The Era of the Second Element of the Literary Girl

Chapter 12

-Twelve-No help, wait for death, goodbye

After reading it, with almost no hesitation, Chen Yulan printed out the content of the manuscript, and then hurried to the editor’s office holding the manuscript.

Chen Yulan is in the first editing group of Light Literature, and the editor in chief of the first editing group, named Gu Kaiwen, is a middle-aged man in his thirties.

After listening to Chen Yulan’s narration…

Editor-in-Chief Gu frowned and said, “You said Teacher Mo Shao finished the second volume in six days?”


“Are you sure it’s ok? Ten thousand words in six days, have you seen the quality?”

“I think it’s better.”

“Better…?” Editor Gu was taken aback, and said suspiciously, “Then you show me.”

Then, Chen Yulan handed over a thick stack of manuscripts, and then silently exited the editor’s office.

As for the editor-in-chief, it took an afternoon to read the manuscript of the second volume of “Magic Sword Academy” seriously.

As the editor-in-chief of the first editorial group of Light Literature, it is of course impossible for Editor-in-Chief Gu to have seen “Magic Sword Academy” which broke the first record.

If he was asked to comment, it would be that “Magic Sword Academy” has nothing to do with its literary level and the connotation of the work.

But, what makes this book so awesome is its plot!

For those young people who are not interested in serious literature, reading this kind of easy-to-understand novel with a plot that eats chickens is just like a lunatic, you can’t stop at all! Only after reading it in one breath, will it be faintly, so dull and dull.

You want to give a score for the first volume of “Magic Sword Academy” from the literary point of view, then editor Gu may not give too high a score.

However, if you want to talk about commerciality, Editor Gu will definitely give you full marks.


Now, for the manuscript of the second volume of “Magic Sword Academy”…

After all, Mr. Mo Shao wrote this too quickly, and it is inevitable to doubt its quality. Therefore, Editor-in-Chief Gu reviewed it with suspicion.

However, after reading it, Editor Gu just wanted to say…

I go! This is not the teacher Mo Shao I know!

This is a complete renewal, is there any!

Theoretically speaking, as an editor, when looking at the manuscript of a work, he does not use the reader’s perspective, but the editor’s perspective.

Under this kind of perspective, editor Gu will not enter the play, and will analyze from other angles whether the emotional paving of the work is excellent, whether the detail description is in place, etc…

These are all things that you don’t pay attention to under the “reader’s perspective”.

For example, when reading the first volume of “Magic Sword Academy”, the editor-in-chief Gu read the book from the perspective of editing throughout the entire process. In this way, although the story is also very interesting, it will definitely not be published like those readers on the forum. “Sophia, my wife!” “Pure summer sauce, my wife!” “They are all my wives!” Such naive, gentlemanly, and too deep remarks.


After reading the second volume of the manuscript, the editor-in-chief Gu was shocked to find that he unconsciously switched from the editor’s perspective to the normal reader’s perspective.

didn’t even notice him!

This can only show that the level of this volume is extremely high. Even if he originally wanted to look at it with an attitude of “examination”, he later became involved in the drama unknowingly, and he couldn’t extricate himself from it.

this moment!

Years of editing experience reminded him that the sales volume of this volume is bound to…explode!

So, he immediately picked up the phone, “Hello? Editor-in-chief? Ah, yes, it’s me, the editor-in-chief. I just got the manuscript of the second volume of “Magic Sword Academy”… Yes! It’s so fast! And I see Yes, it feels really okay! Hmm, yes yes yes, so I had a bold idea…”

Soon, after getting the plan from the Propaganda Department of Light Literature, not only the people in the Propaganda Department, but also some others in the editorial department who had heard about it, were all stunned.

“Such a propaganda effort? Damn it!”

“This is the first time that we have done such a great deal of publicity, and it’s just a book.”

“Although the performance of “Magic Sword Academy” is unprecedented, the resources given this time are also unprecedented. Is there any PY deal between the author and the editor-in-chief?”

And after Li Xiaoci himself learned about this…

Her performance is much calmer, “What excitement? For a big writer like me, isn’t this level of publicity work right? You haven’t seen any market.”

finished listening.

Chen Yulan feels especially wanting to beat her.

However, at this moment, the two of them happened to be on the street. In order not to be mistaken by passers-by for her to bully the child, they hated Li Xiaoci and let go.


The two of them walked to the side of Times Square in downtown Kyoto, and there were crowds of people everywhere.

It can be said that Light Literature has lost money in publicity this time. Several airships over downtown Kyoto have put advertisements, not to mention the big screen on Times Square, and Li Xiaoci and Chen Yulan are In particular, I came to see the “premiere” of the promotional advertisement. It is estimated that there are tens of thousands of passers-by in Times Square, but the two of them made a special trip to watch the advertisement.

It didn’t take long…

A static picture appeared on the big screen in Times Square. There are two cute girls with cute styles. The text on the picture is an introduction to “Magic Sword Academy”.

To be honest, the advertising screen on the Empire State Building next to Times Square has seen the most military recruitment advertisements since the Third World War. Until the end of the war a year ago, the remaining areas of the war were reduced in scale. Some entertainment advertisements appeared on the screen.

As for light novels…

As a small circle, there has never been a book in the light novel industry that can appear on this screen. In a sense, this is the first time the entire light novel industry has met with the public on such a high-end occasion.

Besides, on the stage of this kind, the compelling format of the book “Magic Sword Academy” has gone up all at once!

Last time, blowing for a year!

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…is it an advertisement for a novel?”

“Awesome, light literature, all the ads have hit here.”

“”Magic Sword Academy”, I seem to have heard of it? The bookstore seems to be very hot, and many people buy it.”

“Mom, it’s “Magic Sword Academy”?” On the sidewalk next to the square, a boy who looked like a middle school student said excitedly.

“Have you read this book?” His partner looked surprised.

“Really, let me tell you, this book is super beautiful! Teacher Mo Shao is a genius! You must eat this Amway, or you will regret it, because I will brainwash you every day.”

“I’ll go, you are poisonous…”

Listening to the whispers of passers-by in Times Square, Chen Yulan was about to say something when she saw Li Xiaoci’s eyes suddenly narrowed into small crescents, and he pricked up his ears and enjoyed it. Just feel it. All of this guy’s face was written “Praise.” I praise me! Continue to praise me!” Eight words.

So she can only roll her eyes silently.

got it!

The goods have inflated again.

There is no help, wait for death and say goodbye.

After this overwhelming propaganda worked, several other publishing houses in the light novel industry also fell into shock at light literature.

“Such a force? A pill! Could it be that the second volume of the Magic Sword Academy is the creation of the universe and the Bible?”

“This kind of publicity investment… If the sales collapse, I’m afraid that it won’t be possible to get back the book.”

“To be reasonable, the book “Magic Sword Academy” is just like Coke. The first bite is very exciting. UU reads, but the more you drink, the more boring. Tsundere and Sanwu Girls are cute, but they have been developed. It’s almost there. The subsequent plot is nothing more than continuing to interact with the two heroines. It is impossible to have the freshness of the first volume, unless you can compete with Sophia and Hoshino-senpai all day long, and The cuteness attributes must not overlap, so as not to make the reader tired…this difficulty is not generally high.”

“Did they forget that Shao Shao is a green-hat essay lover with a history? If Teacher Shao Shao suddenly gives you an NTR section in the second volume, wow, that’s so sour… I guess it’s from the Sophia Party and the Hoshino School Sister Party. Readers, I just copied the guy and hit the publishing house. I will arrange it for you in minutes.”

“To support a newcomer writer like this… I’m so brave.”

The editors-in-chief of the light novel industry also gave their comments on this matter after a meal.

Although the war ended for a year and people began to pursue entertainment, the light novel industry does not seem to have developed to such a large scale, at best it is a small circle. The act of light literature is equivalent to opening the door of a small circle, beginning to promote light novels for otaku and otaku to the current population, and trying to include the current readers as their own reader group…

no doubt!

This is a very bold attempt!

As for the result…

From the bottom of my heart, the editors-in-chief of other publishing houses admire the feat of light literature.

If there are wheels slowly rolling in the history of light novel development, then light novel is undoubtedly the driver who stepped on the accelerator.

However, if you analyze it from the perspective of a competitor…

Sure enough, I went to the temple to offer incense. I sincerely hope that the second volume of “Magic Sword Academy” will die out of sales and will never be overborn. It will be more enjoyable.

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