magic she was about to unleash, but she felt it should be able to destroy the door blocking the way.

A yellow water arrow shot out from Vader's wand. As soon as the liquid touched the bronze door, a pungent smoke immediately rose up, and a small hole was corroded into the door.

The acrid smoke was getting thicker and the small hole in the door was growing.The corroded bronze door continued to make a physically uncomfortable sound, which did not completely disappear until the door was completely corroded.

Fred and George looked at Vader at the same time. The two brothers couldn't help but want to applaud. This was too awesome.

"Want to learn black magic?" Vader said with a smile, "If you want to learn, I can teach you."

Don't forget, before Voldemort, the title of "the most dangerous dark wizard" belonged to Grindelwald. As his disciple, Vader naturally learned a lot of powerful black magic.

You can't burn down London, but you can burn down a wizarding bank.Corroding a bronze door is just a small test.

Fred and George shook their heads. The two brothers had no interest in black magic. If they wanted to learn it, they would have asked Ada long ago.

Seeing this, Vader didn't have any displeasure, and it was fine not to learn black magic.Vader jokingly said: "Two cowards, this won't do."

Just as the three of them were talking, the door of Gringotts had opened, but no one came out. Instead, two big snakes as thick as buckets slithered out and attacked the Aurors who walked up the white stone steps.

The Aurors raised their staffs to fight back, and used colorful spells to fight back the two big snakes in a short time.But at this moment, Voldemort walked out covered in blood.

The killing went crazy, and all the people (goblins) who failed to escape from Gringotts before the gate was closed were all killed by Voldemort!

Voldemort laughed as he walked. His laughter was terrifying, even more terrifying than being surrounded by dementors.Some people stepped back unconsciously, no matter how Scrimgeour scolded them, it was of no use.

Wizards' fear of Voldemort seemed to grow from their bones. Just seeing him in person and hearing his wild laughter made people so scared that they couldn't help themselves.

When the first person who turns around and escapes appears, the team that came to protect Gringotts will be defeated. Rufus Scrimgeour fully understands this truth, so he chooses to take action first, even if the person standing opposite is terrifying. The Dark Lord.

Scrimgeour took the lead and hit Voldemort with a stun spell on the steps. As soon as the glowing red spell came close, Voldemort easily blocked it.

Voldemort took his time and walked down the white stone steps step by step. The spells thrown at him failed to hurt him. Instead, he fired his bow from left to right, causing several Aurors with less ability and experience to fall. Lost his life.

The only person left in the wizarding world who can be Voldemort's opponent is Ada, and the others are really not enough to look at here.Voldemort can come when he wants and leave when he wants. No one can stop him.

Scrimgeour attacked Voldemort again, like a furious lion.Scrimgeour has been fighting the Dark Wizard his whole life. Although he cannot defeat Voldemort, he can still survive a few blows at the hands of the Dark Lord.

The other Aurors also regained their courage under the leadership of Scrimgeour.The Aurors surrounded the city, narrowing the siege while continuously casting spells on Voldemort.

But Voldemort is Voldemort after all, and the Aurors' siege failed to defeat him, but instead highlighted his power.

Dressed in black robes, he continuously swung his wand. Every time he swung it, an Auror would withdraw from the battle, either killed by the Killing Curse or knocked down by the Cruciatus Curse.

At the same time, the big snake Nagini also appeared in the open space. It is very fast, has high lethality, and has exaggerated defense. Even if it is hit by a curse, it will not hurt.

Nagini kept weaving through the crowd, attacking the wizards besieging Voldemort quickly and nimbly. From time to time, someone was bitten by it and was forced to withdraw from the encirclement.

Vader no longer watches, she, Laura, and Hartman join the battle at the same time, hoping to work together to keep Voldemort in Diagon Alley.

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