The Enemy Always Wants to Pull Me into a Coffin

Chapter 108

Chapter 108

Alessio has been squatting in the shadow of the nightmare and eating radishes these days. Although neurosis sometimes brings him some delicious things, but he thinks that most of the delicious things can not be eaten by the nightmare. Destined to not go anywhere, Arecio can only gnaw the carrots silently.

Nightmare seemed a little guilty about it.

“It’s okay. Actually, I won’t die if I don’t eat. I’m just used to eating a little bit.” Arecio grabbed the radish. In order to ensure that he was foolproof, he had enough blood every day.

“Is the dark creatures like this?” Nightmare had never left the farm before, and he was curious about his own clan outside.

“Not all, there are all kinds of dark creatures.”

Arecio is usually patient with cubs. He tells the nightmare about many different dark creatures, such as sea snakes, manticores, blood races thousands of years ago, liches, and dragons that have died out. He had seen too much and experienced too much, but ordinary narration seemed alive, and in the end, he took out the badge of the League of Dark Creatures.

“It’s already an organization that can act on its own, and it’s still growing. After this storm has passed, it will surely have a lot of real power.”

He lay on the nightmare’s head and handed the badge to his eyes. The badge is a small one, the Secret Snake is entwined, and it is colorful. Such a badge like a dream seems to be far away from the dark creatures, but everyone who sees the badge can’t deny its connection with the dark creatures.

At least nightmare Brendan is like this.

“I… can I join?” He asked nervously, “Join the League of Dark Creatures?”

He is learning very fast, and he has mastered the basic common sense, and now there is no teacher who can apply to join the organization.

“Dark creatures are eligible to join, and even non-dark creatures can serve as consultants.” Arecio said, and then he added conditions to this loose rule. “However, you still need enough effort to join, think Want to see, what can you bring to the alliance?”

“I…” Brendan hesitated. He has been kept in the farm, knowing nothing or interacting with people, so he…

“So, you have to seize this opportunity.”


“Yes.” The little bat lying on his head flapped its wings, with a smile in his tone, “This is your chance! If you can save all the nightmares.”

Saving others is something that Brendan never thought about. He himself is the rescued, how could it be…

Suddenly, Arecio put away the badge and swiftly hid in his shadow. Brendan looked up and found that several unfamiliar staff members were whispering, and the person in charge was faintly visible behind him.

It’s about to start. Alessio thought in the shadows, they had spent a lot of effort to force the division to where it is now, just to allow them to exchange between nightmares. The cruel nightmare farm must not be ignored, and this southeast branch, which has been completely decayed, should not continue to survive.

The former was done by him and the neuropathy, while the latter…

I opened my eyes. They are black eyes often found in the east, but they are especially darker. His domain has long been opened, and now it is just spreading further. In his perception, all the movements of those worms are clearly visible, including the physiological characteristics and behavior habits they steal from the dead, all “seen” by him.

The distance between the guardian and the **** is usually very close, so Helgodon is as fierce as Behemoth, Lucy sits on the sea of ​​undead, and he…in the psychic realm, he is overlooking everything emperor!

“It has already started. It is estimated that the nightmare will be replaced within two hours.” He said, mainly to inform the saints around him. He was very proficient in doing this. After all, they had cooperated thousands of years ago. Although the final salvation failed, that was the reason why the temple was too powerful. The temple now…

No, they can’t be underestimated. Once the gods leave the game regardless, they will be crushed instantly.

“Military communications, a certain staff member who was secretly transported back has been tested and confirmed that the individual died on a spiritual level,” Ruzius said lightly. “Testing on the individual worms that once appeared in the Jade Inner Sea revealed that they were dying. At that time, the eggs will be released. In order to avoid more victims, the surrounding area has been sealed off. Non-proliferation is the top priority, and the remains of the victims are preserved as much as possible.”

This is an official and authoritative certification. In fact, the people who are currently active in the branch have died for more than a month. The death list is listed by the relevant department and only announced after all the dust has settled.

I looked down.

“Let Mr. Crowvenson evacuate together, and don’t leave any of us in the branch.”

“Yes.” Ruzius had no intention of disturbing him. He had just received the final message from Arecio that the nightmare had been replaced. When it arrived at the nightmare farm, Arecio would immediately send back positioning information.


Arecio was floating in the shadow of the nightmare at this time. In order to hide, he couldn’t see the outside world. He could only realize that they were on the road through a few bumps and twists. The aircraft with the mezzanine inside flew out of the branch, and no one would have thought that there was also a nightmare inside.

After everything calmed down, Arecio emerged from the shadows. The space in the mezzanine is very small, and the nightmare can only be curled up tightly, if it weren’t for his current bat form, he wouldn’t even be able to show his head.

Brendan was fed the medicine and fell asleep, Arecio dragged out the medicine hidden in the shadow and gave him a shot.

“Don’t move, there is no way to raise your head here.” Areciou reminded, “tolerate a little bit. Actually, I think it’s better for you to fall asleep on the road.”

Brendan shook his head. It was his own request to stay awake. He didn’t want to be slaughtered by others.

It was an uncomfortable posture to curl up, he opened his eyes patiently in the dark, and suddenly, he felt Arecio move to the side of his head.

“That’s good, you can let your consciousness sink in the dream, it won’t be so uncomfortable, and you can wake up immediately if there is a threat from the outside world.”

“But…how to do it?”

Arecio was expressionless.

He is just a blood clan, but so far, he has taught werewolves how to attack, and lich how to use undead magic, and now he has to teach nightmares how to enter dreams. It is really difficult for him.

“I remember it seems to need to be imagined?” He is not so sure, “Nightmare can weave dreams, you just think about the scenery you want to see.”

After speaking, he realized that Brendan was different from the nightmare of his time. In his time, nightmares especially liked to travel around, which allowed their dreams to be vivid and colorful, but Brendan, who grew up in the farm, obviously did not have those broad insights.

He had no choice but to guide further.

“You can imagine that one day when you drink water, the bowl is turned over, and a lot of water is sprinkled under your feet…”

He seems to be really talented for teaching people. The entry point is very close to life. Under his guidance, Nightmare’s body is still curled up in a small space, but he feels himself standing up, a stream winding through his feet. , Shimmering light.

At the end of the creek is the big lake, and there is the moon above the big lake. The moon rises high, illuminating the dreamland he weaves.

“Isn’t this pretty?” Arecio regained his human form in his dream, and stepped on the stream without hesitation. The stream is warm and not cool. Probably Brendan only drank the basin. Because of the warm water.

“Yeah!” Brendan replied happily, kicking and walking in the stream.

They soon came to the edge of their dreams.

“There are other dreams outside. When you are more familiar with dreams, you can go and see in other dreams.” Arecio pointed out to him the dreams floating outside the border. “Some of these dreams are beautiful dreams, some are nightmares, and some are now dreams. Yes, some were made a long time ago… Dreams are very interesting things.”

Brendan listened intently, and suddenly he noticed someone he knew in a dream floating before him.

——It is the saint.

Of course Arecio saw it too, and he frowned slightly.

“I’ll check it out, I’ll be back soon, and you stay here.”

He cared about everything about neurosis, and was curious about the content of that neurotic dream, so he jumped out of this dream and fell into that dream precisely.

Just standing still, he looked up and saw the saint walking along the promenade with several temple hunters. It was different from the neurosis he was familiar with. At this time, the eyes of the saint were full of haze.

Arecio looked out again, the flowers and trees were scattered, and the red walls were hidden, like the gardens of the eastern branch he had seen in some books. Arecio began to think that this was a dream made by a member of the Eastern tribe, but in this dream there was a neurosis of dressing up thousands of years ago.

This is actually a dream about ten thousand years ago!

The dream is just an image, so Arecio obeyed his curiosity, followed the footsteps of these people, and even walked relaxedly beside the neurotic in the dream. He turned his head and looked at the neuropathy walking beside him. He hadn’t seen much neuropathy during this period. It seemed to be something that happened when the neuropathy was in the Eastern branch.

Not necessarily, dreams are always chaotic.

The hunters of this line of temples walked into the palace, and Arecio saw the emperor sitting on the throne with his eyes down.

–I? !

“I heard that your majesty is going to commit suicide?” He heard the voice of the saint, without any emotion, even with some irony.

The emperor on the throne trembled slightly, he raised his eyes, but shrank abruptly, a spear pointed at the center of his eyebrows, blood stains snaking down.

The saint showed a cold smile.

“It seems that your Majesty is not ready to die, otherwise why would he shrink?”

The hunters also sneered.

“Your Majesty, the life of the entire city is in your hands. Please make the right choice.”

The emperor was pale, and watched them leave.

Is a threat.

He raised his hand and touched the blood on his forehead. The blood was lingering on his fingertips, originally silent and gorgeous, but at a certain moment it twisted like a living thing.

[The life of the entire city is in your hands. 】

The emperor looked at the blood like a living thing and trembled, but it was not because of fear.

[Please also make the right choice. 】

The hunter of the temple, in full view, sent him something that could reverse his destiny.

The emperor no longer hesitated, and swallowed the blood of the zombie.

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