The Executor

Interlude 1- Case Mira

My name is Mikoto Kanata and I love my brother more than anything.

 I am A high school 12th-grade student, I am seen as very popular and friendly just like my brother as I am good at practically any sport and salutatorian of my class every time.

My hobby is my brother.

My favourite toy is my brother.

My best friend is my brother

My best food is my brother's.

I love my brother.

My existence is for my brother.

But my brother doesn't know what I do for him because I love him, he treats my love as a joke but when we both graduate I will propose to him.

My parents do not want me to marry my brother so I had them killed in a setup accident but after the funeral, I had a visit from my senpai which was my brother's childhood friend on how to approach my brother but it went into a nasty argument but after many weeks of trying to kill or sneakily assassinate each other we finally came into an agreement which we had to painfully share brother which we grudgingly agreed to because the police were hot on our tails in the attempt to find who tried to kill us both and we would probably be found if we tried to do any funny business.

So we both proposed to him but he refused, treating it as a joke but when He realized we were serious He tried to run away on a flight to Florida but by paying an underground criminal group the plane was sabotaged by fake engineers exploding it mid-flight effectively locking down all public airports and kidnapping while he waited in the lounge before taking him to a safe house we wanted to use as our love den.

He didn't know how to take care of himself so we took care of him. But when he behaved badly we had to punish him by killing one of his former friends in front of him, even though it was way too harsh we thought it was fine as we loved him and knew he will grow to love us as much as we love him.

When he ran away from our apartment We quickly gave chase and tracked him down and upon finding him he painfully cursed and swore at us cursing us but the straw that broke the camels back was when he said that he hated us to the extent he rather watched us die and that he will never stop hating and cursing us.

My heart shredded into pieces as I saw the sincerity in his eyes as he cursed us in every way and form but I forgave him as he probably didn't mean it and will take it back when he get back home but as I tried to catch to capture him He suddenly pushed me and my senpai off the nearby bridge but we barely managed to grab onto his hand then it dawned upon me that he will never try to help us even though we loved him so much.

“Then let us go together as it is in sickness and in health, in joy and sorrow and finally in life and in death” as I pulled him down with both of us.


And that was the last thing I remember before arriving in this white room.

“Hiya there or is that how you humans say it,” the individual who took the appearance of my brother said. I immediately recognized that it wasn't my brother due to his dressing which consisted of a floral one print t-shirt and a pair of khaki shorts.

He or she had a very androgynous form and smiled but the longer I looked at him the longer I felt like the world was collapsing around me and I felt like crying and dying all over again.

“Alright that's enough“

And I immediately stopped crying as the feelings died away.

“So let's skip the dialogue, I am Chamael the angel of love and familial relationships my senpai Azrael is there talking with your brother and you all are dead, don't try to understand me because as you are not chosen to go to either heaven or hell especially in your case you can't understand my existence without fading into eternity”

“We are sending you three as a punishment a mission to control and protect a fictional world we made reality”

I immediately was happy when I found out we could meet again but his next words made me sad.

“You all be in different organizations but you and the other girl will be in a closer organization than his as he chose to be as far as possible from you guys, but in exchange, we will grant you all the chance to find and interact with one another and he can be taken by you guys if you are strong enough to do so”

He continued “you will be granted gifts to affirm the soul mind and body. To confirm your soul you will be granted a reality marble which shows your origin and motivation, your spirit will be affirmed with you having all the 7 basic element types and also the element called hollow and to confirm your body you will be given a high amount of mana circuits and mystic eyes of compulsion.”

Immediately he changed into his former playful demeanour before telling me” Bye Bye“as he skipped as I closed my eyes into oblivion.


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