The Executor

Chapter 4 -The Burial Agency

On an auburn evening, the doorbell rang in a small church that was overshadowed by a larger skyscraper in a usually popular but strangely silent road.

An old man in a cassock approached the door then opened it, he noticed a black baby carriage with a sleeping child in it but as he touched the child he felt a reaction that he 

hasn't felt in years, Immediately the prest ran mana within the child's body and saw the immeasurable amount of mana circuits before he hastily took the kid in.

“He has an immeasurable amount of circuit in his body and also they were sturdy, tough and flexible, I will have to train him to be an executor, who knows maybe someday he will become a member of the burial agency” he spoke on the phone but strangely enough the child’s eyes glowed when he heard of those organizations.

  • *         *        *

As I woke up, I received a set of blinding lights flashing in my eyes but when I tried to cover my eyes they were too short for me to reach them but I felt like a massive weight was on my shoulder as I tried to stand up but stumbled backwards.

“ He is already walking?” someone exclaimed in the background exclaimed as he tried holding to the wall. 

The voice continued “it seems this is the rise of an unprecedented genius, he could walk 2 months after birth and also has unparalleled, flexible, strong and uncountable amounts of mana circuits. He could be a great executor and probably a possible prospect in the burial agency”.

“Will you train him ?” a second more dignified voice asked gently.

“Yes, of course, I will as a former burial agency candidate I swear I will” The first voice that came from an old man in a cassock replied before walking towards me.

Upon Hearing those men talking I realized I was in that multiverse.

Known as the Nasuverse this is a world in which the weaker people can move faster than light, merge multiverses and realities, destroy principles and concepts.

I learnt this from one of my close friends as he introduced me to it which made me hooked from the amount of plot and history that a fictional world had at a point but I personally loved the mobile game because though it felt confusing in the beginning it made sense to anyone who gave it a chance.

But those accursed bitches killed him with the bomb before we could finish the game then kidnapped me eventually finishing the deal before they dragged me into murder turned lovers suicide. It seems that all Azrael promised me was true as I was supposed to have many mana circuits enough to be considered a possible candidate of the burial agency and as I was about to celebrate, I had a sudden mood swing when I realized that those girls will just probably find me quicker from realizing I am in the church which made me start crying immediately the priest ran and juggled for me like I was a kid but I quickly wiped my tears when I realized that they might think I was in the wandering sea instead of the church.

  • *       *       *

"Cardinal Noi the child has a mystic eye!. When he was crying I could feel space distorting as and it happened his sclera were shining golden".

"Wow that must be a mystic eye of distortion, we have to train him to be a member of executors as we would not want to lose the talented young man".

"Alright, Cardinal Noi I will start training him from the moment he can walk".

"Thank you Father Cornelius after all even though we are good friends after all it was my wrong choice and decision that made you unable to join us in the burial agency".

"No, it is nothing too deep as that was my fault instead I should have just followed orders, I will fill you in on his progress as I train him regularly".

"See you soon father Cornelius "

"You too cardinal Noi".

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