The Eternity Game Ayla Prision

Chapter 1 The Beginning

I'm starting my game review as usual.

Destroyer Will = [Your game is horrible, a Hentai game with mystery, plus the Lore is enormous, were you writing a plot for a game or a history book?, and why the hell does your game have 1700 endings but only 2 of them are true endings, the protagonist is immortal so the endings aren't really endings because on the next playthrough with the same Save everything is the same because she can't die, also why are the 7 bosses of the game so strong? there's no balance in this shitty game, the 7 are so strong they're out of the world's power system, while the hero is limited to it. And don't even get me started on the protagonist, her stats are trash, what's the point of having high magic when she has no talent for anything other than healing magic, she's weak and basically only exists to be fucked by the 7. Damn the castle is huge, and every time we restart we end up in the same room because the protagonist can't die so every time she reaches a "Bad End" She just gets teleported back to that room, I've seen it more than my own house, in the end the 7 only kidnapped her to satisfy their sadistic lust because the protagonist who can't die is the only one who can endure it, the castle has traps everywhere I've seen the protagonist go through practically every form of death I know in the world. Basically this shitty game has no balance, the hero is weak, the 7 bosses are unbeatable and the protagonist is a useless immortal who can only cast healing magic and be the 7's whore, it's simply impossible to reach the end of the game and the world didn't end because the 7 don't care, not to mention that one of the 7 can just show up out of nowhere and talk to you and if you choose wrong you'll be fucked by him and sent back to the room, and the choices get harder as the game goes on. Come on if it wasn't for the beautiful art in this game this piece of shit would have gone bankrupt on launch, this naive protagonist is useless for the mystery genre I could do better than her if I was in her position]

"Tsk I wasted my time with this shitty least I'll get paid" I'm William, a famous game critic.

I received this piece of shit game to give a review, and seriously what a waste of time. Who wants to play a game that can't be beaten with a Lore that looks like a history book.

I look at the screen of my laptop to see the comments.

SpiritUndine = [Wow the "Destroyer" strikes again, this is the seventh game this month that's going to go bankrupt ahaha]

Wizac = [I agree, shitty game I spent 3 months and didn't even get 100 endings]

Girlfandom = [I don't think it's that bad it's a good challenge]

SpiritUndine = [*Girlfandom you're in this just for the hentai admit it]

Carf = [man I spent money to buy this piece of shit game and I'm trapped in the same thing for an eternity, why the hell does she have to go back to the same room every annoying]

Lolzinho = [yeah it doesn't even make sense Lol]

Vix = [but we have to agree that the art is beautiful, it's strange that I don't know the company that made the game they should help with the art of other games because they're not good at creating their own ksksksks]

Girlfandom = [the protagonist is beautiful OwO]

SpiritUndine = [look at the simp hahaha but she really is cute]

Vix = [True right hahaha she's one of the few good things in this piece of shit]

Xilin = [Guys it's a shame the game is like this, as a hentai it had a lot of potential but the creator wanted to make a mix of hentai and mystery who wants that when they play hentai]

SpiritUndine = [Right, who buys this doesn't care about the story, the worst part is that you can't ignore it so it loses the point of playing this game]

Carf = [does anyone know who the creator of this piece of shit is]

Wizac = [Actually no? TwT I've never even heard of him]

Luna = [has anyone reached the end of the game? And why is the FMC immortal? Didn't you just restart when she died?]

SpiritUndine = [...]

Girlfandom = [...]

Vix = [I think no one has ever reached the end, there's no video or tutorial on AooTube]

Luna = [Destroyer-senpai have you reached what ending?]

Destroyer Will = [...700 endings but I've never reached the true ending and it's impossible as I said, this piece of shit game is very unbalanced and the protagonist's stats are trash]

This was the only game in my life that I never saw an ending to, which really pissed me off, it's almost like a giant history book so I just ignored it and clicked on the options randomly.

I see that many agree with my opinion about the game, it will probably go bankrupt after my review, it happened with many other games I criticized, not that I care I'm paid for it anyway.

I get out of the laptop and go get a pizza in the fridge for dinner. I wanted something more filling but I lost a lot of time testing this game.

While eating my pizza I wait a while and go to my gym. Although it was difficult at first, now I'm very well paid for this job.


I hear the cell phone notification and look.

"Cool" I look at the cell phone screen and seeing the payment a smile forms on my face. Overall I have a good life, a big house, good health, good physique, I have money to do whatever I want.

After 1 hour of training, I stop and go take a shower.

I come out of the bathroom with a towel around my neck and notice a notification.

"Strange...I don't know this number" there are not many who have my real contact, since I use another contact for work.

I open the notification and look at the name.

"Aurora? I don't know any Aurora..." I feel like the name is not unfamiliar to me.

"Where have I seen this name...I remember Aurora is the Goddess from that shitty game" if I'm not mistaken the title is Goddess of Eternity.

"hahaha what am I thinking" I guess I'm more focused on that game than I thought.

I decide to open the message and read it.

Aurora = [Dear Willian, I know you are a famous critic and I'm sorry that you had a bad experience in the EternyWz world, but I would like you to remove your review, I think it's very unnecessary. You didn't even pay attention to the story of that world and mock it as a way to satisfy your greed for money. Understand that in Ayla's situation you wouldn't do better, you're just being arrogant. The world is already very difficult even if you say nothing, and even if you were in her place you would end up following the same path as her, so I earnestly ask you to please remove your comment, I think it's offensive, unnecessary and an insult to my person.]

"Tsk must be just the creator of that shitty game"

"Ha look at her thinking she's a big shot, she even put her name as the Goddess of that piece of shit world"

"As if I'm going to remove my review, I'd lose my payment if I did that" I send a reply to Aurora.

Destroyer Will = [I won't remove my review of this piece of shit game, if you didn't want to be criticized you should have made a better game, this naive and useless protagonist is crap for the mystery genre I would do a thousand times better than her, who cares if I didn't pay attention to the story, as if I'd waste time trying to remember this piece of shit]

I've never really cared much about these games I do the review for, so I never try to remember anything, at most what I remember about this game is just the basics and where some of the more common traps are.

I look at the phone and see her typing.

Aurora = [WILLIAN doesn't matter if you didn't like that world, but don't insult me you would never do better than the protagonist, don't be so arrogant for someone with such a low brain that can't remember more than the basics]

"You bitch" I curse my cell phone even though she can't hear it.

"How can she say I'm arrogant and call me stupid, just for telling the truth about this piece of shit game" I send her a message.

Destroyer Will = [you don't know what you're talking about, this protagonist of yours is just a whore who only exists to be fucked, what's the use of her immortality if she can't do anything against the 7 she can't even go insane because her immortality restores her mind. I WOULD DO EVERYTHING BETTER THAN HER EVEN IF I DON'T REMEMBER MUCH ABOUT THIS PIECE OF SHIT GAME, I won't remove my review of this piece of shit game, go fuck yourself and delete my number]

"Ha what's she going to do now, I'll never remove this does she know my name? It's not known on the internet" I feel a shiver, my name is not something that is available due to the confidentiality of the job.

"Doesn't's not like she could do anything anyway" I'm worried about how she got my number and knows my name but it doesn't matter.

Then the cell phone makes the notification sound.

Aurora = [I see...yes of course, since you have no respect for my world, and think you can do better than Ayla, then I will put you in her place, we'll see what you can do Willian]

"This woman has completely lost her mind...hahaha what a joke" I laugh at this nonsense, and send my response.

Destroyer Will = [Sure do whatever you want you crazy bitch, I bet I'd do a thousand times better than that whore you call a protagonist hahaha]

She doesn't respond anymore and goes completely offline.

"I hope that crazy woman doesn't send any more messages" I ignore this useless conversation while going to my room to get my clothes.

I change and go to the living room to watch TV, nothing good is on so I watch the news channels. Nothing new in them when bedtime comes I go to bed.

"I feel strangely tired..." Today I'm strangely tired. I feel my vision blur as I see everything a little blurry.

"I can't believe I'm so sleepy..." I'm just a few inches from the bed but each step is slow, I feel extremely heavy, my vision shakes and I can't breathe properly.

I drag myself with all my strength trying to reach the bed when I finally get there I let myself fall on it.

My consciousness begins to slowly be cut off as I become semi-conscious.

"Arg." I feel that something is wrong and that I shouldn't be sleeping now, but my consciousness is fading more and more I don't feel well as everything darkens.

Finally I become unconscious with my body on the bed.

"Hmm, just 5 more minutes..." I'm half-awake and feel the soft bed underneath me.

"???" I am surprised by the softness of the bed which is abnormally good.

'Since when is my bed so good?' I feel the strangeness of the situation then start to wake up.

" this my voice?" I find myself in a place I've never seen before, but I mainly notice my voice, a sweet voice with an almost angelic innocent tone with a beautiful feminine intonation that reminds me of a young girl.

"what..." I look at my hands or rather my little hands, they are small and soft with a skin tone of a whiteness I've never seen in a real person.

I who was 1.85m with rough and calloused hands from training don't recognize these hands.

I look around with disbelief, the room is huge, a beautiful one with furniture made of some kind of wood with golden carvings that look like real gold to me.

The lighting in the room is due to some kind of fluorescent stone that illuminates as well as modern lamps.

The room has a desk, chair, dresser, wardrobe, desk, mirror and 2 doors. The bed I'm on is large, it looks like 10 people could fit on it, which I find ridiculously exaggerated.

"This room..." I feel a sense of familiarity.

"It can't be..." I make a look of disbelief as the realization hits me.

"No, no, no this can only be a joke" I get up from the bed almost stumbling with my messed up sense of gravity.

I run to the mirror, then freeze in front of it with a shocked look.

Reflected in the mirror is the image of a beautiful girl, skin almost unnaturally white, short stature, silver hair with a beautiful ethereal glow, pink eyes that resemble a beautiful gem, with two slightly triangular shapes at the top of the pupil that have a color ranging from gray to purple that could even be called a flaw in these beautiful eyes if it didn't create a unique highlight.

The girl in the mirror wears a beautiful white dress with a princess-like design, on her wrist is a silver bracelet, while on her head are two black ornaments with a small red bow, while around her neck is a white choker that matches the dress.

"Impossible this is... Ayla Lilith Stygian Aurora III, she is the third princess of the kingdom, the one blessed by the Goddess of Eternity with absolute immortality" The detail in her pupil is proof of the Goddess' blessing, but this same princess is kidnapped by the 7 demon lords when she turns 18, so she wakes up in a random room...

"Arg." I feel a terrible pain in my head as I fall to my knees on the floor.

I feel some knowledge emerging out of nowhere, some are the basics about Ayla, and others the most basic basics about the world's power system.

"What..." I feel tears forming in my eyes, while I feel like crying from the pain that feels like it's cracking my skull. An implanted command in my brain forces me to say.

"Status" I say with a crying voice of pain. While some kind of silver screen appears in front of me with a message.

[Good morning Ayla, my dear chosen one, it's me Aurora Goddess of Eternity, as you yourself said you would do a thousand times better than the "Protagonist" so now here you are, show me how you'll be better prove me wrong and maybe you can make a request to me, your goal in this world is quite simple and the same as the "Protagonist" that is Ayla you must uncover the secret of this world that is in this castle and reach the ending, just to make it clear Ayla this is not a game I hope you're careful after all the 7 demon lords are not easy to deal with as you should know, but don't worry Ayla you can't die anyway hahaha]


Name=Ayla Lilith Stygian Aurora III

Race= Human
Title= Princess of the Kingdom of EternyWz

Strength= 2
Speed= 2
Endurance= 2
Intelligence= 9
Magic= 75
Stamina= 2
Authority= 3
Charisma= 69
Beauty= 89
Total= 253

"HAHAHA what kind of * joke is this?"

"???" I couldn't curse for some reason.

"*" Damn this, I can't even curse anymore.

"I can't believe...this can only be a nightmare"

"This was just a game...yes I'm just tired so I'm having strange dreams" I pinch my cheek denying reality.

"Ouch" I feel pain with a simple pinch and with that the possibility of a dream flies out the window.

My feminine voice only fills me with more hopelessness and this status where everything is practically bad except for the intelligence that is at the level of a normal adult. Of course there are the high stats but they are almost useless to me who has no talent for magic other than healing.

"This room is in the demons' castle...I NEED TO GET OUT OF THIS ROOM NOW" I remember that in the first scene one of the 7 demons comes to visit, as it's random I don't know who will show up.
"No, no, no" I feel the desperation of this situation, as it's the first time we meet most of them only have a conversation but some of them already rape Ayla in this first scene depending on her choice.

'I don't want to be fucked, I'm a man damn it' I think while running.

I run to the door of the room to try to escape before any of them show up.

When I reach the door, I open it and run, but I bump into something and fall backwards.

"Ouch..." I look up fearfully at who might be in front of me. My whole body is trembling with fear, although the situation is frightening, for some reason I'm much more scared than I should be, so I blame this body that is probably influencing me in some way.

"Whoa little one, where are you going in such a hurry?" A beautiful voice asks me.

In front of me is a tall man with long white hair, blue eyes, wearing a white outfit with blue carvings that reminds me of an oriental-style outfit.

The only way to describe him is beautiful, but it's noticeable that he's not human, because of the white horns on his head. All 7 demons in this game are beautiful but look human, this one is the only one with non-human aspects in his body.

'Demon of Gluttony Leviatan' I remember who he is the moment I see him, while trembling with fear at his presence.




MC Ayla=    OuYhxYw.jpg








Aurora=      ae5kFu1.jpg







Leviathan=    I1aSsyQ.jpg








Samael=    w2cGrrM.jpg








Astaroth=    yjs5Clq.jpg









Asmodeus=    VgZ5fih.jpg









Valac =    FvRpXUr.jpg








Lucifer=    40FZElx.jpg






Beelzebub=    X1vMIPI.jpg







Hero Uriel Starfall=    VrbQQib.jpg

The Work is 100% mine as well as the image.
For now I'm doing some tests so here there is only 1 chapter while in WebNovel there are 3.
These are the images of the main characters. In my opinion, they were great.What do you think?

Pride = Lucifer

Wrath = Asmodeus

Gluttony = Leviathan

laziness = Beelzebub

Lust= Valac

Greed = Samael

Envy = Astaroth

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.