The Fallen Gamer

Chapters 1-5



One second I was walking to another dreary day of work and the next I found myself floating…here. Was I in space? I was floating in some kind of void and all around me I could see floating lights and glowing clouds. Were those… stars and nebulas!?


[Congratulations! → You died!]


Floating in front of me all of a sudden was a holographic screen saying… I died? “No way! I was just walking down the street a second ago, heading to work. I didn’t die!” I exclaimed.


The floating screen in front of me changed as a new message appeared.


[An old lady accidentally dropped her flower pot on the 18th floor of her apartment building. It landed right on your head unfortunately and BAM–instant death.]


“Really!? That’s such bullshit! All those years of schooling…all those years of grinding away at my job and for what? Nothing but a completely stupid and random end apparently…”


[Well that's just life. Would you like to start a new game? Please select your choice.]

[Yes] [Also Yes]


“Holy shit! I can become a gamer!? Wait, why is there no option for no?”


[No one ever chooses ‘no’ so we removed it.]


“Fair enough.” I said as I selected yes.


[New game commencing. Beginning character creation… Please select your race.]

[Human] [???] [???]


“How come two of those races are blurred out? Can I not pick them?” I asked. My hand was already hovering over the holographic screen ready to press ‘human.’ The system's response stopped me, however.


[Those two races are a surprise. Rest assured they are humanoid in appearance. They also come with bonus stats and special abilities along with their own racial drawbacks.]


“Are they stronger than humans?”


[Both races are indeed superior to humans physically and magically. They are both also technically immortal races.]


I immediately took my hand away from the human icon before I accidentally pressed it! “What the hell!? Why would anyone pick ‘human’ if those races were so much better!?” I complained to the system.


[All gamers eventually become the top powers in their respective multiverses regardless of their starting race unless they are killed and get a game over. Some gamers also enjoy the extra challenge of starting off weaker. In the end it doesn't particularly matter. Gamer’s are also unageing as well. Even if they initially pick ‘human’ as their race.]


I’d rather not make it harder on myself early on and get a game over. I had a choice between the two hidden selections so I just picked the middle icon.


[Race selected→ Fallen Angel (DxD)]


Woah! I’m going to be an actual angel… well a fallen angel, but still! That was amazing! I would be able to fly, speak any language and have cool magical light powers.


[Your appearance has been created based on your ideal self. Please confirm if your character's appearance is acceptable.]


My perspective suddenly shifted and I felt nauseous for a moment. “Holy crap! I’m seeing stuff in third person!” My body had apparently completely changed in appearance. Wow, I was absolutely drop dead gorgeous! The Fallen Angels in DxD were all beautiful after all. My new body looked to be in it’s early 20’s. I had a heart shaped face with luscious lips. My hair was now jet black and ran almost all the way down my back. My eyes were supernaturally purple. My figure was also a perfect hourglass and like most women from DxD, my breasts were now much larger. They were sitting at a D cup easily. “I look absolutely perfect. Thank you system!”


[The host is welcome→ Racial drawbacks found! Sin of lust has been added to the player as a permanent trait that cannot be removed.]


“Sin of lust?” I said. That wasn’t so bad. “I probably suffered from the sin of lust when I was human before anyway. My computer hard drive was packed with–”


[The system knows… it has seen your memories.]


I coughed awkwardly. “Alright then is that it?”


[Not quite. Now displaying status sheet:]


[Name: Layla of the Fallen]

[Age: N/A due to being immortal]

[Level 1:

[HP: 1000/1000]

[MP: 100/100]

[Vigor: 100]

[Strength: 10]

[Intelligence: 10]

[Luck: 0]

[Available Free Stat Points: 10]

[Skills: None]


“Are those stats good? Is there like a reference to base those off of?” I asked my system.


[The average baseline human has about 5 for all stats. As a fallen angel, your starting stats are vastly higher. Especially your vigor.] 


Yeah supernatural beings in DxD could definitely take some crazy punishment alright. Issei was getting impaled left and right early on as a low class devil and somehow surviving what should have obviously been crippling mortal damage.


[The game is officially starting now. Host’s home dimension has been randomly created. Good luck gamer. Try not to get a game over…]


With that I felt some invisible force physically yank on my body as I rocketed through space faster than I could comprehend! All around me the stars were zipping by me… or was I zipping by them? I kept speeding up to what I instinctively felt was near light speed! It was too much for me and I started to black out.


I woke up… in a graveyard. It was dark, it was dreary, and it was damp. “I hope I'm not in dark souls…” I muttered to myself as I observed all the tombstones around me.


[Skill Gained! → Observe level 1/10]


“Oh nice! That skill is a classic!” I immediately tried to use it on a nearby tombstone.


[Tombstone of a man named Dan Flint. Tombstone is made of basic cement.]


That's actually more than I expected to get out of the skill at level at 1. It told me who it belonged to and what it was made out of. Not bad! I used the skill on a few more tombstones around me and got pretty much the same basic information with different names. 


There was clearly nothing for me here as my observe skill wasn't picking up anything particularly interesting nearby. I had no idea where I was at the moment, so I just picked a random direction and started walking. “I wonder how I'm supposed to use my Fallen Angel abilities?” I spoke out loud. 


A system message popped up in front of me.


[Host’s character background information will now be uploaded into the hosts mind.]


“My background what?” I started to ask before I was hit with the mother of all headaches. A wave of information was ‘uploaded’ into my mind out of nowhere! It caught me off guard and I became so dizzy I almost toppled over. I only saved myself from falling into the mud by grabbing onto a nearby tombstone at the last second!


I now knew what the system meant by backstory. ‘I’ was Layla of the Fallen. As a Fallen Angel, Layla (or I) was nothing special in terms of power or skills. She was just an ordinary two winged angel. Regardless, Layla was still adored by Angels and Fallen Angels alike. She was one of the few Fallen Angels that the regular Angels would refuse to harm.


The reason for that was because Layla was actually the very last Angel that the Biblical God of DxD created before his demise! That made her the official youngest and one of the most doted upon Angel in all Heaven before she fell. After she fell from Heaven’s grace, Layla became the most doted upon in the Grigori as well. Layla’s oldest sister Gabriel would even still sneak away from Heaven every so often to spend time with her!

One day Layla got bored from the hundreds of years of monotony of life in Heaven and decided to foolishly venture into the human world. Unfortunately as the youngest Angel, she wasn't even close to experienced enough in mortal worldly matters to know what she’d find. Layla had always loved animals, but heaven only had cats and dogs sadly. She wanted to see more wildlife so she decided to visit Africa to see some lions up close. Unfortunately, when Layla arrived in Africa, she was treated to the horrible sight of a local warlord committing unspeakable crimes on peaceful and innocent villagers. She intervened and slew the warlord along with his soldiers. That was how she fell. One of the laws, in the barely functioning Heavenly System, was that an Angel could not physically interfere with human matters. Her killing humans, no matter how justly, broke those rules and Layla’s white wings turned black and she was forever barred from her home in Heaven!


It was then that she joined the Grigori. Later on, Layla took an interest in some of her big brother Azazel’s “sciency stuff” and was in his lab when he was experimenting with a newly crafted space time artificial sacred gear. He was trying to create a gear that could travel to the ‘reverse side of the world.’ There was an accident with the gear and Layla got sucked through a portal it created and ended up here. The question was, did it send her to the reverse side or not? Thousands of years ago, the Earth was actually bigger. Twice as big in fact. None of the angels were quite sure why, but for some reason God and all the other pantheon leaders banded together to cast a massive spell. That spell cut the world in two and separated the supernatural world from the mundane. It also erased the knowledge that the world used to be bigger from all the minds of the humans. The supernatural side of the world was hidden in the dimensional gap. Layla was then created hundreds of years after that event had happened…


…And that was my character's backstory. It was a weird experience having all those fond memories of Heaven and the Grigori. It was also a strange concept that I now had a love for literally thousands of siblings that I had never met before… It wasn't a bad feeling though. I'd been an only child in my last life, so maybe having a new large family would be good.


I had decided... I had always been a hardcore roleplayer when I played games in my past life. My old identity was dead. I would fully embrace this new one. Layla’s life and memories were now my own. What was an identity besides a vast collection of memories and experiences anyway? From now on, I was officially Layla of the Fallen.


[Skill gained: Angelic Mastery level 2 - Description: Angelic Mastery encompasses all of the inherent racial skills associated with Angels and Fallen Angels. Level 1 allows for Flight and All Speak. Level 2 allows for light manipulation. Level 3-10 ???]


There were potentially 8+ angelic abilities I could unlock as I raised the skill!? I wondered if I could unlock Baraquiel’s Holy Lighting? I could think about that later I guess.


For now, I needed to figure out where I was and what to do next. Was I even in the DxD world, or had Azazel’s experiment flung me into another dimension? If that was the case, should I try to get back there? That probably wasn’t necessary. If anyone could find a way to breach the dimensional gap for a second time, it would be Azazel.


“My big brother Azazel is also a genius, so I'm sure he'll complete that sacred gear and come here to rescue in the future anyway…” I spoke out loud almost by instinct. It was strange having so much faith in a man that ‘I’ had never met, and yet my new body had also known him for years. I figured I'd get used to the blend of memories eventually. 


A few minutes later, I was still walking through the surprisingly large graveyard. I was a bit bored and I decided to use my observe skill on the dress I was wearing. It was incredibly comfortable and I could tell it was very finely crafted. It was also my only current possession. I was a bit of a naughty girl since becoming a Fallen and I wasn’t wearing anything beneath the dress. ‘I’ had never been in a relationship though, because every other Fallen Angel always treated me like a sibling. I couldn’t date a devil obviously because my race was still in a cold war with them. I also didn’t want to date any humans in the Grigori, because they were all pretty much either creepy ex-priests or children at Azazel’s academy…It was slim pickings when it came to romantic partners to say the least. I was unironically the most innocent Fallen Angel in all of the Grigori. 


[Layla’s dress: A short black dress hand woven by her big sister Penemue for Layla’s creation day. Clothing materials unknown.]


I smiled at that as a new memory surfaced in my mind of her giving me this dress at my party. Angels and Fallen Angel’s rarely celebrated their creation days, but they always wanted to throw a party for me on my own creation day. Probably because I was the ‘baby’ of the family. That was ironic considering I was still technically a few hundred years old even if the majority of ‘my life’ was spent in heaven doing nothing in particular. It's no wonder I got so bored after hundreds of years of monotony that I decided to venture out to the human world. 


The dress I was wearing was a special keepsake to me. I decided that I'd try to get a new outfit soon so I could store my dress away. I didn’t want it to be damaged from whatever inevitable combat I'd be getting into as a gamer. 


At least now, with all of these new memories, I knew how to properly use my Angelic abilities. I had memories of years of flying experience with my wings. Not many memories of combat though. I never participated in the great war between Angels, Devils, and the Fallen as I was created right at the end of it. Looking at my stats, I didn’t really like how low everything besides my HP was. I’d played enough games in my past life to know ‘intelligence’ always boosted magic so I decided to dump my spare points into that.


“System, please allocate all my free stat points into intelligence.”


[Points allocated. Intelligence has gone from 10→20. MP has gone from 100→200. HP has gone from 1000→2000]


As the change settled in I immediately felt more powerful. My available magic pool had instantly doubled! I also felt something fundamentally shift inside of me! From my back, my black wings immediately sprang forth! What I wasn't expecting however was that a second pair of wings joined them! 


I had become a four winged Fallen Angel just like that… I know in the grand scheme of things, that was still considered canon fodder in DxD, but at least I wasn't a complete magical weakling anymore. I also knew that I had made the right stat investment choice. Angels and Fallen Angels were inherently magical beings. Intelligence would be the main stat I’d be scaling my build off of to increase my power in the future. It also seemed like raising intelligence would also raise my HP since the more wings an Angel gained, the more naturally durable they became. While 2 winged Angels were only slightly more durable than humans, 4 wings would allow me to resist small calibur gunfire. At 6 wings, large caliber bullets would harmlessly bounce off me. 


I figured I could gain strength by properly exercising my body. I wouldn’t be investing too many points into it.  Next time I get more stat points, though, I'd be bumping up my luck. I didn't like that it was sitting at 0. That must be a Fallen racial trait. We were supposed to be ‘cursed’ beings after all.



“AAAAAAAAAaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!” I heard a scream not too far away from me! It sounded like a girl was screaming in absolute agony. 


Memories of the injustices I’d seen before flashed in my mind! Even now, I never regretted Falling from grace to save those people! If someone was being hurt nearby, I wouldn’t just stand around and watch it happen.


[Quest Issued: The-girl-who-needed-saving. Rescue Heather Potter from the clutches of the newly resurrected evil lord Voldemort.]


[Reward: A Level Up!]


[Failure: Heather dies and you’ll feel terrible.]


Holy Crap! Harry Potter is a real thing in this world!? Well I guess it’s not Harry Potter considering the system said Heather Potter… but still. I guess this also answered the question of whether I was on the reverse side of the world or not. Was the wizarding world a real thing here? I thought that all the supernatural beings were supposed to be taken to the DxD side. Did the wizards just get left out? There were also a bunch of magical creatures in Harry Potter. That would means lots of things/beings could have potentially gotten left out. 


I heard more screams and decided to table those thoughts for later. 


My four black wings deployed behind me as I rocketed off into the air. The higher I went, I noticed that there was an actual magical barrier surrounding the entire graveyard in a dome pattern. That must have been some kind of Harry Potter anti-apparition or privacy ward. I wasn’t well versed in magic to understand more sadly and I didn’t have time to use observe on it. The screams of pain were growing louder and I was getting worried. 


I was floating about 50 feet in the air and observing the scene below me. As a Fallen Angel, my senses were far superior to when I was a human. Even from so high up and in the dark, I could see everything perfectly clearly. I could hear much better as well.


“Crucio!” An ugly snake looking man who could only be Voldemort was currently laughing maniacally as he tortured a young girl lying on the damp ground in front of him. 


Heather Potter looked about as I’d imagined a female Harry would. She had messy brown hair and was still wearing the signature round glasses. She was currently whimpering in pain as Voldemort cut off his spell as he turned to his followers to gloat to them. 


“Do you see now!? Do you all see!? I, Lord Voldemort have returned! And I have bested Dumbledore’s fabled chosen one! Now no one will stop me and us as we take this world for ourselves!” Voldemort held his hands up high and delivered his speech to the dozen or so Death Eaters present.


I used observe on the man.


[Tom Riddle Aka Lord Voldemort: Lvl 22]


I wasn’t sure if that was a high level or not. I had nothing to compare it to. I looked at another recognizable character and used the skill again. I also used it on Heather.

[Lucius Malfoy: Lvl 11]


[Heather Potter: Lvl 9]


Okay, so voldemort was definitely a lot stronger than everyone else here. I was also currently sitting at level 1. So I definitely did not want to fight him.


That’s without the fact that his favorite spell happens to be the one hitter quitter instant death curse. If this comes to combat, that’s going to be an extremely difficult spell to fight against considering it’s unblockable. 


[Host is misinformed. The killing curse would not instantly kill you. The spell simply does 200 HP of damage every cast. There exists no non-enhanced humans who have more HP than that, which is why it's thought to be unsurvivable.]


“Thanks for the info system.” At least that was good news for me. I could tank 19 of those before death. Would I be able to beat Voldemort?


[Host should not attempt such a feat at such a low level. Keep in mind that while the killing curse deals 200 HP spiritual damage, there are plenty of other spells that deal far more physical and magical damage.]


Well there goes my plan of fighting him. I guess that leaves the method the other two winged Fallen taught me about when coming across humans… lying and making them believe I’m some kind of higher level being far above them. A divine being that is far above the ‘pathetic mortals.’ Yeah, a lot of my fallen siblings are assholes. Apparently though, it actually works quite often. Their religions condition the humans to think we Angels are higher beings than they are. To be fair, usually when the other Fallen use this lie, it’s to trick their way into a human's bed… I never understood that. We Fallen were sinfully beautiful after all. I don’t think any of us would even need to lie to get into a human's bed… except Kokobiel. He is literally the only ugly Angel in existence. Everyone believes Father was drunk when he created him…


As i was lost in thought, Voldemort had finished his monologue to his followers and now wanted to ‘duel’ Heather. As if this was really a duel. The poor girl looked so battered and exhausted she could barely even stand right.


“Come now Heather,” Voldemort sneered at the poor trembling girl. “Don’t you know proper wizarding etiquette? First you must bow… So bow.” From a few dozen feet in the air, I cringed as I watched the lunatic forcing Heather to bow to him with his magic. The spectating ring of death eaters were snickering as Heather trembled in fear.


“I think that's enough of that don’t you Tom.”


I slowly descended towards the ground. I made sure to keep my four black wings spread wide out to try and carry this ruse to perfection. Internally I was scared shitless that Voldemort would just immediately start firing spells at me on sight, but I sighed in relief when I noticed that he actually was looking at me with trepidation… and dare I say fear? I smirked internally. Time to see how good an actor I was.


[Skill Gained: Acting lvl 1. →The Acting skill is how talented one is when they are lying or performing.]


Oh, nice!


From below Heather looked up at me as well and her eyes also widened in shock. I gave her a soft smile that caused her to have some hope on her face. I followed that by turning my head and giving Voldemeort a harsh glare which actually caused him to take a step backwards. 


“What the hell? Angels are real!? Hermione never mentioned them at all!” I snickered as I heard Heather talk to herself in shock.


I lowered myself to about 10 feet off the ground. I was hovering closer to Heather. At any moment, I was ready to grab her and bolt before my ruse was exposed!


“Be not afraid, humans. I am Layla of the Fallen.”


-Lord Voldemort-


“Come now Heather,” Voldemort sneered at the poor trembling girl. “Don’t you know proper wizarding etiquette? First you must bow… So bow.” Tom cackled out loud as he forced the pathetic girl to bow to him. Finally his vengeance was at hand! All the pain and agony he had endured, when his body was ripped to pieces by his own spell bouncing back at him, would be repaid upon this girl today! Tom would now ‘duel’ Heather in front of his loyal followers and kill the girl. They would all see he was invincible after that!


“I think that's enough of that. Don’t you Tom.” A woman's voice called out from… above him? Tom was furious that someone not only dared to interfere, but also used his filthy muggle name. Whoever this interloper was, Tom vowed he would kill her!


Tom angrily looked upwards, expecting to see some random witch flying in on a broom. Except, that's not what he saw. Instead, the woman he saw caused him to temporarily freeze in trepidation. Memories of all those horrible orphanage days being and being forced to attend muggle church! 


She was beautiful… if that kind of thing still mattered to him. He had long ago sacrificed his  manhood in an ancient Sumerian ritual in order to gain more magical power and control. In his mind it was a fair trade.


What caused him to be cautious though were those wings. Four jet black wings extending out from behind her. Tom was never a true believer… He never even found so much of a hint of Angel’s being a real thing! He was angry at himself for not searching hard enough. Tom was someone who grew up a muggle and then found out magic was real. He knew that all myths had some basis in fact!


Tom was also incredibly paranoid. What were the odds that only mere moments after he resurrected himself from death an Angel showed up? Tom was cautious because he was afraid this angel had been sent by death herself to reclaim his soul!


‘SHE WILL NOT HAVE IT!’ He shouted in his mind angrily. ‘I AM LORD VOLDEMORT! I AM ABOVE DEATH!’ 


“Be not afraid, humans. I am Layla of the Fallen.” The angel spoke out again. Her voice had a musical chime to it that couldn’t help but cause everyone around to listen.


“Who the hell are you, you half breed bitch! To dare fly in here and interrupt our Lord!” Tom wanted to curse the man who yelled out. It was one of his more loyal, but also stupider followers that managed to stay out of Azkaban by some miracle. Tom vaguely remembered that this man was particularly hateful against any mixed races. ‘Of course, this buffoon was a pureblood wizard, and had absolutely no idea what an angel was!’ Tom angrily thought. 


Tom watched as the angel just floated there in the air. She only spared his foolish follower a casual glance before she ignored the man and she turned her head back to him and his hated enemy Heather Potter.


“I assure you, that I am no half breed. I was created in Heaven. Created by my Father, God himself.” The angel spoke out. Tom noticed that Heather’s eyes widened in shock at that revelation. As did his own, to his resignation.


‘Fuck…’ Tom cursed in his mind.


“God!? Hah! He’s nothing more than filthy mudblood superstition! He’s not real! The only thing that’s real is magic and its greatness. We, the purebloods are magics chosen! And I’m not going to stand here and let some filthy half breed like you tower over us acting all high and mighty. I’ll kill you first!” Tom’s follower ranted and screamed out. Tom was considering yelling at his follower to hold his tongue, but he didn’t. Tom wanted to see where this went. He wanted to see if an Angel was truly as powerful as they were supposed to be in the stories! 


“You think you can kill me?” The angel laughed with that musical voice of hers. “Very well go ahead and try it!” She smiled and spread her arms wide as if taunting all of them. All of the death eaters glared angrily at the angel while the one who had been screaming at her stepped forward.


“Die bitch! Avada Kedavra!” Tom watched as the killing curse was perfectly cast from the man’s wand. He smiled to himself at the sight that at least this particular hadn’t grown rusty and could still cast the most feared curse in their world on command. 


“No! You have to move!” Heather Potter let out a shriek of fright towards the angel. It was too late though. The green curse flew forward and struck true! It impacted the angel right on her torso… and did nothing.


If Tom still had a heart… he figured it would have dropped at witnessing such a sight.



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