The Fallen Gamer

Chapters 6-10

Chapters 6-10:

[-200 Hp]

Holy Fuck! That was scary! I just had to float here and let that killing curse hit me or my entire ruse would have been blown! I read so much fanfiction in my past life that I didn't know what to expect from that spell. I was clenching my teeth and waiting for some tremendous pain to wash over me. Instead I felt nothing at all! I didn't know whether to be thankful or disappointed…

[The killing curse does spiritual damage. Therefore it will not inflict pain.]

'Thanks for not letting me know about that earlier System!' I shouted in my head. A little heads up would have been nice.

[Your welcome ;) ]

'That was sarcasm!'

[I know.]

"The killing curse… It did nothing…"

"What is she!?"

"Lord Voldemort, what do we do!?"

I'm honestly blown away by how well my ruse has been going so far. The Death Eaters around just saw me survive the unsurvivable, and now they're all scared and turning to their dark lord.

Heather Potter, meanwhile, was staring up at me with eyes wide and her mouth open in shock. "Be not afraid Heather." I spoke out again. All the eyes nearby turned to me as I spoke. I really loved my new voice! It had a musical undertone to it that would draw people's ears everytime I spoke up. "You are safe now Heather Potter." I spoke out gently to the girl who now had tears in her eyes before she started crying happily.

I snickered internally as I saw Voldemort gnashing his teeth angrily. My acting was going well. He truly thought I was some immortal being and was too afraid to engage me!

[Acting has leveled up 1→2]

Hell yeah it did! I deserved that after this amazing performance I just put on! I made Voldemort himself feel genuine fear with nothing but a few words!

I floated down and set my feet on the ground. "Come here Heather." I called out to the girl. She didn't even hesitate as she ran over and hugged me. I could feel her shaking in my embrace. I didn't know whether that was the lingering effects of the torture curse on her or whether she was just that upset. It was probably both.

"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for saving me!" The girl cried out as she hugged me tighter.

"Layla of the Fallen…" Voldemort spoke my name and called out to me. I didn't like my name coming out of his disgusting mouth. I should punish this filthy sinner and offer their remains up to–

'Woah! Where did those thoughts come from!'

[Your personalities between your two lives are in the process of combining. Layla was not a fan of evil men who preyed upon the innocent.]

'Noted. Thank you System.'

"Tell me," Voldemort continued. "Are you an agent of Lady Death? Is that why you're here! It cannot be a coincidence! Mere moments after I return to the living and defeat Death once again, you appear. No, it's obviously not a coincidence!" Voldemort glared at me accusingly.

Wow, his head really went to a strange place. But with my acting skill at level 2 now, I was immediately able to roll with it. "That is correct, Tom." I lied with my musical voice. The Death Eaters nearby gasped in fright. "I am a servant of Death. She might not be able to harm you currently due to your… trinkets. But that won't last forever!"

Voldemort's eyes widened in shock and fear when I mentioned his trinkets. I decided to throw in a mention of his Hocruxes to really give him a good scare.

"She dares threaten me!" He seethed out and started breathing hard in anger.

I may have gone too far with that threat… Voldemort snapped! His initial fright had turned to fury! His eyes were burning with pure hatred as he glared at me. I could feel his menacing magic pour out of him and surround the area. The air literally started vibrating with his power. All the Death Eaters nearby were forced to their knees and started gagging from the power display! It took everything I had to keep a straight face and not flee immediately! 'Why the hell was level 22 this powerful!?' I screamed in my head.

[If Voldemort was a gamer who put all his points into intelligence to raise his magic, level 22 would make him an ultimate class being in strength. He might not be a gamer…but he metaphorically did put all his points into magic…]

Fuck! I'm on the bottom of mid-class with 4 wings and he has a metaphorical 10! He's as magically strong as Kokobiel! I know his health isn't even close, but I doubt I'd actually be able to hit him anyway.

I should have stayed floating in the air where I at least had the psychological height advantage! Now he's right in front of me towering over me physically and magically! Heather was just looking so afraid though that I couldn't help but land and comfort her! She's also once again completely terrified and trembling in fear.

[Warning: Luck check failed!]

What? Luck check failed? Before I could ask the System what that meant I heard a crack sound out behind me! I spun around and Voldemort had appeared right next to Heather and I! My eyes widened in shock as a green spell formed over his wand!

"Avada Kedavra!" Voldemort screamed out and the spell was launched forward point blank… towards Heather. The girl barely had an instant to let out a squeak.

"No!" I screamed out as I watched it connect! Like a puppet with no strings, she dropped to the ground unmoving.

I turned and glared at Voldemort with fury in my eyes! Instinctively a light spear had formed in my hands. I didn't care if I wouldn't win! This monster just murdered the girl under my protection after I promised her she would be ok! I was going to kill him!

…I didn't get a chance to try though.

"You might be unkillable, Angel! But she wasn't!" He shouted out with a laugh. "You can tell your mistress that Lord Voldemort's soul is not hers to take!" With that said he flicked his wand and I felt the massive barrier surrounding the graveyard shatter! "All Death Eaters fall back for now!" Voldemort shouted out.

I hurled my dark purple light spear forward at him but he had already apparated away… His minions followed right behind him as the graveyard echoed with cracks before falling silent.


After Voldemort's killing curse had struck Heather, I took her body with me and broke into a nearby deserted house. A half hour later, I watched as Heather sat up with a violent cough! She had come back to life! She rapidly looked around in fright. It took her a moment to calm down and realized she wasn't in danger anymore. She started hyperventilating and shaking. This wasn't the 17 year old Harry who had willingly walked to his death. This was a 14 year old girl who had just had her worst fears realized upon her!

"Woah, easy there Heather." I said, trying to calm her down. "It's ok, Voldemort is gone."

I eventually got her to calm down. Once she stopped looking terribly upset, she surprisingly smiled and told me she met 'her mum.' Heather told me that when the curse struck her, she ended up in the all white train station. From there, the similarities played out almost the same as in the final Harry Potter movie, except in this world it was Heather and instead of Dumbledore, she met her mom. Dumbledore was still alive after all. The horcrux, that she didn't know about, took all the damage from the spell for her and Heather survived.

I guess her surviving was more than I could hope for when voldemort turned out to be way more magically powerful than I had expected. At least he was still insane and relatively easy to fool… If he was smart AND powerful, then I would have been in serious trouble…

[Quest Completed! You have leveled up! Free Stat Points +10!]

[Name: Layla of the Fallen]

[Title: None]

[Level 2:]

[HP: 2000/2000]

[MP: 200/200]

[Vigor: 100]

[Strength: 10]

[Intelligence: 20]

[Luck: 0]

[Skills: Observe 1, Angelic Mastery 2, Acting 2,]

[Perks: None]

[Drawbacks: Sin of Lust]

[Available Free Stat Points: 10]

I ignored the prompt as I focused on the girl in front of me instead.

"I'm sorry I failed to protect you." I apologized to her.

She seemed confused before she gave me a smile. "That's okay. At least you tried. That's more than anyone else has ever done. It's alway been me having to face that guy by myself. It was nice having someone come to my rescue." She said as she smiled at me.

I asked Heather what she wanted to do next. I imagined that it had been hours since the Triwizard Tournament ended. She never made it back to Hogwarts with Cedric's body. Canon was basically screwed for her at this point.

"Before that, I want to ask, are you really an Angel?" Heather looked at me curiously. I nodded and told her I was. "How come no one in the wizarding world ever told me about Angels being real then? I figured they'd be a lot more accepting of the muggle holidays if they knew!" She asked.

I decided to give Heather a quick rundown about my life as Layla so far. I also gave her a run down on the reverse side of the world.

"So the rest of the supernatural world stole a bunch of land and ran away to another dimension leaving all the wizards and witches behind?" Heather asked.

"Yes… pretty much."

"Well that's shitty." She said and I laughed.

"Also, from my perspective, your side is the reverse side." Heather said with a giggle.

"I suppose you make a fair point."

"So what do you want to do now Heather?" I asked her again.

"What do you mean?"

"Well," I started to explain. "Voldemort thinks you're dead, and therefore so will the whole wizarding world soon enough. You could just use this time to slip away. Maybe train yourself up and come back and kick his ass in an epic duel!" I explained enthusiastically but Heather herself didn't seem to be too enthused by the prospect of having to face Voldemort again…

"Why does it have to be me? Why can't someone else kill him!?" She said with an upset look on her face. I guess she had a point.

[Quest Issued: The-girl-who-was-tired → Heather Potter is tired of having to constantly face Voldemort. Someone else should defeat him! And that someone is you! Kill Voldemort permanently! Time limit→ 2 years]

[Reward: 5 free levels→ 1 Million Gold Coins→ Increased reputation with Lady Death]

[Failure: Voldemort destroys the wizarding world before someone else puts him down.]

I was looking over the quest and those rewards looked to be pretty good. I'm not exactly sure what I'm going to do with 1 million gold coins. I guess I could sell them for quite a bit of cash. What really drew my attention though, was the final reward. Voldemort had mentioned Lady Death as well. I don't think this was just the Harry Potter universe I had found myself in… I think I was in marvel as well!

[Your intelligence has increased +1 for uncovering what universe you are in.]

Was that why the gods hid our world away? Were they just scared of all the powerful entities in this universe and fled behind the dimensional gap. If so… my impression of my Father just took a bit of a nose dive.

[You are on fire with your deductions today! Intelligence +1]

I felt my magic increase a fair bit both times my intelligence stat went up. I didn't feel even close to getting my third pair of wings yet though.

"Hello? Layla are you there? You spaced out for a second." Heather was waving her hand in front of my face.

"I'm sorry about that." I apologized again. "I was lost in thought about our current situation."

"What do you think I should do?" Heather asked me. She was biting her lips and looking nervous. I didn't really know much about her situation in this world to be honest. I decided to ask her about it… I told her to be completely honest.

Maybe it's because I had sort of saved her. Maybe it's because I was an Angel. Or maybe it was because I was a stranger. Whatever the reason, Heather opened up to me. She really opened up and told me all about her life… I wasn't happy with what I heard. She went through a lot more abuse than her canon counterpart did…

"You're never going back to the Dursleys and you're never going back to that joke of a school." I spoke up angrily.

"But–" She tried to protest but I cut her off.

"No. I know about the abuse now, so if I do nothing, that will make me just as complicit." I said. Knowing this was the Marvel universe as well, I had a plan forming for her already. I just had to confirm something first. "Tell me Heather, do you still love magic?" I asked and she immediately nodded.

"Of course I love magic!" She exclaimed.

I continued, "After it killed your parents? After it caused your maternal family to hate you? After it killed you!? Do you still want to dedicate your life to magic?" I asked her seriously. This time she didn't immediately answer like she did before. Her face was scrunched up tight for about a minute before she finally nodded her head and confirmed that she wanted to keep learning magic. I told her I knew just the place in London where she could learn.

[Hidden Quest completed! Destroy a prophecy! - Congratulations, you have meddled with fate and won. Heather Potter will travel a different path in her life because of you!]

[Reward: +5 revives. You can use these on yourself or anyone else who gets a 'game over' to revive at full health!]


"This is the place where I'll be learning magic?" Heather asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yep, welcome to the London Sanctum Sanctorum!" I cheered as I pointed at the iconic building. I was pretty excited to be standing here! I was a big fan of Doctor Strange and the sorcerers in general… except for that last movie. It sucked badly.


"What's wrong with Disney?" Heather asked me out of nowhere.


"You were mumbling about something marvelous selling out and Disney ruining everything they touch." Heather said to me.

"Was I mumbling? Don't worry about that!" I waved her off. "...Anyway, let's knock instead of standing out here all day."

Heather gave me a shrug before she knocked on the door and we waited. A moment later, it opened and a man I didn't recognize opened the door. I was upset it wasn't Wong…

"Yes?" He said as he gave us both an assessing look. I could understand why. There was a subtle barrier around the building that I could feel was supposed to keep regular people away.

"Hi there, we're here to meet with the Ancient One. We may or may not be expected already." I said. Heather shifted nervously next to me.

The sorcerer gave the two of us a skeptical look. I felt him cast some kind of analysis magic and it washed over me and Heather. I gave him a glare! "It's rude to use that kind of magic on a pair of ladies!"

He looked taken aback that I had caught him. "My apologies ladies. That was just a basic demon possession detection charm. We have been having some issues with them for the past few weeks…"

"Demons are trying to get into the Sanctum?" I asked. That was bold of them.

The man leaned his head out the door before looking around the streets. They could be hiding anywhere…lurking in the shadows.

"There's no one out here but us my guy…" I said to him. The street was completely deserted. It was like 4 in the morning after all… I didn't want to come here this early, but I also didn't want to stay in that house near the graveyard overnight. It would be just my luck that Dumbledore came sniffing around and picked up our magical trail. He'd drag Heather back to that school kicking and screaming, and then this summer she'd be right back in her hell with the Dursleys.

"You never know! Those demon ninjas can be sneaky…" He said, completely serious.

Demon Ninjas… I mean, it's Marvel so I'll give him the benefit of the doubt but I was still skeptical.

"Sure whatever, now lead on whoever you are." I said. Heather gave me a nudge. Probably for being rude to the guy. He was rude first, by casting a spell on us without our consent. Hopefully that's something Heather would learn is NOT okay when she studied magic here. He also seems to be unreasonably paranoid, and might need some mental help.

"My name is John…" He mumbled as he led us inside.

"I dont care…"

"Wicked!" Heather exclaimed after an orange portal materialized in the air in front of us. When we stepped through it, we found ourselves in an open courtyard…in Tibet! I looked off to the distance and could see the famous mountains. Teleportation was OP. I was hoping to rank up my Angelic Mastery soon so I could also teleport. I also wanted to learn the sorcerer version, because they can portal to other planets with almost no effort.

When we entered the Kamar Taj courtyard, I could see a few dozen sorcerer apprentices training with the iconic orange magic weapons. Some of them were using conjured swords to practice, while others were practicing with bows and whips. Watching them easily manipulate the Eldritch energy into various shapes gave me ideas for my own light magic. We angels were always so boring by only using light spears. I understood why though. The light spear was easy to use and only cost me 5MP to cast. Part of me wanted to try and create other light weapons though. Maybe I could imitate Iron Man and make light armor? That would be pretty awesome. With the gamer anything is possible after all.

[Correct. As long as you have me, anything is possible. Also here:]

[Skill unlocked! Light Manipulation → lvl 1]

'Awesome! Thank you System!'

[No problem, host.]

'Also, since I'm about to meet the Ancient One, please use all my free stat points for luck.

[Luck has increased! Lvl 0→10!]

[You are now twice as lucky as the average human.]

Twice as lucky? That sounded pretty good. I'm not exactly sure how that will apply in life though…

"The Ancient One is this way," John snapped me out of my conversation with my Gamer System as we passed through the courtyard and into another building. We finally came to a pair of ornate doors which opened automatically for us.

"Hello there Heather and… guest. I have to say I was not expecting either of your arrivals here today. I wasn't expecting Heather ever actually. And yet, somehow her destiny has completely changed. How curious… Anyway, come and sit. I wasn't able to procure any elaborate snacks with such short notice, but I always have tea on hand at least." The only person in the room spoke to us as we entered. It was a woman with a shaved head wearing monk's robes. She was sitting on her knees in front of a short table. On it were 3 cups of tea along with some small snacks.

Heather darted forward quickly before sitting down criss crossed and started rapidly devouring the snacks and tea. The Ancient One didn't seem particularly bothered by her behavior.

"Please have a seat as well." The Ancient One said to me. "Maybe you can tell me your stories and how they led you here. Have some tea."

"Thank you," I said as I sat down next to Heather and took the offered tea off the table. Now that I thought about it, I hadn't had any food or water in hours and yet I felt completely fine. That was strange to me.

[Gamer's eat and drink for pleasure or to heal. They do not actually require sustenance.]

Ah, so that was it. That would take some getting used to.

I sat and drank my tea in silence. I was waiting for the Ancient One to finish drinking her own before she spoke to me again. Her pleasant tone when we entered the room disappeared and she was looking at me menacingly!

"I wasn't expecting to ever see one of your kind again. Not after the massive crime that your father committed against this world! You better give me a good explanation Angel!" The Ancient One glared at me as she spoke.


Being on the receiving end of a glare from one of the stronger people in this world was nerve racking. I wondered what her level was, because she felt far more dangerous than Voldemort did.

[It's not recommended to use observe on her. Higher ranking beings or masters of magic may be able to detect it…]

I stopped myself when the System gave me that warning. 'Why didn't Voldemort detect it then?' I asked.

[Voldemort had high magic power, but he was certainly no master of magic.]

I guess that makes sense. He pretty much specializes in dark magic exclusively. Dumbledore was always shown to have a far wider arsenal of spells at his disposal.

"If you're quite done talking to the entity bound to your soul… Can we get back to our conversation?" The Ancient One said to me while Heather looked on curiously.

Holy shit! She can detect the gamer System!

[Wow! This woman is dangerous! Even the strongest of Gods can hardly ever detect a Gamer System!]

"Of course…" I said with some trepidation. "What was it you'd like to know?" I asked the Sorceress Supreme. She didn't seem to like me very much. Was that solely because I was an Angel?

"Why are you here!? Are you a spy for your father? Here to scout out more souls and land to steal from our realm!? If so, be aware that we have made countermeasures and such an act will never be allowed to happen again!" She spat out.

Now I at least know why she doesn't like me. I'd be pretty pissed too if I was a member of the Kamar Taj. They were sworn to protect the world of men from the supernatural and they had half of it stolen along with the population they were protecting!

"Woah, Woah!" Heather swooped into the conversation. "Layla wasn't even born when that had happened! Also she's a Fallen Angel." Heather explained to the Ancient One.

The Ancient Ones expression softened at me upon hearing that I was a Fallen. She coughed and actually had a small embarrassed blush on her face. "I apologize. I've never actually seen an Angel or Fallen before and wasn't able to distinguish the difference. Of course I know that your kind rebelled against your Father. You obviously wouldn't be here on his behalf."

"Yeah, I'm actually here because of an accident." At least I was because of my backstory… I then explained to the woman about Azazel's experimental sacred gear and the accident that sent me to this world.

After hearing my explanation, she had a pondering look on her face. "Interesting, Our ancient sorcerers found that the spell that was dividing our realm in two could never be broken. Unless the original spell caster willed it to fail… or they died." She gave me a questioning look at that.

With just the bare minimum of information, she was able to uncover my world's greatest cover up! This woman was smart. I shifted nervously where I sat. Both women clearly picked up on my nervous look.

"WHAT!?" Heather shrieked in surprise and shock. "God is dead!? Like actually dead!? How?"

"Yeah…" I replied. Even the Ancient One looked surprised at my revelation. "I'm actually the last Angel that he ever created. Because of that, all the others have always treated me as the baby sister of the family. None of them will tell me how he died, only that he did." I explained.

The Ancient One became silent for a moment as she had a pondering look on her face. After a moment, she spoke again. "If the spell is failing…then that's going to cause some problems. Big problems."

That didn't sound good. "Like what?" I asked.

"Like our two worlds merging together again and the planet's size and population immediately doubling! We will also have a second moon in the sky…"

"Woah…" Heather trailed off speechless.

"Well shit…" I was also at a loss.

The Ancient One nodded before she took another sip of tea. "Well, there's nothing that can be done about it now. It'll happen when it happens I suppose." She didn't seem to be that worried about such a monumental event happening. Im pretty sure the worlds size and population doubling was gonna freak a lot of people the fuck out! World War 3 might even spring up!

I tried pointing all that out to her, but she just told me her order existed to protect the world from the supernatural. If the people of the new future Earth decided to go to war with themselves, it wasn't their place to interfere.

From there, our conversation turned towards why we were visiting the Kamar Taj. Specifically why I had brought Heather here.

"I want to learn magic!" Heather declared. "I've barely learned any magic at all in all my years at hogwarts! The students I saw in your courtyard looked way more competent than any student from my school! And furthermore…"

The Ancient One just nodded her head along as Heather continued to rant about how dumb Hogwarts was as an educational institution. Heather finished her rant a few minutes later as she took some deep breaths. She had worked herself up a bit…

"Very well. Welcome to our order!" The Ancient One said. "We don't turn away any 'people' here who wish to learn." She specifically put emphasis on the word 'people' as she spoke.

"Am I not people?" I asked. That's not fair! I wanted to learn too!

She just gave me a wry smile. "Not technically. Don't get mad at me, I didn't make the rules. If you wish to learn here, Layla, then I have to give you a task to complete first. That's the rule for all non-humans that wish to join our order.

"Fine," I huffed out. "What's the test?"

"Our London Sorcerers have been struggling with an issue for the past week now. How familiar are you with demons?" She asked. Wait? That guy was serious?

"Are you talking about Demonic Ninjas?" I asked skeptically.

"Oh good, you've heard already…"

After getting Heather settled into the Kamar Taj, the Ancient One opened a portal for me to London to take care of the city's demonic ninja problem. She gave me a magic demon detecting compass at least.

[Quest Issued: Destroy the branch of The Hand along with its sub-leader who are trying to make a push into London!]

[Reward: You get to learn magic from the Ancient One herself!]

[Failure: The Ancient One will be disappointed in you and she won't teach an incompetent student.]

The Hand… why am i not surprised. Demonic ninjas indeed. I suppose I better start searching for them soon. Who knows what kind of damage that evil cult could cause if left unchecked.

Before that though, I wanted to make a quick stopover in Little Whinging. I was going to be visiting the Dursley household. After hearing Heather's life story… I wasn't able to let such an injustice go unanswered when the perpetrator was so close by.

"Show me my current stats before I head out, System." I spoke out loud.

[Name: Layla of the Fallen]

[Title: None]

[Level: 2]

[HP: 2000/2000]

[MP: 220/220]

[Vigor: 100]

[Strength: 10]

[Intelligence: 22]

[Luck: 10]

[Skills: Observe 1, Angelic Mastery 2, Acting 2, Light Manipulation 1]

[Perks: None]

[Drawbacks: Sin of Lust]

[Available Free Stat Points: 0]

Those weren't bad stats considering I'd only been in this world less than a day. Yeah, Vernon Dursely was fucked…


I arrived at Number 4 Privet Drive the next day, early in the morning. It was the weekend, so that meant everyone should be home still. Every single home in the neighborhood looked cookie-cutter identical and frankly it made me want to gag. This whole suburb felt soulless. There was no individuality anywhere to be seen. I knocked on the door.

"Tuni, someone's at the door!" I heard a man shout loudly. I figured that was Vernon Dursley.

"Who is it!?" I heard a woman loudly shout next. Obviously, Petunia Dursley.

"I don't bloody know, I can't see through walls. I'm watching the game. Get the door!"

"I'm cooking breakfast; you get it!"

"I'll get it," a third, young-sounding voice called out. I heard footsteps approach the other side of the door. It swung open, and I had to take a step back to not get smacked. "Yeah!? What is it—woah." Dudley froze for a moment as he stared at me. "Well, hello beautiful—I mean miss. Is there something I can do for you?" He leaned against the doorway and tried to look suave. I just rolled my eyes at the 14 year old boy in his pajamas trying to flirt with me.

"Dudley, who's at the door!?" Vernon called out loudly.

"The most beautiful woman I've ever seen in my life!" Dudley shouted back. A second later he realized that he just shouted that out loud, and he blushed in embarrassment.

"What!?" I heard a shrill shriek. "Whatever hussy is at the door, you better not try to seduce my Duddykins!" Petunia shouted from the kitchen before she rushed towards the door herself.

"Now listen here, you—oh wow." Petunia also froze momentarily upon seeing me. Normally such a reaction would have made me giggle–if I wasn't here to deliver retribution upon the members of this household. Because of that, I was much more serious than usual right now.

"Hello, Mrs. Dursley, may I come in? I'd like to speak with your family for a bit." I asked her but my tone implied that it was in no way a request she could refuse.

Thankfully, there was no need for violence… yet. She hesitantly nodded to me before stepping aside. I followed her inside. She could clearly tell I was supernatural, and was probably hoping I wasn't here to hurt her. That remained to be seen and would depend entirely on whether she was complicit with my target over there. Vernon was sitting on a couch with his back facing us, watching a football game. He was so engrossed he didn't bother turning around to greet his guest.

"Vernon we have…a guest." Petunia announced.

"Tell them to go away. It's the weekend and I'm watching the game!"

"Who's winning?" I asked nonchalantly.

He clicked his tongue–probably annoyed that I wasn't leaving. "England, of course! As is only proper!" He exclaimed.

"What a shame…" I replied, disrespecting his favorite team just to try and rile him up. It worked.

He turned around to glare at me, only pausing momentarily at my appearance. His face went red with anger when he finally saw his 'guest.'

"Purple eyes and beauty like that can't be natural! You must be one of them freaks! What are you doing in my house!? Get out." He shouted and pointed his stubby finger at me.

"Oh, believe me, Mr. Dursley, I won't be staying long. I'm just here for a quick visit before I head out on my own way," I replied. I couldn't waste all day here. I had a demonic cult to destroy after all.

"Then what are you here for, woman!? Out with it!"

Before I answered him, I turned to Dudley and stared him right in the eyes. "Sleep!" I commanded and employed hypnosis on him. His eyes rolled back, and I caught him and set him down on the ground. Hypnosis wasn't a skill I, or most of the Angels or Fallen Angels used often. Mind magic was a borderline desecration of free will. We also hated that the Devils were so liberal in using hypnosis against humans.

"What did you do to my Dudders!?" Petunia jumped in fright. Vernon took a step back in fear as well.

"Don't worry, he's just asleep. Despite being a bully, he's still a child after all. He was just raised incorrectly. I hope whatever home he ends up in will correct his behavior in the future," I explained. The two of them gulped at what I insinuated.

"Are you threatening us?" Vernon angrily glared at me as he found his resolve and took a step towards me. He was far larger and taller than me, but I wasn't feeling remotely threatened. I might only have 10 points in strength currently, but that's still twice as strong as the average man. Also, I had my magic…

"Tell me, Mr. and Mrs. Dursley? Is this a God-fearing household?" I asked.

"Of course it is!" The woman spat out. "That's why we don't like freaks like you coming in here and interfering with our good Christian lives!"

"Good Christian lives, huh?" I laughed at the irony.


My four wings emerged from my back. Petunia and Vernon's eyes immediately widened in fright.

"You're… you're… but that's not… possible." Petunia started shaking like a leaf.

I held out my hand, and a purple light spear appeared in my hand. "Allow me to introduce myself. I am Layla of the Fallen. I am an angel who cannot stand injustice. And what has occurred to young Heather Potter inside this household has been a great injustice," I declared as I turned and leveled my light spear toward Vernon.

"W-What are you talking about?" Vernon asked, now trembling in fear. Sure, we weren't the most loving household, but we never put our hands on the girl!" Vernon lied directly to my face. He was rather unconvincing. Even if I hadn't heard Heather's life story, I wouldn't believe him.

"Oh, you did more than put your hands on your niece, Vernon Dursley." I said menacingly.

Petunia looked shocked at me and then at her husband.. "Vernon? I-is that true!?" Petunia questioned him. There was accusation–and disgust in her eyes.

"Are you claiming to not know what he's done to your niece over the years, Petunia?" I turned and leveled the spear at her. She yelped and took a step back in fright.

"NO! Absolutely not! Are you insinuating that he—" She couldn't finish her statement as Vernon yelled loudly.

"That's a lie! I did no such thing. I am innocent!" He yelled out. His face was red with rage.

"No, you're not," I said as I threw my light spear… at the area between the man's legs. The scream he let out didn't make me feel better, but knowing that some Justice long overdue was delivered did.

"Make sure he turns himself in for his crimes, or I will be back!" I threatened Petunia, who nodded her head rapidly in fear. Her husband was on the ground wailing in agony at his lost manhood.

I then left their disgusting house, feeling much freer. I had now done everything in my power to save Heather Potter. From here on out, her life was her own…

…I suppose I was being a bit melodramatic. It's not like I wouldn't be seeing Heather at the Kamar Taj whenever I went back there. Plus, I had only been looking after her for a few hours at most. It wasn't that big of a deal.

[Hidden Quest Complete! Congratulations! You have delivered upon Heather Potter a new fate! Most other Gamer's would have simply abandoned the poor girl after the first quest. Not you though! You went the extra mile to make sure she was well taken care of after!]

[Hidden Title Granted: Angel of Hope → You will do a 20% bonus damage when fighting for hope or justice.]

Huh? Neat…


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