The Emerald at Hogwarts

691 Deathly Hallows

"Yes, it's a test."

Ada said solemnly: "As mentioned just now, the Elder Wand gives its owner tyrannical power. When you have power that others do not have, the power will put down its proud figure towards you and crawl at your feet. This is A test of the desire for power.

The Resurrection Stone cannot truly recall the dead, but is more like an illusion copied from the user's memory.This 'resurrection' method will only double the pain of missing you.This is the second test, which can be said to be the yearning for the deceased, or the persistence of the past. "

Ada turned around and looked at the white tomb in the distance, blurry enough to see clearly.

Dumbledore resisted the temptation of power. Even though he was the ceiling of combat power in the wizarding world, he still stayed away from the whirlpool of power as much as possible.But in the end, he still couldn't resist missing Ariana and didn't forgive his past self.

Ariana's early death was an eternal pain in Albus Dumbledore's heart. He could convince himself countless times and pretend to be nonchalant.But when the Resurrection Stone was placed in front of him, he still put on the ugly ring and fell in love with the "missing of the deceased".

"What about the invisibility cloak in Harry's hand?" George asked, "What kind of test is it?"

Looking back, Ada smiled and said, "Do you still remember the ending of Ignotus in the legend?"

"Of course," Fred said first, "Ignotus has been wearing an invisibility cloak and the God of Death cannot find him, so he did not die like his two brothers."

George continued: "In the end, he took off his invisibility cloak and welcomed Death. Only then could Death take him to Hades."

"But in fact, the invisibility cloak cannot do these things. It can neither avoid the gaze of death nor avoid death." Ada said, "To put it bluntly, the invisibility cloak only deceives human eyes. People are erased from other people's vision - but humans not only have vision, but also touch, hearing, smell... The invisibility cloak cannot hide it from everyone's eyes."

Ada is the one who can break through the cloak of invisibility.

Even if the invisibility cloak successfully blinded her, she could still sense Harry under the cloak through other means.For example, the sudden sound of footsteps in the silent corridor, or the sound of Harry's heavy breathing.

If there really is a God of Death in this world, and the God of Death is deceived by such an imperfect invisibility cloak, and is even worse than a "weak" human being, then how weak should he be?

The master of this god of death is not a good person.

In addition, the invisibility cloak cannot stop the invasion of time, and it cannot offset the wear and tear that time brings to human beings.Time is the most powerful, it will eventually take away everything in this world.

"You still haven't said what the test of the Invisibility Cloak is." Fred complained, "We don't care whether the Invisibility Cloak has the legendary ability."

After organizing her words in her mind, Ada continued: "You don't think so, but many people do. They think that people with invisibility cloaks can avoid death, just like the legendary Ignotus. But this It is the test of the invisibility cloak, which tests whether a person has the courage to face death."

Overcoming the desire for power, no longer dwelling on the past and overthinking, and having the courage to face death directly, this is the test of the Deathly Hallows.Those who pass the test are the masters of death, no, to be precise, they are the masters of death.

If people are not afraid of death, why should they be afraid of death?

Passing the three tests means being able to defeat death and no longer be afraid of death. Death is just your unpleasant old friend.

For the owner of the Deathly Hallows, death is nothing more than a long and tiring man finally going to bed and resting, another new adventure.

Harry was willing to die for everyone, and he has conquered death ever since.Voldemort was afraid of death and would not hesitate to split his soul to do so. He never defeated death.

In this comparison, Harry and Voldemort were at a standstill.When Voldemort's killing curse hit Harry, how could a dirty, broken soul defeat a pure, complete soul?

Facing the ruthless Killing Curse, the remnant soul of Voldemort hidden in Harry could only tremble, waiting for death to come to him, paving the way for Voldemort's defeat.

"It sounds like there's nothing wrong with you here!" said the wise Fred.

"That's right, it's obvious that Harry himself has defeated the fear of death. From the perspective you explained, Harry is also the master of the Deathly Hallows!" Smart George followed.

" can you say that!" Ada spread her hands, "When he needed comfort and encouragement the most, I gave him the much-needed comfort and encouragement, and gave him the courage to keep going. How can you say that! It’s too much!”

Getting angry out of embarrassment and turning your back is the unique right of girls, especially beautiful girls.

Coincidentally, Ada is not only a girl, but also very beautiful.When she exercises this power, what can the twins do but coddle her?

To put it bluntly, Ada's little face finally turned cloudy (this statement should pass the test, right?), and Fred and George also breathed a sigh of relief (finally they have managed to coax this little ancestor!).

The two brothers looked at each other and never mentioned the Deathly Hallows, let alone the master of Death.

And somewhere where the twins couldn't see, Ada, who had survived the challenge, quietly stretched out her hand and silently swore in her heart: I will never lie to you again. This is the last time.real!

In fact, it cannot be said to be deception. Ada told all her opinions about the Deathly Hallows without hiding any secrets. She just obscured her role and concealed the protection she provided to Harry.

After all, this is Ada's biggest secret. Even Fred and George, who are closest to her, she can't tell.This secret will follow Ada for a long time and sleep with her underground.

The sunshine was just right, the breeze was not cold, and it seemed that the coming cold winter had left with the death of Voldemort.

The three of them bathed in the warm sunshine together and returned to the castle, which was riddled with holes. This ancient castle that had stood for thousands of years was in urgent need of repair.

"By the way, what are you going to do next?" Fred asked, "Continue to stay at the Ministry of Magic?"

Ada shook her head violently and said, "No, I will definitely get moldy if I continue to stay at the Ministry of Magic! In fact, I don't know what to do next now."

When Voldemort was around, Ada spent every day thinking about how to deal with him. Although such days made people feel irritated, they were quite fulfilling.Now that Voldemort is dead, Ada feels a little uncomfortable.

"Go back to school?" George suggested, "I think Professor McGonagall will welcome you very much."

"Continue studying?" Ada asked uncertainly, "If not, will it put too much pressure on other students? I am now the invincible Esmeralda Drizzt!"

Seeing that Ada's tail was about to reach the sky, the twins decided to pull her down.

"Do you dare to say this again in front of Vader Rozier, Minerva McGonagall, and Molly Weasley?"

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