The Fantasy Entertainment Empire

Chapter 135

Chapter 132 Final season

If the art department is working hard to work overtime to advance the progress of the project, it is hard to cultivate internal skills, then the department led by Ye Jiayi is doing business in order to siege the city.

Not to mention “Full Time”, this work does not require Dimension Entertainment to work hard. The current energy of Dimension Entertainment is still on the marketing and promotion of the two works “Fantasy Three Kingdoms” and “Project Team”.

The promotion of “Fantasy Three Kingdoms” has been carried out before, and at the same time, due to the hype of “Datang Entertainment”, the enthusiasm was once very high.

However, after all, there is still a long time to go online. At present, Wu Jingtong’s marketing department is doing more publicity work for this work, and it is still trying to keep the heat, anticipation and topicality as much as possible.

It is the work “Project Team” that really puts more energy into it.

The content of the fourth season of “Special Event Task Force” will usher in the finale.

The content of this part has also been expanded from the fifteen to twenty episodes of the previous three seasons to twenty-five episodes.

With the momentum of the finale, Dimension Entertainment invested a lot of funds to promote the momentum and build the popularity of the work.

At the same time, negotiations with a number of video sites are also underway.

In the end, broadcast rights came down to three companies.

At the end of March, Penguin Video, station b, and Youku will be co-broadcasting, and the joint quotation of the three companies will reach 12 million yuan.

A lot of money was recovered in this wave.

If the subsequent rounds of broadcasting and the commercial opening of peripheral copyrights keep up again, in the next six months to one year in the fourth quarter, the problem of total revenue reaching the expected 20 million yuan is not big, or even optimistic. It is estimated that it may impact more than 25 million.

Of course, all the prerequisites are still based on the broadcast results of “Special Event Task Force”. If the broadcast results hit the street, the subsequent commercial income will inevitably be greatly affected. At the same time, it will also cause a certain blow to the confidence of all partners.

Market confidence is invisible and intangible, but it is very important.

In the current domestic market, there are very few animation works that can be sold to more than tens of millions by simply relying on the sale of broadcasting rights. For most animation works, in order to achieve such income, video playback is one aspect, and the income of peripheral copyrights actually accounts for a large part.

And the reason why people are willing to pay a big price to buy it is because the works of Dimension Entertainment have always been successful.

From the two animations of “Full-time Master”, to the three animations of “Project Team”, to the animation of “The Evolution of 4.6 Billion Ensemble”, all were successful without exception.

As far as “Project Team” is concerned, although the style is niche, and after it became popular, many works followed suit. However, the production quality of those following the trend is difficult to compare with the “Dimensional Entertainment”. At the same time, because the niche market in this area is always so big, after the “Project Team” jade is in front, it has seized a part of the market. Similar works, on the premise that the production quality is not comparable, it is impossible to **** the market back.

In the first three seasons of “Project Team”, although one sold more expensive than one, the audience group gradually increased. The video site that bought this work, no matter how expensive it is, at least it won’t make a loss, even if it doesn’t make a lot of money, the user traffic it returns is worth it.

It is this kind of confidence that has given many video sites the confidence to purchase the broadcast rights for the fourth quarter at a high price.

They believe that, although the price is high, they will not lose money by buying the works of Dimension Entertainment.

However, if this confidence collapses…In the future, it may not be so easy for Dimension Entertainment to maintain the right to sell animation works at high prices.

But Fan Zhe and Ye Jiayi, as well as the entire ups and downs of Dimension Entertainment, have no worries about this.

With the accumulation of the results of the first three seasons, the quality of the production in the fourth quarter has not fallen at all after internal approval, and there is a name bonus such as the ‘big finale’. Will “Project Team” hit the streets in the final season?

I didn’t believe it to death.

By the end of March, as soon as the broadcast results came out, their confidence was indeed assured.

On the day of the broadcast, the total broadcast volume of the three episodes combined in 24 hours reached more than 20 million, forming the best daily broadcast performance of the “Project Team” in the four seasons.

According to this posture, it is estimated that after the 25th episode of the final season of “Project Team” is broadcast, the total broadcast volume will inevitably exceed 200 million, and it may even reach a higher level.

This achievement can no longer be said to be a niche group. Many popular animation works with popular themes can hardly reach such a high level.

The ‘Dimensional Entertainment’ company is tumbling up and down.

The outstanding performance of animation will drive the success of peripheral copyright marketing. From live-action dramas to games to merchandise sales… all these things can be played.

If it weren’t for this work, it wouldn’t have a larger base of children’s masses like “The 4.6 Billion Ensemble,” and the scale itself would have become even better.

But despite this, the marketing department of Dimension Entertainment has once again improved its judgment on the commercial value of “Project Team”.

At present, on the Internet, a large number of comments about the “special case team” have also appeared one after another.

“The level of the fourth season is as good as always, dimension entertainment, cow breaking!”

“Monkey monkey! I love monkeys! I want to give birth to monkeys!”

“Upstairs, the big guy picking his feet, the appraisal is complete. I bet my wife and five girls, there are still women in this world who like monkeys?”

“The truth.”

The popularity of the fourth season and the title of the final season all made “Project Team” a hit.

The style of “Project Team” is interesting, the dialogue is humorous, and there are often many ‘connotation’ stories, which has made a splash on social media.

This is what Wu Jingtong, the marketing director, is very happy to see.

He didn’t mind continuing to add fire to this matter at all.

Duanzi, naturally, has a good degree of publicity. Using the power of various self-media, frantically promoting various interesting stories about “The Task Force” and screenshots of various ‘connotation’ dialogues, forming a topical degree.

As soon as the topic becomes hot, the popularity of the work will inevitably become even greater.

In the final season, you can arrogantly cheer, and you can do as much as you can in the final result.

I have to say that Wu Jingtong’s ‘topical marketing’ and ‘duanzi marketing’ strategies have been successful.

Some of the ‘connotation narratives’ in the works of “Project Team” are very hot, and it feels like they have spread from the animation circle. Even, some celebrities, public accounts, and Weibo big v, when some content that cannot be matched with the work of “Project Team”, they will involuntarily use some paragraphs from this work, or use some from the work. The emoticon pack of “Project Team”.

‘Do you dare to believe in resurrection and refresh? “, “The Monkey Calls You Happy”…

In this regard, Wu Jingtong is very happy to hear.

He happily scanned the evaluations of various parties on the Internet, and he was quite happy in it.

“This buddy is very interesting…”

“This guy is talented, see if he can dig for publicity afterwards!”

“This… Fuck! Who is so vicious?”

Seeing a new comment, his face suddenly changed and he swears.


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