The Emerald at Hogwarts

Chapter 684: Dawn is coming

Every word Ada said poked Voldemort's pain points, adding salt to Voldemort's wounds.

The Dark Lord was speechless and furious, and could only yell crazily to kill everyone present.

"He's anxious, he's anxious." Ada looked around and said in a sinister tone.The simplest bad mouth, the most ultimate enjoyment.

When Ada was in first grade, Hagrid once commented on her: She was such a cute girl when she wasn't talking, but why did she look like a different person when she opened her mouth?

I have to say that Hagrid's evaluation is quite insightful. Ada is a typical "good girl with a big mouth".

If Ada were mute, her popularity would definitely skyrocket and she would become the most popular person.

"Shut up, Drizzt!" Voldemort said coldly, "Harry Potter is your only hope to defeat me, and he is dead!"

Ada laughed, loudly and disdainfully.She looked at Voldemort contemptuously and said, "You don't believe me when you say you have a bad mind."

With that said, Ada walked step by step to Harry's body.Under everyone's puzzled gazes, Ada stretched out her foot and kicked Harry. She said, "Stop pretending, it's almost over. The ground isn't cold."

Voldemort laughed wildly, and the Death Eaters also laughed. They felt that Ada was stupid and dizzy, actually talking to a corpse that was almost cold, and told the corpse to stop pretending to be dead.

It's so funny, one of the best jokes ever.

The Cruciatus Curse is not a decoration. No one can resist the pain caused by this extremely cruel curse.The Cruciatus Curse proved that Harry Potter was dead and that Voldemort was about to win.

However, something happened that shocked Voldemort and the Death Eaters. They saw Harry Potter's fingers actually moving!Then the wrists, arms...

Under the shocked gazes of more people, Harry Potter actually sat up, incredible!

Cheers pierced the dawn sky as the defenders of Hogwarts celebrated Harry Potter's resurrection from the dead.Although they didn't know the reason for Harry's resurrection, it didn't stop them from celebrating the birth of a miracle.

Silence fell on the Death Eater coalition, and they also didn't understand why this was happening.Harry Potter is obviously dead, why is he still breathing and alive!

Is he really unkillable?

Voldemort felt panic in his heart. He didn't know what went wrong and why what happened 16 years ago would happen again today!Why the Unforgivable Curse doesn't work on Harry Potter!

"Avada Kedavra!"

There is no one who cannot be killed by a killing curse. If there is, then do it again.In this world, only the great Lord Voldemort can live forever!

The killing curse flew towards Harry with green light, but Ada blocked it for him with quick eyes and quick hands.The magic spell hit the golden shield and made a shuddering sound.

Then, many things happened at the same time.

There was a commotion at the school boundary wall in the distance. It seemed like hundreds of people were climbing over the wall out of sight, shouting loudly and rushing towards the castle.

At the same time, groups of wizards flew into the school on broomsticks and shot spells at the Death Eaters from above.

The sound of horse hooves and the sound of bows also sounded together, and in the blink of an eye, sharp arrows were shot into the middle of the Death Eaters.

The house elves of Hogwarts poured out of the castle like a tide. Under the leadership of Dobby and Kreacher, they screamed and waved their sharp knives and meat cleavers, shouting in unison -

"Fight! Fight! Defend Hogwarts against the Dark Lord! Fight!"

Harry Potter came back from the dead, and massive reinforcements came from all directions... Everything seemed to happen at this moment, the situation took a turn for the worse, and the close victory slipped away from the Death Eaters.

The Death Eaters shouted in surprise and became confused.

Death Eaters who broke up and fled, those who were not firm in their stance, or Death Eaters who were greedy for life and fearful of death, these people immediately chose to escape.

The composition of Death Eaters is very complex. Cowards seek shelter, careerists seek prestige, and cruel people are attracted by a leader who can lead them to achieve more cruel deeds. The suffering of others is theirs. Maximum pleasure.

They follow Voldemort just because Voldemort is so majestic and because he is the Dark Lord.

But now that Voldemort is no longer powerful, and the Death Eaters have become prey to the sword, how long will it take if they don't run away now?What pure bloodism, immortality, and glory are all bullshit!

"Come back! Come back! You bastards!" No matter how loud Bellatrix shouted, the fleeing Death Eaters did not look back. They did not want to be buried with Voldemort.

However, they cannot escape. There are only two endings for Death Eaters, either to die on the battlefield or to be captured alive to await trial.

Under the cover of dense arrow rain, the centaurs running at high speed crashed into the Death Eater coalition first and charged into the battle.The advantage of the light cavalry over the infantry was evident at this moment, and the Death Eaters' line was instantly dispersed.

Some of the Death Eaters wanted to take off to attack them, but before they could get on their broomsticks, the Thestrals and Winged Hippogriffs were already hovering above their heads, attacking them from above.

The giant Grawp rushed towards the Death Eaters like a majestic elephant, and punched them with all his strength. He showed off his battlefield arrogance, deliberately punched, cracked the skull with his strong hands, and almost gave them an astonishing hug.

The little faces of the house elves were burning with hatred, and they were slashing and stabbing at the Death Eaters' ankles and calves.

The scene was chaotic, and despair enveloped the Death Eaters. There were enemies everywhere. Reinforcements swarmed in and surrounded and submerged the Death Eaters. The Death Eaters who fell to the ground didn't even know who had hit them.

Is it a human, an animal, or a house elf...

I don't know, the Death Eaters don't know where these reinforcements came from, they don't know anything.The only thing that could be realized was Voldemort's failure, their failure.

The loser will lose his life.

Voldemort opened his mouth and shouted angrily, but no one paid him any attention.

The Dark Lord wanted to kill Harry Potter again, wanted to kill the Death Eaters who escaped from the battlefield, and wanted to protect Nagini... There were many things Voldemort wanted to do, but he couldn't do anything.

The moment the Jedi counterattack began, Ada entangled Voldemort.

Voldemort could only watch as Harry Potter jumped up, watched as he, Neville, Snape and others rushed towards Nagini, and watched as the Death Eaters were slaughtered.

Especially those Death Eaters who stood their ground and were loyal.

Sirius and Lupine faced off against Bellatrix again, and the family fought so hard that they fought all the way from the playground to the castle.

Mr. Weasley is fighting against Antonin Dolohov, and he wants to avenge those who died at the hands of Dolohov, especially his two uncles.

If it were just Mr. Weasley, Dolohov would still be able to handle it with ease, but with Kingsley Shacklebolt eyeing him, Dolohov would only be beaten.

Rodolphus Lestrange was even worse. His opponents were Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick.

One is the current headmaster of Hogwarts and the master of transfiguration, and the other is the headmaster of Ravenclaw House and a dueling champion.

The two professors join hands to fight against the enemy. Faced with this powerful combination, unless you are at the level of Ada or Voldemort, it will be for nothing.

It was obvious that Rodolphus was far behind his master. The last man of the Lestrange family was unable to fight back and was beaten back by the two professors.

Professor Flitwick's wand shook rapidly, and Rodolphus's wand flew away, spinning far away.

While you are sick, I will kill you!

Professor McGonagall had no intention of holding back at all. Orange-red light shot out and hit Rodolphus in the chest.

Rodolphus let out a shrill scream and collapsed to the ground.His chest was scorched black as if it had been burnt by high-temperature flames, and there was a faint aroma of barbecue.

With the fall of Rodolphus Lestrange, Antonin Dolohov's good days came to an end.

Antonin Dolokhov's face was ferocious and twisted, and he waved the wand in his hand fiercely, trying to force back the siege against him.Dolokhov knew very well that he was in a desperate situation and the only thing waiting for him was defeat.

But before being defeated, Antonin Dolokhov had to pull someone on his back!

However, Mr. Weasley and Kingsley didn't give him this chance, and they directly teamed up to send him to hell.

The first thing to hit Dolohov was a Obstacle Curse from Kingsley Shacklebolt, knocking him to the ground.Before Dolohov could stumble to his feet, Mr. Weasley's follow-up attack arrived.

"This is for Fabian!" Mr. Weasley shouted.

Under the influence of the whole body binding spell, Dolokhov's limbs were tightly attached to his body, and his whole body fell to the ground like a stiff stone slab, unable to move.

An emotion called fear surged into Dolohov's heart, and he looked fearfully at Mr. Weasley and the wand pointed at him.

"This is for Gideon!" Mr. Weasley shouted again.

The crushing curse hit Dolokhov, who was unable to fight back or dodge, and the evil-doing Antonin Dolokhov ended his criminal and bloody life.

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