The Fantasy Entertainment Empire

Chapter 364

Chapter 353 Main story (2 in 1)

In Gao Yixiang’s plan, the game “Steam Daming” will take a semi-open world.

The so-called “semi-open” means that players can explore the entire game world, but there are some limited conditions.

In the final analysis, these are actually mainly for the narrative of the story.

This so-called semi-open type probably means that players can explore the world of the game independently, but this exploration has certain limitations. After all, the purpose set in this way is to serve narrative.

“Steam Ming” is not like “Taiwu Picture Scroll 2”, this game will have a very clear main line.

In order for players to fully appreciate this main story, it is bound to not design the whole world too freely like “Taiwu 2”. When players can explore the whole world completely as they want, their experience of the main story line will become very weak. That is a good thing for “Taiwu Picture Scroll 2”, because its gameplay nature is to encourage players to fully explore every corner of the world.

But for “Steam Ming”, it would be a disaster.

“Steam Ming” will have a clear main story. Players’ experience of this main story is the biggest source of experience for this game.

Just like “God of War”, the main line of the story itself is also a huge charm.

Through this main story, the game will gradually transform the entire demonic and enter the appearance of the Ming Dynasty into the steam age and present it to countless players.

According to the current setting, the main story background of this generation of “Steam Daming” will mainly revolve around the Battle of Saarhu.

In the first half, the main plot will take place in Beijing in the last year of Wanli. The protagonist is a Jinyiwei, equipped with a mechanical left-hand shell, holding an embroidered spring knife, wearing a flying fish suit, and a single eye with some magical mechanical functions, as well as a clear training system.

The player controls the protagonist, acquires special abilities by collecting and making various new mechanical accessories; through training himself, he gains more mechanical power to become stronger. Cultivation plus machinery are the two key lines of character training in “Steam Daming”.

In this whole process, through the main and side missions, the ‘Second World’ studio will show all players a Beijing city in the steam age that has undergone a magical reform in the early 17th century.

The design and narration of the entire world view will be full. Gao Yixiang plans to show to all players who are interested in understanding the world in depth, what the dynasty in their design should look like.

From the lives of civilians to what ancient Chinese cities should be under the concept of steam, how did the rule of the dynasty proceed…

Even Gao Yixiang studied the history of the Ming Dynasty in depth, and even hired a dedicated scholar as a consultant to make a truly credible steam Ming Dynasty.

The main story background will start in Beijing in 1618. In the first half of the game, as the protagonist gradually becomes stronger, he will also make some contributions and become a small banner of Jinyiwei. Then, his credit was greeted by ink, and in his anger, he provoked the upper-level officials. He was framed and sent to the front line in the late Ming Dynasty. In February 1619, he participated in the Battle of Saerhu. Witnessed the defeat of Ming Ting’s army in Saerhu and killed him from the Shura field alive.

At this point, the story is over. The whole plot arrangement is relatively complete, and at the same time, enough meaning is reserved, leaving room for the production of the subsequent sequel.

Of course, whether there is a sequel or not depends on the actual performance of the work.

In fact, this game is also taking huge risks.

The investment in the entire game has reached 800 million yuan, which is also an investment of more than 100 million US dollars. Although, compared with the investment of hundreds of millions of dollars in the current global market by the game predators, the investment in “Steam” is not that scary, but there is no doubt that it is definitely a 3A level investment.

Moreover, unlike the original “Taiwu Picture Scroll 2”, the game “Steam Daming” has almost no reference.

“Taiwu” has a predecessor at any rate. Although the predecessor is only a small independent game, it is also a work with a million-level sales, which can barely be regarded as a certain precipitation. In addition, the story told by this game is also ‘wuxia’. This is undoubtedly the largest audience in China. And even in foreign countries, there is a ready-made concept of ‘kung fu’ that you can rely on.

Don’t underestimate these. When promoting the game, these things can clearly express to all potential audiences what kind of game it is.

However, “Steam Daming” does not have this characteristic, or that this characteristic is not strong enough.

‘Steampunk’? This thing is not too popular. As for combining this thing with the concept of ‘Da Ming’, it’s fresh enough, but it’s very easy to confuse potential audiences-what is the combination of these two things?

No one can figure it out.

As for the propaganda aimed at foreign markets, the concept of “steampunk ancient oriental country” can be used for propaganda, but how much attention it can attract is not necessarily hopeful.

However, anyway, since the project has been established, Fan Zhe has no plans to terminate the project because of these things.

What’s more, compared to the original “Taiwu”, “Steam Ming” is not without its own advantages. When “Taiwu” was first made, no one had ever heard of the name of Dimension Entertainment in the game circle, and now their name has resounded throughout the circle.

The brand appeal of game companies is much higher than that of movies and TV shows. Few people will watch this TV series or movie because of which company produced it. Even Disney and Warner, very few people will be so.

But in gaming circles, it’s different.

For example, the so-called “produced by Blizzard, must be a boutique”, for example, after Naughty Dog Studio produced the “Uncharted” series and “The Last of Us” series, they enjoyed a huge reputation in the gaming circle. Their new works, No matter what it is, as long as it is towards 3A level, then there is no doubt that it will get very natural attention.

R star is also a meaning.

Relying on the huge reputation brought by “Taiwu Picture Scroll 2” which swept the world last year, although Dimension Entertainment is certainly not as good as those game predators in the game industry, when they produce a new game, it will definitely be. Aroused wide-ranging attention from game lovers.

As long as Dimension Entertainment announces the project, many people will take the initiative to pay attention to the “Steam Daming” project, and, regardless of the subject matter, as long as they are not particularly disgusted, they will definitely come to try the game. What is it like?

Obviously, this is absolutely good news for “Steam Daming”. When they are unable to attract the attention of a large number of potential users with propaganda methods such as themes, there are other ways to make up for this, and that is an absolute good thing. When potential players are exposed to the game, the final step is to compete for the quality of the game.

Of course, if the quality of “Steam Daming” is rubbish, then nothing will be mentioned.

Therefore, Gao Yixiang’s work is very important.

There is Dimension Entertainment as the big background behind. When the “Second World” studio is working on “Steam Daming”, there is absolutely no need to worry about the visual problems of the work. The picture effect must be leveraged.

Then, the most important thing that determines the quality of the work is the gameplay.

For “Steam Ming”, a very important part of the so-called “gameplay” is the main story.

In terms of game quality, Gao Yixiang is determined to use various methods to strengthen the narrative, and even give up the open-world model that has been made for Dimension Entertainment, and make the narrative more complete.

In this way, if there is no good main story, wouldn’t all these efforts be nonsense?

Gao Yixiang will never let this happen.

‘Second World’ has set up a story department of its own, which is responsible for the improvement and design of the entire world view, as well as writing many main and branch stories.

As the chief planner of the entire project, he is also the person in charge of the project. His requirements for these stories are very strict.

For those relatively short side stories, he was able to lower his requirements a little bit, but despite this, 75% of the side stories given by their worldview writing department were all rejected by him. It is requested to be deleted and not used; the remaining 20% ​​of the stories that are really good and can be passed will all have to be returned for further revision and polishing.

He treats even these side stories with such a strict attitude, it can be seen how strict he will be in the main story.

In fact, among the more than 20 game planners and worldview designers in the worldview design group of the ‘Second World’, most of their energy is actually devoted to the writing of the main story. They have been doing this since the establishment of the project.

However, until now, they have not come up with something that can satisfy Gao Yixiang and Fan Zhe.

During this time, they produced more than fifty story outlines and 16 plot outlines, of which nine were killed, and the remaining seven were also being madly revised.

However, despite being revised, Gao Yixiang still feels unsatisfied with these seven main stories.

When encountering difficulties, of course I have to go to the boss.

After listening to what he said, Fan Zhe thought for a while, and then proposed a plan: “We can choose to solicit essays. We offer high rewards and solicit outstanding stories from outsiders. This matter can even go to Lewen Group. Go and work together, find some great creators who start to write, and there will be no problem with enough money.”

“But…” Gao Yixiang scratched his head and said, “Those are Internet authors. The stories they are good at writing don’t seem to be consistent with what we want, right?”

“That said, but you can try.” Fan Zhe said, “In your’worldview design group’, although there are some senior planners and some screenwriters who deal with text all the time, it is really compared to those so-called Great God, Zheng’er Eight Classics are all writers who have been fighting all the way out of the crowd. To be able to do what they do in an industry, there is always some ability of their own.”

Fan Zhe paused and continued: “We can give our requirements; we can greatly increase the bonus amount, for example, it can reach ten million, as long as we can really provide us with a good story, that’s fine.”

“In addition, it is even possible to introduce a competition system, so that authors who have made great achievements in historical online novels, UU reading, can participate in the creation in depth.”

“This must be a good thing…” Gao Yixiang said, “but the tens of millions of bonuses must be attractive enough, but is it worth it?”

“What’s the matter?” Fan Zhe said, “I think it is worth buying a good story for ten million. What’s more, through this method, we also have a very good publicity stunt. The value of this publicity may be It’s worth a lot.”

“Then… this so-called tens of millions of funds… Our project has a limited budget, can it be counted as the additional investment of the head office?” Gao Yixiang was rubbing his hands unconsciously when he said this.

“Your little calculation is really good…” Fan Zhe shook his head and said with a smile: “It’s okay. Even if this investment is used in the budget for copyright purchases, anyway, their copyright department holds a lot of money every year. The budget is invested in copyright acquisition, and those with a lot of money have nowhere to spend it. They only hate the good works on the market and the works that can be bought are not enough.”

“Hey, the boss is mighty!” After a flattering, Gao Yixiang returned to his side happily.

Seeing his excited look, Sun Yilang smiled and asked, “Is the trouble solved?”

“That’s right.” Gao Yixiang talked about his conversation with Fan Zhe, and also talked to Sun Yilang.

“That’s okay!” Sun Yilang said, “Our game really needs a good story.”

“Yeah.” Gao Yixiang nodded and continued: “However, the work of our worldview design team can’t stop. In addition to continuing to complement the structure and design of the entire worldview, the main story should continue. Write, if they can come up with a good enough main story, then there is no need to spend the wrong money.”


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