The Era of the Second Element of the Literary Girl

Chapter 13

-Thirteen-Is there something wrong with

Light Novel Forum.

“Fuck, I actually saw an advertisement for the second volume of “Magic Sword Academy” in Times Square in downtown Kyoto! The release date is next Monday next week!”

“Really, the second volume was written so soon? The devil is awesome!”

“If you switch to other light novelists, it is estimated that one volume per month is considered to be a conscience.”

“Mao Shao finished the second volume so soon. According to the old man’s inference, he should have no sex.”

“Hey, shouldn’t your focus be on the advertisement itself? This is the first time a light novel advertisement appears in Kyoto Times Square.”

On the Internet, the dead houses talked a lot.

As for Chen Yulan, after watching the “premiere” advertisement on Times Square.

After going back.

She started contacting a painter whose pen name is “Your battery belongs to me”.

Your battery belongs to me. Chen Yulan is called “Battery Teacher” for short. He is a well-known cartoonist. In private, he will take some orders and help others draw some commercial illustrations.

Although Li Xiaoci was asked to comment, she would definitely say that the style of this product is not good.

doesn’t look good! dislike!

Even if the girl in this picture is naked, she won’t be hardened.


Isn’t she a special situation?

I’m used to the 2018 notebooks, and let her use some C73, C72 early notebooks, facing the original style of painting, of course it can’t be hard.

However, in fact, the style of “Your battery belongs to me” is in line with the current aesthetics of the industry. Every time I help some light novels to draw illustrations, most of them can promote sales, and even some dead houses are for his illustrations. , Even if it’s some bashing, they are still willing to pay.

Originally, in the first volume of “Magic Sword Academy”, Chen Yulan was going to contact the battery teacher to help draw the illustrations.

, even if the price is a little bit more expensive.


“Your battery belongs to me” This person has a very strange personality, and it depends mainly on his mood when he takes orders.

For example, last time, after listening to the introduction of “Magic Sword Academy”, he dropped the sentence “What spicy chicken light novel has no connotation at all” and then refused.

But this time, because of the cartoonist who drew the illustrations for the first volume, something happened at home. As a last resort, the editorial department had to change the illustrator temporarily, and Chen Yulan was about to contact again “Your battery is back.” Me”, see if it works.


A young man’s voice rang over the phone.

“Hello? I’m Xiao Liu, the assistant of the battery teacher. The teacher is in the toilet, and he is carrying a mobile phone. It is estimated that the toilet time will be longer… If you have anything you can tell me directly.”

“Oh, this way…”

Chen Yulan could only say, “I am the editor of Light Literature, and I would like to ask the battery teacher to draw illustrations for one of our light novels.”

“Hey, people who are light literature? A little familiar… By the way, what light novel? I’ll record it for you.” Xiao Liu.

“It’s called “Magic Sword Academy”. I asked the battery teacher last time, but it was unsuccessful.” Chen Yulan.

“Ah? “Magic Sword Academy”? Then… I think you can go directly to another painter now. The battery teacher is a very principled person, a work, as long as he says not to take the order, no matter how many you come It’s impossible every time. Since the teacher refused last time, this time the answer must be the same.” Xiao Liu said helplessly, “The teacher is the most principled man I have ever seen in my life. Money and words are useless. It is better not to have any hope.”

“Uh! This way… I’m sorry to bother you.” Chen Yulan.

Then, I had no choice but to hang up the phone.

and on the other side…

“Your battery belongs to me” home.

“Xiao Liu, whose call was just now?” The battery teacher was also sitting on the toilet and playing with his mobile phone, and panting forcefully.

no way!

I have committed constipation again for many years.

If you continue like this, it’s probably an enema.

“Oh… a light novel publishing house, the teacher last time you rejected a list of illustrations of their works, this time they actually came again.” Xiao Liu replied through the toilet door.

“I refused, so I dare to come again? This is too ignorant of me… By the way, which book is it?”

“What is it called… Magic Sword Academy, yes, it seems to be such a book.” Xiao Liu.

As an assistant to the cartoonist, Xiao Liu is usually very busy, and basically spends the rest of the time watching cartoons. Therefore, he has no intention of paying attention to light novels, and the reaction is so plain.

“What… what college? You say it again?”

“Magic Sword Academy.” Xiao Liu.

said, and wondered how, when he heard the name of the book, the teacher’s tone suddenly became so trembling.


He didn’t care too much.

After all, in Xiao Liu’s eyes, the battery teacher is just a mature man who says one thing and one super principled.

Someone once tried to persuade the battery teacher to take an illustration list through constant price increases. However, the battery teacher just glanced at the introduction of the book, then shook his head and left. No matter how the other party begged or raised the price, he was indifferent, even when the other party was furious and yelled.

Correct! In the eyes of Xiao Liu, the battery teacher at that moment was as arrogant as a lonely eagle, indifferent as a cold stone, a statue of Zeus on the top of Olympus, a peerless swordsman with a lonely back, and Mr. Lu Xun, who was coldly pointing to Qianfu. He is like a fairy in a painting overlooking the red dust. He has always been indifferent to the demands of mortals, and even his eyebrows have not shaken.

This once made Xiao Liu couldn’t help feeling that such a transcendent banter might only be interested in stealing batteries in this life.


Next, Xiao Liu saw with a bewildered look, the “Zeus on the Olympus Mountain” in his mind, carrying his pants and rushing out of the toilet…

And it seems that he forgot to flush the toilet…Wait, does the teacher wipe his butt?


How is this going? !

What is it that makes a free and easy person like the battery teacher so calm, even forget to wipe the chrysanthemum?


Xiao Liu saw that the battery teacher grabbed his shoulder without washing his hands. UU Reading asked again: “Really this is the illustration list of the Magic Sword Academy?! It was the one I rejected last time. The Magic Sword Academy with my wife Sophia and Hoshino-senpai?”

“Uh, there seems to be…” Xiao Liu replied in a daze.

“Quickly! Call back and tell Qing Wenxue that I have to order the order!!” The teacher suddenly roared, “Mom, my wife, only I can paint! Let everyone else get out of me!!!”

“???” Little Liu Sese shivered, “…Uh! Teacher, I’m going now! I’m going now!”

At that moment…

Xiao Liu’s hands holding the landline phone were shaking slightly.

He felt that he must have seen an illusion.

The teacher who has carried out the principles throughout his life, arrogant as a lonely eagle, and indifferent as a cold stone, has given up his principles in such an indecent posture?

For a list that he rejected, he rushed out with his pants before he could even wipe the chrysanthemum after going to the toilet? !

Do not! Tell me, this is not true!

Soon, Chen Yulan received a call from the “Stealing Battery Workshop” in the light literature editorial department.

Then, she was stunned to learn that the battery teacher, who is known for his “super principle” in the illustration circle, suddenly took orders again, and it was not “Magic Sword Academy”.

Judging from the tone of the cartoonist’s assistant on the phone, it seems that whoever dares to grab this order with the battery teacher, the battery teacher will fight with someone real, and the surviving talent will match the order…probably it is so serious.

In this regard, Chen Yulan could only: “???”

She has realized a fact…

As expected!

Anyone who is interested in this book has something wrong with it!

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