The Eternity Game Ayla Prision

Chapter 3 Beginning of Punishment

"Please forgive me just this once, I swear I'll never commit this error again," I say with tears in my eyes. I know that crying will only feed his sadism, but I can't hold back my tears in this unfair situation.

Now I can't even complain to vent my anger. In the game, something like the Demons returning after a scene had passed never happened, but now that it's real, it has happened.

"Little one, if errors are not punished, people become complacent... I don't want you to get used to the error simply because you were forgiven. If you are not punished, how can you learn something?" He says with absolute certainty in his voice.

I try to move, but this weak body has 0% chance of getting out of the hands of this demon.

"Please, I swear I've learned from this mistake, I'll never do it again, I promise."

'I don't want to be fucked, this isn't fair... why just for complaining do I have to go through this?'

"It doesn't matter if you learned from this mistake, if you did something wrong, you must be punished. This is not up for discussion," he says as he approaches my neck.

"PLEASE, STOP, DON'T DO THIS!" I already know what he's planning, so I scream at him to stop.

I feel pain in the area between my shoulder and neck. He bit me, I feel the pain of the bite, his sharp teeth piercing my delicate skin.

"Kyaaa!" I feel the venom coursing through my body, his venom that can be called one of the strongest in the world is spreading at an alarming pace. I feel my body heating up, while my breathing becomes heavy.

"Haa... haa..." I breathe heavily as the venom spreads.

He continues the bite, while sucking my blood, I feel his rough tongue passing over my skin, causing a slight itching sensation.

"Hmm" The rough sensation of his tongue on my skin makes me let out a sweet moan.

'LIE, that sound couldn't have come from me!' I deny reality, even though it's just an aphrodisiac effect of the venom, I can't accept that I'm a woman about to be fucked.

"Please... hmm... stop," I ask him to stop, his teeth embedded in my skin go from painful to a strange sensation.

He continues the bite for a few seconds, then finally lets go. I notice the wound from his fangs on my skin, while the blood flows slightly, but in an instant, it begins to close.

'No... why?' Now this venom is trapped in my body and won't be eliminated for a long time. I feel strange sensations throughout my body, especially in the abdominal region downwards.

"Hmm, you have wonderful blood, little one. It has the perfect degree of sweetness with a light touch of acidity. I think I've never tasted blood as good as yours, even the smell is wonderful," he makes a sound of satisfaction as he savors the blood in his mouth, describing it.

'Damn... why do I need to know the taste of my own blood?' I feel my body heat up even more, now the venom has had a greater effect on my body.

"Haa..." I breathe heavily as I try to move.

"Please, just let me go this time," I plead to him with a tearful tone.

'How humiliating... I've never felt so humiliated in my entire life.'

He ignores my plea as he grabs my dress. He begins to tear it into pieces, in any case, later he will replace it with an exact copy with magic or simply restore it.


I start kicking in a vain attempt to break free, even knowing that I can't escape this situation. I don't care and keep trying to fight.

My vision is slightly blurred by the tears and lust that come from the aphrodisiac, my body is now extremely hot, the itching sensation in my lower parts begins to bother me.

"Don't worry too much, little one... I'll be gentle since it's your first time," he says, as if he were a lover who doesn't want to hurt his girlfriend on the first time, as if he weren't forcing me into this situation.

"Let me go, I don't want... Haa... please, I don't want," I continue to deny, now that I'm with my clothes torn, I notice how my body is underneath the clothes, although my breasts are small and my stature is low, creating the image of a woman who has not matured.

Underneath the clothes, I have well-formed curves with a beautiful hip, my pale skin creates a beautiful contrast with the body, as if it were a blank canvas of a painting ready to be painted.

'It's not there...' Although I know I've lost my "Junior", I still hadn't seen it, now, forced into this situation, seeing that I don't have it, it just fills me with despair.

"I see the princess doesn't seem to know much about her own body, so I'll teach her," he says, now his eyes have a slight ethereal glow, indicating that he used some kind of magic.

"Let's start by teaching you... this part here are your breasts, although they're not developed, you can still feel pleasure with them," he says, touching my breasts as he massages them lightly.

"Ahh" I moan at the sensation, the sound is like music to the ears of this white-haired demon in front of me.

He touches my breasts and molds them in his hand, massaging them lightly, I feel tingles in them, an electric prick like a small shock.

"Hmm" The feeling of him moving my breasts is something I've never felt, the pleasure that comes from his touch messes with my brain, the venom that now acts as an aphrodisiac has made me sensitive.

'Please stop, I don't want to experience this, I don't want to have the pleasure of a woman.'

"Ahh" He touches my nipples, pinching them lightly.

"These are your nipples, princess. They're a little more sensitive than your breasts, so they have a better way of getting pleasure," he pinches and twists them slightly, my breasts that were touched by him have slight red marks that are visible, thanks to my snow-white skin.

"Le-Leviathan, please let me go, ooooh" When I ask him to let me go, he pinches my nipples harder, I feel an electric wave travel through my body as I convulse slightly.

"Haa... Haar" I breathe heavily as he continues to touch me. His face never loses the smile, I see in his eyes the amusement at my pitiful situation.

"Little one... I've already told you this is your punishment. If you don't stop repeating that request, I'll have to increase your punishment a bit more," he says, never stopping touching my nipples and breasts.

"This reminds me..." He says, as if remembering something, and his face approaches mine.

"W-What are you going to... Nhgh" He kisses me, his tongue enters my mouth, it's longer than a human's, as well as rougher, the feeling of it in my mouth fills me with disgust.

'I can't believe I have to do this kind of thing with a man,' I think about how I hate this situation.

His tongue moves in my mouth as if it had life, touching every corner, intertwining with mine.

"Hmm" I let out a moan, although I hate this situation, the aphrodisiac makes me feel pleasure with the act, a mix of pleasure and disgust whirls in my brain.

He continues touching my breast, sometimes on my nipple, while continuing to kiss me. After 1 minute, he releases me.

"Even your taste is good, little one, maybe I'll get addicted to it," he says, while looking at my blurred eyes.

"Haar, haa... hmm" I breathe for air as he continues.

His movements on my breasts become more daring with each moment, each movement generates a spark in my brain that I didn't know this pleasure.

The accelerated heartbeats only help the aphrodisiac to have greater effects.

"Okay... little one, look here," he says, urging me to look at him. I look at him with tear-stained eyes.

He begins to move his hand over my abdomen, causing shivers down my body. He moves his hand for a while and stops in an area.

"Here, little one, is where your uterus is, it's where your children will be, but that's a subject for another time. The important thing is that it's sensitive, and if you touch it here..." He moves his hand and squeezes lightly.

"Ahhhh" I feel a wave of pleasure run from the point of his palm through my spine to my brain, while I can only moan, I look at him.

"You can also get pleasure from it," he says as he gently moves his hand over the uterine area.

'Damn, what did he do to me?' I feel my body even more sensitive, now I also feel discomfort in the uterus, as if it's asking to be touched.

He now releases his hand from me and grabs my waist with his tail, wrapping it around. His tail is cold compared to my hot body, it causes a pleasant sensation that becomes a form of pleasure for my hot body.

"Now, little one, look here," I force myself to look where he shows. 'I just want this to end soon, please Goddess, forgive me, I don't want to stay here anymore...' I can only feel the injustice of being in this situation on the first day I arrived.

He shows my pussy, which is dripping regardless of my will.

"This is your pussy, look how wet it is, it's a sign that you're excited, that is, you're enjoying it too. You can call this liquid Love Juice."

"No, no, no... I'm not... it was you... that did this to me," I deny, because it's the only thing I can do, put the blame on him and deny to escape reality.

"... Let's continue, these are the outer lips, they are the entrance to your vagina," he says, ignoring what I said, while touching my pussy.

"Hmm" The excitement that has now become uncomfortable makes a simple touch exciting.

He starts moving around without putting his fingers inside, creating a pleasurable sensation, but I feel like something is missing.

"Mmh, Haa..." I breathe heavily as he continues touching my pussy, the gentle stimulation only serves to increase my lust.

'End it soon, I just want this to end...' Wishing he would finish soon so I can get out of this shameful situation.

"Hmm, ahh" I moan when he puts a finger inside my pussy.

"Excellent grip, little one, your moans are great too," he praises me with a smile, as he gently rotates his finger inside.

"Ahh" I feel even more pleasure than when he touched my nipples, my hot body together with the sensation of his tail on my waist makes the pleasure of him moving in my pussy absurd.

"Here... little one, these are the inner lips that are inside," he touches inside as he rotates his hand, giving an explanation.

'I don't want to know this, I don't want, I don't want' I can only complain like a child in my mind, because it's as if he's throwing in my face that I'm just a woman at his mercy.

"Ahh, ahh" He pushes another finger inside, I feel my pussy's folds stretch a little, now I can feel his fingers better, they're slightly rough and big.

"Aww, Aaw" He continues moving the two fingers in my pussy, but with care and gentleness. But this only makes it worse, I feel like something is missing, his gentleness and care prevent me from reaching the peak, which only fuels my lust.

"Little one, are you understanding me?"

"Hmm" He questions me, but the electrifying sensation of his fingers in my pussy just makes me moan.

"AHHHH" He adds another finger and goes deeper, I feel a slight pain as a tear escapes. I feel his finger poking something inside.

"Little one, please answer when I ask... going back to the lesson, what I'm touching now is your hymen, but don't worry, I won't take it out with my fingers," he says, as if he were a teacher scolding a student who's not paying attention.

He pulls his fingers back and continues moving them inside my pussy, the sensation is even greater than before, I feel an itch in my pussy, while he becomes careful again.

His in-and-out finger movements accelerate a bit.

"Hmm, aaaah" my moans get a little louder as sweat forms on my body, my heat increasing now has become unbearable.

'What's the use of regenerating if I can't get this venom out of my body?' I feel like yelling about how this immortality has ridiculous flaws, but I can't risk making Leviathan even angrier.

Now he removes his fingers. I notice a silver thread of love juice stretching from my pussy to his fingers.

"It's a shame... it seems your G-spot is behind your hymen, little one... I'll leave that to show you in the future," his tone is slightly disappointed.

"Let's continue... here, this little protrusion on your pussy is the clitoris, it exists exclusively for your pleasure," he says as he approaches his face to my pussy.

'NO, I barely endured the pleasure of him touching me, I can't let him' I try to move desperately, but his tail holding my waist is too strong.

"Little one, there's no need to move, just leave it all to me, I'll teach you properly," he says calmly, with his face near my pussy.

"NO, I don't want, please, enough, you've already punished me... I just want to stop this... I've learned, please, let's stop just this once," I try to plead, my voice broken has a sad tone, if a normal person saw this, they would be immediately moved.

Unfortunately, he is not a person and he is not normal.

"... Little one, it is I who defines when it is good and when to stop, and it is not only for you that I am teaching," he speaks calmly.

'Who else would be learning something here?' I think doubtfully about what he said, he notices the confusion in my gaze.

"Of course I'm teaching for your body, your body must remember every little corner I touched, it must remember this pleasure for the rest of its life," he speaks as if my body were one of his students.

"But this is a dirty place... you can't lick me" Although I've had sex in my world, it was normal sex. I never understood why to have sex in another way other than the fact that I never thought it was anything special.

"Hahaha, there's nothing dirty about it, little one, you seem not to understand why... but no matter, I'll show you how good it is for both of us"

"!!!" He now licks my pussy with his tongue touching my clitoris, his long and rough tongue passes through the pussy and clitoris, causing a shiver throughout my body, I feel an electric shock pass through my body while pleasure floods me.

"Hmm" I'm shocked by the sensation, as he begins to move, licking from bottom to top, the feeling of the roughness of the tongue touching the sensitive skin floods me with pleasure.

'I feel like my brain is frying' the sensation is crazy, I feel the urge to cum as he continues licking.

"Little one, when you feel you're going to reach the peak, you must scream that you're going to cum... if you don't do it, I'll punish you," he says initially with gentleness, but at the end of the sentence I feel a shiver at the coldness with which he says he will punish me.

His movements have become faster, while my love juice flows, wetting the bed and his face. He licks it all as if he doesn't care.

'Goddess, please get me out of here... I want to go back, I don't want this' I beg the Goddess who trapped me here to get me out of this situation, the lust that comes from this act blurs my mind, all I want is for this to end soon.

I feel something big coming as he accelerates his tongue movements, his tail moves smoothly on my waist, stimulating my uterus.

"!!!" I feel I'm going to cum and remember what he said about punishing me, 'I'm afraid of what he'll do...' fearing his threat, I decide to follow his request.

"I'm cumming, I'm cumming, Leviathan," I say, my voice a beautiful melody stained with lust.

When I reach the peak, I feel an electric current pass through my whole body and reach my brain, my mind going blank as pleasure floods me, a little drool flows down my face as my body convulses with pleasure.

"HAAR... Haar... haar" I breathe heavily, my mind still blank from the pleasure.

"Not bad, little one, your body is truly perfect, it's beautiful and has a wonderful taste... now let's move on to the next step," he says, snapping his fingers, his clothes disappear, now I see him naked, but end up not assimilating the image.

"???" I don't understand the scene in front of me for a while, then the realization hits me.

'IMPOSSIBLE, he wants to fuck me?'

"Le-Lev-Leviatan, you won't..." I question, stammering with fear in my gaze.

"Won't what? If you're referring to taking your virginity, then yes, I will," he replies simply.

"BUT YOU'VE ALREADY PUNISHED ME!" I scream at him without hiding my rage at this injustice.

He seems slightly confused, but soon makes a face of understanding.

"Little one, who said your punishment was over? I never said when it would end."

I only feel despair at this statement. 'Ridiculous... he never said...' I feel my despair increase even more as I think about how much I hate this world.

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