The Eternity Game Ayla Prision

Chapter 2 First mistake

'Damn, why did he have to be, now what do I do...I don't know what happens if I lie,' I think desperately for an answer as I get up from the floor.

"I-I, I was just going to leave the room..." I can't think of anything, this situation is desperate, at least the boss who appeared is relatively safe, as long as I don't screw up, he won't do anything.

'Shit, it's all that bitch's fault who trapped me in this game, why did it have to be me, how unfair, many others have also criticized this shitty game, why does this only happen to me' I can't help but complain mentally since now I'm even deprived of being able to curse.

"I understand little one..., but you shouldn't be running around, it's not very safe" He says with a gentle smile, but I only feel fear, his teeth are extremely sharp, I look at the ground, the aura around is oppressive, I feel like I'm facing a wild animal.

"I..." I don't know what to say in this situation. 'Think, think about what Leviathan likes? FOOD, he's the sin of gluttony, he must have something I can offer' I look around the room, then at him and invite him in.

"W-Would you like to come in and... have something to eat?" My voice is cute, with a shy tone, but I can only feel disgust for speaking this way.

"Hmmm, what a tempting offer little one...but what could you offer me?" He questions while looking at me, I see a slight hint of amusement in his eyes.

"I..." I don't know? 'DAMN, I screwed up, what can I offer, I know there's a tea set in the room, but today is my first day here, I ended up putting the cart before the horse' I don't know what to offer, so I remain silent.

"It's okay little one, I know you have nothing, you don't need to be afraid, I won't devour you hahaha" He gives a soft laugh at the joke, but I can only feel scared by it.

Because I know in the game he liked Ayla's blood, so he developed the habit of biting her, it's not like he tears off a piece, but his bite is venomous, and has a lethal effect, of course I'm immortal so it's not a problem, the problem is that it's also an insane aphrodisiac.

"But I accept your invitation to come in" He says as he walks inside.

"Come, have a seat at the table, today I'll serve you something, then next time it'll be your turn, agreed little one?" he says in a soft voice as he sits in the chair, I notice his silver tail dragging on the floor, it has silvery scales with a unique color that emanate a metallic shine.

"Yes...I will..." I say hesitantly as I sit in the chair.

"My name is Leviathan, the Demon of Gluttony, but you can just call me Leviathan little one" He introduces himself naturally, as if his name was not known to the world, although the forms of the 7 are not very well known, their names are.

"I am... Ayla...Ayla Lilith Stygian Aurora III" I can't say anything else, so I introduce myself as Ayla, after all he already knows who I am and lying now could cause me trouble.

"Yes, I know...little one, you're in a very complicated situation, but you're brave and I like that" He compliments me, not that his compliments are of any use to me.

"You're also... let's say quite special if I may say so" He generally gives off a well-mannered image. I'm glad it's not the Demon of Lust who's here, that guy gives a bunch of options that end up screwing the protagonist in the end.

After we introduced ourselves, he makes a motion with his fingers and two cups appear, followed by a bottle with a deep red wine-colored liquid.

'Wine? Well, I'm not sure it's a good idea to accept something from him... but if I refuse, I might have problems' I think about what I can do and choose to drink.

"T-Thank you..." I take the cup and drink hesitantly, I'm afraid it might have some aphrodisiac in it, although the protagonist can regenerate, poisons, drugs, and aphrodisiacs still affect her, but they just have different and less lasting effects.

"Delicious" The taste is amazing, much better than any wine I've ever tried. I drink more of the wine in the cup, strangely, although the taste is wonderful, the smell is somewhat...metallic? And its color is an extremely dark red.

"I'm glad you liked it little one" He says with a smile, as the Demon of Gluttony, I know Leviathan has various hobbies related to food and drink.

'This is better than I thought, and he doesn't seem angry...wait...' I remember some of these demons' hobbies, although my knowledge is limited, I know some have bizarre hobbies.

I wish I had paid more attention to the plot, if I had known I'd end up in this situation, I would have memorized everything I could, instead of forgetting like an idiot.

"...Leviathan...what is this wine made of..." I'm afraid of the answer. 'Please be normal, please be normal' I hope this is just a normal drink and not something he made with bizarre ingredients.

"Wine?" He asks.

"Yes? This wine that we're...drinking" I feel anxious with his doubt about the wine.

"This isn't wine little one, it's Hydra blood"...'DAMN, IT HAD TO BE THIS BLOOD-CRAZED MANIAC' I feel instantly nauseous, knowing I'm drinking the blood of a monster makes me want to vomit.

This reminds me that the Hydra is a monster that has extremely toxic blood, it kills instantly but doesn't cause any pain, since I'm immortal, it's like just a drink.

But it doesn't change the fact that it's disgusting, I feel the bile in my stomach wanting to come up, my desire to get this thing out of my body is huge, until I look at Leviathan.

He noticed the disgust on my face, my nausea towards the food he offered seems to irritate him.

I put my little hands over my mouth. 'I can't vomit, I don't know what he'll do if I vomit this' I keep holding back the nausea while he looks at me, my reaction of covering my mouth doesn't seem to please him.

I can no longer see that initial gentleness.

'why...this is so unfair, if I had known he would offer me this, I would never have invited him in' I manage to hold back my desire to throw everything up and swallow.

"...I have excellent composure little one, worthy of a princess...although you have some minor flaws" He says as he drinks the rest of the cup in his hands.

"?" I don't understand at first, and he explains.

"You know you were kidnapped, but you didn't question or try anything against me, although your act of disgust towards what I offered was somewhat did well not to waste it, in that regard I congratulate you little one" after he says this, I think.

'I didn't even remember...I was thrown here by the goddess and I already knew this guy, so I knew I couldn't do anything, and I didn't vomit this "Drink" just because I don't want to get fucked, no matter the body, I'm a man, I would never accept this' when I think about it, I look at myself. Such a feminine image fills me with sadness for the "Junior" I lost. I ended up using it so few times.

"Thank you for the compliment..." I thank him anyway, I don't want to have problems over something so simple.

He refills my cup.

"S-Sorry, but I don't want...more" I look at him trying to refuse, but I see him with a smile on his face as he fills the cup.

"Drink little problem at all, wasting is ugly and we have a whole bottle, it's wrong not to offer company"

"..." 'that...son of a BITCH, he's doing it on purpose' I can only scream mentally, fortunately none of the 7 can read my mind, it's not like they can't do it, it just happens that they are so strong that in doing so they cause the death of people's minds.

I'm immortal, so this wouldn't be a problem, but the information doesn't get through because of the damage, I can only think about how lucky this fact is.

I take the cup with a trembling arm, now that I know this is blood, I can only feel an instinctive disgust, I put the glass to my mouth, my arms shaking slightly. I close my eyes to drink.

I keep drinking, every sip that goes down my throat makes me want to vomit. The taste is still great, but it's the case that when you know how something is made, you no longer want to eat it, regardless of whether the taste is good.

He's drinking his cup normally, I notice that the bottle still fills two more cups. And this second cup had an even stronger taste and smell than the first.

'no, he can't be thinking of making me drink one more cup of this...right?'

When the two of us emptied the cups, he fills them again.

"Urp" I put my hand to my mouth, the metallic smell of the cup got stronger, stimulating my nausea.

"The last two cups are the best, the concentration of blood at the bottom of the bottle makes the flavor something unique, I'm sure you'll love it" He says with a gentle smile.

I take the cup 'just this one more, I can do it, and just don't let him get mad after that, he'll leave, I'm sure' I try to motivate myself to drink.

As I bring the cup to my mouth, the smell of the blood becomes unbearable, for someone who lived in modern society without ever witnessing anything with a high level of violence, seeing blood this close gives me chills.

I force myself to tilt the cup and drink the liquid, the taste is really great, but I still feel repulsed to drink another's blood.

I manage to finish everything and put the cup on the table, I feel a shiver through my body, my body just wants to get this liquid out of it, but if I do it now, I'll be fucked 'please go away, please go away soon'.

"Looks like it's over, what a pity...I enjoyed seeing you little one, I'll see you around...and don't run in the halls" He leaves and gives a warning.

"Yes...I'll be careful" I respond.

When he's no longer in sight, I run to the bathroom.

I reach the toilet and spit out everything I drank, I feel strange for drinking something like this.

"What a disgust..." I can't like this regardless of the taste, I don't know why this maniac has these shitty hobbies, seriously, who in their right mind likes to taste blood, he's not even a vampire.

I finish spitting out all the blood that was left in my mouth and go to the sink to wash.

'at least the bathroom is modern?...the bathroom plumbing works by magic, so it's not really modern, it just works like modern ones' I clean my mouth at the faucet.

"At least I didn't dirty the clothes" Although I don't like the fact that I'm in a dress, it would be even worse to be in a dirty dress, especially one with blood.

I leave the bathroom and walk to the bed, I need to think about everything. I lie down on the bed while looking at the ceiling.

'since the first scene is over, this place is the safest for now...'

"Seriously, who in their right mind offers blood as a drink" I speak to the void, indignant about the fact. Even my complaining voice has a touch of cuteness, which makes me more irritated with the Goddess.

"Leviathan can only be a lunatic, what's the use of all that beauty in a guy like that" I can only complain in this situation if I don't feel like I'm going to explode at some point. Fortunately, I know they don't waste time watching every step of the protagonist.

"I hope I never have to drink this crap again..." although I can't curse like before, I can still use things that are not curses to cause insults.

"Yes...I only drank this crap out of politeness, I would never like it" I keep complaining about the drink because I have no one else to deposit my anger on, because I feel that if I don't stay angry, I'll cry over the situation.

"Hah, I'm sure only he in the world likes this bad drink, if he's not crazy, I don't know what he is to like this crap..." I feel the air cool as a shiver runs down my spine.

My whole body shivers, I feel small and weak, as if I'm in the sights of a predator, like a rabbit in the presence of a wolf.

I slightly raise my head and there I see.


'DAMN IT' I feel fear of the seemingly desperate situation.

"S-Since when...are y-you here..." I ask, hoping he just got here.




The silence is agonizing, I don't know what he's thinking, his eyes are cold, not expressing anything.

"I...forgot to leave something with I believe I've been here since the moment you flushed it all down the toilet..." He speaks calmly, a false calm that hides a storm.

The fact is that none of the 7 hate the protagonist, for them she is mainly a target of lust, where they punish or reward her based on her actions, there is no affection meter or anything like that.

But if there was, it would clearly be dangerously low.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAH" He laughs like a madman.

"Little're braver than I thought...yes, very brave" He says as he approaches the bed.

I back away until I hit the headboard.

"...Or maybe you're just very foolish, I wonder which of the two" he says, although he speaks in a playful tone, I notice how his voice hides a rage like the ocean in a storm.

"I-That's...I, I didn't mean to..." I feel afraid as he keeps getting closer.

"Sorry, sorry, I'm sorry for saying it was crap, I, I...just didn't feel well for a moment, I swear I'll never do it again" I apologize desperately, even though I'm immortal, I still feel pain.

The being in front of me is one of the strongest in this world, and also one of the cruelest, I don't know what he'll do when he's angry. I, who am just a weak immortal, have no chance of doing anything.

He continues to approach the bed with calm and elegant steps. His steps mask his barely concealed rage in his gaze.

I just insulted him and his hobby in various ways, I have no idea what he'll do. I feel my body trembling, a primal fear of death, even though I can't die.

I feel tears forming in my eyes, this body that has made me much more emotional doesn't help.

"Little one...why are you apologizing? You gave your opinion, you were so bold, you should have the courage to stand by your opinion, don't you think?" He says with a smile, his sharp teeth forming a beautiful smile, but it gives a frightening feeling as if they're going to tear me apart in seconds.

"I'm not someone who doesn't accept other opinions little one...but I'm also not someone who accepts what you did" The smile on his face disappears as he says the last part.

Now he has reached the edge of the bed, he slowly climbs on it and comes towards me, even this huge bed, there's not enough space to keep him away for long, at this moment I just wish this bed would never end so he doesn't get close.

I have nowhere to run as he approaches, so I just tremble in fear in the same place.

"You know what you did wrong...little one?" He asks with a serious expression.

"Hick, I'm sorry I..." tears form in my eyes, the fear of this being in front of me consumes my mind.

"I didn't ask you to apologize" He prevents me from speaking.

"Now tell me, tell me what I asked" he commands in a tone that doesn't allow me to argue.

"I...I wasted the drink that was offered to me..."

"Continue" he commands in a strong tone.

"I was arrogant and insulted it even though the taste was wonderful, and I insulted Leviathan without knowing my place, I was wrong, I was wrong" If I weren't dying of fear, I would never say something like this, but it's amazing what fear can do to a person.

He is now just centimeters from my body, he holds my hands against the bed while making a smile.

"That's right little one...arrogance, that word perfectly defines your actions...and what should those who have done something wrong do?" he asks as if the answer were the most obvious thing in the world.

"I..." I don't want to say, knowing what awaits me the moment I speak.

"Say it little one" he speaks softly.

"I...I..." my voice gets softer and softer, I can't accept the reality.

"SAY IT" He speaks this time without containing his anger.

"...Those who have done something wrong...must be punished..." I say with a faltering voice. The fear, and my denial of reality make it difficult for me to say this.

"That's right little one...since you've done something wrong, then what awaits you? Could you answer?" He questions, wanting to hear it from my voice.

"...since I was wrong...then I punished" The humiliation of this situation fills me with anger, but my fear far outweighs the anger, making me say what he wants to hear, his aura is oppressive, now it's as if a giant monster is on top of me.

"Very well little one...that's right, since you're wrong, I'll have to punish you" He says now with a smile, in his eyes I see a flash of lust and sadism, and I can only think of how much I hate the Goddess who put me in this situation.

Guys I'm thinking of releasing this work on patreon, like I have 12 chapters of it but I'm still not sure of the best way to release this work.So give tips on places where it is good to post this work. I still don't have any defined place or anything like that, although I already have chapters of it.

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