The Emerald at Hogwarts

Chapter 683, Death of Harry Potter

There was silence in the playground and in the castle, a terrifying silence.

Everyone was looking at Voldemort, at his pale face, and at the body suspended above him - the body of Harry Potter.


This scream was so terrifying because no one had ever thought or dreamed that Professor McGonagall could make such a sound.

The Death Eaters scattered in a carnival, laughing and dancing, celebrating the death of Harry Potter and the upcoming victory.

Harry Potter is the prophesied child and Voldemort's old enemy. Only he can stop Voldemort.

And now, he is dead!Voldemort will be unstoppable and the Death Eaters will be invincible!



"Harry! Harry!"

The voices of Ron, Hermione and Ginny were even shriller than McGonagall's; Sirius lowered his hands in despair, looking at the body of his godson in despair; Lupine was also desperate, his eyes had lost their luster and became cloudy. .

Snape was also looking at Harry's body. He had long known that Harry would die at the hands of Voldemort, but he didn't know that he would be so sad when this moment came.

Their shouts were like detonators, and the survivors rose up in response, cursing the Death Eaters at the top of their lungs, and finally——

"Quiet!" Voldemort shouted, and there was only a bang, a bright light flashed, and everyone was silent, "It's over, the war is over, even though I lost half of my men, I won."

"The Boy-Who-Lived is dead! Died on the way to escape, killed while trying to escape on his own! He shamelessly abandoned you!"

Voldemort said loudly, seeming to be smug with his lie, and laughed "Hey, hey, hey."

With a muffled sound, Harry's body was thrown into the open space. The limp body faced the night sky, his glasses were tilted to the side, and his chest did not rise or fall.

"Drill the heart and gouge out the bone!"

A fierce red light shot at Harry Potter's body, but there was no reaction at all. The cruel Cruciatus Curse once again confirmed his death.

Even people who don't want to believe it have to believe this cruel fact. Harry Potter is dead and was killed by Voldemort.Is there any point in continuing to resist?

Voldemort's speech was not over.

He continued: "Now, put down the weapons in your hands, kneel down, and swear allegiance to the great Lord Voldemort. You will be pardoned. Your parents, children, brothers and sisters will also be forgiven and continue to live. You and I will Enter the new world we will build together. If anyone dares to resist, men, women, and children will be killed, and their families will be killed."

The Death Eaters cheered, stamped their feet, and laughed loudly at the people in front of the castle, laughing at their foolish resistance.

Bellatrix Lestrange pointed her wand to the sky and shouted excitedly: "The bones are back!"

The ugly, terrifying Dark Mark appears and becomes the only constellation in the night sky.

Desperate cries, helpless cries, and sad cries converged in front of the castle, and countless tears fell, crying not only for Harry Potter's misfortune, but also for his own misfortune.

At this time, Neville Longbottom limped out of the crowd and walked towards Harry Potter's body in the clearing.

"Who is this?" Voldemort said in a soft, snake-like hiss. "Do you want to be the first to swear allegiance to me, or do you want to test the law and let everyone see what will happen if you continue to resist after defeat?"

Bellatrix laughed happily and said, "It's Neville Longbottom, Master! The son of that Auror couple, remember?"

"Shut up! You bitch!" Mrs. Longbottom shouted. She believed that her grandson would be as brave as his father and would never bend the knee to Voldemort.

"Ah, I remember." Voldemort looked at Neville with pity, "You are a pure-blood wizard, right, my child? Come on, kneel down and swear an oath to me!"

As Voldemort's words fell to the ground, many people felt that their knees were as heavy as lead. It seemed that only kneeling could relieve the pain in their legs.

"It doesn't matter if Harry dies, people die every day! We lost Harry Potter tonight, and many people, but their deaths will not be in vain! Regulus Black, Albus Dumbledore , they will never walk alone!”

Neville Longbottom shouted bravely, lighting the torch of renewed resistance!

"Our resistance will never stop! Dumbledore's Army!" Neville shouted again, and the crowd immediately responded with enthusiasm, and the crying stopped at this moment.

Neville rushed towards Harry's body in the clearing at an even faster speed. He wanted to take Harry's body back. He must not let Voldemort ravage and taint Harry again!

Voldemort was laughing, cold and cruel.

Bellatrix, who came to his side, raised her wand and pointed it at Neville - "Avada Kedavra!"

Golden-red, bright and warm flames enveloped Neville Longbottom, but the Killing Curse failed to kill him.The next second, the fire flashed and Neville appeared behind Ada.

The crowd roared again.

Yes, they lost a lot of people, friends, family...and Albus Dumbledore, Piers Thicknesse, Alastor Moody, and Harry Potter...

But they still have themselves, and they still have Esmeralda Drizzt. Everything is not over yet, and death is not the end!

"Drizzt, your resistance is meaningless." Voldemort suppressed his anger, "Just like him, he is your fate."

As he spoke, Voldemort pointed to the Black Lake, where Albus Dumbledore's bones were buried.Voldemort wants to kill Ada just like he killed Dumbledore and Harry.

Ada patted Neville on the shoulder and slowly walked out of the crowd.

"Proud, arrogant, Tom." Ada said leisurely, "Stupid, extremely stupid behavior. What gave you this illusion that you have won?"

Voldemort looked around, then looked at Harry's body on the ground, expressing his confidence in a silent way and refuting Ada.

"What about you, Drizzt, what gives you confidence?" Voldemort said, "Is it the invincible wand in your hand, or is it Gellert Grindelwald?"

Voldemort laughed wildly and continued: "The Deathly Hallows, the invincible Elder Wand, is the wand with the most defeats. Why do you defeat me! Gellert Grindelwald is a loser, a man who has shut himself down." The coward who entered Nurmengard, as his disciple, how much of his skills have you inherited?"

The relationship between Grindelwald and Ada was made public for the first time, and coming from Voldemort, no one would think it was a false accusation.

"You don't deserve to mention Gellert's name, Tom. Gellert Grindelwald is a thousand times greater than you." Ada admitted her relationship with the first generation Dark Lord without any hesitation.

Ada looked sideways at the Black Lake and said: "To this day, Europe still has his supporters, and what about you? When you fell, your loyal servants abandoned you and left you. Want me? Can one pronounce their names?”

When Voldemort was defeated, he was abandoned by his loyal Death Eaters.

A group of people headed by Lucius Malfoy "turned from darkness to light", claiming that they were under the Imperius Curse and that they followed Voldemort and committed numerous crimes.

Laughter rang out, and this time the people laughing were the people guarding Hogwarts. They were laughing at Voldemort, who claimed to be great.

How does a person who has been betrayed by his subordinates one after another have the right to say that he is great?

"Regulus knew your secret and stole it. Lucius turned from darkness to light and told the Ministry of Magic where you were hiding. You could only hide in embarrassment. How is the scenery of Pendle Mountain?"

Ada continues to uncover Voldemort's scars.

She said, "And Severus Snape, he reported your every move to Dumbledore and to me. We know everything you do."

"They will pay the price for their stupidity just like you!" Voldemort's scarlet eyes were full of anger, and the yew wand kept spitting out sparks.

"Do you know where your most trusted snake, Nagini, came from?"

"She is an unfortunate blood-cursed orc. She was once a kind and beautiful girl. She knew Dumbledore and also knew Grindelwald." Ada continued, "Until she completely turned into it, I have become a beast to be with you.”

Contempt and disdain, every word Ada uttered was a mockery of Voldemort. However, revealing Nagini's identity was not the end of the mockery, but only the beginning.

Ada continued: "You don't know, you don't know anything. Just like you thought Nagini was loyal to you, but you didn't know that her real best friend was someone else. She showed her best side to herself. My best friend, but you didn’t get anything.”

"And you, you just got a stupid beast and are complacent, pathetic! Pathetic!"

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