The Fantasy Entertainment Empire

Chapter 136

Chapter 133 Snake hit 7 inches

“Recently, there is an alternative and niche popular work that has ushered in its final season. I want to come, readers who are familiar with the recent hot trends on the Internet should know what I mean. That’s right, it is “Special Incident Task Force” this niche animation.”

“To be honest, I can’t understand why this work is so popular. In my opinion, this is a kind of sorrow for our country’s animation industry.”

“The production is rough, the colors, and the characters are low. These are not the important points. Anyway, the notoriety of domestic animation has long been known to the audience. It is not a big deal to have more of this.”

“But the most shocking thing is the worldview conveyed by this work.”

“The protagonist monkey in this work is a vulgar, arrogant, swearing, unethical, unruly, and wretched man. The stories told in the whole work are in this unified style.”

“In my opinion, none of the main characters in the work can be regarded as a good person. The real noble character, but usually do not live long. I don’t know the animation production company wants to express this way. What. Are they trying to tell us that in this world, good people don’t live long, and bad people live for thousands of years?”

“This kind of work does not convey positive values ​​to the society at all, on the contrary, it is teaching our young people bad.”

“What’s even more sad is that it was broadcasted on major video sites in such a grand manner, and the propaganda of all parties did not care about shame.”

“Both the file and the country are advocating that when our literary and artistic works want to promote positive energy and socialist values, the popularity of such a work has given us a heavy blow. Its existence tells us. There is still a long way to go to purify domestic animation, online video, and even the entire network environment.”

Seeing this comment, Wu Jingtong was scared into a cold sweat.

The snake hits seven inches, and this article, in his opinion, is on the seven inches of the “special case”.

If there is anything wrong with the work of “Special Events Task Force”, one of the most obvious ones is the issue of scale.

In fact, Fan Zhe had already considered it when the work was being produced. He has tried to cut out a lot of plots and dialogues that are easy to become handles. The screens are strictly controlled and will not involve pornography. At the same time, the bloodiness is reduced to an acceptable level as much as possible.

But despite this, after all, the tone of the whole work of “Special Events Task Force” is here, and the scale is still a problem.

According to the company’s own evaluation, the scale of the work, even in a strict sense, should still be acceptable to the public and even the upper level. After all, when “Dimension Entertainment” is deliberately controlling this aspect of the problem, it will not make the situation too serious.

Especially in terms of value orientation, during the production of the animation project team, many outdated parts of the original work were stripped away.

Under such circumstances, the comment Wu Jingtong saw was distorted in many places, and it was obviously exaggerating the facts and putting a label on it.

However, in the current public opinion system in China, as long as something is labeled as ‘violating core values’, it’s done.

Anyway, it doesn’t matter whether you violated or not, as long as someone says you violated, then you violated. Especially in literary works, it doesn’t matter what you want to express or what ideas you want to express. Anyway, as long as there is a place where people catch your painful feet, you can use this hat to get you to death.

In Wu Jingtong’s view, this article is false. Between the lines, there were all the teeth of a poisonous snake, biting on the body of Dimension Entertainment viciously.

He calmed down a bit and checked the source of this article.

This comment, originally from a V-letter public account, was transferred to Weibo, and the number of transfers was inexplicably high, and the following comments, the top part, are all spraying the work “Project Team” Scale issues.

Of course, there are fans of “Project Team” and some neutral and objective audiences who are defending “Project Team”. But these defense comments are all suppressed below, it is difficult to come up.

This seems abnormal. At least from Wu Jingtong’s professional perspective, all signs indicate that this is not a comment from some viewers or defenders, but rather like a public opinion marketing routine.

His first reaction was: Someone wants to mess with us.

A simple defender might express this kind of remarks, but this kind of public opinion guidance that has obviously taken a lot of thought and even spent a lot of money is unlikely to be a personal act.

This matter must be dealt with inevitably, but Wu Jingtong himself does not dare to act rashly.

He still decided to report the matter and let the boss decide.

After receiving Wu Jingtong’s report, Ye Jiayi also attached great importance to it. He also brought Fan Zhe and Tang Zhiqi together and entered an office with Xiao Wu to discuss this matter.

“It is basically certain that this thing is being done by the promoters behind it, and the purpose is obviously aimed at us.” Wu Jingtong reported to the two bosses, “At present, the relevant public opinion has not yet formed a relatively large impact For the time being, it is still spreading in a small area, and the problem is not big. But for this kind of thing, if you say nothing, it will be okay. If something happens, the possible impact can be devastating.”

“This matter must be treated with caution.” Fan Zhe said, “Do you know who did it?”

Tong Wu Jing said: “It’s hard to say. It may be the peers who are jealous of our achievements. After all, so many similar works that follow the trend have not made their heads. We are making money and have a lot of red eyes. It may also be others who have not won the competition Video websites are fighting against competitors. At the same time, we also have enemies. We just finished the public opinion war with Datang Entertainment some time ago. They didn’t give up, and it’s not impossible for them to find another way to create a new battlefield with us. This matter, I have sent someone to check the source of the news, and it is estimated that there will be results in two days.”

Ye Jiayi also spoke: “At present, it is of little significance to care about those. Now our main task is to eliminate the impact as much as possible, otherwise it will be unpredictable.”

Fan Zhe asked: “Now, is there any way to deal with it?”

“I have a preliminary idea.” Wu Jingtong said, “We can counterattack this. On the one hand, there is no problem explaining our content, and on the other hand, we should also focus on counterattack against Haven.”

“Improper.” Ye Jiayi expressed objection, “Now, I read these related articles and comments, and there has not been a large-scale public opinion. A large number of tweets, likes and comments are mostly from zombie fans, which are the popularity of buying. We have not yet entered a wider public view. We rushed back to fight back, not to mention whether it is useful, but it is easy to stir up this topic and cause more trouble.”

Tang Zhiqi, who had been listening silently, said slowly: “I have an idea.”


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