The Emerald at Hogwarts

Chapter 690, After Victory

The warm sunshine is rising over Hogwarts, spreading light and hope to the world, and taking away the coldness on the ground.

The celebrating people returned to the bright auditorium.Laughter and tears, joy and sadness are the main themes of the auditorium.

Rejoice in victory, rejoice in being alive... Mourn for today's victims, mourn for those warriors who gave their lives to resist the darkness.

Professor McGonagall put the house table back to its original place, but no one sat down according to the house.

Everyone was huddled together, teachers and students, ghosts and parents, centaurs and house elves.Firenze lay in the corner recovering from his injuries, while Graup peered in from a broken window, and someone threw food into his laughing mouth.

Mr. Weasley and Kingsley became the busiest people. In addition to celebrating, they also had to arrange follow-up work.

The hunt for Death Eaters and Dementors who slipped through the net, the trial and imprisonment of Voldemort's accomplices, etc.By the way, there are also students from Slytherin House. The Ministry of Magic wants to investigate them.

Although their Head of House, Severus Snape, and Acting Head of House, Horace Slughorn, both stood at the forefront of the resistance to Voldemort, they did not represent the entire Slytherin. College, students must pay the price for their inappropriate words and deeds.

The Ministry of Magic will not let go of any bad guy and will not leave any harm to the beautiful world in the future.I hope that after experiencing this war, all Slytherins will understand something and distinguish between right and wrong.

Hundreds of people crowded into the auditorium to listen to the good news coming from all directions, but the hero who led the war and finally killed Voldemort was not here.

The black lake in November had not yet frozen into a lump, and Ada walked slowly along the winding curve of the lake shore.Fred and George followed her like two naughty monkeys, unwilling to rest for a moment.

"A hard-earned victory, George!"

"Victory doesn't come easy, Fred!"

The twin brothers talked back and forth, expressing their joy at the victory in the war and never getting tired of it.

Unknowingly, the twins followed Ada's footsteps to Dumbledore's grave.

The white tomb remained. He stood quietly by the lake and witnessed the victory of this war with his own eyes.

When the twins saw Ada take the Elder Wand in her hands, the two brothers understood her thoughts in an instant.

"That's the Elder Wand, are you sure you want to do this?" Fred asked. He understood that Ada wanted to "return" the Elder Wand to Dumbledore. The Elder Wand had completed its mission.

"Once you put it in, it's not good to regret it," George said.

To "return" the Elder Wand to Dumbledore, you must open the grave. If you regret it, you will have to open the grave again... It is not polite to repeatedly disturb the purity of the deceased. It is simply a lack of virtue for eight lifetimes. .

"Of course, the Elder Wand is of no use to me. I only hold it to remind myself." Ada said softly.

This legendary wand was given to her by Dumbledore. Every time she holds the wand and every time she casts a spell with this wand, Ada will think of Dumbledore and his sincere teachings to her.

"Now, it's time to return it to Professor Dumbledore," Ada continued, "and return everything I owe him."

After finishing her words, Ada waved the Elder Wand one last time.With a soft sound, the white tomb slowly opened.

Albus Dumbledore was lying there peacefully, with his hands folded on his chest, as if he was asleep.

Putting the Elder Wand gently in Dumbledore's hand, Ada immediately closed the tomb. The whole process didn't even take 5 minutes.

"The legend of the Elder Wand ends here." Ada said in a relaxed tone.

Even if we know that Ada is the master of the Elder Wand, how many people in the magic world can defeat her today?Even if Ada was plotted and lost to the opponent, the Elder Wand would no longer be with her.

The bloody storm since the birth of the Elder Wand will end today, and it will forever rest beside Dumbledore and Gellert Grindelwald.

Seeing the tomb closing, Fred said jokingly: "Isn't it too late for me to punch you now?"

"Of course, brave Mr. Weasley."

As she said that, Ada rolled her eyes, and the twins were worried that her green eyes would fly out of their sockets.

Ada left the cemetery with square steps, hands behind her back, and Fred and George followed immediately.The two brothers also imitated Ada's example and took a slightly funny square step.

"I think you had other intentions in returning the Elder Wand." George said. He could see that Ada had not finished her words, and he could also see that Ada was trying to prey on their brother.

"Of course, clever Mr. Weasley."

Ada's brows and eyes were filled with smiles. Since the day she left Hogwarts and Dumbledore, she had not felt so relaxed for a long time despite the heavy burden on her shoulders.

She said: "Albus Dumbledore and Gellert Grindelwald, they met because of the Elder Wand. This wand has special meaning to them... As for me, I have always had The beauty of adulthood, so give it back to him!"

Just think of it as giving a marriage certificate to these two stinky old men who were born in different quilts and died in the same coffin.

"By the way, nothing happened to Harry. Is it really just because he is Voldemort's Horcrux?" Fred asked. He caught up with Ada and walked beside her.

"I always feel that it's not that simple. You must have deceived Voldemort." George also caught up, standing on the other side of Ada.

The three of them walked side by side, just like they did many years ago, just like they did many years later.

"Horcruxes are only one aspect. I can't guarantee whether Harry will perish with the Horcruxes. I guess Dumbledore can't guarantee this either." Ada said, "That's why he told Snape not to kill Harry until the last moment." Tell Harry the truth."

The twins nodded, they thought so too after learning that Harry was a Horcrux.

Fred and George had witnessed the destruction of Horcruxes with their own eyes and knew how to destroy them.

The two brothers didn't think they could sacrifice themselves and dedicate themselves like Harry.Because from their perspective, Harry's choice was a choice between death and no life.

"In that case, how did Harry survive?" George asked. The two brothers were not cursing Harry, but they were simply curious and eager to learn.

Ada stopped and said with a smile: "Because of me! I gave him a hug and a blessing."

Fred and George opened their arms at the same time and said in unison: "Give me a hug too! By the way, I wish our Magic Wheezes Shop will prosper and become bigger and stronger!"

Joking aside, Fred then asked: "Why do your hugs and blessings protect Harry?"

The two brothers still couldn't understand. Could it be that Ada had mastered some extraordinary magic and could speak the magic words?

"Because I am the owner of the Deathly Hallows." Ada said seriously, "I once held three Deathly Hallows at the same time, the Elder Wand, the Invisibility Cloak, and the Resurrection Stone."

Hearing this, the twins were so shocked that their jaws were dislocated.

They naturally knew what the Deathly Hallows were, and the two brothers had accompanied Ada to Godric's Hollow to look for traces of Ignotus Peverell left there.

"Is that legend true?" George asked in disbelief. "The person who collects the Deathly Hallows will become the master of Death."

Ada shook her head and said: "Not the master of Death, but the master of the Deathly Hallows. I think the legend is just an exaggeration by later generations. The real makers of the Deathly Hallows are the three Peverell brothers. The three of them Must be a powerful, dangerous wizard."

Seeing the confusion of the twins, Ada patiently explained: "The Elder Wand has been defeated all the time, bringing misfortune to every owner; the Resurrection Stone cannot resurrect the dead, and the souls it attracts will do everything possible to bring the living to the Another world; the invisibility cloak cannot resist the wear and tear of time on humans, and can even be seen through."

The two brothers sighed together and said together: "Listen to what you said, the legendary Deathly Hallows are worse than the rags in reality."

"On the contrary." Ada shook her green-white fingers, "They are great magical products created by great wizards and possess extraordinary magic power."

Fred nodded and said, "You can probably understand. The Elder Wand can enhance the master's magic and make the spells cast more powerful."

George continued: "Also, Harry's invisibility cloak has not worn out over the years, nor has it lost its invisibility function like those invisibility cloaks on the market."

Ada pretended to be walking up and down the lake shore with her hands behind her back.

She said: "Yes, but their greatness goes beyond that. The Deathly Hallows are not a magic weapon to escape death, but a test for the owner."

"Test?" Fred and George were even more confused.

"Yes, the test from the God of Death."

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