The Emerald at Hogwarts

Chapter 692

Our victory!

This is the front page headline of the Daily Prophet, louder than the spring thunder in March, injecting warmth into this cold season.

The Daily Prophet reported in detail the series of battles that took place in Dingworth, Fertile Fields, Godric's Hollow, and Hogwarts. The accompanying pictures showed the castle being repaired at Hogwarts and the coldness of Voldemort. corpse.

Later that day, the Ministry of Magic and the Daily Prophet issued a public statement, confirming once again that Voldemort was dead, the British Wizarding War was over, and the wizarding world had ushered in a day of peace.

Newspapers, magazines, radio stations, all media in the wizarding world are reporting on the arrival of peace.


Crazy and enthusiastic celebrations have swept across the British Isles. Wherever there are wizards, you will see their smiling faces, the wine glasses in their hands, and the bright fireworks in the sky...

Celebrating people poured into the streets of Diagon Alley, and many wizards even walked to Whitehall and Trafalgar Square. Their strange costumes immediately attracted the attention of Muggle police officers, and they were almost killed by the conscientious police officers. The officers arrested him.

Wizards partied the night away, and the Leaky Cauldron sold more drinks that night than it had in the past year.Tom, the bar owner, laughed again until his eyes and teeth couldn't be seen.

The wizards' celebrations were even more lively than in 1981, and the Ministry of Magic was naturally warned and held accountable by the International Federation of Wizards - but who cares about the International Federation of Wizards!

Damn it, no one can take away the wizard's right to celebrate!

If the International Confederation of Wizards has any objections, let Babajide Akinbad come in person and let him talk to Esmeralda Twisted!May Merlin bless poor Ajinbad!

Yes, Ada's name has spread throughout every wizarding family in England, and even children who are learning to speak can pronounce her name, although these children do not know the meaning of the name.

Esmeralda Jessica Drizzt defeated the arrogant Lord Voldemort and ended the Dark Ages with her own hands. She is the leader who leads people to victory.

At this moment, what is Esmeralda Drizzt, the hero and leader that everyone praises, doing?

Ada was participating in the Ministry of Magic's trial of the Death Eaters. The location was the fifth trial room, which was not even accessible by an elevator. It was a dark room that was much larger than the tenth trial room.

Although the area is much larger, the fifth and tenth courtrooms are exactly the same dark and eerie, with all the light in the room coming from the torches on the walls.

In fact, the layout of each courtroom in the Ministry of Magic is almost the same: the surrounding walls are made of black stones, and on both sides and directly in front of the door are dense rows of benches, arranged in a stepped manner.

In the center of the courtroom is a chained chair that is visible from all seats in the room.

Sometimes, depending on the prisoner, those metal chains are replaced with sturdier cages.

The fifth courtroom has not been used for a long time. If it were not for the trial of Death Eaters and for more people to witness the trial process of Death Eaters, this courtroom would still be covered in dust.

The dark figures in the room kept shaking, and the rows of gradually rising benches were filled with people.

Sitting on the bench on the left are representatives from all walks of life and the media; in the middle are officials from the Ministry of Magic, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Director of the Department of Legal Enforcement who presided over the trial, and others; on the right are The Wizengamot in purple robes.

Ada is sitting on the bench on the right. She has officially joined the Wizengamot and is temporarily acting as the chief wizard of the Wizengamot.There is no one more qualified than her for the position that once belonged to Dumbledore.

"Lucius Malfoy." Kingsley Shacklebolt's deep, slow voice spoke, silencing the whispers in the courtroom.

"Here." Lucius Malfoy sat on the chair in the center of the courtroom. His pointed face was still pale, but he seemed to be in good spirits, many times better than when he was first brought back to the Ministry of Magic.

Although he was detained in the Ministry of Magic, Mr. Malfoy no longer had to bear the pressure from Voldemort, and he no longer had to worry about dying unexpectedly at any time. Lucius Malfoy was actually a bit more prosperous.

"You are accused of being a member of the Death Eaters, participating in Voldemort's terrorist activities, and participating in the Wizarding War provoked by Voldemort..." Kingsley announced Malfoy's crimes one by one, "Can you plead guilty?"

Lucius Malfoy raised his head, his gray-blue eyes first searched for Ada in the Wizengamot seat, and then said: "I plead guilty, Mr. Director."

Suddenly, the courtroom became noisy.

Everyone thought that Lucius Malfoy would speak out like other Death Eaters, or deny it as he did in the past, saying that he only obeyed Voldemort because he was under the Imperius Curse.

What is unexpected is that Kingsley only stated his crime, without even providing any strong evidence. The veteran Death Eater Malfoy actually bowed his head and confessed!

boom! boom! boom!

Kingsley knocked the small wooden hammer in his hand three times in succession, and the courtroom became quiet. Everyone shut up and stopped discussing why Lucius Malfoy confessed his crime so happily.

Just when everyone thought Kingsley, who was presiding over the trial, was about to pronounce the verdict, Mr. Director unfolded a roll of parchment.

He read along: "The criminal Lucius Malfoy came to the case on his own initiative and had circumstances to surrender. He also performed well while in the custody of the Ministry of Magic. He provided help to the Ministry of Magic many times to fight against Voldemort and the evil gang of Death Eaters. …”

In a short time, Kingsley finished reading the contents on the parchment.What was written on it were all manifestations of Malfoy turning from darkness to light while in custody, in order to intercede on his behalf.

"This is the material submitted by the former Minister Piers Thicknesse and the current Minister Mr. Arthur Weasley." Kingsley said, "Do you in the Wizengamot have any objections?"

All the Wizengamot members in purple robes expressed no objections. It was obvious that the Ministry of Magic wanted Paulusius Malfoy's hand. They still had this tacit understanding, so naturally no one would jump out without opening their eyes.

Then, Kingsley handed the parchment to the clerk and asked him to circulate it to the representatives of the people.

After several selected representatives confirmed that everything was correct, Kingsley banged the wooden hammer again.

He said loudly: "Now, I ask the Wizengamot to vote. Those who believe that Lucius Malfoy's crimes should be sentenced to imprisonment in Azkaban, please raise your hands!"

Sitting in the Wizengamot on the right side of the trial room, several wizards immediately raised their hands, while others had no intention of raising their hands at all, while more Wizengamot members looked at Ada , waiting for her to express her position.

Ada looked at Lucius Malfoy in the center of the courtroom. In fact, she could have helped him get away with the crime. She also had reasons to help him escape trial, but she still sent Malfoy to court. This is enough to explain her attitude. .

The death penalty is acquitted, but the living sin cannot escape.

The Ministry of Magic tried the Death Eaters with great fanfare, and the sentences given to the Death Eaters were all life imprisonment. It was to warn everyone that you can be a dark wizard or a dark lord, but you have to be killed, or The realization of living in Azkaban until death!

Ada slowly raised her left hand. As she moved, there was a sound of clothes rubbing together on the right side of the courtroom, and the raised arms were densely packed.

The hammering sound of the small wooden hammer sounded again, and Kingsley Shacklebolt said loudly: "The verdict is now pronounced. Lucius Malfoy is found guilty. Lucius Malfoy is sentenced to three years in prison, which will be executed today! Take him away! "

With that said, the two Aurors carried Lucius Malfoy and left the courtroom.

The public representatives looked at each other and found that Malfoy had the shortest sentence since the Ministry of Magic tried the Death Eaters.However, no one raised any objections. After all, Malfoy was considered a capitulator and had provided help to the Ministry of Magic. It was normal for his sentence to be short.

Lucius Malfoy, who was sentenced to imprisonment, was also satisfied with the result. Isn't this much better than losing his life or being imprisoned for life?

Furthermore, Malfoy has been in the custody of the Ministry of Magic for one year, and this time can be used as a penalty for his sentence.

In addition, the Ministry of Magic is short of money, very short of money.

Hogwarts needs to be repaired, Hogsmeade needs to be repaired, and the three wizarding areas also need to be repaired. As long as the Malfoy family makes some more contributions, his sentence can be shortened again.

Lucius Malfoy was taken away by Aurors, but today's trial was not the end, it was just the beginning.

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