The Enemy Always Wants to Pull Me into a Coffin

Chapter 109

Chapter 109

Arecio gradually understood that this was something that happened in Beizhu City, a branch of the east ten thousand years ago. In order to destroy the last pillar of the temple, the temple stretched out his hand to Beizhu City, neuropathy lurking in it quietly, waiting for an opportunity to destroy the temple’s plan.

Where was he then? It seems that the various races of dark creatures are being gathered to prepare for a decisive battle with the temple.

He looked at the sage walking by his side, showing no expression to him. This was not the kind of total relaxation after resuscitation that he was too lazy to make an expression, but completely dignified and exhausted. Arecio lowered his head, he reached out and touched the flying cloak of the saint, but it was a pity that he caught it.

This is a dream, recording what has happened, nothing more.

He could only continue walking beside the neuropathy in silence, and the time in the dream jumped. After the chaotic picture flashed, it was the saint and the emperor facing each other. The emperor was sitting on a sarcophagus, the expression of forbearance and cowardice that had been there before was gone, his eyebrows stretched, and fangs loomed around his lips.

“They have mastered the law of Qizhi’s landing.” The emperor said, there was not much fear in his expression, “What do you think?”

“Sooner or later,” the saint slowly said, “Qizhi can’t keep it, this world will be destroyed.”

“Does the temple still want to go its own way?”

“Without putting the result before them, they will never repent.”

The emperor smiled softly, he opened his sleeves, and the wind blew from outside the palace, skipping the layers of cumulus clouds, and lingering on his breasts. After a long silence, the emperor finally spoke again.

“Let’s go, I will stay.” He smiled slightly, “Go and implement your second plan, bring the fire, and start a new era.”

Those who stayed are destined to accompany the world to perish, but the emperor said nothing.

“…Tell Qizhi to let him land early.”

The emperor nodded, “I will convey that he will land in the royal court in three days. You should move faster.”

So the saint no longer lingered, he held the compass left by the lich in his hand, and after meeting with Qizhi, he was going to look for fire.

On the third day, the heavenly gods from the east landed in the royal court, and the sanctuary swarmed like hounds smelling blood. Before those people arrived, the saint faced the beautiful white bird with long tail feathers, and his fingertips embedded his left eye. . The chain of the temple restraint hunter was also pulled out by him, and all the pains that marked the taboo, all left him at this moment.

Now, as long as he thinks of Areci, his heart is full of pure tranquility.

The sage finally raised his head and said to Shiratori.

“I still have a vacancy in my left eye.”

The dream was interrupted at this point, and Arecio was thrown out and fell back into the dream woven by the nightmare. The lukewarm stream snaked under his feet, and Arecio seemed to have had a nightmare, shaking all over.

When he didn’t know…

“Areci?” Nightmare looked at him worriedly. Arecio closed his eyes and calmed his breath. When he opened his eyes again, his red pupils seemed to burn.

By coincidence, the dreamland was shaken, followed by noisy sounds outside the dream, and they arrived at the destination of this trip.

Even if he had done some psychological construction, the nightmare was still tense, he subconsciously looked in the direction of Arecio, Four Hood hesitated between dream and reality. However, Alessio did not hesitate and took him directly out of the dream, landing in the shadow of the outside world.

The mezzanine slowly opened, and fully armed staff appeared outside the mezzanine. As prearranged, Brendan pretended to be lethargic and allowed these people to transport him along with Arecio in the shadow to the farm. In the eyes of these staff, his mission has ended, and he has become a nightmare that exists as a consumable in the farm.

Arecio looked out coldly, it seemed to be a small col in the mountains, surrounded by dense vegetation, deliberately disturbing people’s sense of direction. But Arecio was not worried. He carried a clone of Hitomi with him, and it was now lurking in the system of the farm.

Now for Hitomi, his feelings are more complicated. This was the pupil of Qi Zhi that was kept in the position of his left eye by the neuropathy. With this pupil, New Era will not die at the beginning of rebirth, and as a price, the neuropathy lost his left eye.

……and many more.

Isn’t the neuropathic left eye okay?

Arecio didn’t struggle with this problem for too long. After all, he had been madly confided to him by prophecies of extinction, but he would be punished by God. Isn’t this still alive and kicking up from the coffin with him?

Maybe Hitomi helped him, maybe it was a miracle at the turn of the era, anyway, as long as the neuropathy is still alive.

Thinking about this, he and Brendan were held alone in a fence. The nightmares in the fence next to them stretched their heads and looked around, and were whipped a few times by the staff. They didn’t dare to care about their companions anymore. The only sound in the farm is the dripping sound of the detection equipment, and the nightmares do not make any sound, because that might provoke a severe beating.

It is estimated that the effect of the medicine is coming, Arecio poked Brendan in the shadow, and Brendan slowly stood up. At this time, the night fell, most of the staff were off work, and several horned heads were gathered in the fence next to them, and they hesitated and asked carefully:


“It’s me.” Brendan replied immediately, touching the one-man with the nightmare next door, “I’m back.”

“It’s incredible!” The nightmare exclaimed, “Where have you been? What’s outside?”

One after another, more nightmares gathered around the fence, eyes widened in amazement, wanting to hear about Brendan’s wonderful journey.

“Don’t worry, I want to show you something first.” Brendan shook his unicorn, the boundary between dream and reality blurred from the moment. A nightmare suddenly screamed. It turned out that his four hooves stepped into the warm water of the stream. There is a big lake in the distance, and there is a bright moon on the big lake. In addition, it is a wonderful wilderness that is heartwarming.

“What is this, Brendan?” Nightmare called. “A lot of water, warm, can this be drunk? I think it’s better than the water we drink!”

“This is a dreamland, this is a stream, the place with a lot of water in the distance is called a lake, and the one on the lake…”

“I know! It’s the moon!” a nightmare that was still childish cried, and the surrounding nightmare laughed.

They tried to get in touch with the stream, or trot in the wilderness, or trek to the great lake in the distance. Brendan has never seen a real lake, so his dream is destined to have no real lake. It is just a distant image, but the nightmares don’t care. Perhaps for them, the process of pursuit is more than the result. important.

“Please remember this feeling. This is the natural ability of nightmare.” Brendan said, standing in the stream. “We can weave dreams, we can run freely in dreams, we can also bring nightmares, and then devour them. The fear of the dreamer.”

Even though the nightmares were listening, Arecio, who was lying on Brendan’s back, knew that these nightmares were still at a loss. He didn’t say anything, but just listened to Brendan repeating these words to his kinsman over and over again, repeating it to the point of dry mouth. He closed his eyes, knowing that a vicious dose was needed to make this group of constrained nightmares. Go forward again.

The micro communicator he was carrying “didi” twice, and Arecio glanced at it. The neuropathy told him in the communication that the military was already gathering in this direction and could arrive tomorrow.

Arecio replied, he hesitated while staring at the communicator, his claws hesitated between a pile of emoticons, and in a daze, he subconsciously poke the one he wanted to send, shocking him.

[Arecio: cat with ears down.jpg]

He stared at the interface of successful sending, thinking about how to cancel it. Before he thought about the result, the other side had quickly returned. The new emoji package was freshly released at first glance, and some lines had not been cleaned.

[Ruzius: Rub the cat.jpg]

Just facing an emoticon, Arecio felt that the opponent’s hand really fell on his head. First, he pressed the tip of his ear, then rubbed his hair, then his chin, back and wings, which quickly made him collapse. I made a cat cake.

Really collapsed into a pie·Arecio:…

Ah, ah, the neurotic emoticon is really poisonous! ! !

One night in Arecio’s heart, he passed away in a state of insanity.

The next day, the staff at the farm seemed to have received instructions. They came to Brendan’s fence and whispered. This nightmare once went out from the farm, and experienced the bumps on the road, it couldn’t meet the requirements of the farm’s diagonal. If it is kept, it will be a waste of resources. It is better to kill the horns now. Of course, the horns will return. To the inferior group.

Brendan keenly smelled the danger, and he stomped all four hooves uneasy in the fence. But after all he was taught, he was brave, and when the light whips of the staff were entangled, he quickly jumped away from the place and made a hateful voice at those people.

“You want to kill me, right?!”

The nightmare around him looked at him, Arecio was ready, he was pleased with Brendan’s courage, and was willing to put some effort into this courage. It’s just a delay before the military arrives, and it’s not a difficult thing for him.

Feeling the nightmare’s rebellious intentions, the staff raised the light whip and dropped it heavily. Brendan rolled to the ground in severe pain, and some nightmare suddenly turned their heads, not daring to watch this terrible scene.

But soon, he stood up from the ground trembling, and with another whip, he was knocked to the ground, this time it took longer to stand up.

One after another nightmares gathered around the fence. After experiencing the dreams of last night, they became more convinced and concerned about this compatriot.

The third whip, this time, the staff determined that Brendan could not stand up, he was planning to call someone into the fence to drag out the nightmare. However, the unicorn shook stubbornly, and Brendan trembled, struggling to get up from the ground.

A nightmare whimpered, and the whimper quickly spread to the surroundings and gradually spread to the entire farm.

Arecio closed his eyes and smiled on his lips.

A nightmare who has seen a dream will never be slaughtered by anyone.

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